import ast import code import optparse import os import readline import sys import hy from hy.lex.states import Idle, LexException from hy.lex.machine import Machine from hy.compiler import hy_compile from hy.core import process from hy.importer import ast_compile import hy.completer from hy.macros import macro from hy.models.expression import HyExpression from hy.models.string import HyString from hy.models.symbol import HySymbol _machine = Machine(Idle, 1, 0) class HyREPL(code.InteractiveConsole): def runsource(self, source, filename='', symbol='single'): global _machine try: _machine.process(source + "\n") except LexException: _machine = Machine(Idle, 1, 0) self.showsyntaxerror(filename) return False if type(_machine.state) != Idle: _machine = Machine(Idle, 1, 0) return True try: tokens = process(_machine.nodes) except Exception: _machine = Machine(Idle, 1, 0) self.showtraceback() return False _machine = Machine(Idle, 1, 0) try: _ast = hy_compile(tokens, root=ast.Interactive) code = ast_compile(_ast, filename, symbol) except Exception: self.showtraceback() return False self.runcode(code) return False @macro("koan") def koan_macro(tree): return HyExpression([HySymbol('print'), HyString(""" Ummon asked the head monk, "What sutra are you lecturing on?" "The Nirvana Sutra." "The Nirvana Sutra has the Four Virtues, hasn't it?" "It has." Ummon asked, picking up a cup, "How many virtues has this?" "None at all, " said the monk. "But ancient people said it had, didn't they?" said Ummon. "Whatdo you think of what they said?" Ummon struck the cup and asked, "You understand?" "No," said the monk. "Then," said Ummon, "You'd better go on with your lectures on the sutra." """)]) @macro("ideas") def ideas_macro(tree): return HyExpression([HySymbol('print'), HyString(""" => (import [sh [figlet]]) => (figlet "Hi, Hy!") _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | (_) | | | |_ _| | | |_| | | | |_| | | | | | | _ | |_ | _ | |_| |_| |_| |_|_( ) |_| |_|\__, (_) |/ |___/ ;;; string things (.join ", " ["what" "the" "heck"]) ;;; this one plays with command line bits (import [sh [cat grep]]) (-> (cat "/usr/share/dict/words") (grep "-E" "bro$")) ;;; filtering a list w/ a lambda (filter (lambda [x] (= (% x 2) 0)) (range 0 10)) ;;; swaggin' functional bits (Python rulez) (max (map (lambda [x] (len x)) ["hi" "my" "name" "is" "paul"])) """)]) def run_command(source): hr = HyREPL() hr.runsource(source, filename='', symbol='single') return 0 def run_file(filename): from hy.importer import import_file_to_module import_file_to_module("__main__", filename) return 0 # right? def run_repl(hr=None): sys.ps1 = "=> " sys.ps2 = "... " history = os.path.expanduser("~/.hy-history") readline.parse_and_bind("set blink-matching-paren on") try: readline.read_history_file(history) except IOError: open(history, 'a').close() readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") if not hr: hr = HyREPL() hr.interact("{appname} {version}".format( appname=hy.__appname__, version=hy.__version__ )) readline.write_history_file(history) return 0 def run_icommand(source): hr = HyREPL() hr.runsource(source, filename='', symbol='single') return run_repl(hr) USAGE = "usage: %prog [-h | -i cmd | -c cmd | file | -]" VERSION = "%prog " + hy.__version__ EPILOG = """ file program read from script - program read from stdin """ def cmdline_handler(scriptname, argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE, version=VERSION) parser.add_option( "-c", dest="command", metavar="COMMAND", help="program passed in as string") parser.add_option( "-i", dest="icommand", metavar="ICOMMAND", help="program passed in as string, then stay in repl") # Hylarious way of adding non-option options to help text parser.format_epilog = lambda self: EPILOG (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.command: # User did "hy -c ..." return run_command(options.command) if options.icommand: # User did "hy -i ..." return run_icommand(options.icommand) if args: if args[0] == "-": # Read the program from stdin return run_command( else: # User did "hy " return run_file(args[0]) # User did NOTHING! return run_repl()