.. _reader-macros: .. highlight:: clj ============= Reader Macros ============= Reader macros gives LISP the power to modify and alter syntax on the fly. You don't want polish notation? A reader macro can easily do just that. Want Clojure's way of having a regex? Reader macros can also do this easily. Syntax ====== :: => (defreader ^ [expr] (print expr)) => #^(1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 4) => #^"Hello" "Hello" => #^1+2+3+4+3+2 1+2+3+4+3+2 Hy has no literal for tuples. Lets say you dislike `(, ...)` and want something else. This is a problem reader macros are able to solve in a neat way. :: => (defreader t [expr] `(, ~@expr)) => #t(1 2 3) (1, 2, 3) You could even do like clojure, and have a literal for regular expressions! :: => (import re) => (defreader r [expr] `(re.compile ~expr)) => #r".*" <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0xcv7713ph15#> Implementation ============== ``defreader`` takes a single character as symbol name for the reader macro, anything longer will return an error. Implementation wise, ``defreader`` expands into a lambda covered with a decorator, this decorator saves the lambda in a dict with its module name and symbol. :: => (defreader ^ [expr] (print expr)) ;=> (with_decorator (hy.macros.reader ^) (fn [expr] (print expr))) ``#`` expands into ``(dispatch_reader_macro ...)`` where the symbol and expression is passed to the correct function. :: => #^() ;=> (dispatch_reader_macro ^ ()) => #^"Hello" "Hello" .. warning:: Because of a limitation in Hy's lexer and parser, reader macros can't redefine defined syntax such as ``()[]{}``. This will most likely be addressed in the future.