Run statements in the second argument of assert

I've edited the test to use a list instead of a set because the order of evaluation probably ought to be guaranteed.
This commit is contained in:
Kodi Arfer 2019-07-08 15:41:13 -04:00
parent 3afb4fdabe
commit d99cf80986
3 changed files with 23 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ Removals
* Support for attribute lists in `defclass` has been removed. Use `setv`
and `defn` instead.
Bug Fixes
* Statements in the second argument of `assert` are now executed.

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@ -820,11 +820,22 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
@special("assert", [FORM, maybe(FORM)])
def compile_assert_expression(self, expr, root, test, msg):
if msg is None or type(msg) is HySymbol:
ret = self.compile(test)
e = ret.force_expr
if msg is not None:
msg = self.compile(msg).force_expr
return ret + asty.Assert(expr, test=e, msg=msg)
return ret + asty.Assert(
msg=(None if msg is None else self.compile(msg).force_expr))
# The `msg` part may involve statements, which we only
# want to be executed if the assertion fails. Rewrite the
# form to set `msg` to a variable.
msg_var = self.get_anon_var()
return self.compile(mkexpr(
'if*', mkexpr('and', '__debug__', mkexpr('not', [test])),
mkexpr('setv', msg_var, [msg]),
mkexpr('assert', 'False', msg_var))).replace(expr))
@special(["global", "nonlocal"], [oneplus(SYM)])
def compile_global_or_nonlocal(self, expr, root, syms):

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@ -1653,16 +1653,15 @@ macros()
(= (identify-keywords 1 "bloo" :foo)
["other" "other" "keyword"])))
(defn test-assert-multistatements []
(setv s (set))
(setv l [])
(defn f [x]
(.add s x)
(.append l x)
(with [(pytest.raises AssertionError)]
(assert (do (f 1) (f 2)) (do (f 3) (f 4))))
(assert (= s #{1 2 3 4}))))
(assert (= l [1 2 3 4])))
(defn test-underscore_variables []