2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00

1047 lines
34 KiB

flectra.define('web.pyeval', function (require) {
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var utils = require('web.utils');
var _t = core._t;
var py = window.py; // to silence linters
* py.js helpers and setup
var obj = function () {};
obj.prototype = py.object;
var asJS = function (arg) {
if (arg instanceof obj) {
return arg.toJSON();
return arg;
var datetime = py.PY_call(py.object);
var zero = py.float.fromJSON(0);
// Port from pypy/lib_pypy/datetime.py
var DAYS_IN_MONTH = [null, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
var DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH = [null];
var dbm = 0;
for (var i=1; i<DAYS_IN_MONTH.length; ++i) {
dbm += DAYS_IN_MONTH[i];
function is_leap(year) {
return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);
function days_before_year(year) {
var y = year - 1;
return y*365 + Math.floor(y/4) - Math.floor(y/100) + Math.floor(y/400);
function days_in_month(year, month) {
if (month === 2 && is_leap(year)) {
return 29;
return DAYS_IN_MONTH[month];
function days_before_month(year, month) {
var post_leap_feb = month > 2 && is_leap(year);
return DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month] + (post_leap_feb ? 1 : 0);
function ymd2ord(year, month, day) {
var dim = days_in_month(year, month);
if (!(1 <= day && day <= dim)) {
throw new Error("ValueError: day must be in 1.." + dim);
return days_before_year(year) +
days_before_month(year, month) +
var DI400Y = days_before_year(401);
var DI100Y = days_before_year(101);
var DI4Y = days_before_year(5);
function ord2ymd(n) {
var n400, n100, n4, n1, n0;
utils.divmod(n, DI400Y, function (_n400, n) {
n400 = _n400;
utils.divmod(n, DI100Y, function (_n100, n) {
n100 = _n100;
utils.divmod(n, DI4Y, function (_n4, n) {
n4 = _n4;
utils.divmod(n, 365, function (_n1, n) {
n1 = _n1;
n0 = n;
n = n0;
var year = n400 * 400 + 1 + n100 * 100 + n4 * 4 + n1;
if (n1 == 4 || n100 == 100) {
utils.assert(n0 === 0);
return {
year: year - 1,
month: 12,
day: 31
var leapyear = n1 === 3 && (n4 !== 24 || n100 == 3);
utils.assert(leapyear == is_leap(year));
var month = (n + 50) >> 5;
var preceding = DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month] + ((month > 2 && leapyear) ? 1 : 0);
if (preceding > n) {
preceding -= DAYS_IN_MONTH[month] + ((month === 2 && leapyear) ? 1 : 0);
n -= preceding;
return {
year: year,
month: month,
day: n+1
* Converts the stuff passed in into a valid date, applying overflows as needed
function tmxxx(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond) {
hour = hour || 0; minute = minute || 0; second = second || 0;
microsecond = microsecond || 0;
if (microsecond < 0 || microsecond > 999999) {
utils.divmod(microsecond, 1000000, function (carry, ms) {
microsecond = ms;
second += carry;
if (second < 0 || second > 59) {
utils.divmod(second, 60, function (carry, s) {
second = s;
minute += carry;
if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) {
utils.divmod(minute, 60, function (carry, m) {
minute = m;
hour += carry;
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) {
utils.divmod(hour, 24, function (carry, h) {
hour = h;
day += carry;
// That was easy. Now it gets muddy: the proper range for day
// can't be determined without knowing the correct month and year,
// but if day is, e.g., plus or minus a million, the current month
// and year values make no sense (and may also be out of bounds
// themselves).
// Saying 12 months == 1 year should be non-controversial.
if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
utils.divmod(month-1, 12, function (carry, m) {
month = m + 1;
year += carry;
// Now only day can be out of bounds (year may also be out of bounds
// for a datetime object, but we don't care about that here).
