2018-07-13 09:51:12 +00:00

2416 lines
80 KiB

flectra.define('web.relational_fields', function (require) {
"use strict";
* Relational Fields
* In this file, we have a collection of various relational field widgets.
* Relational field widgets are more difficult to use/manipulate, because the
* relations add a level of complexity: a value is not a basic type, it can be
* a collection of other records.
* Also, the way relational fields are edited is more complex. We can change
* the corresponding record(s), or alter some of their fields.
var AbstractField = require('web.AbstractField');
var basicFields = require('web.basic_fields');
var concurrency = require('web.concurrency');
var ControlPanel = require('web.ControlPanel');
var dialogs = require('web.view_dialogs');
var core = require('web.core');
var data = require('web.data');
var Dialog = require('web.Dialog');
var KanbanRenderer = require('web.KanbanRenderer');
var ListRenderer = require('web.ListRenderer');
var Pager = require('web.Pager');
var _t = core._t;
var qweb = core.qweb;
// Many2one widgets
var M2ODialog = Dialog.extend({
template: "M2ODialog",
init: function (parent, name, value) {
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
this._super(parent, {
title: _.str.sprintf(_t("Create a %s"), this.name),
size: 'medium',
buttons: [{
text: _t('Create'),
classes: 'btn-primary',
click: function () {
if (this.$("input").val() !== ''){
this.trigger_up('quick_create', { value: this.$('input').val() });
} else {
}, {
text: _t('Create and edit'),
classes: 'btn-primary',
close: true,
click: function () {
this.trigger_up('search_create_popup', {
view_type: 'form',
value: this.$('input').val(),
}, {
text: _t('Cancel'),
close: true,
start: function () {
this.$("p").text(_.str.sprintf(_t("You are creating a new %s, are you sure it does not exist yet?"), this.name));
* @override
* @param {boolean} isSet
close: function (isSet) {
this.isSet = isSet;
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* @override
destroy: function () {
if (!this.isSet) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var FieldMany2One = AbstractField.extend({
supportedFieldTypes: ['many2one'],
template: 'FieldMany2One',
custom_events: _.extend({}, AbstractField.prototype.custom_events, {
'closed_unset': '_onDialogClosedUnset',
'field_changed': '_onFieldChanged',
'quick_create': '_onQuickCreate',
'search_create_popup': '_onSearchCreatePopup',
events: _.extend({}, AbstractField.prototype.events, {
'click input': '_onInputClick',
'focusout input': '_onInputFocusout',
'keyup input': '_onInputKeyup',
'click .o_external_button': '_onExternalButtonClick',
'click': '_onClick',
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.limit = 7;
this.orderer = new concurrency.DropMisordered();
// should normally also be set, except in standalone M20
this.can_create = ('can_create' in this.attrs ? JSON.parse(this.attrs.can_create) : true) &&
this.can_write = 'can_write' in this.attrs ? JSON.parse(this.attrs.can_write) : true;
this.nodeOptions = _.defaults(this.nodeOptions, {
quick_create: true,
this.m2o_value = this._formatValue(this.value);
// 'recordParams' is a dict of params used when calling functions
// 'getDomain' and 'getContext' on this.record
this.recordParams = {fieldName: this.name, viewType: this.viewType};
// We need to know if the widget is dirty (i.e. if the user has changed
// the value, and those changes haven't been acknowledged yet by the
// environment), to prevent erasing that new value on a reset (e.g.
// coming by an onchange on another field)
this.isDirty = false;
this.lastChangeEvent = undefined;
start: function () {
// booleean indicating that the content of the input isn't synchronized
// with the current m2o value (for instance, the user is currently
// typing something in the input, and hasn't selected a value yet).
this.floating = false;
this.$input = this.$('input');
this.$external_button = this.$('.o_external_button');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Public
* @override
* @returns {jQuery}
getFocusableElement: function () {
return this.mode === 'edit' && this.$input || this.$el;
reinitialize: function (value) {
this.isDirty = false;
this.floating = false;
* Re-renders the widget if it isn't dirty. The widget is dirty if the user
* changed the value, and that change hasn't been acknowledged yet by the
* environment. For example, another field with an onchange has been updated
* and this field is updated before the onchange returns. Two '_setValue'
* are done (this is sequential), the first one returns and this widget is
* reset. However, it has pending changes, so we don't re-render.
* @override
reset: function (record, event) {
this._reset(record, event);
if (!event || event === this.lastChangeEvent) {
this.isDirty = false;
if (this.isDirty) {
return $.when();
} else {
return this._render();
// Private
* @private
_bindAutoComplete: function () {
var self = this;
source: function (req, resp) {
self._search(req.term).then(function (result) {
select: function (event, ui) {
// we do not want the select event to trigger any additional
// effect, such as navigating to another field.
var item = ui.item;
self.floating = false;
if (item.id) {
self.reinitialize({id: item.id, display_name: item.name});
} else if (item.action) {
return false;
focus: function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); // don't automatically select values on focus
close: function (event) {
// it is necessary to prevent ESC key from propagating to field
// root, to prevent unwanted discard operations.
if (event.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
autoFocus: true,
html: true,
minLength: 0,
this.$input.autocomplete("option", "position", { my : "left top", at: "left bottom" });
this.autocomplete_bound = true;
* @private
* @param {string} [name]
* @returns {Object}
_createContext: function (name) {
var tmp = {};
var field = this.nodeOptions.create_name_field;
if (field === undefined) {
field = "name";
if (field !== false && name && this.nodeOptions.quick_create !== false) {
tmp["default_" + field] = name;
return tmp;
* @private
* @returns {Array}
_getSearchBlacklist: function () {
return [];
* Returns the display_name from a string which contains it but was altered
* as a result of the show_address option using a horrible hack.
* @private
* @param {string} value
* @returns {string} display_name without show_address mess
_getDisplayName: function (value) {
return value.split('\n')[0];
* Listens to events 'field_changed' to keep track of the last event that
* has been trigerred. This allows to detect that all changes have been
* acknowledged by the environment.
