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2018-01-01 16:38:33 +01:00
;; Copyright 2018 the authors.
;; This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
;; license. See the LICENSE.
(import [hy.contrib.walk [*]])
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
(require [hy.contrib.walk [*]])
2017-09-23 04:07:48 +02:00
(import pytest)
2018-01-05 21:51:00 +01:00
(setv walk-form '(print {"foo" "bar"
"array" [1 2 3 [4]]
"something" (+ 1 2 3 4)
"quoted?" '(foo)}))
(defn collector [acc x]
(.append acc x)
(defn test-walk-identity []
(assert (= (walk identity identity walk-form)
(defn test-walk []
(setv acc '())
(assert (= (walk (partial collector acc) identity walk-form)
[None None]))
(assert (= acc walk-form))
(setv acc [])
(assert (= (walk identity (partial collector acc) walk-form)
(assert (= acc [walk-form])))
(defn test-walk-iterators []
(setv acc [])
(assert (= (walk (fn [x] (* 2 x)) (fn [x] x)
(drop 1 [1 [2 [3 [4]]]]))
[[2 [3 [4]] 2 [3 [4]]]])))
2017-09-23 04:07:48 +02:00
(defmacro foo-walk []
(defn test-macroexpand-all []
2017-09-23 04:07:48 +02:00
;; make sure a macro from the current module works
(assert (= (macroexpand-all '(foo-walk))
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
(assert (= (macroexpand-all '(with [a 1]))
'(with* [a 1] (do))))
(assert (= (macroexpand-all '(with [a 1 b 2 c 3] (for [d c] foo)))
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
'(with* [a 1] (with* [b 2] (with* [c 3] (do (for* [d c] (do foo))))))))
(assert (= (macroexpand-all '(with [a 1]
'(with [b 2])
`(with [c 3]
~(with [d 4])
~@[(with [e 5])])))
'(with* [a 1]
(do '(with [b 2])
`(with [c 3]
~(with* [d 4] (do))
~@[(with* [e 5] (do))]))))))
(defn test-let-basic []
(assert (zero? (let [a 0] a)))
(setv a "a"
b "b")
(let [a "x"
b "y"]
(assert (= (+ a b)
(let [a "z"]
(assert (= (+ a b)
;; let-shadowed variable doesn't get clobbered.
(assert (= (+ a b)
(let [q "q"]
(assert (= q "q")))
(assert (= a "a"))
(assert (= b "b"))
(assert (in "a" (.keys (vars))))
;; scope of q is limited to let body
(assert (not-in "q" (.keys (vars)))))
(defn test-let-sequence []
2017-09-23 04:07:48 +02:00
;; assignments happen in sequence, not parallel.
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
(let [a "a"
b "b"
ab (+ a b)]
(assert (= ab "ab"))
(let [c "c"
abc (+ ab c)]
(assert (= abc "abc")))))
2017-09-23 04:07:48 +02:00
(defn test-let-early []
(setv a "a")
(let [q (+ a "x")
a 2 ; should not affect q
b 3]
(assert (= q "ax"))
(let [q (* a b)
a (+ a b)
b (* a b)]
(assert (= q 6))
(assert (= a 5))
(assert (= b 15))))
(assert (= a "a")))
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
(defn test-let-special []
;; special forms in function position still work as normal
(let [, 1]
(assert (= (, , ,)
(, 1 1)))))
(defn test-let-quasiquote []
(setv a-symbol 'a)
(let [a "x"]
(assert (= a "x"))
(assert (= 'a a-symbol))
(assert (= `a a-symbol))
(assert (= `(foo ~a)
'(foo "x")))
(assert (= `(foo `(bar a ~a ~~a))
'(foo `(bar a ~a ~"x"))))
(assert (= `(foo ~@[a])
'(foo "x")))
(assert (= `(foo `(bar [a] ~@[a] ~@~[a 'a `a] ~~@[a]))
'(foo `(bar [a] ~@[a] ~@["x" a a] ~"x"))))))
(defn test-let-except []
(let [foo 42
bar 33]
(assert (= foo 42))
(assert False))
(except [foo Exception]
;; let bindings should work in except block
(assert (= bar 33))
;; but exception bindings can shadow let bindings
(assert (instance? Exception foo))))
;; let binding did not get clobbered.
(assert (= foo 42))))
(defn test-let-mutation []
(setv foo 42)
(setv error False)
(let [foo 12
bar 13]
(assert (= foo 12))
(setv foo 14)
(assert (= foo 14))
(del foo)
;; deleting a let binding should not affect others
(assert (= bar 13))
;; foo=42 is still shadowed, but the let binding was deleted.