// If day is out of bounds, what to do is arguable, but at least the
// method here is principled and explainable.
var dim = days_in_month(year, month);
if (day < 1 || day > dim) {
// Move day-1 days from the first of the month. First try to
// get off cheap if we're only one day out of range (adjustments
// for timezone alone can't be worse than that).
if (day === 0) {
if (month > 0) {
day = days_in_month(year, month);
} else {
--year; month=12; day=31;
} else if (day == dim + 1) {
day = 1;
if (month > 12) {
month = 1;
} else {
var r = ord2ymd(ymd2ord(year, month, 1) + (day - 1));
year = r.year;
month = r.month;
day = r.day;
return {
year: year,
month: month,
day: day,
hour: hour,
minute: minute,
second: second,
microsecond: microsecond
datetime.timedelta = py.type('timedelta', null, {
__init__: function () {
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, [
['days', zero], ['seconds', zero], ['microseconds', zero],
['milliseconds', zero], ['minutes', zero], ['hours', zero],
['weeks', zero]
var d = 0, s = 0, m = 0;
var days = args.days.toJSON() + args.weeks.toJSON() * 7;
var seconds = args.seconds.toJSON()
+ args.minutes.toJSON() * 60
+ args.hours.toJSON() * 3600;
var microseconds = args.microseconds.toJSON()
+ args.milliseconds.toJSON() * 1000;
// Get rid of all fractions, and normalize s and us.
// Take a deep breath <wink>.
var daysecondsfrac = utils.modf(days, function (dayfrac, days) {
d = days;
if (dayfrac) {
return utils.modf(dayfrac * 24 * 3600, function (dsf, dsw) {
s = dsw;
return dsf;
return 0;
var secondsfrac = utils.modf(seconds, function (sf, s) {
seconds = s;
return sf + daysecondsfrac;
utils.divmod(seconds, 24*3600, function (days, seconds) {
d += days;
s += seconds;
// seconds isn't referenced again before redefinition
microseconds += secondsfrac * 1e6;
utils.divmod(microseconds, 1000000, function (seconds, microseconds) {
utils.divmod(seconds, 24*3600, function (days, seconds) {
d += days;
s += seconds;
m += Math.round(microseconds);
// Carrying still possible here?
this.days = d;
this.seconds = s;
this.microseconds = m;
__str__: function () {
var hh, mm, ss;
utils.divmod(this.seconds, 60, function (m, s) {
utils.divmod(m, 60, function (h, m) {
hh = h;
mm = m;
ss = s;
var s = _.str.sprintf("%d:%02d:%02d", hh, mm, ss);
if (this.days) {
s = _.str.sprintf("%d day%s, %s",
(this.days != 1 && this.days != -1) ? 's' : '',
if (this.microseconds) {
s = _.str.sprintf("%s.%06d", s, this.microseconds);
return py.str.fromJSON(s);
__eq__: function (other) {
if (!py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.timedelta)) {
return py.False;
return (this.days === other.days
&& this.seconds === other.seconds
&& this.microseconds === other.microseconds)
? py.True : py.False;
__add__: function (other) {
if (!py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.timedelta)) {
return py.NotImplemented;
return py.PY_call(datetime.timedelta, [
py.float.fromJSON(this.days + other.days),
py.float.fromJSON(this.seconds + other.seconds),
py.float.fromJSON(this.microseconds + other.microseconds)
__radd__: function (other) { return this.__add__(other); },
__sub__: function (other) {
if (!py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.timedelta)) {
return py.NotImplemented;
return py.PY_call(datetime.timedelta, [
py.float.fromJSON(this.days - other.days),
py.float.fromJSON(this.seconds - other.seconds),
py.float.fromJSON(this.microseconds - other.microseconds)
__rsub__: function (other) {
if (!py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.timedelta)) {
return py.NotImplemented;
return this.__neg__().__add__(other);
__neg__: function () {
return py.PY_call(datetime.timedelta, [
__pos__: function () { return this; },
__mul__: function (other) {
if (!py.PY_isInstance(other, py.float)) {
return py.NotImplemented;
var n = other.toJSON();
return py.PY_call(datetime.timedelta, [