* @param {FlectraEvent} event 'field_changed' event
_onFieldChanged: function (event) {
this.lastChangeEvent = event;
* @private
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Deferred} resolved after the name_create or when the slowcreate
* modal is closed.
_quickCreate: function (name) {
var self = this;
var def = $.Deferred();
var slowCreate = function () {
var dialog = self._searchCreatePopup("form", false, self._createContext(name));
dialog.on('closed', self, def.resolve.bind(def));
if (this.nodeOptions.quick_create) {
this.trigger_up('mutexify', {
action: function () {
return self._rpc({
model: self.field.relation,
method: 'name_create',
args: [name],
context: self.record.getContext(self.recordParams),
}).then(function (result) {
if (self.mode === "edit") {
self.reinitialize({id: result[0], display_name: result[1]});
}).fail(function (error, event) {
} else {
return def;
* @private
_renderEdit: function () {
var value = this.m2o_value;
// this is a stupid hack necessary to support the always_reload flag.
// the field value has been reread by the basic model. We use it to
// display the full address of a patner, separated by \n. This is
// really a bad way to do it. Now, we need to remove the extra lines
// and hope for the best that noone tries to uses this mechanism to do
// something else.
if (this.nodeOptions.always_reload) {
value = this._getDisplayName(value);
if (!this.autocomplete_bound) {
* @private
_renderReadonly: function () {
var value = _.escape((this.m2o_value || "").trim()).split("\n").join("<br/>");
if (!this.nodeOptions.no_open && this.value) {
this.$el.attr('href', _.str.sprintf('#id=%s&model=%s', this.value.res_id, this.field.relation));
* @private
_reset: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.floating = false;
this.m2o_value = this._formatValue(this.value);
* @private
* @param {string} search_val
* @returns {Deferred}
_search: function (search_val) {
var self = this;
var def = $.Deferred();
var context = this.record.getContext(this.recordParams);
var domain = this.record.getDomain(this.recordParams);
var blacklisted_ids = this._getSearchBlacklist();
if (blacklisted_ids.length > 0) {
domain.push(['id', 'not in', blacklisted_ids]);
model: this.field.relation,
method: "name_search",
kwargs: {
name: search_val,
args: domain,
operator: "ilike",
limit: this.limit + 1,
context: context,
.then(function (result) {
// possible selections for the m2o
var values = _.map(result, function (x) {
x[1] = self._getDisplayName(x[1]);
return {
label: _.str.escapeHTML(x[1].trim()) || data.noDisplayContent,
value: x[1],
name: x[1],
id: x[0],
// search more... if more results than limit
if (values.length > self.limit) {
values = values.slice(0, self.limit);
label: _t("Search More..."),
action: function () {
model: self.field.relation,
method: 'name_search',
kwargs: {
name: search_val,
args: domain,
operator: "ilike",
limit: 160,
context: context,
.then(self._searchCreatePopup.bind(self, "search"));
classname: 'o_m2o_dropdown_option',
var create_enabled = self.can_create && !self.nodeOptions.no_create;
// quick create
var raw_result = _.map(result, function (x) { return x[1]; });
if (create_enabled && !self.nodeOptions.no_quick_create &&
search_val.length > 0 && !_.contains(raw_result, search_val)) {
label: _.str.sprintf(_t('Create "<strong>%s</strong>"'),
$('<span />').text(search_val).html()),
action: self._quickCreate.bind(self, search_val),
classname: 'o_m2o_dropdown_option'
// create and edit ...
if (create_enabled && !self.nodeOptions.no_create_edit) {
var createAndEditAction = function () {
// Clear the value in case the user clicks on discard
return self._searchCreatePopup("form", false, self._createContext(search_val));
label: _t("Create and Edit..."),
action: createAndEditAction,
classname: 'o_m2o_dropdown_option',
} else if (values.length === 0) {
label: _t("No results to show..."),
return def;
* all search/create popup handling
* @private
* @param {any} view
* @param {any} ids
* @param {any} context
_searchCreatePopup: function (view, ids, context) {
var self = this;
return new dialogs.SelectCreateDialog(this, _.extend({}, this.nodeOptions, {
res_model: this.field.relation,
domain: this.record.getDomain({fieldName: this.name}),
context: _.extend({}, this.record.getContext(this.recordParams), context || {}),
title: (view === 'search' ? _t("Search: ") : _t("Create: ")) + this.string,
initial_ids: ids ? _.map(ids, function (x) { return x[0]; }) : undefined,
initial_view: view,
disable_multiple_selection: true,
on_selected: function (records) {
* @private
_updateExternalButton: function () {
var has_external_button = !this.nodeOptions.no_open && !this.floating && this.isSet();
this.$el.toggleClass('o_with_button', has_external_button); // Should not be required anymore but kept for compatibility
// Handlers
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onClick: function (event) {
var self = this;
if (this.mode === 'readonly' && !this.nodeOptions.no_open) {
model: this.field.relation,
method: 'get_formview_action',
args: [[this.value.res_id]],
context: this.record.getContext(this.recordParams),
.then(function (action) {
self.trigger_up('do_action', {action: action});
* Reset the input as dialog has been closed without m2o creation.
* @private
_onDialogClosedUnset: function () {
this.isDirty = false;
this.floating = false;
* @private
_onExternalButtonClick: function () {
if (!this.value) {
var self = this;
var context = this.record.getContext(this.recordParams);
model: this.field.relation,
method: 'get_formview_id',
args: [[this.value.res_id]],
context: context,
.then(function (view_id) {
new dialogs.FormViewDialog(self, {
res_model: self.field.relation,
res_id: self.value.res_id,
context: context,
title: _t("Open: ") + self.string,
view_id: view_id,
readonly: !self.can_write,
on_saved: function (record, changed) {
if (changed) {
self._setValue(self.value.data, {forceChange: true});
self.trigger_up('reload', {db_id: self.value.id});
* @private
_onInputClick: function () {
if (this.$input.autocomplete("widget").is(":visible")) {
} else if (this.floating) {
this.$input.autocomplete("search"); // search with the input's content
} else {
this.$input.autocomplete("search", ''); // search with the empty string
* @private
_onInputFocusout: function () {
if (this.can_create && this.floating) {
new M2ODialog(this, this.string, this.$input.val()).open();
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onInputKeyup: function (ev) {
if (ev.which === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
// If we pressed enter, we want to prevent _onInputFocusout from
// executing since it would open a M2O dialog to request
// confirmation that the many2one is not properly set.
