;; Copyright (c) 2013 Paul Tagliamonte ;; Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Bob Tolbert ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ;; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ;; THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER ;; DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;;;; some simple helpers (defn assert-true [x] (assert (= True x))) (defn assert-false [x] (assert (= False x))) (defn assert-equal [x y] (assert (= x y))) (defn assert-nil [x] (assert (is x nil))) (defn test-coll? [] "NATIVE: testing coll?" (assert-true (coll? [1 2 3])) (assert-true (coll? {"a" 1 "b" 2})) (assert-true (coll? (range 10))) (assert-false (coll? "abc")) (assert-false (coll? 1))) (defn test-butlast [] "NATIVE: testing butlast function" (assert-equal (list (butlast (range 10))) [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]) (assert-equal (list (butlast [1])) []) (assert-equal (list (butlast [])) []) ; with an infinite sequence (import itertools) (assert-equal (list (take 5 (butlast (itertools.count 10)))) [10 11 12 13 14])) (defn test-cycle [] "NATIVE: testing cycle" (assert-equal (list (cycle [])) []) (assert-equal (list (take 7 (cycle [1 2 3]))) [1 2 3 1 2 3 1]) (assert-equal (list (take 2 (cycle [1 2 3]))) [1 2]) (assert-equal (list (take 4 (cycle [1 None 3]))) [1 None 3 1])) (defn test-dec [] "NATIVE: testing the dec function" (assert-equal 0 (dec 1)) (assert-equal -1 (dec 0)) (assert-equal 0 (dec (dec 2))) (try (do (dec "foo") (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (dec []) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (dec None) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))) (defn test-setv [] "NATIVE: testing setv mutation" (setv x 1) (setv y 1) (assert-equal x y) (setv x (setv y 12)) (assert-equal x 12) (assert-equal y 12) (setv x (setv y (fn [x] 9))) (assert-equal (x y) 9) (assert-equal (y x) 9) (try (do (setv a.b 1) (assert False)) (except [e [NameError]] (assert (in "name 'a' is not defined" (str e))))) (try (do (setv b.a (fn [x] x)) (assert False)) (except [e [NameError]] (assert (in "name 'b' is not defined" (str e))))) (import itertools) (setv foopermutations (fn [x] (itertools.permutations x))) (setv p (set [(, 1 3 2) (, 3 2 1) (, 2 1 3) (, 3 1 2) (, 1 2 3) (, 2 3 1)])) (assert-equal (set (itertools.permutations [1 2 3])) p) (assert-equal (set (foopermutations [3 1 2])) p) (setv permutations- itertools.permutations) (setv itertools.permutations (fn [x] 9)) (assert-equal (itertools.permutations p) 9) (assert-equal (foopermutations foopermutations) 9) (setv itertools.permutations permutations-) (assert-equal (set (itertools.permutations [2 1 3])) p) (assert-equal (set (foopermutations [2 3 1])) p)) (defn test-distinct [] "NATIVE: testing the distinct function" (setv res (list (distinct [ 1 2 3 4 3 5 2 ]))) (assert-equal res [1 2 3 4 5]) ;; distinct of an empty list should be [] (setv res (list (distinct []))) (assert-equal res []) ;; now with an iter (setv test_iter (iter [1 2 3 4 3 5 2])) (setv res (list (distinct test_iter))) (assert-equal res [1 2 3 4 5]) ; make sure we can handle None in the list (setv res (list (distinct [1 2 3 2 5 None 3 4 None]))) (assert-equal res [1 2 3 5 None 4])) (defn test-drop [] "NATIVE: testing drop function" (setv res (list (drop 2 [1 2 3 4 5]))) (assert-equal res [3 4 5]) (setv res (list (drop 3 (iter [1 2 3 4 5])))) (assert-equal res [4 5]) (setv res (list (drop 3 (iter [1 2 3 None 4 5])))) (assert-equal res [None 4 5]) (setv res (list (drop 0 [1 2 3 4 5]))) (assert-equal res [1 2 3 4 5]) (try (do (list (drop -1 [1 2 3 4 5])) (assert False)) (except [e [ValueError]] nil)) (setv res (list (drop 6 (iter [1 2 3 4 5])))) (assert-equal res []) (setv res (list (take 5 (drop 2 (iterate inc 0))))) (assert-equal res [2 3 4 5 6])) (defn test-drop-last [] "NATIVE: testing drop-last