py.float.fromJSON(this.days * n),
py.float.fromJSON(this.seconds * n),
py.float.fromJSON(this.microseconds * n)
__rmul__: function (other) { return this.__mul__(other); },
__div__: function (other) {
if (!py.PY_isInstance(other, py.float)) {
return py.NotImplemented;
var usec = ((this.days * 24 * 3600) + this.seconds) * 1000000
+ this.microseconds;
return py.PY_call(
datetime.timedelta, [
zero, zero, py.float.fromJSON(usec / other.toJSON())]);
__floordiv__: function (other) { return this.__div__(other); },
total_seconds: function () {
return py.float.fromJSON(
this.days * 86400
+ this.seconds
+ this.microseconds / 1000000);
__nonzero__: function () {
return (!!this.days || !!this.seconds || !!this.microseconds)
? py.True
: py.False;
datetime.datetime = py.type('datetime', null, {
__init__: function () {
var zero = py.float.fromJSON(0);
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, [
'year', 'month', 'day',
['hour', zero], ['minute', zero], ['second', zero],
['microsecond', zero], ['tzinfo', py.None]
for(var key in args) {
if (!args.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
this[key] = asJS(args[key]);
replace: function () {
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, [
['year', py.None], ['month', py.None], ['day', py.None],
['hour', py.None], ['minute', py.None], ['second', py.None],
['microsecond', py.None] // FIXME: tzinfo, can't use None as valid input
var params = {};
for(var key in args) {
if (!args.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
var arg = args[key];
params[key] = (arg === py.None ? this[key] : asJS(arg));
return py.PY_call(datetime.datetime, params);
strftime: function () {
var self = this;
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, 'format');
return py.str.fromJSON(args.format.toJSON()
.replace(/%([A-Za-z])/g, function (m, c) {
switch (c) {
case 'Y': return _.str.sprintf('%04d', self.year);
case 'm': return _.str.sprintf('%02d', self.month);
case 'd': return _.str.sprintf('%02d', self.day);
case 'H': return _.str.sprintf('%02d', self.hour);
case 'M': return _.str.sprintf('%02d', self.minute);
case 'S': return _.str.sprintf('%02d', self.second);
throw new Error('ValueError: No known conversion for ' + m);
now: py.classmethod.fromJSON(function () {
var d = new Date();
return py.PY_call(datetime.datetime, [
d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, d.getDate(),
d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds(),
d.getMilliseconds() * 1000]);
today: py.classmethod.fromJSON(function () {
var dt_class = py.PY_getAttr(datetime, 'datetime');
return py.PY_call(py.PY_getAttr(dt_class, 'now'));
utcnow: py.classmethod.fromJSON(function () {
var d = new Date();
return py.PY_call(datetime.datetime,
[d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth() + 1, d.getUTCDate(),
d.getUTCHours(), d.getUTCMinutes(), d.getUTCSeconds(),
d.getUTCMilliseconds() * 1000]);
combine: py.classmethod.fromJSON(function () {
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, 'date time');
return py.PY_call(datetime.datetime, [
py.PY_getAttr(args.date, 'year'),
py.PY_getAttr(args.date, 'month'),
py.PY_getAttr(args.date, 'day'),
py.PY_getAttr(args.time, 'hour'),
py.PY_getAttr(args.time, 'minute'),
py.PY_getAttr(args.time, 'second')
toJSON: function () {
return new Date(
this.month - 1,
this.microsecond / 1000);
__add__: function (other) {
if (!py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.timedelta)) {
return py.NotImplemented;
var s = tmxxx(this.year, this.month, this.day + other.days, this.hour, this.minute, this.second + other.seconds);
return datetime.datetime.fromJSON(s.year, s.month, s.day, s.hour, s.minute, s.second);
__sub__: function (other) {
if (py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.timedelta)) {
return py.PY_add(this, py.PY_negative(other));
return py.NotImplemented;
fromJSON: function (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) {