this.isDirty = true;
if (this.$input.val() === "") {
} else if (this._getDisplayName(this.m2o_value) !== this.$input.val()) {
this.floating = true;
* @override
* @private
_onKeydown: function () {
this.floating = false;
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Stops the left/right navigation move event if the cursor is not at the
* start/end of the input element. Stops any navigation move event if the
* user is selecting text.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onNavigationMove: function (ev) {
// TODO Maybe this should be done in a mixin or, better, the m2o field
// should be an InputField (but this requires some refactoring).
basicFields.InputField.prototype._onNavigationMove.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.mode === 'edit' && $(this.$input.autocomplete('widget')).is(':visible')) {
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} event
_onQuickCreate: function (event) {
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} event
_onSearchCreatePopup: function (event) {
var data = event.data;
this._searchCreatePopup(data.view_type, false, this._createContext(data.value));
var ListFieldMany2One = FieldMany2One.extend({
// Private
* @private
_renderReadonly: function () {
var KanbanFieldMany2One = AbstractField.extend({
tagName: 'span',
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.m2o_value = this._formatValue(this.value);
// Private
* @private
_render: function () {
// X2Many widgets
var FieldX2Many = AbstractField.extend({
tagName: 'div',
custom_events: _.extend({}, AbstractField.prototype.custom_events, {
add_record: '_onAddRecord',
discard_changes: '_onDiscardChanges',
edit_line: '_onEditLine',
field_changed: '_onFieldChanged',
kanban_record_delete: '_onDeleteRecord',
list_record_delete: '_onDeleteRecord',
open_record: '_onOpenRecord',
save_line: '_onSaveLine',
resequence: '_onResequence',
toggle_column_order: '_onToggleColumnOrder',
// We need to trigger the reset on every changes to be aware of the parent changes
// and then evaluate the 'column_invisible' modifier in case a evaluated value
// changed.
resetOnAnyFieldChange: true,
* useSubview is used in form view to load view of the related model of the x2many field
useSubview: true,
* @override
init: function (parent, name, record, options) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.operations = [];
this.isReadonly = this.mode === 'readonly';
this.view = this.attrs.views[this.attrs.mode];
this.activeActions = {};
this.recordParams = {fieldName: this.name, viewType: this.viewType};
var arch = this.view && this.view.arch;
if (arch) {
this.activeActions.create = arch.attrs.create ?
JSON.parse(arch.attrs.create) :
this.activeActions.delete = arch.attrs.delete ?
JSON.parse(arch.attrs.delete) :
this.editable = arch.attrs.editable;
if (this.attrs.columnInvisibleFields) {
* @override
start: function () {
return this._renderControlPanel().then(this._super.bind(this));
// Public
* A x2m field can only be saved if it finished the edition of all its rows.
* On parent view saving, we have to ask the x2m fields to commit their
* changes, that is confirming the save of the in-edition row or asking the
* user if he wants to discard it if necessary.
* @override
* @returns {Deferred}
commitChanges: function () {
var self = this;
var inEditionRecordID =
&& this.renderer.viewType === "list"
&& this.renderer.getEditableRecordID();
if (inEditionRecordID) {
return this.renderer.commitChanges(inEditionRecordID).then(function () {
return self._saveLine(inEditionRecordID);
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* @override
isSet: function () {
return true;
* @override
* @param {Object} record
* @param {FlectraEvent} [ev] an event that triggered the reset action
* @param {Boolean} [fieldChanged] if true, the widget field has changed
* @returns {Deferred}
reset: function (record, ev, fieldChanged) {
// If 'fieldChanged' is false, it means that the reset was triggered by
// the 'resetOnAnyFieldChange' mechanism. If it is the case the
// modifiers are evaluated and if there is no change in the modifiers
// values, the reset is skipped.
if (!fieldChanged) {
var newEval = this._evalColumnInvisibleFields();
if (_.isEqual(this.currentColInvisibleFields, newEval)) {
return $.when();
} else if (ev && ev.target === this && ev.data.changes && this.view.arch.tag === 'tree') {
var command = ev.data.changes[this.name];
// Here, we only consider 'UPDATE' commands with data, which occur
// with editable list view. In order to keep the current line in
// edition, we call confirmUpdate which will try to reset the widgets
// of the line being edited, and rerender the rest of the list.
// 'UPDATE' commands with no data can be ignored: they occur in
// one2manys when the record is updated from a dialog and in this
// case, we can re-render the whole subview.
if (command.operation === 'UPDATE' && command.data) {
var state = record.data[this.name];
var fieldNames = state.getFieldNames();
this._reset(record, ev);
return this.renderer.confirmUpdate(state, command.id, fieldNames, ev.initialEvent);
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Private
* Evaluates the 'column_invisible' modifier for the parent record.
* @return {Object} Object containing fieldName as key and the evaluated
* column_invisible modifier
_evalColumnInvisibleFields: function () {
var self = this;
return _.mapObject(this.columnInvisibleFields, function (domains) {
return self.record.evalModifiers({
column_invisible: domains,
* Instanciates or updates the adequate renderer.
* @override
* @private
* @returns {Deferred|undefined}
_render: function () {
if (!this.view) {
return this._super();
if (this.renderer) {
this.currentColInvisibleFields = this._evalColumnInvisibleFields();
this.renderer.updateState(this.value, {'columnInvisibleFields': this.currentColInvisibleFields});
this.pager.updateState({ size: this.value.count });
return $.when();
var arch = this.view.arch;
var viewType;
if (arch.tag === 'tree') {
viewType = 'list';
this.currentColInvisibleFields = this._evalColumnInvisibleFields();
this.renderer = new ListRenderer(this, this.value, {
arch: arch,
editable: this.mode === 'edit' && arch.attrs.editable,
addCreateLine: !this.isReadonly && this.activeActions.create,
addTrashIcon: !this.isReadonly && this.activeActions.delete,
viewType: viewType,
columnInvisibleFields: this.currentColInvisibleFields,
if (arch.tag === 'kanban') {
viewType = 'kanban';
var record_options = {
editable: false,
deletable: false,
read_only_mode: this.isReadonly,
this.renderer = new KanbanRenderer(this, this.value, {
arch: arch,
record_options: record_options,
viewType: viewType,
this.$el.addClass('o_field_x2many o_field_x2many_' + viewType);
return this.renderer ? this.renderer.appendTo(this.$el) : this._super();
* Instanciates a control panel with the appropriate buttons and a pager.
