2018-07-09 17:12:38 +05:30

404 lines
22 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from flectra import api, fields, models, tools, _
from flectra.exceptions import UserError
from flectra.tools import float_is_zero, pycompat
from flectra.addons import decimal_precision as dp
class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
_name = 'product.template'
_inherit = 'product.template'
property_valuation = fields.Selection([
('manual_periodic', 'Periodic (manual)'),
('real_time', 'Perpetual (automated)')], string='Inventory Valuation',
company_dependent=True, copy=True, default='manual_periodic',
help="""Manual: The accounting entries to value the inventory are not posted automatically.
Automated: An accounting entry is automatically created to value the inventory when a product enters or leaves the company.""")
valuation = fields.Char(compute='_compute_valuation_type', inverse='_set_valuation_type')
property_cost_method = fields.Selection([
('standard', 'Standard Price'),
('fifo', 'First In First Out (FIFO)'),
('average', 'Average Cost (AVCO)')], string='Costing Method',
company_dependent=True, copy=True,
help="""Standard Price: The products are valued at their standard cost defined on the product.
Average Cost (AVCO): The products are valued at weighted average cost.
First In First Out (FIFO): The products are valued supposing those that enter the company first will also leave it first.""")
cost_method = fields.Char(compute='_compute_cost_method', inverse='_set_cost_method')
property_stock_account_input = fields.Many2one(
'account.account', 'Stock Input Account',
company_dependent=True, domain=[('deprecated', '=', False)],
help="When doing real-time inventory valuation, counterpart journal items for all incoming stock moves will be posted in this account, unless "
"there is a specific valuation account set on the source location. When not set on the product, the one from the product category is used.")
property_stock_account_output = fields.Many2one(
'account.account', 'Stock Output Account',
company_dependent=True, domain=[('deprecated', '=', False)],
help="When doing real-time inventory valuation, counterpart journal items for all outgoing stock moves will be posted in this account, unless "
"there is a specific valuation account set on the destination location. When not set on the product, the one from the product category is used.")
@api.depends('property_valuation', 'categ_id.property_valuation')
def _compute_valuation_type(self):
self.valuation = self.property_valuation or self.categ_id.property_valuation
def _set_valuation_type(self):
return self.write({'property_valuation': self.valuation})
@api.depends('property_cost_method', 'categ_id.property_cost_method')
def _compute_cost_method(self):
self.cost_method = self.property_cost_method or self.categ_id.property_cost_method
def _is_cost_method_standard(self):
return self.property_cost_method == 'standard'
def _set_cost_method(self):
# When going from FIFO to AVCO or to standard, we update the standard price with the
# average value in stock.
if self.property_cost_method == 'fifo' and self.cost_method in ['average', 'standard']:
# Cannot use the `stock_value` computed field as it's already invalidated when
# entering this method.
valuation = sum([variant._sum_remaining_values()[0] for variant in self.product_variant_ids])
qty_available = self.with_context(company_owned=True).qty_available
if qty_available:
self.standard_price = valuation / qty_available
return self.write({'property_cost_method': self.cost_method})
def _get_product_accounts(self):
""" Add the stock accounts related to product to the result of super()
@return: dictionary which contains information regarding stock accounts and super (income+expense accounts)
accounts = super(ProductTemplate, self)._get_product_accounts()
res = self._get_asset_accounts()
'stock_input': res['stock_input'] or self.property_stock_account_input or self.categ_id.property_stock_account_input_categ_id,
'stock_output': res['stock_output'] or self.property_stock_account_output or self.categ_id.property_stock_account_output_categ_id,
'stock_valuation': self.categ_id.property_stock_valuation_account_id or False,
return accounts
def action_open_product_moves(self):
def get_product_accounts(self, fiscal_pos=None):
""" Add the stock journal related to product to the result of super()
@return: dictionary which contains all needed information regarding stock accounts and journal and super (income+expense accounts)
accounts = super(ProductTemplate, self).get_product_accounts(fiscal_pos=fiscal_pos)
accounts.update({'stock_journal': self.categ_id.property_stock_journal or False})
return accounts
class ProductProduct(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.product'
stock_value = fields.Float(
'Value', compute='_compute_stock_value')
qty_at_date = fields.Float(
'Quantity', compute='_compute_stock_value')
stock_fifo_real_time_aml_ids = fields.Many2many(
'account.move.line', compute='_compute_stock_value')
stock_fifo_manual_move_ids = fields.Many2many(
'stock.move', compute='_compute_stock_value')
def do_change_standard_price(self, new_price, account_id):
""" Changes the Standard Price of Product and creates an account move accordingly."""