return py.PY_call(datetime.datetime, [year, month, day, hour, minute, second]);
datetime.date = py.type('date', null, {
__init__: function () {
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, 'year month day');
this.year = asJS(args.year);
this.month = asJS(args.month);
this.day = asJS(args.day);
strftime: function () {
var self = this;
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, 'format');
return py.str.fromJSON(args.format.toJSON()
.replace(/%([A-Za-z])/g, function (m, c) {
switch (c) {
case 'Y': return self.year;
case 'm': return _.str.sprintf('%02d', self.month);
case 'd': return _.str.sprintf('%02d', self.day);
throw new Error('ValueError: No known conversion for ' + m);
__eq__: function (other) {
return (this.year === other.year
&& this.month === other.month
&& this.day === other.day)
? py.True : py.False;
replace: function () {
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, [
['year', py.None], ['month', py.None], ['day', py.None]
var params = {};
for(var key in args) {
if (!args.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
var arg = args[key];
params[key] = (arg === py.None ? this[key] : asJS(arg));
return py.PY_call(datetime.date, params);
__add__: function (other) {
if (!py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.timedelta)) {
return py.NotImplemented;
var s = tmxxx(this.year, this.month, this.day + other.days);
return datetime.date.fromJSON(s.year, s.month, s.day);
__radd__: function (other) { return this.__add__(other); },
__sub__: function (other) {
if (py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.timedelta)) {
return py.PY_add(this, py.PY_negative(other));
if (py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.date)) {
// FIXME: getattr and sub API methods
return py.PY_call(datetime.timedelta, [
py.PY_call(py.PY_getAttr(this, 'toordinal')),
py.PY_call(py.PY_getAttr(other, 'toordinal')))
return py.NotImplemented;
toordinal: function () {
return py.float.fromJSON(ymd2ord(this.year, this.month, this.day));
weekday: function () {
return py.float.fromJSON((this.toordinal().toJSON()+6)%7);
fromJSON: function (year, month, day) {
return py.PY_call(datetime.date, [year, month, day]);
today: py.classmethod.fromJSON(function () {
var d = new Date ();
return py.PY_call(datetime.date, [
d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, d.getDate()]);
* Returns the current local date, which means the date on the client (which can be different
* compared to the date of the server).
* @return {datetime.date}
function context_today() {
var d = new Date();
return py.PY_call(
datetime.date, [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, d.getDate()]);
datetime.time = py.type('time', null, {
__init__: function () {
var zero = py.float.fromJSON(0);
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, [
['hour', zero], ['minute', zero], ['second', zero], ['microsecond', zero],
['tzinfo', py.None]
for(var k in args) {
if (!args.hasOwnProperty(k)) { continue; }
this[k] = asJS(args[k]);
var time = py.PY_call(py.object);
time.strftime = py.PY_def.fromJSON(function () {
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, 'format');
var dt_class = py.PY_getAttr(datetime, 'datetime');
var d = py.PY_call(py.PY_getAttr(dt_class, 'utcnow'));
return py.PY_call(py.PY_getAttr(d, 'strftime'), [args.format]);
var args = _.map(('year month day '
+ 'years months weeks days '
+ 'weekday leapdays yearday nlyearday').split(' '), function (arg) {
switch (arg) {
case 'years':case 'months':case 'days':case 'leapdays':case 'weeks':
return [arg, zero];
case 'year':case 'month':case 'day':case 'weekday':
case 'yearday':case 'nlyearday':
return [arg, null];
throw new Error("Unknown relativedelta argument " + arg);
var _utils = {
monthrange: function (year, month) {
if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
