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2019-05-20 14:46:52 -04:00
(defn test-comprehension-types []
; Forms that get compiled to real comprehensions
(assert (is (type (lfor x "abc" x)) list))
(assert (is (type (sfor x "abc" x)) set))
(assert (is (type (dfor x "abc" [x x])) dict))
(assert (is (type (gfor x "abc" x)) types.GeneratorType))
; Forms that get compiled to loops
(assert (is (type (lfor x "abc" :do (setv y 1) x)) list))
(assert (is (type (sfor x "abc" :do (setv y 1) x)) set))
(assert (is (type (dfor x "abc" :do (setv y 1) [x x])) dict))
(assert (is (type (gfor x "abc" :do (setv y 1) x)) types.GeneratorType)))
#@ ((pytest.mark.parametrize "specialop" ["for" "lfor" "sfor" "gfor" "dfor"])
(defn test-fors [specialop]
(setv cases [
['(f x [] x)
['(f j [1 2 3] j)
[1 2 3]]
['(f x (range 3) (* x 2))
[0 2 4]]
['(f x (range 2) y (range 2) (, x y))
[(, 0 0) (, 0 1) (, 1 0) (, 1 1)]]
['(f (, x y) (.items {"1" 1 "2" 2}) (* y 2))
[2 4]]
['(f x (do (setv s "x") "ab") y (do (+= s "y") "def") (+ x y s))
["adxy" "aexy" "afxy" "bdxyy" "bexyy" "bfxyy"]]
['(f x (range 4) :if (% x 2) (* x 2))
[2 6]]
['(f x "abc" :setv y (.upper x) (+ x y))
["aA" "bB" "cC"]]
['(f x "abc" :do (setv y (.upper x)) (+ x y))
["aA" "bB" "cC"]]
x (range 3)
y (range 3)
:if (> y x)
z [7 8 9]
:setv s (+ x y z)
:if (!= z 8)
(, x y z s))
[(, 0 1 7 8) (, 0 1 9 10) (, 0 2 7 9) (, 0 2 9 11)
(, 1 2 7 10) (, 1 2 9 12)]]
x [0 1]
:setv l []
y (range 4)
:do (.append l (, x y))
:if (>= y 2)
z [7 8 9]
:if (!= z 8)
(, x y (tuple l) z))
[(, 0 2 (, (, 0 0) (, 0 1) (, 0 2)) 7)
(, 0 2 (, (, 0 0) (, 0 1) (, 0 2)) 9)
(, 0 3 (, (, 0 0) (, 0 1) (, 0 2) (, 0 3)) 7)
(, 0 3 (, (, 0 0) (, 0 1) (, 0 2) (, 0 3)) 9)
(, 1 2 (, (, 1 0) (, 1 1) (, 1 2)) 7)
(, 1 2 (, (, 1 0) (, 1 1) (, 1 2)) 9)
(, 1 3 (, (, 1 0) (, 1 1) (, 1 2) (, 1 3)) 7)
(, 1 3 (, (, 1 0) (, 1 1) (, 1 2) (, 1 3)) 9)]]
['(f x (range 4) :do (unless (% x 2) (continue)) (* x 2))
[2 6]]
['(f x (range 4) :setv p 9 :do (unless (% x 2) (continue)) (* x 2))
[2 6]]
['(f x (range 20) :do (when (= x 3) (break)) (* x 2))
[0 2 4]]
['(f x (range 20) :setv p 9 :do (when (= x 3) (break)) (* x 2))
[0 2 4]]
['(f x [4 5] y (range 20) :do (when (> y 1) (break)) z [8 9] (, x y z))
[(, 4 0 8) (, 4 0 9) (, 4 1 8) (, 4 1 9)
(, 5 0 8) (, 5 0 9) (, 5 1 8) (, 5 1 9)]]])
(for [[expr answer] cases]
; Mutate the case as appropriate for the operator before
; evaluating it.