AccountMove = self.env['account.move']
quant_locs = self.env['stock.quant'].sudo().read_group([('product_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['location_id'], ['location_id'])
quant_loc_ids = [loc['location_id'][0] for loc in quant_locs]
locations = self.env['stock.location'].search([('usage', '=', 'internal'), ('company_id', '=', self.env.user.company_id.id), ('id', 'in', quant_loc_ids)])
product_accounts = {product.id: product.product_tmpl_id.get_product_accounts() for product in self}
for location in locations:
for product in self.with_context(location=location.id, compute_child=False).filtered(lambda r: r.valuation == 'real_time'):
diff = product.standard_price - new_price
if float_is_zero(diff, precision_rounding=product.currency_id.rounding):
raise UserError(_("No difference between standard price and new price!"))
if not product_accounts[product.id].get('stock_valuation', False):
raise UserError(_('You don\'t have any stock valuation account defined on your product category. You must define one before processing this operation.'))
qty_available = product.qty_available
if qty_available:
# Accounting Entries
if diff * qty_available > 0:
debit_account_id = account_id
credit_account_id = product_accounts[product.id]['stock_valuation'].id
debit_account_id = product_accounts[product.id]['stock_valuation'].id
credit_account_id = account_id
move_vals = {
'journal_id': product_accounts[product.id]['stock_journal'].id,
'company_id': location.company_id.id,
'line_ids': [(0, 0, {
'name': _('Standard Price changed - %s') % (product.display_name),
'account_id': debit_account_id,
'debit': abs(diff * qty_available),
'credit': 0,
'product_id': product.id,
}), (0, 0, {
'name': _('Standard Price changed - %s') % (product.display_name),
'account_id': credit_account_id,
'debit': 0,
'credit': abs(diff * qty_available),
'product_id': product.id,
move = AccountMove.create(move_vals)
self.write({'standard_price': new_price})
return True
def _get_fifo_candidates_in_move(self):
""" Find IN moves that can be used to value OUT moves.
domain = [('product_id', '=', self.id), ('remaining_qty', '>', 0.0)] + self.env['stock.move']._get_in_base_domain()
candidates = self.env['stock.move'].search(domain, order='date, id')
return candidates
def _sum_remaining_values(self):
StockMove = self.env['stock.move']
domain = [('product_id', '=', self.id)] + StockMove._get_all_base_domain()
moves = StockMove.search(domain)
return sum(moves.mapped('remaining_value')), moves
@api.depends('stock_move_ids.product_qty', 'stock_move_ids.state', 'stock_move_ids.remaining_value', 'product_tmpl_id.cost_method', 'product_tmpl_id.standard_price', 'product_tmpl_id.property_valuation', 'product_tmpl_id.categ_id.property_valuation')
def _compute_stock_value(self):
StockMove = self.env['stock.move']
to_date = self.env.context.get('to_date')
fifo_automated_values = {}
query = """SELECT aml.product_id, aml.account_id, sum(aml.debit) - sum(aml.credit), sum(quantity), array_agg(aml.id)
FROM account_move_line AS aml
WHERE aml.product_id IS NOT NULL AND aml.company_id=%%s %s
GROUP BY aml.product_id, aml.account_id"""
params = (self.env.user.company_id.id,)
if to_date:
query = query % ('AND aml.date <= %s',)
params = params + (to_date,)
query = query % ('',)
self.env.cr.execute(query, params=params)
res = self.env.cr.fetchall()
for row in res:
