# Copyright (c) 2013 Paul Tagliamonte # Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Danjou # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from __future__ import unicode_literals from hy import HyString from hy.models import HyObject from hy.compiler import hy_compile from hy.errors import HyCompileError, HyTypeError from hy.lex.exceptions import LexException from hy.lex import tokenize from hy._compat import PY3 import ast def _ast_spotcheck(arg, root, secondary): if "." in arg: local, full = arg.split(".", 1) return _ast_spotcheck(full, getattr(root, local), getattr(secondary, local)) assert getattr(root, arg) == getattr(secondary, arg) def can_compile(expr): return hy_compile(tokenize(expr), "__main__") def cant_compile(expr): try: hy_compile(tokenize(expr), "__main__") assert False except HyTypeError as e: # Anything that can't be compiled should raise a user friendly # error, otherwise it's a compiler bug. assert isinstance(e.expression, HyObject) assert e.message return e except HyCompileError as e: # Anything that can't be compiled should raise a user friendly # error, otherwise it's a compiler bug. assert isinstance(e.exception, HyTypeError) assert e.traceback return e def test_ast_bad_type(): "Make sure AST breakage can happen" try: hy_compile("foo", "__main__") assert True is False except HyCompileError: pass def test_ast_bad_if(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid if*" cant_compile("(if*)") cant_compile("(if* foobar)") cant_compile("(if* 1 2 3 4 5)") def test_ast_valid_if(): "Make sure AST can compile valid if*" can_compile("(if* foo bar)") def test_ast_valid_unary_op(): "Make sure AST can compile valid unary operator" can_compile("(not 2)") can_compile("(~ 1)") def test_ast_invalid_unary_op(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid unary operator" cant_compile("(not 2 3 4)") cant_compile("(not)") cant_compile("(not 2 3 4)") cant_compile("(~ 2 2 3 4)") cant_compile("(~)") def test_ast_bad_while(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid while" cant_compile("(while)") cant_compile("(while (True))") def test_ast_good_do(): "Make sure AST can compile valid do" can_compile("(do)") can_compile("(do 1)") def test_ast_good_raise(): "Make sure AST can compile valid raise" can_compile("(raise)") can_compile("(raise Exception)") can_compile("(raise e)") if PY3: def test_ast_raise_from(): can_compile("(raise Exception :from NameError)") def test_ast_bad_raise(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid raise" cant_compile("(raise Exception Exception)") def test_ast_good_try(): "Make sure AST can compile valid try" can_compile("(try)") can_compile("(try 1)") can_compile("(try 1 (except) (else 1))") can_compile("(try 1 (else 1) (except))") can_compile("(try 1 (finally 1) (except))") can_compile("(try 1 (finally 1))") can_compile("(try 1 (except) (finally 1))") can_compile("(try 1 (except) (finally 1) (else 1))") can_compile("(try 1 (except) (else 1) (finally 1))") def test_ast_bad_try(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid try" cant_compile("(try 1 bla)") cant_compile("(try 1 bla bla)") cant_compile("(try (do) (else 1) (else 2))") cant_compile("(try 1 (else 1))") def test_ast_good_except(): "Make sure AST can compile valid except" can_compile("(try 1 (except))") can_compile("(try 1 (except []))") can_compile("(try 1 (except [Foobar]))") can_compile("(try 1 (except [[]]))") can_compile("(try 1 (except [x FooBar]))") can_compile("(try 1 (except [x [FooBar BarFoo]]))") can_compile("(try 1 (except [x [FooBar BarFoo]]))") def test_ast_bad_except(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid except" cant_compile("(except 1)") cant_compile("(try 1 (except 1))") cant_compile("(try 1 (except [1 3]))") cant_compile("(try 1 (except [x [FooBar] BarBar]))") def test_ast_good_assert(): """Make sure AST can compile valid