function" (assert-equal (list (drop-last 5 (range 10 20))) [10 11 12 13 14]) (assert-equal (list (drop-last 0 (range 5))) [0 1 2 3 4]) (assert-equal (list (drop-last 100 (range 100))) []) ; with an infinite sequence (import itertools) (assert-equal (list (take 5 (drop-last 100 (itertools.count 10)))) [10 11 12 13 14])) (defn test-drop-while [] "NATIVE: testing drop-while function" (setv res (list (drop-while even? [2 4 7 8 9]))) (assert (= res [7 8 9])) (setv res (list (drop-while pos? [2 4 7 8 9]))) (assert (= res [])) (setv res (list (drop-while numeric? [1 2 3 None "a"]))) (assert (= res [None "a"]))) (defn test-empty? [] "NATIVE: testing the empty? function" (assert-true (empty? "")) (assert-false (empty? "None")) (assert-true (empty? (,))) (assert-false (empty? (, None))) (assert-true (empty? [])) (assert-false (empty? [None])) (assert-true (empty? {})) (assert-false (empty? {"a" None})) (assert-true (empty? (set))) (assert-false (empty? (set [None])))) (defn test-even [] "NATIVE: testing the even? function" (assert-true (even? -2)) (assert-false (even? 1)) (assert-true (even? 0)) (try (even? "foo") (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (even? []) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (even? None) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))) (defn test-every? [] "NATIVE: testing the every? function" (assert-true (every? even? [2 4 6])) (assert-false (every? even? [1 3 5])) (assert-false (every? even? [2 4 5])) (assert-true (every? even? []))) (defn test-filter [] "NATIVE: testing the filter function" (setv res (list (filter pos? [ 1 2 3 -4 5]))) (assert-equal res [ 1 2 3 5 ]) ;; test with iter (setv res (list (filter pos? (iter [ 1 2 3 -4 5 -6])))) (assert-equal res [ 1 2 3 5]) (setv res (list (filter neg? [ -1 -4 5 3 4]))) (assert-false (= res [1 2])) ;; test with empty list (setv res (list (filter neg? []))) (assert-equal res []) ;; test with None in the list (setv res (list (filter even? (filter numeric? [1 2 None 3 4 None 4 6])))) (assert-equal res [2 4 4 6]) (setv res (list (filter none? [1 2 None 3 4 None 4 6]))) (assert-equal res [None None])) (defn test-flatten [] "NATIVE: testing the flatten function" (setv res (flatten [1 2 [3 4] 5])) (assert-equal res [1 2 3 4 5]) (setv res (flatten ["foo" (, 1 2) [1 [2 3] 4] "bar"])) (assert-equal res ["foo" 1 2 1 2 3 4 "bar"]) (setv res (flatten [1])) (assert-equal res [1]) (setv res (flatten [])) (assert-equal res []) (setv res (flatten (, 1))) (assert-equal res [1]) ;; test with None (setv res (flatten (, 1 (, None 3)))) (assert-equal res [1 None 3]) (try (flatten "foo") (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a collection" (str e))))) (try (flatten 12.34) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a collection" (str e)))))) (defn test-float? [] "NATIVE: testing the float? function" (assert-true (float? 4.2)) (assert-false (float? 0)) (assert-false (float? -3)) (assert-true (float? -3.2)) (assert-false (float? "foo"))) (defn test-symbol? [] "NATIVE: testing the symbol? function" (assert-false (symbol? "hello")) (assert-false (symbol? [1 2 3])) (assert-false (symbol? '[a b c])) (assert-true (symbol? 'im-symbol)) (assert-false (symbol? (name 'im-symbol)))) (defn test-gensym [] "NATIVE: testing the gensym function" (import [hy.models.symbol [HySymbol]]) (setv s1 (gensym)) (assert (isinstance s1 HySymbol)) (assert (= 0 (.find s1 ":G_"))) (setv s2 (gensym "xx")) (setv s3 (gensym "xx")) (assert (= 0 (.find s2 ":xx_"))) (assert (not (= s2 s3))) (assert (not (= (str s2) (str s3))))) (defn test-identity [] "NATIVE: testing the identity function" (assert (= 4 (identity 4))) (assert (= "hy" (identity "hy"))) (assert (= [1 2] (identity [1 2])))) (defn test-inc [] "NATIVE: testing the inc function" (assert-equal 3 (inc 2)) (assert-equal 0 (inc -1)) (try (do (inc "foo") (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (inc []) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (inc None) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))) (defn test-instance [] "NATIVE: testing instance? function" (defclass Foo [object]) (defclass Foo2 [object]) (defclass Foo3 [Foo]) (setv foo (Foo)) (setv foo3 (Foo3)) (assert-true (instance? Foo foo)) (assert-false (instance? Foo2 foo)) (assert-true (instance? Foo foo3)) (assert-true (instance? float 1.0)) (assert-true (instance? int (int 3))) (assert-true (instance? str (str "hello")))) (defn test-integer? [] "NATIVE: testing the integer? function" (assert-true (integer? 0)) (assert-true (integer? 3)) (assert-true (integer? -3)) (assert-true (integer? (integer "-3"))) (assert-true (integer? (integer 3))) (assert-false (integer? 4.2)) (assert-false (integer? None)) (assert-false (integer? "foo"))) (defn test-integer-char? [] "NATIVE: testing the integer-char? function" (assert-true (integer-char? "1")) (assert-true (integer-char? "-1")) (assert-true (integer-char? (str (integer 300)))) (assert-false (integer-char? "foo")) (assert-false (integer-char? None))) (defn test-interleave [] "NATIVE: testing the interleave function" ;; with more than 2 sequences (assert-equal (list (take 9 (interleave (range 10) (range 10 20) (range 20 30)))) [0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22]) ;; with sequences of different length (assert-equal (list (interleave (range 1000000) (range 0 -3 -1))) [0 0 1 -1 2 -2]) ;; with infinite sequences (import itertools) (assert-equal (list (take 10 (interleave (itertools.count) (itertools.count 100)))) [0 100 1 101 2 102 3 103 4 104])) (defn test-interpose [] "NATIVE: testing the interpose function" ;; with a list (assert-equal (list (interpose "!" ["a" "b" "c"])) ["a" "!" "b" "!" "c"]) ;; with an infinite sequence (import itertools) (assert-equal (list (take 7 (interpose -1 (itertools.count)))) [0 -1 1 -1 2 -1 3])) (defn test-iterable [] "NATIVE: testing iterable? function" ;; should work for a string (setv s (str "abcde")) (assert-true (iterable? s)) ;; should work for unicode (setv u "hello") (assert-true (iterable? u)) (assert-true (iterable? (iter u))) ;; should work for a list (setv l [1 2 3 4]) (assert-true (iterable? l)) (assert-true (iterable? (iter l))) ;; should work for a dict (setv d {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}) (assert-true (iterable? d)) ;; should work for a tuple? (setv t (, 1 2 3 4)) (assert-true (iterable? t)) ;; should work for a generator (assert-true (iterable? (repeat 3))) ;; shouldn't work for an int (assert-false (iterable? 5))) (defn test-iterate [] "NATIVE: testing the iterate function" (setv res (list (take 5 (iterate inc 5)))) (assert-equal res [5 6 7 8 9]) (setv res (list (take 3 (iterate (fn [x] (* x x)) 5)))) (assert-equal res [5 25 625]) (setv f (take 4 (iterate inc 5))) (assert-equal (list f) [5 6 7 8])) (defn test-iterator [] "NATIVE: testing iterator? function" ;; should not work for a list (setv l [1 2 3 4]) (assert-false (iterator? l)) ;; should work for an iter over a list (setv i (iter [1 2 3 4])) (assert-true (iterator? i)) ;; should not work for a dict (setv d {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}) (assert-false (iterator? d)) ;; should not work for a tuple? (setv t (, 1 2 3 4)) (assert-false (iterator? t)) ;; should work for a generator (assert-true (iterator? (repeat 3))) ;; should not work for an int (assert-false (iterator? 