(setv expr (+ (HyExpression [(HySymbol specialop)]) (cut expr 1)))
(when (= specialop "dfor")
(setv expr (+ (cut expr 0 -1) `([~(get expr -1) 1]))))
(when (= specialop "for")
(setv expr `(do
(setv out [])
(for [~@(cut expr 1 -1)]
(.append out ~(get expr -1)))
(setv result (eval expr))
(when (= specialop "dfor")
(setv result (.keys result)))
(assert (= (sorted result) answer) (str expr)))))
(defn test-fors-no-loopers []
(setv l [])
(for [] (.append l 1))
(assert (= l []))
(assert (= (lfor 1) []))
(assert (= (sfor 1) #{}))
(assert (= (list (gfor 1)) []))
(assert (= (dfor [1 2]) {})))
(defn test-raise-in-comp []
(defclass E [Exception] [])
(setv l [])
(import pytest)
(with [(pytest.raises E)]
x (range 10)
:do (.append l x)
:do (when (= x 5)
(raise (E)))
(assert (= l [0 1 2 3 4 5])))
2018-06-07 11:08:17 -07:00
(defn test-scoping []
(setv x 0)
(for [x [1 2 3]])
(assert (= x 3))
; An `lfor` that gets compiled to a real comprehension
(setv x 0)
(assert (= (lfor x [1 2 3] (inc x)) [2 3 4]))
2019-05-20 14:46:52 -04:00
(assert (= x 0))
2018-06-07 11:08:17 -07:00
; An `lfor` that gets compiled to a loop
(setv x 0 l [])
(assert (= (lfor x [4 5 6] :do (.append l 1) (inc x)) [5 6 7]))
(assert (= l [1 1 1]))
(assert (= x 0))
; An `sfor` that gets compiled to a real comprehension
(setv x 0)
(assert (= (sfor x [1 2 3] (inc x)) #{2 3 4}))
(assert (= x 0)))
(defn test-for-loop []
"NATIVE: test for loops"
(setv count1 0 count2 0)
(for [x [1 2 3 4 5]]
(setv count1 (+ count1 x))
(setv count2 (+ count2 x)))
(assert (= count1 15))
(assert (= count2 15))
(setv count 0)
(for [x [1 2 3 4 5]
y [1 2 3 4 5]]
(setv count (+ count x y))
(+= count 1)))
(assert (= count 151))
(setv count 0)
; multiple statements in the else branch should work
(for [x [1 2 3 4 5]
y [1 2 3 4 5]]
(setv count (+ count x y))
(+= count 1)
(+= count 10)))
(assert (= count 161))
; don't be fooled by constructs that look like else
(setv s "")
(setv else True)
(for [x "abcde"]
(+= s x)
[else (+= s "_")])
(assert (= s "a_b_c_d_e_"))
(setv s "")
(with [(pytest.raises TypeError)]
(for [x "abcde"]
(+= s x)
("else" (+= s "z"))))
(assert (= s "az"))
(assert (= (list ((fn [] (for [x [[1] [2 3]] y x] (yield y)))))
(lfor x [[1] [2 3]] y x y)))
(assert (= (list ((fn [] (for [x [[1] [2 3]] y x z (range 5)] (yield z)))))
(lfor x [[1] [2 3]] y x z (range 5) z))))
(defn test-nasty-for-nesting []
"NATIVE: test nesting for loops harder"
;; This test and feature is dedicated to @nedbat.
;; OK. This next test will ensure that we call the else branch exactly
;; once.
(setv flag 0)
(for [x (range 2)
y (range 2)]
(+ 1 1)
(else (setv flag (+ flag 2))))
(assert (= flag 2)))
(defn test-empty-for []
(setv l [])
(defn f []
(for [x (range 3)]
(.append l "a")
(yield x)))
(for [x (f)])
(assert (= l ["a" "a" "a"]))
(setv l [])
(for [x (f)]
(else (.append l "z")))
(assert (= l ["a" "a" "a" "z"])))