flectra-admin 769eafb483 [INIT] Inception of Flectra from Odoo
Flectra is Forked from Odoo v11 commit : (6135e82d73)
2018-01-16 11:45:59 +05:30

249 lines
6.9 KiB

Implementing a custom type
To implement a custom python-level type, one can use the
:func:`py.type` builtin. At the JS-level, it is a function with the
same signature as the :py:class:`type` builtin [#bases]_. It returns a
child type of its one base (or :py:class:`py.object` if no base is
The ``dict`` parameter to :func:`py.type` can contain any
attribute, javascript-level or python-level: the default
``__getattribute__`` implementation will ensure they are converted to
Python-level attributes if needed. Most methods are also wrapped and
converted to :ref:`types-methods-python`, although there are a number
of special cases:
* Most "magic methods" of the data model ("dunder" methods) remain
javascript-level. See :ref:`the listing of magic methods and their
signatures <types-methods-dunder>`. As a result, they do not respect
the :ref:`types-methods-python-call`
* The ``toJSON`` and ``fromJSON`` methods are special-cased to remain
javascript-level and don't follow the
* Functions which have been wrapped explicitly (via
:class:`py.PY_def`, :py:class:`py.classmethod` or
:py:class:`py.staticmethod`) are associated to the class
untouched. But due to their wrapper, they will use the
:ref:`types-methods-python-call` anyway
.. _types-methods-python:
Python-level callable
Wrapped javascript function *or* the :func:`__call__` method itself
follow the :ref:`types-methods-python-call`. As a result, they can't
(easily) be called directly from javascript code. Because
:func:`__new__` and :func:`__init__` follow from :func:`__call__`,
they also follow the :ref:`types-methods-python-call`.
:func:`py.PY_call` should be used when interacting with them from
javascript is necessary.
Because ``__call__`` follows the :ref:`types-methods-python-call`,
instantiating a ``py.js`` type from javascript requires using
.. _types-methods-python-call:
Python calling conventions
The python-level arguments should be considered completely opaque,
they should be interacted with through :func:`py.PY_parseArgs` (to
extract python-level arguments to javascript implementation code) and
:func:`py.PY_call` (to call :ref:`types-methods-python` from
javascript code).
A callable following the :ref:`types-methods-python-call` *must*
return a ``py.js`` object, an error will be generated when failing to
do so.
.. todo:: arguments forwarding when e.g. overriding methods?
.. _types-methods-dunder:
Magic methods
``py.js`` doesn't support calling magic ("dunder") methods of the
datamodel from Python code, and these methods remain javascript-level
(they don't follow the :ref:`types-methods-python-call`).
Here is a list of the understood datamodel methods, refer to `the
relevant Python documentation
for their roles.
Basic customization
.. function:: __hash__()
:returns: String
.. function:: __eq__(other)
The default implementation tests for identity
:param other: :py:class:`py.object` to compare this object with
:returns: :py:class:`py.bool`
.. function:: __ne__(other)
The default implementation calls :func:`__eq__` and reverses
its result.
:param other: :py:class:`py.object` to compare this object with
:returns: :py:class:`py.bool`
.. function:: __lt__(other)
The default implementation simply returns
:param other: :py:class:`py.object` to compare this object with
:returns: :py:class:`py.bool`
.. function:: __le__(other)
The default implementation simply returns
:param other: :py:class:`py.object` to compare this object with
:returns: :py:class:`py.bool`
.. function:: __ge__(other)
The default implementation simply returns
:param other: :py:class:`py.object` to compare this object with
:returns: :py:class:`py.bool`
.. function:: __gt__(other)
The default implementation simply returns
:param other: :py:class:`py.object` to compare this object with
:returns: :py:class:`py.bool`
.. function:: __str__()
Simply calls :func:`__unicode__`. This method should not be
overridden, :func:`__unicode__` should be overridden instead.
:returns: :py:class:`py.str`
.. function:: __unicode__()
:returns: :py:class:`py.unicode`
.. function:: __nonzero__()
The default implementation always returns :data:`py.True`
:returns: :py:class:`py.bool`
Customizing attribute access
.. function:: __getattribute__(name)
:param String name: name of the attribute, as a javascript string
:returns: :py:class:`py.object`
.. function:: __getattr__(name)
:param String name: name of the attribute, as a javascript string
:returns: :py:class:`py.object`
.. function:: __setattr__(name, value)
:param String name: name of the attribute, as a javascript string
:param value: :py:class:`py.object`
Implementing descriptors
.. function:: __get__(instance)
.. note:: readable descriptors don't currently handle "owner
:param instance: :py:class:`py.object`
:returns: :py:class:`py.object`
.. function:: __set__(instance, value)
:param instance: :py:class:`py.object`
:param value: :py:class:`py.object`
Emulating Numeric Types
* Non-in-place binary numeric methods (e.g. ``__add__``, ``__mul__``,
...) should all be supported including reversed calls (in case the
primary call is not available or returns
:py:data:`py.NotImplemented`). They take a single
:py:class:`py.object` parameter and return a single
:py:class:`py.object` parameter.
* Unary operator numeric methods are all supported:
.. function:: __pos__()
:returns: :py:class:`py.object`
.. function:: __neg__()
:returns: :py:class:`py.object`
.. function:: __invert__()
:returns: :py:class:`py.object`
* For non-operator numeric methods, support is contingent on the
corresponding :ref:`builtins <builtins>` being implemented
Emulating container types
.. function:: __len__()
:returns: :py:class:`py.int`
.. function:: __getitem__(name)
:param name: :py:class:`py.object`
:returns: :py:class:`py.object`
.. function:: __setitem__(name, value)
:param name: :py:class:`py.object`
:param value: :py:class:`py.object`
.. function:: __iter__()
:returns: :py:class:`py.object`
.. function:: __reversed__()
:returns: :py:class:`py.object`
.. function:: __contains__(other)
:param other: :py:class:`py.object`
:returns: :py:class:`py.bool`
.. [#bases] with the limitation that, because :ref:`py.js builds its
object model on top of javascript's
<details-object-model>`, only one base is allowed.