2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00

236 lines
10 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import psycopg2
_schema = logging.getLogger('flectra.schema')
'BASE TABLE': 'r',
'VIEW': 'v',
'RESTRICT': 'r',
'NO ACTION': 'a',
'CASCADE': 'c',
'SET NULL': 'n',
def existing_tables(cr, tablenames):
""" Return the names of existing tables among ``tablenames``. """
query = """
SELECT c.relname
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
WHERE c.relname IN %s
AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'v', 'm')
AND n.nspname = 'public'
cr.execute(query, [tuple(tablenames)])
return [row[0] for row in cr.fetchall()]
def table_exists(cr, tablename):
""" Return whether the given table exists. """
return len(existing_tables(cr, {tablename})) == 1
def table_kind(cr, tablename):
""" Return the kind of a table: ``'r'`` (regular table), ``'v'`` (view),
``'f'`` (foreign table), ``'t'`` (temporary table), or ``None``.
query = "SELECT table_type FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name=%s"
cr.execute(query, (tablename,))
return _TABLE_KIND[cr.fetchone()[0]] if cr.rowcount else None
def create_model_table(cr, tablename, comment=None):
""" Create the table for a model. """
cr.execute('CREATE TABLE "{}" (id SERIAL NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id))'.format(tablename))
if comment:
cr.execute('COMMENT ON TABLE "{}" IS %s'.format(tablename), (comment,))
_schema.debug("Table %r: created", tablename)
def table_columns(cr, tablename):
""" Return a dict mapping column names to their configuration. The latter is
a dict with the data from the table ``information_schema.columns``.
# Do not select the field `character_octet_length` from `information_schema.columns`
# because specific access right restriction in the context of shared hosting (Heroku, OVH, ...)
# might prevent a postgres user to read this field.
query = '''SELECT column_name, udt_name, character_maximum_length, is_nullable
FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name=%s'''
cr.execute(query, (tablename,))
return {row['column_name']: row for row in cr.dictfetchall()}
def column_exists(cr, tablename, columnname):
""" Return whether the given column exists. """
query = """ SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name=%s AND column_name=%s """
cr.execute(query, (tablename, columnname))
return cr.rowcount
def create_column(cr, tablename, columnname, columntype, comment=None):
""" Create a column with the given type. """
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "{}" ADD COLUMN "{}" {}'.format(tablename, columnname, columntype))
if comment:
cr.execute('COMMENT ON COLUMN "{}"."{}" IS %s'.format(tablename, columnname), (comment,))
_schema.debug("Table %r: added column %r of type %s", tablename, columnname, columntype)
def rename_column(cr, tablename, columnname1, columnname2):
""" Rename the given column. """
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "{}" RENAME COLUMN "{}" TO "{}"'.format(tablename, columnname1, columnname2))
_schema.debug("Table %r: renamed column %r to %r", tablename, columnname1, columnname2)
def convert_column(cr, tablename, columnname, columntype):
""" Convert the column to the given type. """
with cr.savepoint():
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "{}" ALTER COLUMN "{}" TYPE {}'.format(tablename, columnname, columntype),
except psycopg2.NotSupportedError:
# can't do inplace change -> use a casted temp column
query = '''
ALTER TABLE "{0}" RENAME COLUMN "{1}" TO __temp_type_cast;
ALTER TABLE "{0}" ADD COLUMN "{1}" {2};
UPDATE "{0}" SET "{1}"= __temp_type_cast::{2};
ALTER TABLE "{0}" DROP COLUMN __temp_type_cast CASCADE;
cr.execute(query.format(tablename, columnname, columntype))
_schema.debug("Table %r: column %r changed to type %s", tablename, columnname, columntype)
def set_not_null(cr, tablename, columnname):
""" Add a NOT NULL constraint on the given column. """
query = 'ALTER TABLE "{}" ALTER COLUMN "{}" SET NOT NULL'.format(tablename, columnname)
with cr.savepoint():
_schema.debug("Table %r: column %r: added constraint NOT NULL", tablename, columnname)
except Exception:
msg = "Table %r: unable to set NOT NULL on column %r!\n" \
"If you want to have it, you should update the records and execute manually:\n%s"
_schema.warning(msg, tablename, columnname, query, exc_info=True)
def drop_not_null(cr, tablename, columnname):
""" Drop the NOT NULL constraint on the given column. """
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "{}" ALTER COLUMN "{}" DROP NOT NULL'.format(tablename, columnname))
_schema.debug("Table %r: column %r: dropped constraint NOT NULL", tablename, columnname)
def constraint_definition(cr, constraintname):