* Prepends the control panel's $el to this widget's $el.
* @private
* @returns {Deferred}
_renderControlPanel: function () {
if (!this.view) {
return $.when();
var self = this;
var defs = [];
this.control_panel = new ControlPanel(this, "X2ManyControlPanel");
this.pager = new Pager(this, this.value.count, this.value.offset + 1, this.value.limit, {
single_page_hidden: true,
withAccessKey: false,
validate: function () {
var isList = self.view.arch.tag === 'tree';
// TODO: we should have some common method in the basic renderer...
return isList ? self.renderer.unselectRow() : $.when();
this.pager.on('pager_changed', this, function (new_state) {
self.trigger_up('load', {
id: self.value.id,
limit: new_state.limit,
offset: new_state.current_min - 1,
on_success: function (value) {
self.value = value;
defs.push(this.pager.appendTo($('<div>'))); // start the pager
return $.when.apply($, defs).then(function () {
cp_content: {
$buttons: self.$buttons,
$pager: self.pager.$el,
* Renders the buttons and sets this.$buttons.
* @private
_renderButtons: function () {
if (!this.isReadonly && this.view.arch.tag === 'kanban') {
var options = { create_text: this.nodeOptions.create_text };
this.$buttons = $(qweb.render('KanbanView.buttons', options));
this.$buttons.on('click', 'button.o-kanban-button-new', this._onAddRecord.bind(this));
* Saves the line associated to the given recordID. If the line is valid,
* it only has to be switched to readonly mode as all the line changes have
* already been notified to the model so that they can be saved in db if the
* parent view is actually saved. If the line is not valid, the line is to
* be discarded if the user agrees (this behavior is not a list editable
* one but a x2m one as it is made to replace the "discard" button which
* exists for list editable views).
* @private
* @param {string} recordID
* @returns {Deferred} resolved if the line was properly saved or discarded.
* rejected if the line could not be saved and the user
* did not agree to discard.
_saveLine: function (recordID) {
var self = this;
var def = $.Deferred();
var fieldNames = this.renderer.canBeSaved(recordID);
if (fieldNames.length) {
this.trigger_up('discard_changes', {
recordID: recordID,
onSuccess: def.resolve.bind(def),
onFailure: def.reject.bind(def),
} else {
this.renderer.setRowMode(recordID, 'readonly').done(def.resolve.bind(def));
return def.then(function () {
self.pager.updateState({ size: self.value.count });
* Parses the 'columnInvisibleFields' attribute to search for the domains
* containing the key 'parent'. If there are such domains, the string
* 'parent.field' is replaced with 'field' in order to be evaluated
* with the right field name in the parent context.
* @private
_processColumnInvisibleFields: function () {
var columnInvisibleFields = {};
_.each(this.attrs.columnInvisibleFields, function (domains, fieldName) {
if (_.isArray(domains)) {
columnInvisibleFields[fieldName] = _.map(domains, function (domain) {
// We check if the domain is an array to avoid processing
// the '|' and '&' cases
if (_.isArray(domain)) {
return [domain[0].split('.')[1]].concat(domain.slice(1));
return domain;
this.columnInvisibleFields = columnInvisibleFields;
// Handlers
* Called when the user clicks on the 'Add an item' link (list case) or the
* 'Add' button (kanban case).
* @abstract
* @private
_onAddRecord: function () {
// to implement
* Removes the given record from the relation.
* Stops the propagation of the event to prevent it from being handled again
* by the parent controller.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onDeleteRecord: function (ev) {
var shouldForget = this.attrs.widget === 'many2many' || this.field.type === 'many2many';
var operation = shouldForget ? 'FORGET' : 'DELETE';
operation: operation,
ids: [ev.data.id],
* When the discard_change event go through this field, we can just decorate
* the data with the name of the field. The origin field ignore this
* information (it is a subfield in a o2m), and the controller will need to
* know which field needs to be handled.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onDiscardChanges: function (ev) {
if (ev.target !== this) {
this.trigger_up('discard_changes', _.extend({}, ev.data, {fieldName: this.name}));
* Called when the renderer asks to edit a line, in that case simply tells
* him back to toggle the mode of this row.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onEditLine: function (ev) {
this.trigger_up('edited_list', { id: this.value.id });
var editedRecord = this.value.data[ev.data.index];
this.renderer.setRowMode(editedRecord.id, 'edit')
* Updates the given record with the changes.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onFieldChanged: function (ev) {
if (ev.target === this) {
ev.initialEvent = this.lastInitialEvent;
// changes occured in an editable list
var changes = ev.data.changes;
// save the initial event triggering the field_changed, as it will be
// necessary when the field triggering this event will be reset (to
// prevent it from re-rendering itself, formatting its value, loosing
// the focus... while still being edited)
this.lastInitialEvent = undefined;
if (Object.keys(changes).length) {
this.lastInitialEvent = ev;
operation: 'UPDATE',
id: ev.data.dataPointID,
data: changes,
* Called when the user clicks on a relational record.
* @abstract
* @private
_onOpenRecord: function () {
// to implement
* Called when the renderer ask to save a line (the user tries to leave it)
* -> Nothing is to "save" here, the model was already notified of the line
* changes; if the row could be saved, we make the row readonly. Otherwise,
* we trigger a new event for the view to tell it to discard the changes
* made to that row.
* Note that we do that in the controller mutex to ensure that the check on
* the row (whether or not it can be saved) is done once all potential
* onchange RPCs are done (those RPCs being executed in the same mutex).
