Implement PEP 3107 & 526 annotations (closes #1794)
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ New Features
inline Python code.
* All augmented assignment operators (except `%=` and `^=`) now allow
more than two arguments.
* PEP 3107 and PEP 526 function and variable annotations are now supported.
Other Breaking Changes
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import re
import textwrap
import pkgutil
import traceback
import itertools
import importlib
import inspect
import types
@ -337,6 +338,15 @@ def mklist(*items, **kwargs):
return make_hy_model(HyList, items, kwargs.get('rest'))
# Parse an annotation setting.
OPTIONAL_ANNOTATION = maybe(pexpr(sym("annotate*") + FORM) >> (lambda x: x[0]))
def is_annotate_expression(model):
return (isinstance(model, HyExpression) and model and isinstance(model[0], HySymbol)
and model[0] == HySymbol("annotate*"))
class HyASTCompiler(object):
"""A Hy-to-Python AST compiler"""
@ -1334,7 +1344,7 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return ret + asty.AugAssign(
expr, target=target, value=ret.force_expr, op=op())
@special("setv", [many(FORM + FORM)])
@special("setv", [many(OPTIONAL_ANNOTATION + FORM + FORM)])
@special((PY38, "setx"), [times(1, 1, SYM + FORM)])
def compile_def_expression(self, expr, root, decls):
if not decls:
@ -1343,21 +1353,43 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
result = Result()
is_assignment_expr = root == HySymbol("setx")
for decl in decls:
result += self._compile_assign(*decl, is_assignment_expr=is_assignment_expr)
if is_assignment_expr:
ann = None
name, value = decl
ann, name, value = decl
result += self._compile_assign(ann, name, value,
return result
def _compile_assign(self, name, result, *, is_assignment_expr=False):
@special(["annotate*"], [FORM, FORM])
def compile_basic_annotation(self, expr, root, ann, target):
return self._compile_assign(ann, target, None)
if name in [HySymbol(x) for x in ("None", "True", "False")]:
raise self._syntax_error(name,
"Can't assign to `{}'".format(name))
def _compile_assign(self, ann, name, value, *, is_assignment_expr = False):
# Ensure that assignment expressions have a result and no annotation.
assert not is_assignment_expr or (value is not None and ann is None)
result = self.compile(result)
ld_name = self.compile(name)
if isinstance(ld_name.expr, ast.Call):
raise self._syntax_error(name,
"Can't assign to a callable: `{}'".format(name))
annotate_only = value is None
if annotate_only:
result = Result()
result = self.compile(value)
invalid_name = False
if ann is not None:
# An annotation / annotated assignment is more strict with the target expression.
invalid_name = not isinstance(ld_name.expr, (ast.Name, ast.Attribute, ast.Subscript))
invalid_name = (str(name) in ("None", "True", "False")
or isinstance(ld_name.expr, ast.Call))
if invalid_name:
raise self._syntax_error(name, "illegal target for {}".format(
"annotation" if annotate_only else "assignment"))
if (result.temp_variables
and isinstance(name, HySymbol)
@ -1368,12 +1400,27 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
result.expr = None
st_name = self._storeize(name, ld_name)
node = (asty.NamedExpr
if is_assignment_expr
else asty.Assign)
if ann is not None:
ann_result = self.compile(ann)
result = ann_result + result
if is_assignment_expr:
node = asty.NamedExpr
elif ann is not None:
if not PY36:
raise self._syntax_error(name, "Variable annotations are not supported on "
"Python <=3.6")
node = lambda x, **kw: asty.AnnAssign(x, annotation=ann_result.force_expr,
simple=int(isinstance(name, HySymbol)),
node = asty.Assign
result += node(
name if hasattr(name, "start_line") else result,
value=result.force_expr if not annotate_only else None,
target=st_name, targets=[st_name])
