28 lines
922 B
28 lines
922 B
# Part of Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing
# details.
from flectra import models, fields, api
class WizGstAnalysis(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'wiz.gst.analysis'
_description = 'GST Analysis'
company_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.company', string='Company', required=True,
default=lambda self: self.env.user.company_id)
date_from = fields.Date(string="From", required=True)
date_to = fields.Date(string="To", required=True)
def print_report(self):
datas = {'ids': self.env.context.get('active_ids', [])}
res = self.read(
['company_id', 'date_from', 'date_to'])
res = res and res[0] or {}
datas['form'] = res
return self.env.ref(