""" Return the given constraint's definition. """
cr.execute("SELECT pg_get_constraintdef(oid) FROM pg_constraint WHERE conname=%s", (constraintname,))
return cr.fetchone()[0] if cr.rowcount else None
def add_constraint(cr, tablename, constraintname, definition):
""" Add a constraint on the given table. """
query = 'ALTER TABLE "{}" ADD CONSTRAINT "{}" {}'.format(tablename, constraintname, definition)
with cr.savepoint():
_schema.debug("Table %r: added constraint %r as %s", tablename, constraintname, definition)
except Exception:
msg = "Table %r: unable to add constraint %r!\n" \
"If you want to have it, you should update the records and execute manually:\n%s"
_schema.warning(msg, tablename, constraintname, query, exc_info=True)
def drop_constraint(cr, tablename, constraintname):
""" drop the given constraint. """
with cr.savepoint():
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "{}" DROP CONSTRAINT "{}"'.format(tablename, constraintname))
_schema.debug("Table %r: dropped constraint %r", tablename, constraintname)
except Exception:
_schema.warning("Table %r: unable to drop constraint %r!", tablename, constraintname)
def add_foreign_key(cr, tablename1, columnname1, tablename2, columnname2, ondelete):
""" Create the given foreign key, and return ``True``. """
query = 'ALTER TABLE "{}" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("{}") REFERENCES "{}"("{}") ON DELETE {}'
cr.execute(query.format(tablename1, columnname1, tablename2, columnname2, ondelete))
_schema.debug("Table %r: added foreign key %r references %r(%r) ON DELETE %s",
tablename1, columnname1, tablename2, columnname2, ondelete)
return True
def fix_foreign_key(cr, tablename1, columnname1, tablename2, columnname2, ondelete):
""" Update the foreign keys between tables to match the given one, and
return ``True`` if the given foreign key has been recreated.
# Do not use 'information_schema' here, as those views are awfully slow!
deltype = _CONFDELTYPES.get(ondelete.upper(), 'a')
query = """ SELECT con.conname, c2.relname, a2.attname, con.confdeltype as deltype
FROM pg_constraint as con, pg_class as c1, pg_class as c2,
pg_attribute as a1, pg_attribute as a2
WHERE con.contype='f' AND con.conrelid=c1.oid AND con.confrelid=c2.oid
AND array_lower(con.conkey, 1)=1 AND con.conkey[1]=a1.attnum
AND array_lower(con.confkey, 1)=1 AND con.confkey[1]=a2.attnum
AND a1.attrelid=c1.oid AND a2.attrelid=c2.oid
AND c1.relname=%s AND a1.attname=%s """
cr.execute(query, (tablename1, columnname1))
found = False
for fk in cr.fetchall():
if not found and fk[1:] == (tablename2, columnname2, deltype):
found = True
drop_constraint(cr, tablename1, fk[0])
if not found:
return add_foreign_key(cr, tablename1, columnname1, tablename2, columnname2, ondelete)
def index_exists(cr, indexname):
""" Return whether the given index exists. """
cr.execute("SELECT 1 FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname=%s", (indexname,))
return cr.rowcount
def create_index(cr, indexname, tablename, expressions):
""" Create the given index unless it exists. """
if index_exists(cr, indexname):
args = ', '.join(expressions)
cr.execute('CREATE INDEX "{}" ON "{}" ({})'.format(indexname, tablename, args))
_schema.debug("Table %r: created index %r (%s)", tablename, indexname, args)
def create_unique_index(cr, indexname, tablename, expressions):
""" Create the given index unless it exists. """
if index_exists(cr, indexname):
args = ', '.join(expressions)
cr.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "{}" ON "{}" ({})'.format(indexname, tablename, args))
_schema.debug("Table %r: created index %r (%s)", tablename, indexname, args)
def drop_index(cr, indexname, tablename):
""" Drop the given index if it exists. """
cr.execute('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "{}"'.format(indexname))
_schema.debug("Table %r: dropped index %r", tablename, indexname)
def drop_view_if_exists(cr, viewname):
cr.execute("DROP view IF EXISTS %s CASCADE" % (viewname,))
def escape_psql(to_escape):
return to_escape.replace('\\', r'\\').replace('%', '\%').replace('_', '\_')
def pg_varchar(size=0):
""" Returns the VARCHAR declaration for the provided size:
* If no size (or an empty or negative size is provided) return an
'infinite' VARCHAR
* Otherwise return a VARCHAR(n)
:type int size: varchar size, optional
:rtype: str
if size:
if not isinstance(size, int):
raise ValueError("VARCHAR parameter should be an int, got %s" % type(size))
if size > 0:
return 'VARCHAR(%d)' % size
return 'VARCHAR'
def reverse_order(order):
""" Reverse an ORDER BY clause """
items = []
for item in order.split(','):
item = item.lower().split()
direction = 'asc' if item[1:] == ['desc'] else 'desc'
items.append('%s %s' % (item[0], direction))
return ', '.join(items)