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;; Copyright 2017 the authors.
;; This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
;; license. See the LICENSE.
(defn test-decorated-1line-function []
(defn foodec [func]
(fn [] (+ (func) 1)))
(with-decorator foodec
(defn tfunction []
(* 2 2)))
(assert (= (tfunction) 5)))
(defn test-decorated-multiline-function []
(defn bazdec [func]
(fn [] (+ (func) "x")))
(with-decorator bazdec
(defn f []
(setv intermediate "i")
(+ intermediate "b")))
(assert (= (f) "ibx")))
(defn test-decorated-class []
(defn bardec [cls]
(setv cls.attr2 456)
(with-decorator bardec
(defclass cls []
[attr1 123]))
(assert (= cls.attr1 123))
(assert (= cls.attr2 456)))
(defn test-decorator-clobbing []
"NATIVE: Tests whether nested decorators work"
2017-03-23 23:11:55 +01:00
(defn dec1 [f] (fn [] (+ (f) 1)))
(defn dec2 [f] (fn [] (+ (f) 2)))
(with-decorator dec1
(with-decorator dec2
(defn f [] 1)))
(assert (= (f) 4))))