asserts. Asserts may or may not include a label.""" can_compile("(assert 1)") can_compile("(assert 1 \"Assert label\")") can_compile("(assert 1 (+ \"spam \" \"eggs\"))") can_compile("(assert 1 12345)") can_compile("(assert 1 None)") can_compile("(assert 1 (+ 2 \"incoming eggsception\"))") def test_ast_bad_assert(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid assert" cant_compile("(assert)") cant_compile("(assert 1 2 3)") cant_compile("(assert 1 [1 2] 3)") def test_ast_good_global(): "Make sure AST can compile valid global" can_compile("(global a)") can_compile("(global foo bar)") def test_ast_bad_global(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid global" cant_compile("(global)") cant_compile("(global (foo))") if PY3: def test_ast_good_nonlocal(): "Make sure AST can compile valid nonlocal" can_compile("(nonlocal a)") can_compile("(nonlocal foo bar)") def test_ast_bad_nonlocal(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid nonlocal" cant_compile("(nonlocal)") cant_compile("(nonlocal (foo))") def test_ast_good_defclass(): "Make sure AST can compile valid defclass" can_compile("(defclass a)") can_compile("(defclass a [])") def test_ast_bad_defclass(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid defclass" cant_compile("(defclass)") cant_compile("(defclass a None)") cant_compile("(defclass a None None)") def test_ast_good_lambda(): "Make sure AST can compile valid lambda" can_compile("(fn [])") can_compile("(fn [] 1)") def test_ast_bad_lambda(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid lambda" cant_compile("(fn)") def test_ast_good_yield(): "Make sure AST can compile valid yield" can_compile("(yield 1)") def test_ast_bad_yield(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid yield" cant_compile("(yield 1 2)") def test_ast_good_import_from(): "Make sure AST can compile valid selective import" can_compile("(import [x [y]])") def test_ast_require(): "Make sure AST respects (require) syntax" can_compile("(require tests.resources.tlib)") can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [qplah parald]])") can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [*]])") can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib :as foobar])") can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [qplah :as quiz]])") can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [qplah :as quiz parald]])") cant_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib])") cant_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [* qplah]])") cant_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [qplah *]])") cant_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [* *]])") def test_ast_no_pointless_imports(): def contains_import_from(code): return any([isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom) for node in hy_compile(tokenize(code), "__main__").body]) # `reduce` is a builtin in Python 2, but not Python 3. # The version of `map` that returns an iterator is a builtin in # Python 3, but not Python 2. if PY3: assert contains_import_from("reduce") assert not contains_import_from("map") else: assert not contains_import_from("reduce") assert contains_import_from("map") def test_ast_good_get(): "Make sure AST can compile valid get" can_compile("(get x y)") def test_ast_bad_get(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid get" cant_compile("(get)") cant_compile("(get 1)") def test_ast_good_cut(): "Make sure AST can compile valid cut" can_compile("(cut x)") can_compile("(cut x y)") can_compile("(cut x y z)") can_compile("(cut x y z t)") def test_ast_bad_cut(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid cut" cant_compile("(cut)") cant_compile("(cut 1 2 3 4 5)") def test_ast_good_take(): "Make sure AST can compile valid 'take'" can_compile("(take 1 [2 3])") def test_ast_good_drop(): "Make sure AST can compile valid 'drop'" can_compile("(drop 