return result
@ -1432,18 +1479,34 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
# The starred version is for internal use (particularly, in the
# definition of `defn`). It ensures that a FunctionDef is
# produced rather than a Lambda.
maybe(sym("&optional") + many(NASYM | brackets(SYM, FORM))),
maybe(sym("&rest") + NASYM),
maybe(sym("&kwonly") + many(NASYM | brackets(SYM, FORM))),
maybe(sym("&kwargs") + NASYM)),
maybe(sym("&optional") + many(OPTIONAL_ANNOTATION
+ (NASYM | brackets(SYM, FORM)))),
maybe(sym("&rest") + OPTIONAL_ANNOTATION + NASYM),
maybe(sym("&kwonly") + many(OPTIONAL_ANNOTATION
+ (NASYM | brackets(SYM, FORM)))),
maybe(sym("&kwargs") + OPTIONAL_ANNOTATION + NASYM)),
def compile_function_def(self, expr, root, params, body):
def compile_function_def(self, expr, root, returns, params, body):
force_functiondef = root in ("fn*", "fn/a")
node = asty.AsyncFunctionDef if root == "fn/a" else asty.FunctionDef
ret = Result()
# NOTE: Our evaluation order of return type annotations is
# different from Python: Python evalautes them after the argument
# annotations / defaults (as that's where they are in the source),
# but Hy evaluates them *first*, since here they come before the #
# argument list. Therefore, it would be more confusing for
# readability to evaluate them after like Python.
ret = Result()
returns_ann = None
if returns is not None:
returns_result = self.compile(returns)
ret += returns_result
mandatory, optional, rest, kwonly, kwargs = params
optional = optional or []
@ -1469,7 +1532,7 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
body = self._compile_branch(body)
if not force_functiondef and not body.stmts:
if not force_functiondef and not body.stmts and returns is None:
return ret + asty.Lambda(expr, args=args, body=body.force_expr)
if body.expr:
@ -1481,7 +1544,8 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
body=body.stmts or [asty.Pass(expr)],
returns=returns_result.force_expr if returns is not None else None)
ast_name = asty.Name(expr, id=name, ctx=ast.Load())
ret += Result(expr=ast_name, temp_variables=[ast_name, ret.stmts[-1]])
@ -1491,7 +1555,7 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
args_ast = []
args_defaults = []
for decl in decls:
for ann, decl in decls:
default = None
# funcparserlib will check to make sure that the only times we
@ -1503,6 +1567,12 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
if implicit_default_none:
default = HySymbol('None').replace(sym)
if ann is not None:
ret += self.compile(ann)
ann_ast = ret.force_expr
ann_ast = None
if default is not None:
ret += self.compile(default)
@ -1513,7 +1583,7 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
# positional args.
args_ast.append(asty.arg(sym, arg=ast_str(sym), annotation=None))
args_ast.append(asty.arg(sym, arg=ast_str(sym), annotation=ann_ast))
return args_ast, args_defaults, ret
@ -1564,12 +1634,22 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return expr
new_args = []
pairs = list(expr[1:])
while pairs:
k, v = (pairs.pop(0), pairs.pop(0))
decls = list(expr[1:])
while decls:
if is_annotate_expression(decls[0]):
# Handle annotations.
ann = decls.pop(0)
ann = None
k, v = (decls.pop(0), decls.pop(0))
if ast_str(k) == "__init__" and isinstance(v, HyExpression):
v += HyExpression([HySymbol("None")])
new_args.extend([k, v])
if ann is not None:
new_args.extend((k, v))
return HyExpression([HySymbol("setv")] + new_args).replace(expr)
@special("dispatch-tag-macro", [STR, FORM])
@ -1628,7 +1708,7 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return Result(stmts=o) if exec_mode else o
def compile_expression(self, expr):
def compile_expression(self, expr, *, allow_annotation_expression=False):
# Perform macro expansions
expr = macroexpand(expr, self.module, self)
if not isinstance(expr, HyExpression):
@ -1644,17 +1724,20 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
func = None
if isinstance(root, HySymbol):
# First check if `root` is a special operator, unless it has an
# `unpack-iterable` in it, since Python's operators (`+`,
# etc.) can't unpack. An exception to this exception is that
# tuple literals (`,`) can unpack. Finally, we allow unpacking in
# `.` forms here so the user gets a better error message.
sroot = ast_str(root)
if (sroot in _special_form_compilers or sroot in _bad_roots) and (
bad_root = sroot in _bad_roots or (sroot == ast_str("annotate*")
and not allow_annotation_expression)
if (sroot in _special_form_compilers or bad_root) and (
sroot in (mangle(","), mangle(".")) or
not any(is_unpack("iterable", x) for x in args)):
if sroot in _bad_roots:
if bad_root:
raise self._syntax_error(expr,
"The special form '{}' is not allowed here".format(root))
# `sroot` is a special operator. Get the build method and
@ -1705,6 +1788,11 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
elif is_annotate_expression(root):
# Flatten and compile the annotation expression.
ann_expr = HyExpression(root + args).replace(root)
return self.compile_expression(ann_expr, allow_annotation_expression=True)
if not func:
func = self.compile(root)
@ -60,14 +60,12 @@
(defmacro macro-error [expression reason &optional [filename '--name--]]
`(raise (hy.errors.HyMacroExpansionError ~reason ~filename ~expression None)))
(defmacro defn [name lambda-list &rest body]
"Define `name` as a function with `lambda-list` signature and body `body`."