5))) (defn test-last [] "NATIVE: testing the last function" (assert-equal (last [1 2 3 4]) 4) (assert-equal (last [5]) 5)) (import itertools) (assert-equal (last (take 5 (itertools.count 10))) 14) (defn test-neg [] "NATIVE: testing the neg? function" (assert-true (neg? -2)) (assert-false (neg? 1)) (assert-false (neg? 0)) (try (do (neg? "foo") (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (neg? []) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (neg? None) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))) (defn test-zero [] "NATIVE: testing the zero? function" (assert-false (zero? -2)) (assert-false (zero? 1)) (assert-true (zero? 0)) (try (do (zero? "foo") (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (zero? []) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (zero? None) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))) (defn test-none [] "NATIVE: testing for `is None`" (assert-true (none? None)) (setv f None) (assert-true (none? f)) (assert-false (none? 0)) (assert-false (none? ""))) (defn test-nil? [] "NATIVE: testing for `is nil`" (assert-true (nil? nil)) (assert-true (nil? None)) (setv f nil) (assert-true (nil? f)) (assert-false (nil? 0)) (assert-false (nil? ""))) (defn test-nth [] "NATIVE: testing the nth function" (assert-equal 2 (nth [1 2 4 7] 1)) (assert-equal 7 (nth [1 2 4 7] 3)) (assert-nil (nth [1 2 4 7] 5)) (assert-equal (nth [1 2 4 7] 5 "some default value") "some default value") ; with default specified (try (do (nth [1 2 4 7] -1) (assert False)) (except [e [ValueError]] nil)) ;; now for iterators (assert-equal 2 (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) 1)) (assert-equal 7 (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) 3)) (assert-nil (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) 5)) (assert-equal (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) 5 "some default value") "some default value") ; with default specified (try (do (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) -1) (assert False)) (except [e [ValueError]] nil)) (assert-equal 5 (nth (take 3 (drop 2 [1 2 3 4 5 6])) 2))) (defn test-numeric? [] "NATIVE: testing the numeric? function" (assert-true (numeric? 1)) (assert-true (numeric? 3.4)) (assert-true (numeric? 0.0)) (assert-true (numeric? -1.45)) (assert-false (numeric? "Foo")) (assert-false (numeric? None))) (defn test-odd [] "NATIVE: testing the odd? function" (assert-true (odd? -3)) (assert-true (odd? 1)) (assert-false (odd? 0)) (try (do (odd? "foo") (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (odd? []) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (odd? None) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))) (defn test-partition [] "NATIVE: testing the partition function" (setv ten (range 10)) (assert-equal (list (partition 3 ten)) [(, 0 1 2) (, 3 4 5) (, 6 7 8)]) (assert-equal (list (partition 2 ten)) [(, 0 1) (, 2 3) (, 4 5) (, 6 7) (, 8 9)]) (assert-equal (list (partition 1 ten)) [(, 0) (, 1) (, 2) (, 3) (, 4) (, 5) (, 6) (, 7) (, 8) (, 9)]) (assert-equal (list (partition 0 ten)) []) (assert-equal (list (partition -1 ten)) [])) (defn test-pos [] "NATIVE: testing the pos? function" (assert-true (pos? 2)) (assert-false (pos? -1)) (assert-false (pos? 0)) (try (do (pos? "foo") (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (pos? []) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))) (try (do (pos? None) (assert False)) (except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))) (defn test-remove [] "NATIVE: testing the remove function" (setv r (list (remove odd? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))) (assert-equal r [2 4 6]) (assert-equal (list (remove even? [1 2 3 4 5])) [1 3 5]) (assert-equal (list (remove neg? [1 2 3 4 5])) [1 2 3 4 5]) (assert-equal (list (remove pos? [1 2 3 4 5])) []) ;; deal with embedded None (assert-equal (list (remove (fn [x] (not (numeric? x))) [1 2 None 3 None 4])) [1 2 3 4])) (defn test-repeat [] "NATIVE: testing repeat" (setv r (repeat 10)) (assert-equal (list (take 5 r)) [10 10 10 10 10]) (assert-equal (list (take 4 r)) [10 10 10 10]) (setv r (repeat 10 3)) (assert-equal (list r) [10 10 10])) (defn test-repeatedly [] "NATIVE: testing repeatedly" (setv r (repeatedly (fn [] (inc 4)))) (assert-equal (list (take 5 r)) [5 5 5 5 