throw new Error("Illegal month " + month);
var day1 = this.weekday(year, month, 1);
var ndays = this.mdays[month] + (month == this.February && this.isleap(year));
return [day1, ndays];
weekday: function (year, month, day) {
var date = py.PY_call(datetime.date, [year, month, day]);
return py.PY_call(py.PY_getAttr(date, 'weekday'));
isleap: function (year) {
return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);
mdays: [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
January: 1,
February: 2
var relativedelta = py.type('relativedelta', null, {
__init__: function () {
this.ops = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, args);
this.ops.days = py.float.fromJSON(
asJS(this.ops.days) + asJS(this.ops.weeks) * 7
var yday = zero;
if (this.ops.nlyearday) {
yday = this.ops.nlyearday;
} else if (this.ops.yearday) {
yday = this.ops.yearday;
if (asJS(this.ops.yearday) > 59) {
this.ops.leapdays = py.float.fromJS(-1);
if (py.PY_isTrue(yday)) {
var ydayidx = [31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212,
243, 273, 304, 334, 366];
for(var idx=0; idx<ydayidx.length; ++idx) {
var ydays = ydayidx[idx];
if (asJS(yday) <= ydays) {
this.ops.month = py.float.fromJSON(idx+1);
if (!idx) {
this.ops.day = yday;
} else {
this.ops.day = py.PY_subtract(
if (idx === ydayidx.length) {
throw new Error("Invalid year day (" + asJS(yday) + ")");
_fix: function () {
var months = asJS(this.ops.months);
if (Math.abs(months) > 11) {
var s = months > 0 ? 1 : -1;
var r = utils.divmod(months * s, 12);
this.ops.months = py.float.fromJSON(r.mod*s);
this.ops.years = py.float.fromJSON(
asJS(this.ops.years) + r.div*s);
this._has_time = 0;
__add__: function (other) {
if (!py.PY_isInstance(other, datetime.date)) {
return py.NotImplemented;
// TODO: test this whole mess
var year = (asJS(this.ops.year) || asJS(other.year)) + asJS(this.ops.years);
var month = asJS(this.ops.month) || asJS(other.month);
var months;
if (months = asJS(this.ops.months)) {
if (Math.abs(months) < 1 || Math.abs(months) > 12) {
throw new Error("Can only use relative months between -12 and +12");
month += months;
if (month > 12) {
year += 1;
month -= 12;
if (month < 1) {
year -= 1;
month += 12;
var day = Math.min(_utils.monthrange(year, month)[1],
asJS(this.ops.day) || asJS(other.day));
var repl = {
year: py.float.fromJSON(year),
month: py.float.fromJSON(month),
day: py.float.fromJSON(day)
var days = asJS(this.ops.days);
if (py.PY_isTrue(this.ops.leapdays) && month > 2 && _utils.isleap(year)) {
days += asJS(this.ops.leapdays);
var ret = py.PY_add(
py.PY_call(py.PY_getAttr(other, 'replace'), repl),
py.PY_call(datetime.timedelta, {
days: py.float.fromJSON(days)
if (this.ops.weekday) {
// FIXME: only handles numeric weekdays, not decorated
var weekday = asJS(this.ops.weekday), nth = 1;
var jumpdays = (Math.abs(nth) - 1) * 7;
var ret_weekday = asJS(py.PY_call(py.PY_getAttr(ret, 'weekday')));
if (nth > 0) {
jumpdays += (7-ret_weekday+weekday) % 7;
} else {
jumpdays += (ret_weekday - weekday) % 7;
jumpdays *= -1;
ret = py.PY_add(
py.PY_call(datetime.timedelta, {
days: py.float.fromJSON(jumpdays)
return ret;
__radd__: function (other) {
return this.__add__(other);
__rsub__: function (other) {
return this.__neg__().__radd__(other);
__neg__: function () {
return py.PY_call(relativedelta, {
years: py.PY_negative(this.ops.years),
months: py.PY_negative(this.ops.months),
days: py.PY_negative(this.ops.days),
leapdays: this.ops.leapdays,
year: this.ops.year,
month: this.ops.month,
day: this.ops.day,
weekday: this.ops.weekday
// recursively wraps JS objects passed into the context to attributedicts
// which jsonify back to JS objects
function wrap(value) {
if (value === null) { return py.None; }
switch (typeof value) {
case 'undefined': throw new Error("No conversion for undefined");
case 'boolean': return py.bool.fromJSON(value);
case 'number': return py.float.fromJSON(value);
