; (import-from tests.resources kwtest) (import-from os.path exists isdir isfile) (import sys) (import-as sys systest) (defn test-sys-argv [] "NATIVE: test sys.argv" ; ; BTW, this also tests inline comments. Which suck to implement. ; (assert (isinstance sys.argv list))) (defn test-lists [] "NATIVE: test lists work right" (assert (= [1 2 3 4] (+ [1 2] [3 4])))) (defn test-for-loop [] "NATIVE: test for loops?" (setv count 0) (for [x [1 2 3 4 5]] (setv count (+ count x))) (assert (= count 15)) (setv count 0) (for [x [1 2 3 4 5] y [1 2 3 4 5]] (setv count (+ count x y))) (assert (= count 150))) (defn test-while-loop [] "NATIVE: test while loops?" (setv count 5) (setv fact 1) (while (> count 0) (setv fact (* fact count)) (setv count (- count 1))) (assert (= count 0)) (assert (= fact 120))) (defn test-in [] "NATIVE: test in" (assert (in "a" ["a" "b" "c" "d"])) (assert (not-in "f" ["a" "b" "c" "d"]))) (defn test-noteq [] "NATIVE: not eq" (assert (!= 2 3))) (defn test-numops [] "NATIVE: test numpos" (assert (> 5 4 3 2 1)) (assert (< 1 2 3 4 5)) (assert (<= 5 5 5 5 )) (assert (>= 5 5 5 5 ))) (defn test-is [] "NATIVE: test is can deal with None" (setv a null) (assert (is a null)) (assert (is-not a "b"))) (defn test-branching [] "NATIVE: test if branching" (if true (assert (= 1 1)) (assert (= 2 1)))) (defn test-branching-with-do [] "NATIVE: test if branching (multiline)" (if false (assert (= 2 1)) (do (assert (= 1 1)) (assert (= 1 1)) (assert (= 1 1))))) (defn test-cond [] "NATIVE: test if cond sorta works." (cond ((= 1 2) (assert (is true false))) ((is null null) (assert (is true true))))) (defn test-index [] "NATIVE: Test that dict access works" (assert (get {"one" "two"} "one") "two") (assert (= (get [1 2 3 4 5] 1) 2))) (defn test-lambda [] "NATIVE: test lambda operator" (setv square (lambda [x] (* x x))) (assert (= 4 (square 2)))) (defn test-imported-bits [] "NATIVE: test the imports work" (assert (is (exists ".") true)) (assert (is (isdir ".") true)) (assert (is (isfile ".") false))) (defn foodec [func] (lambda [] (+ 1 1))) (decorate-with foodec (defn tfunction [] (* 2 2))) (defn test-decorators [] "NATIVE: test decorators." (assert (= (tfunction) 2))) (defn test-kwargs [] "NATIVE: test kwargs things." (assert (= (kwapply (kwtest) {"one" "two"}) {"one" "two"}))) (defn test-dotted [] "NATIVE: test dotted invocation" (assert (= (.join " " ["one" "two"]) "one two"))) (defn test-exceptions [] "NATIVE: test Exceptions" (try (throw (KeyError)) (catch IOError e (assert (= 2 1))) (catch KeyError e (+ 1 1) (assert (= 1 1))))) (defn test-earmuffs [] "NATIVE: Test earmuffs" (setv *foo* "2") (setv foo "3") (assert (= *foo* FOO)) (assert (!= *foo* foo))) (defn test-threading [] "NATIVE: test threading macro" (assert (= (-> (.upper "a b c d") (.replace "A" "X") (.split)) ["X" "B" "C" "D"]))) (defn test-threading-two [] "NATIVE: test threading macro" (assert (= (-> "a b c d" .upper (.replace "A" "X") .split) ["X" "B" "C" "D"]))) (defn test-assoc [] "NATIVE: test assoc" (setv vals {"one" "two"}) (assoc vals "two" "three") (assert (= (get vals "two") "three"))) (defn test-pass [] "NATIVE: Test pass worksish" (if true (pass) (pass)) (assert (= 1 1))) (defn test-yield [] "NATIVE: test yielding" (defn gen [] (for [x [1 2 3 4]] (yield x))) (setv ret 0) (for [y (gen)] (setv ret (+ ret y))) (assert (= ret 10))) (defn test-first [] "NATIVE: test firsty things" (assert (= (first [1 2 3 4 5]) 1)) (assert (= (car [1 2 3 4 5]) 1))) (defn test-slice [] "NATIVE: test slice" (assert (= (slice [1 2 3 4 5] 1) [2 3 4 5])) (assert (= (slice [1 2 3 4 5] 1 3) [2 3])) (assert (= (slice [1 2 3 4 5]) [1 2 3 4 5]))) (defn test-rest [] "NATIVE: test rest" (assert (= (rest [1 2 3 4 5]) [2 3 4 5]))) (defn test-importas [] "NATIVE: test import as" (assert (!= (len systest.path) 0))) (defn test-context [] "NATIVE: test with" (with-as (open "README.md" "r") fd (pass))) (defn test-for-doodle [] "NATIVE: test for-do" (setf (, x y) (, 0 0)) (foreach [- [1 2]] (do (setf x (+ x 1)) (setf y (+ y 1)))) (assert (= y x 2))) (defn test-comprehensions [] "NATIVE: test list comprehensions" (assert (= (list-comp (* x 2) (x (range 2))) [0 2])) (assert (= (list-comp (* x 2) (x (range 4)) (% x 2)) [2 6])) (assert (= (sorted (list-comp (* y 2) ((, x y) (.items {"1" 1 "2" 2})))) [2 4])) (assert (= (list-comp (, x y) (x (range 2) y (range 2))) [(, 0 0) (, 0 1) (, 1 0) (, 1 1)]))) (defn test-defn-order [] "NATIVE: test defn evaluation order" (setv acc []) (defn my-fun [] (.append acc "Foo") (.append acc "Bar") (.append acc "Baz")) (my-fun) (assert (= acc ["Foo" "Bar" "Baz"]))) (defn test-defn-return [] "NATIVE: test defn return" (defn my-fun [x] (+ x 1)) (assert (= 43 (my-fun 42)))) (defn test-defn-do [] "NATIVE: test defn evaluation order with do" (setv acc []) (defn my-fun [] (do (.append acc "Foo") (.append acc "Bar") (.append acc "Baz"))) (my-fun) (assert (= acc ["Foo" "Bar" "Baz"]))) (defn test-defn-do-return [] "NATIVE: test defn return with do" (defn my-fun [x] (do (+ x 42) ; noop (+ x 1))) (assert (= 43 (my-fun 42))))