fifo_automated_values[(row[0], row[1])] = (row[2], row[3], list(row[4]))
for product in self:
if product.cost_method in ['standard', 'average']:
qty_available = product.with_context(company_owned=True, owner_id=False).qty_available
price_used = product.standard_price
if to_date:
price_used = product.get_history_price(
product.stock_value = price_used * qty_available
product.qty_at_date = qty_available
elif product.cost_method == 'fifo':
if to_date:
if product.product_tmpl_id.valuation == 'manual_periodic':
domain = [('product_id', '=', product.id), ('date', '<=', to_date)] + StockMove._get_all_base_domain()
moves = StockMove.search(domain)
product.stock_value = sum(moves.mapped('value'))
product.qty_at_date = product.with_context(company_owned=True, owner_id=False).qty_available
product.stock_fifo_manual_move_ids = StockMove.browse(moves.ids)
elif product.product_tmpl_id.valuation == 'real_time':
valuation_account_id = product.categ_id.property_stock_valuation_account_id.id
value, quantity, aml_ids = fifo_automated_values.get((product.id, valuation_account_id)) or (0, 0, [])
product.stock_value = value
product.qty_at_date = quantity
product.stock_fifo_real_time_aml_ids = self.env['account.move.line'].browse(aml_ids)
product.stock_value, moves = product._sum_remaining_values()
product.qty_at_date = product.with_context(company_owned=True, owner_id=False).qty_available
if product.product_tmpl_id.valuation == 'manual_periodic':
product.stock_fifo_manual_move_ids = moves
elif product.product_tmpl_id.valuation == 'real_time':
valuation_account_id = product.categ_id.property_stock_valuation_account_id.id
value, quantity, aml_ids = fifo_automated_values.get((product.id, valuation_account_id)) or (0, 0, [])
product.stock_fifo_real_time_aml_ids = self.env['account.move.line'].browse(aml_ids)
def action_valuation_at_date_details(self):
""" Returns an action with either a list view of all the valued stock moves of `self` if the
valuation is set as manual or a list view of all the account move lines if the valuation is
set as automated.
to_date = self.env.context.get('to_date')
action = {
'name': _('Valuation at date'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'tree,form',
'context': self.env.context,
if self.valuation == 'real_time':
action['res_model'] = 'account.move.line'
action['domain'] = [('id', 'in', self.with_context(to_date=to_date).stock_fifo_real_time_aml_ids.ids)]
tree_view_ref = self.env.ref('stock_account.view_stock_account_aml')
form_view_ref = self.env.ref('account.view_move_line_form')
action['views'] = [(tree_view_ref.id, 'tree'), (form_view_ref.id, 'form')]
action['res_model'] = 'stock.move'
action['domain'] = [('id', 'in', self.with_context(to_date=to_date).stock_fifo_manual_move_ids.ids)]
tree_view_ref = self.env.ref('stock_account.view_move_tree_valuation_at_date')
form_view_ref = self.env.ref('stock.view_move_form')
action['views'] = [(tree_view_ref.id, 'tree'), (form_view_ref.id, 'form')]
return action
def action_open_product_moves(self):
def _anglo_saxon_sale_move_lines(self, name, product, uom, qty, price_unit, currency=False, amount_currency=False, fiscal_position=False, account_analytic=False, analytic_tags=False):
"""Prepare dicts describing new journal COGS journal items for a product sale.
Returns a dict that should be passed to `_convert_prepared_anglosaxon_line()` to
obtain the creation value for the new journal items.
