Clean up the implementations of anaphoric macros

This commit is contained in:
Kodi Arfer 2019-12-21 11:38:26 -05:00
parent b12c930444
commit bafd919605
2 changed files with 32 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -19,74 +19,54 @@
(defmacro ap-each-while [lst form &rest body]
"Evaluate the body form for each element in the list while the
predicate form evaluates to True."
(setv p (gensym))
(defn ~p [it] ~form)
(for [it ~lst]
(if (~p it)
`(for [it ~lst]
(unless ~form
(defmacro ap-map [form lst]
"Yield elements evaluated in the form for each element in the list."
(setv v (gensym 'v) f (gensym 'f))
`((fn []
(defn ~f [it] ~form)
(for [~v ~lst]
(yield (~f ~v))))))
`(gfor it ~lst ~form))
(defmacro ap-map-when [predfn rep lst]
"Yield elements evaluated for each element in the list when the
predicate function returns True."
(setv f (gensym))
`((fn []
(defn ~f [it] ~rep)
(for [it ~lst]
(if (~predfn it)
(yield (~f it))
(yield it))))))
`(gfor it ~lst (if (~predfn it) ~rep it)))
(defmacro ap-filter [form lst]
"Yield elements returned when the predicate form evaluates to True."
(setv pred (gensym))
`((fn []
(defn ~pred [it] ~form)
(for [val ~lst]
(if (~pred val)
(yield val))))))
`(gfor it ~lst :if ~form it))
(defmacro ap-reject [form lst]
"Yield elements returned when the predicate form evaluates to False"
`(ap-filter (not ~form) ~lst))
`(gfor it ~lst :if (not ~form) it))
(defmacro ap-dotimes [n &rest body]
"Execute body for side effects `n' times, with it bound from 0 to n-1"
`(ap-each (range ~n) ~@body))
`(for [it (range ~n)]
(defmacro ap-first [predfn lst]
"Yield the first element that passes `predfn`"
(with-gensyms [n]
(setv ~n None)
(ap-each ~lst (when ~predfn (setv ~n it) (break)))
(gfor it ~lst :if ~predfn it)
(defmacro ap-last [predfn lst]
"Yield the last element that passes `predfn`"
(with-gensyms [n]
(setv x (gensym))
(setv ~n None)
(ap-each ~lst (none? ~n)
(when ~predfn
(setv ~n it)))
(setv ~x None)
(for [it ~lst :if ~predfn]
(setv ~x it))
(defmacro! ap-reduce [form o!lst &optional [initial-value None]]
@ -97,7 +77,8 @@
(setv ~g!lst (iter ~g!lst))
(next ~g!lst))
(ap-each ~g!lst (setv acc ~form))
(for [it ~g!lst]
(setv acc ~form))

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
;; Copyright 2019 the authors.
;; This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
;; license. See the LICENSE.
(require [hy.extra.anaphoric [ap-last]])
(defn test-anaphoric-single-require []
; `ap-last` should work even if `require`d without anything else
; from the anaphoric module.
(assert (= (ap-last (> it 0) [-1 1 0 3 2 0 -1]) 2)))