* This particular handling is done in this handler, instead of in the
* _saveLine function directly, because _saveLine is also called from
* the controller (via commitChanges), and in this case, it is already
* executed in the mutex.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
* @param {string} ev.recordID
* @param {function} ev.onSuccess success callback (see '_saveLine')
* @param {function} ev.onFailure fail callback (see '_saveLine')
_onSaveLine: function (ev) {
var self = this;
this.trigger_up('mutexify', {
action: function () {
return self.renderer.commitChanges(ev.data.recordID).then(function () {
self.trigger_up('mutexify', {
action: function () {
return self._saveLine(ev.data.recordID)
* Forces a resequencing of the records.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} event
_onResequence: function (event) {
var self = this;
this.trigger_up('edited_list', { id: this.value.id });
var rowIDs = event.data.rowIDs.slice();
var rowID = rowIDs.pop();
var defs = _.map(rowIDs, function (rowID, index) {
var data = {};
data[event.data.handleField] = event.data.offset + index;
return self._setValue({
operation: 'UPDATE',
id: rowID,
data: data,
}, {
notifyChange: false,
$.when.apply($, defs).then(function () {
// trigger only once the onchange for parent record
operation: 'UPDATE',
id: rowID,
data: _.object([event.data.handleField], [event.data.offset + rowIDs.length]),
}).always(function () {
self.trigger_up('toggle_column_order', {
id: self.value.id,
name: event.data.handleField,
* Adds field name information to the event, so that the view upstream is
* aware of which widgets it has to redraw.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onToggleColumnOrder: function (ev) {
ev.data.field = this.name;
var FieldOne2Many = FieldX2Many.extend({
className: 'o_field_one2many',
supportedFieldTypes: ['one2many'],
* @override
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// boolean used to prevent concurrent record creation
this.creatingRecord = false;
// Public
* @override
* @param {Object} record
* @param {FlectraEvent} [ev] an event that triggered the reset action
* @returns {Deferred}
reset: function (record, ev) {
var self = this;
return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function () {
if (ev && ev.target === self && ev.data.changes && self.view.arch.tag === 'tree') {
if (ev.data.changes[self.name].operation === 'CREATE') {
var index = 0;
if (self.editable !== 'top') {
index = self.value.data.length - 1;
// we consider that a new record, created in the bottom,
// does not count as a record worth mentioning in the
// pager, at least not until the line has been saved.
// We prevent the pager from increasing its size, which
// means that the pager is not displayed when we just
// reach the limit. For example, if limit is 3, if we
// have 3 records, and we click on add, we will see the
// 4 records on the same page, but we do not want a
// pager.
self.pager.updateState({ size: self.value.count - 1});
var newID = self.value.data[index].id;
// Private
* Overrides to only render the buttons if the 'create' action is available.
* @override
* @private
_renderButtons: function () {
if (this.activeActions.create) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* @private
* @param {Object} params
_openFormDialog: function (params) {
this.trigger_up('open_one2many_record', _.extend(params, {
domain: this.record.getDomain(this.recordParams),
context: this.record.getContext(this.recordParams),
field: this.field,
fields_view: this.attrs.views && this.attrs.views.form,
parentID: this.value.id,
viewInfo: this.view,
// Handlers
* Opens a FormViewDialog to allow creating a new record for a one2many.
* @override
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent|MouseEvent} ev this event comes either from the 'Add
* record' link in the list editable renderer, or from the 'Create' button
* in the kanban view
_onAddRecord: function (ev) {
var self = this;
// we don't want interference with the components upstream.
if (this.editable) {
if (!this.activeActions.create) {
if (ev.data.onFail) {
} else if (!this.creatingRecord) {
this.creatingRecord = true;
this.trigger_up('edited_list', { id: this.value.id });
operation: 'CREATE',
position: this.editable,
}).always(function () {
self.creatingRecord = false;
} else {
on_saved: function (record) {
self._setValue({ operation: 'ADD', id: record.id });
* Overrides the handler to set a specific 'on_save' callback as the o2m
* sub-records aren't saved directly when the user clicks on 'Save' in the
* dialog. Instead, the relational record is changed in the local data, and
* this change is saved in DB when the user clicks on 'Save' in the main
* form view.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onOpenRecord: function (ev) {
// we don't want interference with the components upstream.
var self = this;
var id = ev.data.id;
var onSaved = function (record) {
if (_.some(self.value.data, {id: record.id})) {
// the record already exists in the relation, so trigger an
// empty 'UPDATE' operation when the user clicks on 'Save' in
// the dialog, to notify the main record that a subrecord of
// this relational field has changed (those changes will be
// already stored on that subrecord, thanks to the 'Save').
self._setValue({ operation: 'UPDATE', id: record.id });
} else {
// the record isn't in the relation yet, so add it ; this can
// happen if the user clicks on 'Save & New' in the dialog (the
// opened record will be updated, and other records will be
// created)
self._setValue({ operation: 'ADD', id: record.id });
id: id,
on_saved: onSaved,
readonly: this.mode === 'readonly',
var FieldMany2Many = FieldX2Many.extend({
className: 'o_field_many2many',
supportedFieldTypes: ['many2many'],
* @override
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.nodeOptions = _.defaults(this.nodeOptions, {
create_text: _t('Add'),
// Handlers
* Opens a SelectCreateDialog.
