diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 5c14f4e..47f1f11 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ Meet our mascot, "Cuddles":
.. \|\||/
-Read more about Hy in these docs! Or, if you'd like, try the
-`interactive hy->python demo `_!
+Read more about Hy in these docs!
We're also on IRC! Join
`#hy on irc.freenode.net `_!
diff --git a/docs/language/api.rst b/docs/language/api.rst
index 7b97ae9..c1235a7 100644
--- a/docs/language/api.rst
+++ b/docs/language/api.rst
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ case the first false value will be returned. Examples of usage:
I can has False
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ condition is not met, an `AssertionError` is raised. The example usage:
Assert takes a single parameter, a conditional that evaluates to either `True`
or `False`.
@@ -111,6 +113,7 @@ Examples of usage:
.. note:: `assoc` modifies the datastructure in place and returns `None`.
@@ -144,6 +147,7 @@ however is called only for every other value in the list.
(side-effect2 x)))
do / progn
@@ -176,10 +180,48 @@ Some example usage:
def / setv
+`def` and `setv` are used to bind value, object or a function to a symbol. For
+.. code-block:: clj
+ => (def names ["Alice" "Bob" "Charlie"]
+ => (print names)
+ [u'Alice', u'Bob', u'Charlie']
+ => (setv counter (fn [collection item] (.count collection item)))
+ => (counter [1 2 3 4 5 2 3] 2)
+ 2
+new classes are declared with `defclass`. It can takes two optional parameters:
+a vector defining a possible super classes and another vector containing
+attributes of the new class as two item vectors.
+.. code-block:: clj
+ (defclass class-name [super-class-1 super-class-2]
+ [[attribute value]])
+Both values and functions can be bound on the new class as shown by the example
+.. code-block:: clj
+ => (defclass Cat []
+ ... [[age None]
+ ... [colour "white"]
+ ... [speak (fn [self] (print "Meow"))]])
+ => (def spot (Cat))
+ => (setv spot.colour "Black")
+ 'Black'
+ => (.speak spot)
+ Meow
@@ -200,6 +242,40 @@ eval-when-compile
+`foreach` is used to call a function for each element in a list or vector.
+Results are discarded and None is returned instead. Example code iterates over
+collection and calls side-effect to each element in the collection:
+.. code-block:: clj
+ ;; assuming that (side-effect) is a function that takes a single parameter
+ (foreach [element collection] (side-effect element))
+ ;; foreach can have an optional else block
+ (foreach [element collection] (side-effect element)
+ (else (side-effect-2)))
+The optional `else` block is executed only if the `foreach` loop terminates
+normally. If the execution is halted with `break`, the `else` does not execute.
+.. code-block:: clj
+ => (foreach [element [1 2 3]] (if (< element 3)
+ ... (print element)
+ ... (break))
+ ... (else (print "loop finished")))
+ 1
+ 2
+ => (foreach [element [1 2 3]] (if (< element 4)
+ ... (print element)
+ ... (break))
+ ... (else (print "loop finished")))
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ loop finished
@@ -224,6 +300,7 @@ Example usages:
.. note:: `get` raises an IndexError if a list is queried for an index that is
out of bounds.
@@ -283,10 +360,51 @@ of import you can use.
+`kwapply` can be used to supply keyword arguments to a function.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: clj
+ => (defn rent-car [&kwargs kwargs]
+ ... (cond ((in :brand kwargs) (print "brand:" (:brand kwargs)))
+ ... ((in :model kwargs) (print "model:" (:model kwargs)))))
+ => (kwapply (rent-car) {:model "T-Model"})
+ model: T-Model
+ => (defn total-purchase [price amount &optional [fees 1.05] [vat 1.1]]
+ ... (* price amount fees vat))
+ => (total-purchase 10 15)
+ 173.25
+ => (kwapply (total-purchase 10 15) {"vat" 1.05})
+ 165.375
lambda / fn
+`lambda` and `fn` can be used to define an anonymous function. The parameters are
+similar to `defn`: first parameter is vector of parameters and the rest is the
+body of the function. lambda returns a new function. In the example an anonymous
+function is defined and passed to another function for filtering output.
