Fabien BOURGEOIS 6054b3ac87 [IMP]GOLEM Base : allow long user / pass for SMTP 2018-08-27 13:11:54 +02:00
i18n [i18n]Tags renamed to categories, for contacts and partners 2017-06-28 17:29:19 +02:00
models [IMP]GOLEM Base : allow long user / pass for SMTP 2018-08-27 13:11:54 +02:00
security [FIX]Security access fixes 2017-06-20 16:37:40 +02:00
static/src/css [ADD]GOLEM Base : base CSS style for reports 2018-03-18 09:56:07 +01:00
views [ADD]GOLEM Base : base CSS style for reports 2018-03-18 09:56:07 +01:00
__init__.py [IMP]GOLEM Base : allow long user / pass for SMTP 2018-08-27 13:11:54 +02:00
__manifest__.py [IMP]GOLEM Base : allow long user / pass for SMTP 2018-08-27 13:11:54 +02:00