case 'string': return py.str.fromJSON(value);
switch(value.constructor) {
case Object: return wrapping_dict.fromJSON(value);
case Array: return wrapping_list.fromJSON(value);
throw new Error("ValueError: unable to wrap " + value);
var wrapping_dict = py.type('wrapping_dict', null, {
__init__: function () {
this._store = {};
__getitem__: function (key) {
var k = key.toJSON();
if (!(k in this._store)) {
throw new Error("KeyError: '" + k + "'");
return wrap(this._store[k]);
__getattr__: function (key) {
return this.__getitem__(py.str.fromJSON(key));
__len__: function () {
return Object.keys(this._store).length;
__nonzero__: function () {
return py.PY_size(this) > 0 ? py.True : py.False;
get: function () {
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, ['k', ['d', py.None]]);
if (!(args.k.toJSON() in this._store)) { return args.d; }
return this.__getitem__(args.k);
fromJSON: function (d) {
var instance = py.PY_call(wrapping_dict);
instance._store = d;
return instance;
toJSON: function () {
return this._store;
var wrapping_list = py.type('wrapping_list', null, {
__init__: function () {
this._store = [];
__getitem__: function (index) {
return wrap(this._store[index.toJSON()]);
__len__: function () {
return this._store.length;
__nonzero__: function () {
return py.PY_size(this) > 0 ? py.True : py.False;
fromJSON: function (ar) {
var instance = py.PY_call(wrapping_list);
instance._store = ar;
return instance;
toJSON: function () {
return this._store;
function wrap_context(context) {
for (var k in context) {
if (!context.hasOwnProperty(k)) { continue; }
var val = context[k];
if (val === null) { continue; }
if (val.constructor === Array) {
context[k] = wrapping_list.fromJSON(val);
} else if (val.constructor === Object
&& !py.PY_isInstance(val, py.object)) {
context[k] = wrapping_dict.fromJSON(val);
return context;
function eval_contexts(contexts, evaluation_context) {
evaluation_context = _.extend(pycontext(), evaluation_context || {});
return _(contexts).reduce(function (result_context, ctx) {
// __eval_context evaluations can lead to some of `contexts`'s
// values being null, skip them as well as empty contexts
if (_.isEmpty(ctx)) { return result_context; }
if (_.isString(ctx)) {
// wrap raw strings in context
ctx = { __ref: 'context', __debug: ctx };
var evaluated = ctx;
switch(ctx.__ref) {
case 'context':
evaluation_context.context = evaluation_context;
evaluated = py.eval(ctx.__debug, wrap_context(evaluation_context));
case 'compound_context':
var eval_context = eval_contexts([ctx.__eval_context]);
evaluated = eval_contexts(
ctx.__contexts, _.extend({}, evaluation_context, eval_context));
// add newly evaluated context to evaluation context for following
// siblings
_.extend(evaluation_context, evaluated);
return _.extend(result_context, evaluated);
}, {});
function eval_domains(domains, evaluation_context) {
evaluation_context = _.extend(pycontext(), evaluation_context || {});
var result_domain = [];
// Normalize only if the first domain is the array ["|"] or ["!"]
var need_normalization = (
domains &&
domains.length > 0 &&
domains[0].length === 1 &&
(domains[0][0] === "|" || domains[0][0] === "!")
_(domains).each(function (domain) {
if (_.isString(domain)) {
// wrap raw strings in domain
domain = { __ref: 'domain', __debug: domain };
var domain_array_to_combine;
switch(domain.__ref) {
case 'domain':
evaluation_context.context = evaluation_context;
domain_array_to_combine = py.eval(domain.__debug, wrap_context(evaluation_context));
domain_array_to_combine = domain;
if (need_normalization) {
domain_array_to_combine = get_normalized_domain(domain_array_to_combine);
result_domain.push.apply(result_domain, domain_array_to_combine);
return result_domain;
* Returns a normalized copy of the given domain array. Normalization is
* is making the implicit "&" at the start of the domain explicit, e.g.