* @override
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent|MouseEvent} ev this event comes either from the 'Add
* record' link in the list editable renderer, or from the 'Create' button
* in the kanban view
_onAddRecord: function (ev) {
var self = this;
var domain = this.record.getDomain({fieldName: this.name});
new dialogs.SelectCreateDialog(this, {
res_model: this.field.relation,
domain: domain.concat(["!", ["id", "in", this.value.res_ids]]),
context: this.record.getContext(this.recordParams),
title: _t("Add: ") + this.string,
no_create: this.nodeOptions.no_create || !this.activeActions.create,
fields_view: this.attrs.views.form,
on_selected: function (records) {
var resIDs = _.pluck(records, 'id');
var newIDs = _.difference(resIDs, self.value.res_ids);
if (newIDs.length) {
var values = _.map(newIDs, function (id) {
return {id: id};
operation: 'ADD_M2M',
ids: values,
* Intercepts the 'open_record' event to edit its data and lets it bubble up
* to the form view.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onOpenRecord: function (ev) {
var self = this;
_.extend(ev.data, {
context: this.record.getContext(this.recordParams),
domain: this.record.getDomain(this.recordParams),
fields_view: this.attrs.views && this.attrs.views.form,
on_saved: function () {
self._setValue({operation: 'TRIGGER_ONCHANGE'}, {forceChange: true});
self.trigger_up('reload', {db_id: ev.data.id});
readonly: this.mode === 'readonly',
string: this.string,
* Widget to upload or delete one or more files at the same time.
var FieldMany2ManyBinaryMultiFiles = AbstractField.extend({
template: "FieldBinaryFileUploader",
supportedFieldTypes: ['many2many'],
fieldsToFetch: {
name: {type: 'char'},
datas_fname: {type: 'char'},
mimetype: {type: 'char'},
events: {
'click .o_attach': '_onAttach',
'click .oe_delete': '_onDelete',
'change .o_input_file': '_onFileChanged',
* @constructor
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.field.type !== 'many2many' || this.field.relation !== 'ir.attachment') {
var msg = _t("The type of the field '%s' must be a many2many field with a relation to 'ir.attachment' model.");
throw _.str.sprintf(msg, this.field.string);
this.uploadedFiles = {};
this.uploadingFiles = [];
this.fileupload_id = _.uniqueId('oe_fileupload_temp');
$(window).on(this.fileupload_id, this._onFileLoaded.bind(this));
this.metadata = {};
destroy: function () {
// Private
* Compute the URL of an attachment.
* @private
* @param {Object} attachment
* @returns {string} URL of the attachment
_getFileUrl: function (attachment) {
return '/web/content/' + attachment.id + '?download=true';
* Process the field data to add some information (url, etc.).
* @private
_generatedMetadata: function () {
var self = this;
_.each(this.value.data, function (record) {
// tagging `allowUnlink` ascertains if the attachment was user
// uploaded or was an existing or system generated attachment
self.metadata[record.id] = {
allowUnlink: self.uploadedFiles[record.data.id] || false,
url: self._getFileUrl(record.data),
* @private
* @override
_render: function () {
// render the attachments ; as the attachments will changes after each
// _setValue, we put the rendering here to ensure they will be updated
this.$('.oe_placeholder_files, .oe_attachments')
.replaceWith($(qweb.render('FieldBinaryFileUploader.files', {
widget: this,
// display image thumbnail
this.$('.o_image[data-mimetype^="image"]').each(function () {
var $img = $(this);
if (/gif|jpe|jpg|png/.test($img.data('mimetype')) && $img.data('src')) {
$img.css('background-image', "url('" + $img.data('src') + "')");
// Handlers
* @private
_onAttach: function () {
// This widget uses a hidden form to upload files. Clicking on 'Attach'
// will simulate a click on the related input.
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} ev
_onDelete: function (ev) {
var fileID = $(ev.currentTarget).data('id');
var record = _.findWhere(this.value.data, {res_id: fileID});
if (record) {
operation: 'FORGET',
ids: [record.id],
var metadata = this.metadata[record.id];
if (!metadata || metadata.allowUnlink) {
model: 'ir.attachment',
method: 'unlink',
args: [record.res_id],
* @private
* @param {Event} ev
_onFileChanged: function (ev) {
var self = this;
var files = ev.target.files;
var attachment_ids = this.value.res_ids;
_.each(files, function (file) {
var record = _.find(self.value.data, function (attachment) {
return attachment.data.name === file.name;
if (record) {
var metadata = self.metadata[record.id];
if (!metadata || metadata.allowUnlink) {
// there is a existing attachment with the same name so we
// replace it
attachment_ids = _.without(attachment_ids, record.res_id);
model: 'ir.attachment',
method: 'unlink',
args: [record.res_id],
operation: 'REPLACE_WITH',
ids: attachment_ids,
ev.target.value = "";
* @private
_onFileLoaded: function () {
var self = this;
// the first argument isn't a file but the jQuery.Event
var files = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
// files has been uploaded, clear uploading
this.uploadingFiles = [];
var attachment_ids = this.value.res_ids;
_.each(files, function (file) {
if (file.error) {
self.do_warn(_t('Uploading Error'), file.error);
} else {
self.uploadedFiles[file.id] = true;
operation: 'REPLACE_WITH',
ids: attachment_ids,
var FieldMany2ManyTags = AbstractField.extend({
tag_template: "FieldMany2ManyTag",
className: "o_field_many2manytags",
supportedFieldTypes: ['many2many'],
custom_events: _.extend({}, AbstractField.prototype.custom_events, {
field_changed: '_onFieldChanged',
events: _.extend({}, AbstractField.prototype.events, {
'click .o_delete': '_onDeleteTag',
fieldsToFetch: {
display_name: {type: 'char'},
* @constructor
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.mode === 'edit') {
this.className += ' o_input';
this.colorField = this.nodeOptions.color_field;
// Public
* @override
activate: function () {
return this.many2one ? this.many2one.activate() : false;
* @override
* @returns {jQuery}
getFocusableElement: function () {
return this.many2one ? this.many2one.getFocusableElement() : $();
* @override
* @returns {boolean}
isSet: function () {
return !!this.value && this.value.count;
* Reset the focus on this field if it was the origin of the onchange call.
* @override
reset: function (record, event) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (event && event.target === this) {
// Private
* @private
* @param {any} data
_addTag: function (data) {
if (!_.contains(this.value.res_ids, data.id)) {
operation: 'ADD_M2M',
ids: data
* Get the QWeb rendering context used by the tag template; this computation
* is placed in a separate function for other tags to override it.