5]) (assert-equal (list (take 4 r)) [5 5 5 5]) (assert-equal (list (take 6 r)) [5 5 5 5 5 5])) (defn test-second [] "NATIVE: testing second" (assert-equal 2 (second [1 2])) (assert-equal 3 (second [2 3 4]))) (defn test-some [] "NATIVE: testing the some function" (assert-true (some even? [2 4 6])) (assert-nil (some even? [1 3 5])) (assert-true (some even? [1 2 3])) (assert-nil (some even? [])) ; 0, "" (empty string) and [] (empty list) are all logical false (assert-nil (some identity [0 "" []])) ; non-empty string is logical true (assert-equal (some identity [0 "this string is non-empty" []]) "this string is non-empty") ; nil if collection is empty (assert-nil (some even? []))) (defn test-string? [] "NATIVE: testing string?" (assert-true (string? "foo")) (assert-true (string? "")) (assert-false (string? 5.3)) (assert-true (string? (str 5.3))) (assert-false (string? None))) (defn test-take [] "NATIVE: testing the take function" (setv res (list (take 3 [1 2 3 4 5]))) (assert-equal res [1 2 3]) (setv res (list (take 4 (repeat "s")))) (assert-equal res ["s" "s" "s" "s"]) (setv res (list (take 0 (repeat "s")))) (assert-equal res []) (try (do (list (take -1 (repeat "s"))) (assert False)) (except [e [ValueError]] nil)) (setv res (list (take 6 [1 2 None 4]))) (assert-equal res [1 2 None 4])) (defn test-take-nth [] "NATIVE: testing the take-nth function" (setv res (list (take-nth 2 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))) (assert-equal res [1 3 5 7]) (setv res (list (take-nth 3 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))) (assert-equal res [1 4 7]) (setv res (list (take-nth 4 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))) (assert-equal res [1 5]) (setv res (list (take-nth 5 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))) (assert-equal res [1 6]) (setv res (list (take-nth 6 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))) (assert-equal res [1 7]) (setv res (list (take-nth 7 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))) (assert-equal res [1]) ;; what if there are None's in list (setv res (list (take-nth 2 [1 2 3 None 5 6]))) (assert-equal res [1 3 5]) (setv res (list (take-nth 3 [1 2 3 None 5 6]))) (assert-equal res [1 None]) ;; using 0 should raise ValueError (let [[passed false]] (try (setv res (list (take-nth 0 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))) (except [ValueError] (setv passed true))) (assert passed))) (defn test-take-while [] "NATIVE: testing the take-while function" (setv res (list (take-while pos? [ 1 2 3 -4 5]))) (assert-equal res [1 2 3]) (setv res (list (take-while neg? [ -1 -4 5 3 4]))) (assert-false (= res [1 2])) (setv res (list (take-while none? [None None 1 2 3]))) (assert-equal res [None None]) (setv res (list (take-while (fn [x] (not (none? x))) [1 2 3 4 None 5 6 None 7]))) (assert-equal res [1 2 3 4])) (defn test-doto [] "NATIVE: testing doto macro" (setv collection []) (doto collection (.append 1) (.append 2) (.append 3)) (assert-equal collection [1 2 3]) (setv res (doto (set) (.add 2) (.add 1))) (assert-equal res (set [1 2])) (setv res (doto [] (.append 1) (.append 2) .reverse)) (assert-equal res [2 1])) (defn test-is-keyword [] "NATIVE: testing the keyword? function" (assert (keyword? ':bar)) (assert (keyword? ':baz)) (assert (keyword? :bar)) (assert (keyword? :baz)) (assert (not (keyword? "foo"))) (assert (not (keyword? ":foo"))) (assert (not (keyword? 1))) (assert (not (keyword? nil)))) (defn test-import-init-hy [] "NATIVE: testing import of __init__.hy" (import tests.resources.bin) (assert (in "_null_fn_for_import_test" (dir tests.resources.bin)))) (defn test-accumulate [] "NATIVE: testing the accumulate function" (assert-equal (list (accumulate ["a" "b" "c"])) ["a" "ab" "abc"]) (assert-equal (list (accumulate [1 2 3 4 5])) [1 3 6 10 15]) (assert-equal (list (accumulate [1 -2 -3 -4 -5] -)) [1 3 6 10 15]))