:param Model product: a product.product record of the product being sold
:param Model uom: a product.uom record of the UoM of the sale line
:param Integer qty: quantity of the product being sold
:param Integer price_unit: unit price of the product being sold
:param Model currency: a res.currency record from the order of the product being sold
:param Interger amount_currency: unit price in the currency from the order of the product being sold
:param Model fiscal_position: a account.fiscal.position record from the order of the product being sold
:param Model account_analytic: a account.account.analytic record from the line of the product being sold
if product.type == 'product' and product.valuation == 'real_time':
accounts = product.product_tmpl_id.get_product_accounts(fiscal_pos=fiscal_position)
# debit account dacc will be the output account
dacc = accounts['stock_output'].id
# credit account cacc will be the expense account
cacc = accounts['expense'].id
if dacc and cacc:
return [
'type': 'src',
'name': name[:64],
'price_unit': price_unit,
'quantity': qty,
'price': price_unit * qty,
'currency_id': currency and currency.id,
'amount_currency': amount_currency,
'account_id': dacc,
'product_id': product.id,
'uom_id': uom.id,
'account_analytic_id': account_analytic and account_analytic.id,
'analytic_tag_ids': analytic_tags and analytic_tags.ids and [(6, 0, analytic_tags.ids)] or False,
'type': 'src',
'name': name[:64],
'price_unit': price_unit,
'quantity': qty,
'price': -1 * price_unit * qty,
'currency_id': currency and currency.id,
'amount_currency': -1 * amount_currency,
'account_id': cacc,
'product_id': product.id,
'uom_id': uom.id,
'account_analytic_id': account_analytic and account_analytic.id,
'analytic_tag_ids': analytic_tags and analytic_tags.ids and [(6, 0, analytic_tags.ids)] or False,
return []
def _get_anglo_saxon_price_unit(self, uom=False):
price = self.standard_price
if not self or not uom or self.uom_id.id == uom.id:
return price or 0.0
return self.uom_id._compute_price(price, uom)
def _compute_average_price(self, qty_done, quantity, moves):
average_price_unit = 0
qty_delivered = 0
invoiced_qty = 0
for move in moves:
if move.state != 'done':
invoiced_qty += move.product_qty
if invoiced_qty <= qty_done:
qty_to_consider = move.product_qty
if invoiced_qty - move.product_qty < qty_done:
qty_to_consider = invoiced_qty - qty_done
qty_to_consider = min(qty_to_consider, quantity - qty_delivered)
qty_delivered += qty_to_consider
# `move.price_unit` is negative if the move is out and positive if the move is
# dropshipped. Use its absolute value to compute the average price unit.
average_price_unit = (average_price_unit * (qty_delivered - qty_to_consider) + abs(move.price_unit) * qty_to_consider) / qty_delivered
if qty_delivered == quantity:
return average_price_unit
class ProductCategory(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.category'
property_valuation = fields.Selection([
('manual_periodic', 'Manual'),
('real_time', 'Automated')], string='Inventory Valuation',
company_dependent=True, copy=True, required=True,
help="""Manual: The accounting entries to value the inventory are not posted automatically.
Automated: An accounting entry is automatically created to value the inventory when a product enters or leaves the company.
property_cost_method = fields.Selection([
('standard', 'Standard Price'),
('fifo', 'First In First Out (FIFO)'),
('average', 'Average Cost (AVCO)')], string="Costing Method",
company_dependent=True, copy=True, required=True,
help="""Standard Price: The products are valued at their standard cost defined on the product.
Average Cost (AVCO): The products are valued at weighted average cost.
First In First Out (FIFO): The products are valued supposing those that enter the company first will also leave it first.
property_stock_journal = fields.Many2one(
'account.journal', 'Stock Journal', company_dependent=True,
help="When doing real-time inventory valuation, this is the Accounting Journal in which entries will be automatically posted when stock moves are processed.")
property_stock_account_input_categ_id = fields.Many2one(
'account.account', 'Stock Input Account', company_dependent=True,
domain=[('deprecated', '=', False)], oldname="property_stock_account_input_categ",
help="When doing real-time inventory valuation, counterpart journal items for all incoming stock moves will be posted in this account, unless "
"there is a specific valuation account set on the source location. This is the default value for all products in this category. It "
"can also directly be set on each product")
property_stock_account_output_categ_id = fields.Many2one(
'account.account', 'Stock Output Account', company_dependent=True,
domain=[('deprecated', '=', False)], oldname="property_stock_account_output_categ",
help="When doing real-time inventory valuation, counterpart journal items for all outgoing stock moves will be posted in this account, unless "
"there is a specific valuation account set on the destination location. This is the default value for all products in this category. It "
"can also directly be set on each product")
property_stock_valuation_account_id = fields.Many2one(
'account.account', 'Stock Valuation Account', company_dependent=True,
domain=[('deprecated', '=', False)],
help="When real-time inventory valuation is enabled on a product, this account will hold the current value of the products.",)
def onchange_property_valuation(self):
if not self._origin:
# don't display the warning when creating a product category
return {
'warning': {
'title': _("Warning"),
'message': _("Changing your cost method is an important change that will impact your inventory valuation. Are you sure you want to make that change?"),