(defmacro defn [name &rest args]
"Define `name` as a function with `args` as the signature, annotations, and body."
(import hy)
(if (not (= (type name) hy.HySymbol))
(macro-error name "defn takes a name as first argument"))
(if (not (isinstance lambda-list hy.HyList))
(macro-error name "defn takes a parameter list as second argument"))
`(setv ~name (fn* ~lambda-list ~@body)))
`(setv ~name (fn* ~@args)))
(defmacro defn/a [name lambda-list &rest body]
"Define `name` as a function with `lambda-list` signature and body `body`."
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ lg = LexerGenerator()
# A regexp for something that should end a quoting/unquoting operator
# i.e. a space or a closing brace/paren/curly
end_quote = r'(?![\s\)\]\}])'
end_quote_set = r'\s\)\]\}'
end_quote = r'(?![%s])' % end_quote_set
identifier = r'[^()\[\]{}\'"\s;]+'
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ lg.add('QUOTE', r'\'%s' % end_quote)
lg.add('QUASIQUOTE', r'`%s' % end_quote)
lg.add('UNQUOTESPLICE', r'~@%s' % end_quote)
lg.add('UNQUOTE', r'~%s' % end_quote)
lg.add('ANNOTATION', r'\^(?![=%s])' % end_quote_set)
lg.add('DISCARD', r'#_')
lg.add('HASHSTARS', r'#\*+')
lg.add('BRACKETSTRING', r'''(?x)
@ -134,6 +134,12 @@ def term_unquote_splice(state, p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("unquote-splice"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : ANNOTATION term")
def term_annotation(state, p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("annotate*"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : HASHSTARS term")
def term_hashstars(state, p):
@ -68,15 +68,15 @@
"NATIVE: test that setv doesn't work on names Python can't assign to
and that we can't mangle"
(try (eval '(setv None 1))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "Can't assign to" (str e)))))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "illegal target for assignment" (str e)))))
(try (eval '(defn None [] (print "hello")))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "Can't assign to" (str e)))))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "illegal target for assignment" (str e)))))
(try (eval '(setv False 1))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "Can't assign to" (str e)))))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "illegal target for assignment" (str e)))))
(try (eval '(setv True 0))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "Can't assign to" (str e)))))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "illegal target for assignment" (str e)))))
(try (eval '(defn True [] (print "hello")))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "Can't assign to" (str e))))))
(except [e [SyntaxError]] (assert (in "illegal target for assignment" (str e))))))
(defn test-setv-pairs []
@ -908,6 +908,22 @@
(assert (= mooey.__name__ "mooey")))
(defn test-defn-annotations []
"NATIVE: test that annotations in defn work"
(defn f [^int p1 p2 ^str p3 &optional ^str o1 ^int [o2 0]
&rest ^str rest &kwonly ^str k1 ^int [k2 0] &kwargs ^bool kwargs])
(assert (= (. f __annotations__ ["p1"]) int))
(assert (= (. f __annotations__ ["p3"]) str))
(assert (= (. f __annotations__ ["o1"]) str))
(assert (= (. f __annotations__ ["o2"]) int))
(assert (= (. f __annotations__ ["rest"]) str))
(assert (= (. f __annotations__ ["k1"]) str))
(assert (= (. f __annotations__ ["k2"]) int))
(assert (= (. f __annotations__ ["kwargs"]) bool)))
(defn test-return []
; `return` in main line
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
;; skips this file when running on Python <3.6.
(import [asyncio [get-event-loop sleep]])
(import [typing [get-type-hints]])
(defn run-coroutine [coro]
@ -38,6 +39,15 @@
(else (setv x (+ x 50))))
(assert (= x 53)))))
(defn test-variable-annotations []
(defclass AnnotationContainer []
(setv ^int x 1 y 2)
(^bool z))
(setv annotations (get-type-hints AnnotationContainer))
(assert (= (get annotations "x") int))
(assert (= (get annotations "z") bool)))
(defn test-pep-487 []
(defclass QuestBase []
(defn --init-subclass-- [cls swallow &kwargs kwargs]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user