(assert False))
(except [le LookupError]
(setv error le)))
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
(setv foo 16)
(assert (= foo 16))
(setv [foo bar baz] [1 2 3])
(assert (= foo 1))
(assert (= bar 2))
(assert (= baz 3)))
(assert error)
(assert (= foo 42))
(assert (= baz 3)))
(defn test-let-break []
(for [x (range 3)]
(let [done (odd? x)]
(if done (break))))
(assert (= x 1)))
2017-09-18 21:50:41 +02:00
(defn test-let-continue []
(let [foo []]
(for [x (range 10)]
(let [odd (odd? x)]
(if odd (continue))
(.append foo x)))
(assert (= foo [0 2 4 6 8]))))
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
(defn test-let-yield []
(defn grind []
(yield 0)
(let [a 1
b 2]
(yield a)
(yield b)))
(assert (= (tuple (grind))
(, 0 1 2))))
(defn test-let-return []
(defn get-answer []
(let [answer 42]
(return answer)))
(assert (= (get-answer)
(defn test-let-import []
(let [types 6]
;; imports don't fail, even if using a let-bound name
(import types)
;; let-bound name is not affected
(assert (= types 6)))
;; import happened in Python scope.
(assert (in "types" (vars)))
(assert (instance? types.ModuleType types)))
(defn test-let-defclass []
(let [Foo 42
quux object]
;; the name of the class is just a symbol, even if it's a let binding
(defclass Foo [quux] ; let bindings apply in inheritance list
;; let bindings apply inside class body
(setv x Foo)
;; quux is not local
(setv quux "quux"))
(assert (= quux "quux")))
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
;; defclass always creates a python-scoped variable, even if it's a let binding name
(assert (= Foo.x 42)))
(defn test-let-dot []
(setv foo (fn [])
foo.a 42)
(let [a 1
b []]
(assert (= a 1))
(assert (= b []))
;; method syntax not affected
(.append b 2)
(assert (= b [2]))
;; attrs access is not affected
(assert (= foo.a 42))
(assert (= (. foo a)
;; but indexing is
(assert (= (. [1 2 3]
(defn test-let-positional []
(let [a 0
b 1
c 2]
(defn foo [a b]
(, a b c))
(assert (= (foo 100 200)
(, 100 200 2)))
(setv c 300)
(assert (= (foo 1000 2000)
(, 1000 2000 300)))
(assert (= a 0))
(assert (= b 1))
(assert (= c 300))))
(defn test-let-rest []
(let [xs 6
a 88
c 64
&rest 12]
(defn foo [a b &rest xs]
(-= a 1)
(setv xs (list xs))
(.append xs 42)
(, &rest a b c xs))
(assert (= xs 6))
(assert (= a 88))
(assert (= (foo 1 2 3 4)
2017-09-18 21:50:41 +02:00
(, 12 0 2 64 [3 4 42])))
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
(assert (= xs 6))
2017-09-18 21:50:41 +02:00
(assert (= c 64))
2017-09-16 07:21:56 +02:00
(assert (= a 88))))
(defn test-let-kwargs []
(let [kws 6
&kwargs 13]
(defn foo [&kwargs kws]
(, &kwargs kws))
(assert (= kws 6))
(assert (= (foo :a 1)
(, 13 {"a" 1})))))
(defn test-let-optional []
(let [a 1
b 6
d 2]
(defn foo [&optional [a a] b [c d]]
(, a b c))
(assert (= (foo)
(, 1 None 2)))
(assert (= (foo 10 20 30)
(, 10 20 30)))))
(defn test-let-key []
(let [a 1
b 6
d 2]
(defn foo [&key {a a b None c d}]
(, a b c))
(assert (= (foo)
(, 1 None 2)))
(assert (= (foo 10 20 30)
(, 10 20 30)))
(assert (= (, a b d)
(, 1 6 2)))))
2017-09-18 21:50:41 +02:00
(defn test-let-closure []
(let [count 0]
2017-09-18 21:50:41 +02:00
(defn +count [&optional [x 1]]
(+= count x)
2017-09-18 21:50:41 +02:00
;; let bindings can still exist outside of a let body
(assert (= 1 (+count)))
(assert (= 2 (+count)))
(assert (= 42 (+count 40))))
2017-09-23 04:07:48 +02:00
(defmacro triple [a]
(setv g!a (gensym a))
(setv ~g!a ~a)
(+ ~g!a ~g!a ~g!a)))
(defmacro ap-triple []
'(+ a a a))
(defn test-let-macros []
(let [a 1
b (triple a)
c (ap-triple)]
(assert (= (triple a)
(assert (= (ap-triple)
(assert (= b 3))
(assert (= c 3))))