;; Copyright 2020 the authors. ;; This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat ;; license. See the LICENSE. (require [hy.contrib.sequences [seq defseq]]) (import [hy.contrib.sequences [Sequence end-sequence]]) (defn test-infinite-sequence [] "NATIVE: test creating infinite sequence" (assert (= (list (take 5 (seq [n] n))) [0 1 2 3 4]))) (defn test-indexing-sequence [] "NATIVE: test indexing sequence" (defseq shorty [n] (cond [(< n 10) n] [True (end-sequence)])) (setv 0-to-9 (list (range 10))) (assert (= (get shorty 0) (get 0-to-9 0)) "getting first element failed") (assert (= (get shorty 5) (get 0-to-9 5)) "getting 5th element failed") (assert (= (get shorty -1) (get 0-to-9 -1)) "getting element -1 failed")) (defn test-slicing-sequence [] "NATIVE: test slicing sequence" (defseq shorty [n] (cond [(< n 10) n] [True (end-sequence)])) (setv 0-to-9 (list (range 10))) (assert (= (first shorty) (first 0-to-9)) "getting first failed") (assert (= (list (rest shorty)) (list (rest 0-to-9))) "getting rest failed") (assert (= (list (cut shorty 2 6)) (list (cut 0-to-9 2 6))) "cutting 2-6 failed") (assert (= (list (cut shorty 2 8 2)) (list (cut 0-to-9 2 8 2))) "cutting 2-8-2 failed") (assert (= (list (cut shorty 8 2 -2)) (list (cut 0-to-9 8 2 -2))) "negative cut failed")) (defn test-recursive-sequence [] "NATIVE: test defining a recursive sequence" (defseq fibonacci [n] (cond [(= n 0) 0] [(= n 1) 1] [True (+ (get fibonacci (- n 1)) (get fibonacci (- n 2)))])) (assert (= (first fibonacci) 0) "first element of fibonacci didn't match") (assert (= (second fibonacci) 1) "second element of fibonacci didn't match") (assert (= (get fibonacci 40) 102334155) "40th element of fibonacci didn't match") (assert (= (list (take 9 fibonacci)) [0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21]) "taking 8 elements of fibonacci didn't match")) (defn test-nested-functions [] "NATIVE: test that defining nested functions is possible" (defseq primes [n] "infinite sequence of prime numbers" (defn divisible? [n prevs] "is n divisible by any item in prevs?" (any (map (fn [x] (not (% n x))) prevs))) (defn previous-primes [n] "previous prime numbers" (take (dec n) primes)) (defn next-possible-prime [n] "next possible prime after nth prime" (inc (get primes (dec n)))) (cond [(= n 0) 2] [True (do (setv guess (next-possible-prime n)) (while (divisible? guess (previous-primes n)) (setv guess (inc guess))) guess)])) (assert (= (list (take 10 primes)) [2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29]) "prime sequence didn't match"))