from hy.lex.tokenize import tokenize def test_simple_tokenize(): """Checking we can still handle something simple.""" assert [["+", 1, 1]] == tokenize("(+ 1 1)") def test_double_tokenize(): """Checking if we can lex two things at once.""" assert [ ["+", 1, 2], ["-", 1, 1] ] == tokenize("(+ 1 2) (- 1 1)") def test_simple_recurse(): """ Test recursion """ assert [ ['fn', 'one', ['fn', 'two'], ] ] == tokenize("(fn one (fn two))") def test_mid_recurse(): """ Test some crazy recursion """ assert [ ['fn', 'one', ['fn', 'two'], ['fn', 'three'], ] ] == tokenize("(fn one (fn two)(fn three))") def test_mid_recurse_comment(): """ Test some crazy recursion with a comment """ assert [ ['fn', 'one', ['fn', 'two'], ['fn', 'three'], ] ] == tokenize(""" (fn one ; this is a test (fn two)(fn three)) ; and so is this """) def test_full_recurse(): """ Test something we could see for real """ assert [ ['fn', 'el', ['+', 1, 2, ['==', 1, 20 ], ['-', 1, 1 ], ] ], ['fn1', 'foo', 'bar'] ] == tokenize("(fn el (+ 1 2 (== 1 20) (- 1 1)))(fn1 foo bar)")