* @private
* @returns {Object}
_getRenderTagsContext: function () {
var elements = this.value ? _.pluck(this.value.data, 'data') : [];
return {
colorField: this.colorField,
elements: elements,
readonly: this.mode === "readonly",
* @private
* @param {any} id
_removeTag: function (id) {
var record = _.findWhere(this.value.data, {res_id: id});
operation: 'FORGET',
ids: [record.id],
* @private
_renderEdit: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.many2one) {
this.many2one = new FieldMany2One(this, this.name, this.record, {
mode: 'edit',
viewType: this.viewType,
// to prevent the M2O to take the value of the M2M
this.many2one.value = false;
// to prevent the M2O to take the relational values of the M2M
this.many2one.m2o_value = '';
this.many2one.nodeOptions.no_open = true;
this.many2one._getSearchBlacklist = function () {
return self.value.res_ids;
return this.many2one.appendTo(this.$el);
* @private
_renderReadonly: function () {
* @private
_renderTags: function () {
this.$el.html(qweb.render(this.tag_template, this._getRenderTagsContext()));
// Handlers
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onDeleteTag: function (event) {
* Controls the changes made in the internal m2o field.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onFieldChanged: function (ev) {
if (ev.target !== this.many2one) {
var newValue = ev.data.changes[this.name];
if (newValue) {
* @private
* @param {KeyboardEvent} ev
_onKeydown: function (ev) {
if (ev.which === $.ui.keyCode.BACKSPACE && this.$('input').val() === "") {
var $badges = this.$('.badge');
if ($badges.length) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} event
_onQuickCreate: function (event) {
var FormFieldMany2ManyTags = FieldMany2ManyTags.extend({
events: _.extend({}, FieldMany2ManyTags.prototype.events, {
'click .badge': '_onOpenColorPicker',
'mousedown .o_colorpicker a': '_onUpdateColor',
'focusout .o_colorpicker': '_onCloseColorPicker',
// Handlers
* @private
_onCloseColorPicker: function (){
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onOpenColorPicker: function (event) {
var tag_id = $(event.currentTarget).data('id');
var tag = _.findWhere(this.value.data, { res_id: tag_id });
if (tag && this.colorField in tag.data) { // if there is a color field on the related model
this.$color_picker = $(qweb.render('FieldMany2ManyTag.colorpicker', {
'widget': this,
'tag_id': tag_id,
this.$color_picker.attr("tabindex", 1).focus();
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onUpdateColor: function (event) {
var self = this;
var color = $(event.currentTarget).data('color');
var id = $(event.currentTarget).data('id');
var tag = self.$("span.badge[data-id='" + id + "']");
var current_color = tag.data('color');
if (color === current_color) { return; }
var changes = {};
changes[this.colorField] = color;
this.trigger_up('field_changed', {
dataPointID: _.findWhere(this.value.data, {res_id: id}).id,
changes: changes,
force_save: true,
var KanbanFieldMany2ManyTags = FieldMany2ManyTags.extend({
// Remove event handlers on this widget to ensure that the kanban 'global
// click' opens the clicked record, even if the click is done on a tag
// This is necessary because of the weird 'global click' logic in
// KanbanRecord, which should definitely be cleaned.
// Anyway, those handlers are only necessary in Form and List views, so we
// can removed them here.
events: AbstractField.prototype.events,
// Private
* @override
* @private
_render: function () {
var self = this;
this.$el.empty().addClass('o_field_many2manytags o_kanban_tags');
_.each(this.value.data, function (m2m) {
if (self.colorField in m2m.data && !m2m.data[self.colorField]) {
// When a color field is specified and that color is the default
// one, the kanban tag is not rendered.
$('<span>', {
class: 'o_tag o_tag_color_' + (m2m.data[self.colorField] || 0),
text: m2m.data.display_name,
var FieldMany2ManyCheckBoxes = AbstractField.extend({
template: 'FieldMany2ManyCheckBoxes',
events: _.extend({}, AbstractField.prototype.events, {
change: '_onChange',
specialData: "_fetchSpecialRelation",
supportedFieldTypes: ['many2many'],
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.m2mValues = this.record.specialData[this.name];
// Public
isSet: function () {
return true;
// Private
* @private
_render: function () {
var self = this;
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
_.each(this.value.res_ids, function (id) {
self.$('input[data-record-id="' + id + '"]').prop('checked', true);
* @private
_renderReadonly: function () {
this.$("input").prop("disabled", true);
// Handlers
* @private
_onChange: function () {
var ids = _.map(this.$('input:checked'), function (input) {
return $(input).data("record-id");
operation: 'REPLACE_WITH',
ids: ids,
// Widgets handling both basic and relational fields (selection and Many2one)
var FieldStatus = AbstractField.extend({
className: 'o_statusbar_status',
events: {
'click button:not(.dropdown-toggle)': '_onClickStage',
specialData: "_fetchSpecialStatus",
supportedFieldTypes: ['selection', 'many2one'],
* @override init from AbstractField
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this._onClickStage = _.debounce(this._onClickStage, 300, true); // TODO maybe not useful anymore ?
// Private
* @override _reset from AbstractField
* @private
_reset: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Prepares the rendering data from the field and record data.
* @private
_setState: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.field.type === 'many2one') {
this.status_information = _.map(this.record.specialData[this.name], function (info) {
return _.extend({
selected: info.id === self.value.res_id,
}, info);
} else {
var selection = this.field.selection;
if (this.attrs.statusbar_visible) {
var restriction = this.attrs.statusbar_visible.split(",");
selection = _.filter(selection, function (val) {
return _.contains(restriction, val[0]) || val[0] === self.value;
this.status_information = _.map(selection, function (val) {
return { id: val[0], display_name: val[1], selected: val[0] === self.value, fold: false };
* @override _render from AbstractField
* @private
_render: function () {
var selections = _.partition(this.status_information, function (info) {
return (info.selected || !info.fold);
this.$el.html(qweb.render("FieldStatus.content", {
selection_unfolded: selections[0],
selection_folded: selections[1],
clickable: !!this.attrs.clickable,
// Handlers
* Called when on status stage is clicked -> sets the field value.