1 [2 3])") def test_ast_good_assoc(): "Make sure AST can compile valid assoc" can_compile("(assoc x y z)") def test_ast_bad_assoc(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid assoc" cant_compile("(assoc)") cant_compile("(assoc 1)") cant_compile("(assoc 1 2)") cant_compile("(assoc 1 2 3 4)") def test_ast_bad_with(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid with" cant_compile("(with*)") cant_compile("(with* [])") cant_compile("(with* [] (pass))") def test_ast_valid_while(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid while" can_compile("(while foo bar)") def test_ast_valid_for(): "Make sure AST can compile valid for" can_compile("(for [a 2] (print a))") def test_ast_invalid_for(): "Make sure AST can't compile invalid for" cant_compile("(for* [a 1] (else 1 2))") def test_ast_expression_basics(): """ Ensure basic AST expression conversion works. """ code = can_compile("(foo bar)").body[0] tree = ast.Expr(value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name( id="foo", ctx=ast.Load(), ), args=[ ast.Name(id="bar", ctx=ast.Load()) ], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, )) _ast_spotcheck("value.func.id", code, tree) def test_ast_anon_fns_basics(): """ Ensure anon fns work. """ code = can_compile("(fn (x) (* x x))").body[0].value assert type(code) == ast.Lambda code = can_compile("(fn (x) (print \"multiform\") (* x x))").body[0] assert type(code) == ast.FunctionDef can_compile("(fn (x))") cant_compile("(fn)") def test_ast_non_decoratable(): """ Ensure decorating garbage breaks """ cant_compile("(with-decorator (foo) (* x x))") def test_ast_lambda_lists(): """Ensure the compiler chokes on invalid lambda-lists""" cant_compile('(fn [&key {"a" b} &key {"foo" bar}] [a foo])') cant_compile('(fn [&optional a &key {"foo" bar}] [a foo])') cant_compile('(fn [&optional [a b c]] a)') cant_compile('(fn [&optional [1 2]] (list 1 2))') def test_ast_print(): code = can_compile("(print \"foo\")").body[0] assert type(code.value) == ast.Call def test_ast_tuple(): """ Ensure tuples work. """ code = can_compile("(, 1 2 3)").body[0].value assert type(code) == ast.Tuple def test_argument_destructuring(): """ Ensure argument destructuring compilers. """ can_compile("(fn [[a b]] (print a b))") cant_compile("(fn [[]] 0)") def test_lambda_list_keywords_rest(): """ Ensure we can compile functions with lambda list keywords.""" can_compile("(fn (x &rest xs) (print xs))") cant_compile("(fn (x &rest xs &rest ys) (print xs))") can_compile("(fn (&optional a &rest xs) (print xs))") def test_lambda_list_keywords_key(): """ Ensure we can compile functions with &key.""" can_compile("(fn (x &key {foo True}) (list x foo))") cant_compile("(fn (x &key {bar \"baz\"} &key {foo 42}) (list x bar foo))") cant_compile("(fn (x &key {1 2 3 4}) (list x))") def test_lambda_list_keywords_kwargs(): """ Ensure we can compile functions with &kwargs.""" can_compile("(fn (x &kwargs kw) (list x kw))") cant_compile("(fn (x &kwargs xs &kwargs ys) (list x xs ys))") can_compile("(fn (&optional x &kwargs kw) (list x kw))") def test_lambda_list_keywords_kwonly(): """Ensure we can compile functions with &kwonly if we're on Python 3, or fail with an informative message on Python 2.""" kwonly_demo = "(fn [&kwonly a [b 2]] (print 1) (print a b))" if PY3: code = can_compile(kwonly_demo) for i, kwonlyarg_name in enumerate(('a', 'b')): assert kwonlyarg_name == code.body[0].args.kwonlyargs[i].arg assert code.body[0].args.kw_defaults[0] is None assert code.body[0].args.kw_defaults[1].n == 2 else: exception = cant_compile(kwonly_demo) assert isinstance(exception, HyTypeError) message, = exception.args assert message == ("keyword-only arguments are only " "available under Python 3") def test_lambda_list_keywords_mixed(): """ Ensure we can mix them up.""" can_compile("(fn (x &rest xs &kwargs kw) (list x xs