+.. code-block:: clj
+ => (def people [{:name "Alice" :age 20}
+ ... {:name "Bob" :age 25}
+ ... {:name "Charlie" :age 50}
+ ... {:name "Dave" :age 5}])
+ => (defn display-people [people filter]
+ ... (foreach [person people] (if (filter person) (print (:name person)))))
+ => (display-people people (fn [person] (< (:age person) 25)))
+ Alice
+ Dave
@@ -309,6 +427,7 @@ conditional expression. Some examples:
=> (list-comp (* x 2) [x collection] (< x 5))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
@@ -374,6 +493,7 @@ the `print` form is used to output on screen. Example usage:
.. note:: `print` always returns None
@@ -469,16 +589,75 @@ The following example will output "hello world!" on screen indefinetely:
(while True (print "hello world!"))
+`with` is used to wrap execution of a block with a context manager. The context
+manager can then set up the local system and tear it down in a controlled
+manner. Typical example of using `with` is processing files. `with` can bind
+context to an argument or ignore it completely, as shown below:
+.. code-block:: clj
+ (with [arg (expr)] block)
+ (with [(expr)] block)
+The following example will open file `NEWS` and print its content on screen. The
+file is automatically closed after it has been processed.
+.. code-block:: clj
+ (with [f (open "NEWS")] (print (.read f)))
+`with-decorator` is used to wrap a function with another. The function performing
+decoration should accept a single value, the function being decorated and return
+a new function. `with-decorator` takes two parameters, the function performing
+decoration and the function being decorated.
+In the following example, `inc-decorator` is used to decorate function `addition`
+with a function that takes two parameters and calls the decorated function with
+values that are incremented by 1. When decorated `addition` is called with values
+1 and 1, the end result will be 4 (1+1 + 1+1).
+.. code-block:: clj
+ => (defn inc-decorator [func]
+ ... (fn [value-1 value-2] (func (+ value-1 1) (+ value-2 1))))
+ => (with-decorator inc-decorator (defn addition [a b] (+ a b)))
+ => (addition 1 1)
+ 4
+`yield` is used to create a generator object, that returns 1 or more values.
+The generator is iterable and therefore can be used in loops, list
+comprehensions and other similar constructs.
+Especially the second example shows how generators can be used to generate
+infinite series without consuming infinite amount of memory.
+.. code-block:: clj
+ => (defn multiply [bases coefficients]
+ ... (foreach [(, base coefficient) (zip bases coefficients)]
+ ... (yield (* base coefficient))))
+ => (multiply (range 5) (range 5))
+ => (list-comp value [value (multiply (range 10) (range 10))])
+ [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
+ => (import random)
+ => (defn random-numbers [low high]
+ ... (while True (yield (.randint random low high))))
+ => (list-comp x [x (take 15 (random-numbers 1 50))])])
+ [7, 41, 6, 22, 32, 17, 5, 38, 18, 38, 17, 14, 23, 23, 19]
diff --git a/hy/compiler.py b/hy/compiler.py
index 9b3be30..70f329c 100644
--- a/hy/compiler.py
+++ b/hy/compiler.py
@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ class Result(object):
The Result object is interoperable with python AST objects: when an AST
object gets added to a Result object, it gets converted on-the-fly.
- __slots__ = ("imports", "stmts", "temp_variables", "_expr", "__used_expr")
+ __slots__ = ("imports", "stmts", "temp_variables",
+ "_expr", "__used_expr", "contains_yield")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
@@ -165,12 +166,14 @@ class Result(object):
self.stmts = []
self.temp_variables = []