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} e
_onClickStage: function (e) {
* The FieldSelection widget is a simple select tag with a dropdown menu to
* allow the selection of a range of values. It is designed to work with fields
* of type 'selection' and 'many2one'.
var FieldSelection = AbstractField.extend({
template: 'FieldSelection',
specialData: "_fetchSpecialRelation",
supportedFieldTypes: ['selection', 'many2one'],
events: _.extend({}, AbstractField.prototype.events, {
'change': '_onChange',
* @override
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Public
* @override
* @returns {jQuery}
getFocusableElement: function () {
return this.$el.is('select') ? this.$el : $();
* @override
isSet: function () {
return this.value !== false;
// Private
* @override
* @private
_renderEdit: function () {
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.values.length ; i++) {
this.$el.append($('<option/>', {
value: JSON.stringify(this.values[i][0]),
text: this.values[i][1]
var value = this.value;
if (this.field.type === 'many2one' && value) {
value = value.data.id;
* @override
* @private
_renderReadonly: function () {
* @override
_reset: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Sets the possible field values. If the field is a many2one, those values
* may change during the lifecycle of the widget if the domain change (an
* onchange may change the domain).
* @private
_setValues: function () {
if (this.field.type === 'many2one') {
this.values = this.record.specialData[this.name];
this.formatType = 'many2one';
} else {
this.values = _.reject(this.field.selection, function (v) {
return v[0] === false && v[1] === '';
this.values = [[false, this.attrs.placeholder || '']].concat(this.values);
// Handlers
* The small slight difficulty is that we have to set the value differently
* depending on the field type.
* @private
_onChange: function () {
var res_id = JSON.parse(this.$el.val());
if (this.field.type === 'many2one') {
var value = _.find(this.values, function (val) {
return val[0] === res_id;
this._setValue({id: res_id, display_name: value[1]});
} else {
var FieldRadio = FieldSelection.extend({
template: null,
className: 'o_field_radio',
tagName: 'span',
specialData: "_fetchSpecialMany2ones",
supportedFieldTypes: ['selection', 'many2one'],
events: _.extend({}, AbstractField.prototype.events, {
'click input': '_onInputClick',
* @constructs FieldRadio
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.mode === 'edit') {
this.tagName = 'div';
this.className += this.nodeOptions.horizontal ? ' o_horizontal' : ' o_vertical';
this.unique_id = _.uniqueId("radio");
// Public
* @override
* @returns {boolean} always true
isSet: function () {
return true;
// Private
* @private
* @override
_renderEdit: function () {
var self = this;
var currentValue;
if (this.field.type === 'many2one') {
currentValue = this.value && this.value.data.id;
} else {
currentValue = this.value;
_.each(this.values, function (value, index) {
self.$el.append(qweb.render('FieldRadio.button', {
checked: value[0] === currentValue,
id: self.unique_id + '_' + value[0],
index: index,
value: value,
* @override
_reset: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Sets the possible field values. If the field is a many2one, those values
* may change during the lifecycle of the widget if the domain change (an
* onchange may change the domain).
* @private
_setValues: function () {
if (this.field.type === 'selection') {
this.values = this.field.selection || [];
} else if (this.field.type === 'many2one') {
this.values = _.map(this.record.specialData[this.name], function (val) {
return [val.id, val.display_name];
// Handlers
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onInputClick: function (event) {
var index = $(event.target).data('index');
var value = this.values[index];
if (this.field.type === 'many2one') {
this._setValue({id: value[0], display_name: value[1]});
} else {
* The FieldReference is a combination of a select (for the model) and
* a FieldMany2one for its value.
* Its intern representation is similar to the many2one (a datapoint with a
* `name_get` as data).
var FieldReference = FieldMany2One.extend({
specialData: "_fetchSpecialReference",
supportedFieldTypes: ['char', 'reference'],
template: 'FieldReference',
events: _.extend({}, FieldMany2One.prototype.events, {
'change select': '_onSelectionChange',
* @override
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// needs to be copied as it is an unmutable object
this.field = _.extend({}, this.field);
* @override
start: function () {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Public
* @override
* @returns {jQuery}
getFocusableElement: function () {
if (this.mode === 'edit' && !this.field.relation) {
return this.$('select');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Private
* Get the encompassing record's display_name
* @override
_formatValue: function () {
var value;
if (this.field.type === 'char') {
value = this.record.specialData[this.name];
} else {
value = this.value;
return value && value.data && value.data.display_name || '';
* Add a select in edit mode (for the model).
* @override
_renderEdit: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.$('select').val()) {
this.$el.addClass('o_row'); // this class is used to display the two
// components (select & input) on the same line
} else {
// hide the many2one if the selection is empty
* @override
* @private
_reset: function () {
var value = this.$('select').val();
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.$('select').val(this.value && this.value.model || value);
* Set `relation` key in field properties.
* @private
* @param {string} model
_setRelation: function (model) {
// used to generate the search in many2one
this.field.relation = model;
* @private
_setState: function () {
if (this.field.type === 'char') {
// in this case, the value is stored in specialData instead
this.value = this.record.specialData[this.name];
if (this.value) {
* @override
* @private
_setValue: function (value, options) {
value = value || {};
// we need to specify the model for the change in basic_model
// the value is then now a dict with id, display_name and model
value.model = this.$('select').val();
return this._super(value, options);
// Handlers
* When the selection (model) changes, the many2one is reset.
* @private
_onSelectionChange: function () {
var value = this.$('select').val();
return {
FieldMany2One: FieldMany2One,
KanbanFieldMany2One: KanbanFieldMany2One,
ListFieldMany2One: ListFieldMany2One,
FieldOne2Many: FieldOne2Many,
FieldMany2Many: FieldMany2Many,
FieldMany2ManyBinaryMultiFiles: FieldMany2ManyBinaryMultiFiles,
FieldMany2ManyCheckBoxes: FieldMany2ManyCheckBoxes,
FieldMany2ManyTags: FieldMany2ManyTags,
FormFieldMany2ManyTags: FormFieldMany2ManyTags,
KanbanFieldMany2ManyTags: KanbanFieldMany2ManyTags,
FieldRadio: FieldRadio,
FieldSelection: FieldSelection,
FieldStatus: FieldStatus,
FieldReference: FieldReference,