kw))") cant_compile("(fn (x &rest xs &fasfkey {bar \"baz\"}))") if PY3: can_compile("(fn [x &rest xs &kwargs kwxs &kwonly kwoxs]" " (list x xs kwxs kwoxs))") def test_missing_keyword_argument_value(): """Ensure the compiler chokes on missing keyword argument values.""" try: can_compile("((fn [x] x) :x)") except HyTypeError as e: assert(e.message == "Keyword argument :x needs a value.") else: assert(False) def test_ast_unicode_strings(): """Ensure we handle unicode strings correctly""" def _compile_string(s): hy_s = HyString(s) hy_s.start_line = hy_s.end_line = 0 hy_s.start_column = hy_s.end_column = 0 code = hy_compile([hy_s], "__main__") # code == ast.Module(body=[ast.Expr(value=ast.Str(s=xxx))]) return code.body[0].value.s assert _compile_string("test") == "test" assert _compile_string("\u03b1\u03b2") == "\u03b1\u03b2" assert _compile_string("\xc3\xa9") == "\xc3\xa9" def test_ast_unicode_vs_bytes(): def f(x): return hy_compile(tokenize(x), "__main__").body[0].value.s assert f('"hello"') == u"hello" assert type(f('"hello"')) is (str if PY3 else unicode) # noqa assert f('b"hello"') == (eval('b"hello"') if PY3 else "hello") assert type(f('b"hello"')) == (bytes if PY3 else str) assert f('b"\\xa0"') == (bytes([160]) if PY3 else chr(160)) def test_compile_error(): """Ensure we get compile error in tricky cases""" try: can_compile("(fn [] (in [1 2 3]))") except HyTypeError as e: assert(e.message == "`in' needs 2 arguments, got 1") else: assert(False) def test_for_compile_error(): """Ensure we get compile error in tricky 'for' cases""" try: can_compile("(fn [] (for)") except LexException as e: assert(e.message == "Premature end of input") else: assert(False) try: can_compile("(fn [] (for)))") except LexException as e: assert(e.message == "Ran into a RPAREN where it wasn't expected.") else: assert(False) try: can_compile("(fn [] (for [x] x))") except HyTypeError as e: assert(e.message == "`for' requires an even number of args.") else: assert(False) try: can_compile("(fn [] (for [x xx]))") except HyTypeError as e: assert(e.message == "`for' requires a body to evaluate") else: assert(False) try: can_compile("(fn [] (for [x xx] (else 1)))") except HyTypeError as e: assert(e.message == "`for' requires a body to evaluate") else: assert(False) def test_attribute_access(): """Ensure attribute access compiles correctly""" can_compile("(. foo bar baz)") can_compile("(. foo [bar] baz)") can_compile("(. foo bar [baz] [0] quux [frob])") can_compile("(. foo bar [(+ 1 2 3 4)] quux [frob])") cant_compile("(. foo bar :baz [0] quux [frob])") cant_compile("(. foo bar baz (0) quux [frob])") cant_compile("(. foo bar baz [0] quux {frob})") def test_attribute_empty(): """Ensure using dot notation with a non-expression is an error""" cant_compile(".") cant_compile("foo.") cant_compile(".foo") cant_compile('"bar".foo') cant_compile('[2].foo') def test_cons_correct(): """Ensure cons gets compiled correctly""" can_compile("(cons a b)") def test_invalid_list_comprehension(): """Ensure that invalid list comprehensions do not break the compiler""" cant_compile("(genexpr x [])") cant_compile("(genexpr [x [1 2 3 4]] x)") cant_compile("(list-comp None [])") cant_compile("(list-comp [x [1 2 3]] x)") def test_bad_setv(): """Ensure setv handles error cases""" cant_compile("(setv if* 1)") cant_compile("(setv (a b) [1 2])") def test_defn(): """Ensure that defn works correctly in various corner cases""" cant_compile("(defn if* [] 1)") cant_compile("(defn \"hy\" [] 1)") cant_compile("(defn :hy [] 1)") can_compile("(defn &hy [] 1)") def test_setv_builtins(): """Ensure that assigning to a builtin fails, unless in a class""" cant_compile("(setv None 42)") cant_compile("(defn get [&rest args] 42)") can_compile("(defclass A [] (defn get [self] 42))") can_compile(""" (defclass A [] (defn get [self] 42) (defclass B [] (defn get [self] 42)) (defn if* [self] 0)) """)