* [A, B, C] would become ["&", "&", A, B, C].
* @param {Array} domain_array
* @returns {Array} normalized copy of the given array
function get_normalized_domain(domain_array) {
var expected = 1; // Holds the number of expected domain expressions
_.each(domain_array, function (item) {
if (item === "&" || item === "|") {
} else if (item !== "!") {
var new_explicit_ands = _.times(-expected, _.constant("&"));
return new_explicit_ands.concat(domain_array);
function eval_groupbys(contexts, evaluation_context) {
evaluation_context = _.extend(pycontext(), evaluation_context || {});
var result_group = [];
_(contexts).each(function (ctx) {
if (_.isString(ctx)) {
// wrap raw strings in context
ctx = { __ref: 'context', __debug: ctx };
var group;
var evaluated = ctx;
switch(ctx.__ref) {
case 'context':
evaluation_context.context = evaluation_context;
evaluated = py.eval(ctx.__debug, wrap_context(evaluation_context));
case 'compound_context':
var eval_context = eval_contexts([ctx.__eval_context]);
evaluated = eval_contexts(
ctx.__contexts, _.extend({}, evaluation_context, eval_context));
group = evaluated.group_by;
if (!group) { return; }
if (typeof group === 'string') {
} else if (group instanceof Array) {
result_group.push.apply(result_group, group);
} else {
throw new Error('Got invalid groupby {{'
+ JSON.stringify(group) + '}}');
_.extend(evaluation_context, evaluated);
return result_group;
function pycontext() {
return {
datetime: datetime,
context_today: context_today,
time: time,
relativedelta: relativedelta,
current_date: py.PY_call(
time.strftime, [py.str.fromJSON('%Y-%m-%d')]),
* @param {String} type "domains", "contexts" or "groupbys"
* @param {Array} object domains or contexts to evaluate
* @param {Object} [context] evaluation context
function pyeval(type, object, context) {
context = _.extend(pycontext(), context || {});
//noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS
switch(type) {
case 'context':
case 'contexts':
if (type === 'context') {
object = [object];
return eval_contexts(object, context);
case 'domain':
case 'domains':
if (type === 'domain')
object = [object];
return eval_domains(object, context);
case 'groupbys':
return eval_groupbys(object, context);
throw new Error("Unknow evaluation type " + type);
function eval_arg(arg) {
if (typeof arg !== 'object' || !arg.__ref) { return arg; }
switch(arg.__ref) {
case 'domain':
return pyeval('domains', [arg]);
case 'context': case 'compound_context':
return pyeval('contexts', [arg]);
throw new Error(_t("Unknown nonliteral type ") + ' ' + arg.__ref);
* If args or kwargs are unevaluated contexts or domains (compound or not),
* evaluated them in-place.
* Potentially mutates both parameters.
* @param args
* @param kwargs
function ensure_evaluated(args, kwargs) {
for (var i=0; i<args.length; ++i) {
args[i] = eval_arg(args[i]);
for (var k in kwargs) {
if (!kwargs.hasOwnProperty(k)) { continue; }
kwargs[k] = eval_arg(kwargs[k]);
function eval_domains_and_contexts(source) {
// see Session.eval_context in Python
return {
context: pyeval('contexts', source.contexts || [], source.eval_context),
domain: pyeval('domains', source.domains, source.eval_context),
group_by: pyeval('groupbys', source.group_by_seq || [], source.eval_context),
function py_eval(expr, context) {
return py.eval(expr, _.extend({}, context || {}, {"true": true, "false": false, "null": null}));
return {
context: pycontext,
ensure_evaluated: ensure_evaluated,
eval: pyeval,
eval_domains_and_contexts: eval_domains_and_contexts,
py_eval: py_eval,