self._expr = None
+ self.contains_yield = False
self.__used_expr = False
# XXX: Make sure we only have AST where we should.
for kwarg in kwargs:
- if kwarg not in ["imports", "stmts", "expr", "temp_variables"]:
+ if kwarg not in ["imports", "contains_yield", "stmts", "expr",
+ "temp_variables"]:
raise TypeError(
"%s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % (
self.__class__.__name__, kwarg))
@@ -282,13 +285,21 @@ class Result(object):
result.stmts = self.stmts + other.stmts
result.expr = other.expr
result.temp_variables = other.temp_variables
+ result.contains_yield = False
+ if self.contains_yield or other.contains_yield:
+ result.contains_yield = True
return result
def __str__(self):
- return "Result(imports=[%s], stmts=[%s], expr=%s)" % (
+ return (
+ "Result(imports=[%s], stmts=[%s], "
+ "expr=%s, contains_yield=%s)"
+ ) % (
", ".join(ast.dump(x) for x in self.imports),
", ".join(ast.dump(x) for x in self.stmts),
ast.dump(self.expr) if self.expr else None,
+ self.contains_yield
@@ -1019,7 +1030,7 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
def compile_yield_expression(self, expr):
- ret = Result()
+ ret = Result(contains_yield=True)
value = None
if expr != []:
@@ -1551,6 +1562,8 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
+ ret.contains_yield = body.contains_yield
return ret
@@ -1568,6 +1581,8 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
+ ret.contains_yield = body.contains_yield
return ret
@@ -1611,9 +1626,12 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return ret
if body.expr:
- body += ast.Return(value=body.expr,
- lineno=body.expr.lineno,
- col_offset=body.expr.col_offset)
+ if body.contains_yield:
+ body += body.expr_as_stmt()
+ else:
+ body += ast.Return(value=body.expr,
+ lineno=body.expr.lineno,
+ col_offset=body.expr.col_offset)
if not body.stmts:
body += ast.Pass(lineno=expression.start_line,
@@ -1657,6 +1675,17 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
body = Result()
+ # grab the doc string, if there is one
+ if expression and isinstance(expression[0], HyString):
+ docstring = expression.pop(0)
+ symb = HySymbol("__doc__")
+ symb.start_line = docstring.start_line
+ symb.start_column = docstring.start_column
+ body += self._compile_assign(symb, docstring,
+ docstring.start_line,
+ docstring.start_column)
+ body += body.expr_as_stmt()
if expression:
body_expression = iter(expression.pop(0))
diff --git a/tests/native_tests/defclass.hy b/tests/native_tests/defclass.hy
index 4860d39..c1ebe5b 100644
--- a/tests/native_tests/defclass.hy
+++ b/tests/native_tests/defclass.hy
@@ -60,3 +60,26 @@
(assert false))
(except [NameError])))
+(defn test-defclass-docstring []
+ "NATIVE: test defclass docstring"
+ (defclass A []
+ [[--doc-- "doc string"]
+ [x 1]])
+ (setv a (A))
+ (assert (= a.__doc__ "doc string"))
+ (defclass B []
+ "doc string"
+ [[x 1]])
+ (setv b (B))
+ (assert (= b.x 1))
+ (assert (= b.__doc__ "doc string"))
+ (defclass MultiLine []
+ "begin a very long multi-line string to make
+ sure that it comes out the way we hope
+ and can span 3 lines end."
+ [[x 1]])
+ (setv mL (MultiLine))
+ (assert (= mL.x 1))
+ (assert (in "begin" mL.__doc__))
+ (assert (in "end" mL.__doc__)))
diff --git a/tests/native_tests/native_macros.hy b/tests/native_tests/native_macros.hy
index 2fb23d3..439ee03 100644
--- a/tests/native_tests/native_macros.hy
+++ b/tests/native_tests/native_macros.hy
@@ -46,6 +46,36 @@
"NATIVE: test macro calling a plain function"
(assert (= 3 (bar 1 2))))
+(defn test-midtree-yield []
+ "NATIVE: test yielding with a returnable"
+ (defn kruft [] (yield) (+ 1 1)))
+(defn test-midtree-yield-in-for []
+ "NATIVE: test yielding in a for with a return"
+ (defn kruft-in-for []
+ (for [i (range 5)]
+ (yield i))
+ (+ 1 2)))
+(defn test-midtree-yield-in-while []
+ "NATIVE: test yielding in a while with a return"
+ (defn kruft-in-while []
+ (setv i 0)
+ (while (< i 5)
+ (yield i)
+ (setv i (+ i 1)))
+ (+ 2 3)))
+(defn test-multi-yield []
+ "NATIVE: testing multiple yields"
+ (defn multi-yield []
+ (for [i (range 3)]
+ (yield i))
+ (yield "a")
+ (yield "end"))
+ (assert (= (list (multi-yield)) [0 1 2 "a" "end"])))
; Macro that checks a variable defined at compile or load time
(setv phase "load")