# Copyright (c) 2012 Paul Tagliamonte # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from hy.models.expression import HyExpression from hy.models.integer import HyInteger from hy.models.symbol import HySymbol from hy.models.string import HyString from hy.models.dict import HyDict from hy.models.list import HyList from hy.errors import HyError from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod WHITESPACE = [" ", "\t", "\n", "\r"] class LexException(HyError): """ Error during the Lexing of a Hython expression. """ pass def _resolve_atom(obj): """ Resolve a bare atom into one of the following (in order): - Integer - Symbol """ try: return HyInteger(obj) except ValueError: pass table = { "true": "True", "false": "False", "null": "None", } if obj in table: return HySymbol(table[obj]) if obj.startswith("*") and obj.endswith("*") and obj != "*": obj = obj[1:-1].upper() if "-" in obj and obj != "-": obj = obj.replace("-", "_") return HySymbol(obj) class State(object): """ Generic State model. """ __slots__ = ("nodes", "machine") __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, machine): self.machine = machine def _enter(self): """ Internal shim for running global ``enter`` code """ self.result = None self.nodes = [] self.enter() def _exit(self): """ Internal shim for running global ``exit`` code """ self.exit() def enter(self): """ Overridable ``enter`` routines. Subclasses may implement this. """ pass def exit(self): """ Overridable ``exit`` routines. Subclasses may implement this. """ pass @abstractmethod def process(self, char): """ Overridable ``process`` routines. Subclasses must implement this to be useful. """ pass # ABC class ListeyThing(State): def enter(self): self.buf = "" def commit(self): if self.buf != "": ret = _resolve_atom(self.buf) ret.start_line = self._start_line ret.start_column = self._start_column ret.end_line = self.machine.line ret.end_column = (self.machine.column - 1) self.nodes.append(ret) self.buf = "" def exit(self): self.commit() self.result = self.result_type(self.nodes) def process(self, char): if char == "(": self.commit() self.machine.sub(Expression) return if char == "{": self.commit() self.machine.sub(Dict) return if char == "[": self.commit() self.machine.sub(List) return if char == "\"": self.commit() self.machine.sub(String) return if char == ";": self.commit() self.machine.sub(Comment) return if char == self.end_char: return Idle if char in WHITESPACE: self.commit() return if self.buf == "": self._start_line = self.machine.line self._start_column = self.machine.column self.buf += char class List(ListeyThing): """ This state parses a Hy list (like a Clojure vector) for use in native Python interop. [foo 1 2 3 4] is a good example. """ result_type = HyList end_char = "]" class Expression(ListeyThing): """ This state parses a Hy expression (statement, to be evaluated at runtime) for running things & stuff. """ result_type = HyExpression end_char = ")" class Dict(ListeyThing): """ This state parses a Hy dict for things. """ def exit(self): self.commit() it = iter(self.nodes) result = dict(zip(it, it)) self.result = HyDict(result) end_char = "}" class String(State): """ String state. This will handle stuff like: (println "foobar") ^^^^^^^^ -- String """ def enter(self): self.escaped = False def exit(self): self.result = HyString("".join(self.nodes)) def process(self, char): """ State transitions: - " - Idle """ if self.escaped: self.escaped = False if char == "n": self.nodes.append("\n") return raise LexException("Unknown modifier") if char == "\"": return Idle if char == "\\": self.escaped = True return self.nodes.append(char) class Idle(State): """ Idle state. This is the first (and last) thing that we should be in. """ def process(self, char): """ State transitions: - ( - Expression - (default) - Error """ if char == "(": return Expression if char == "[": return List if char == "{": return Dict if char == ";": return Comment if char == "#": return Hash if char in WHITESPACE: return raise LexException("Unknown char (Idle state): `%s`" % (char)) class Comment(State): """ Comment state. """ def process(self, char): """ State transitions: - \n - Idle - (default) - disregard. """ if char == "\n": return Idle class Hash(State): """ Hash state """ def process(self, char): """ State transitions: - ! - Comment """ if char == "!": return Comment raise LexException("Unknown char (Hash state): `%s`" % (char))