
1867 lines
76 KiB

flectra.define('web.calendar_tests', function (require) {
"use strict";
var CalendarView = require('web.CalendarView');
var CalendarRenderer = require('web.CalendarRenderer');
var fieldUtils = require('web.field_utils');
var mixins = require('web.mixins');
var testUtils = require('web.test_utils');
var session = require('web.session');
getAvatars: function () {
var res = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
for (var k in res) {
res[k] = res[k].replace(/src="([^"]+)"/, 'src="#test:\$1"');
return res;
var createView = testUtils.createView;
var initialDate = new Date(2016, 11, 12, 8, 0, 0);
initialDate = new Date(initialDate.getTime() - initialDate.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000);
QUnit.module('Views', {
beforeEach: function () {
session.uid = -1; // TO CHECK
this.data = {
event: {
fields: {
id: {string: "ID", type: "integer"},
user_id: {string: "user", type: "many2one", relation: 'user', default: session.uid},
partner_id: {string: "user", type: "many2one", relation: 'partner', related: 'user_id.partner_id', default: 1},
name: {string: "name", type: "char"},
start_date: {string: "start date", type: "date"},
stop_date: {string: "stop date", type: "date"},
start: {string: "start datetime", type: "datetime"},
stop: {string: "stop datetime", type: "datetime"},
allday: {string: "allday", type: "boolean"},
partner_ids: {string: "attendees", type: "one2many", relation: 'partner', default: [[6, 0, [1]]]},
type: {string: "type", type: "integer"},
records: [
{id: 1, user_id: session.uid, partner_id: 1, name: "event 1", start: "2016-12-11 00:00:00", stop: "2016-12-11 00:00:00", allday: false, partner_ids: [1,2,3], type: 1},
{id: 2, user_id: session.uid, partner_id: 1, name: "event 2", start: "2016-12-12 10:55:05", stop: "2016-12-12 14:55:05", allday: false, partner_ids: [1,2], type: 3},
{id: 3, user_id: 4, partner_id: 4, name: "event 3", start: "2016-12-12 15:55:05", stop: "2016-12-12 16:55:05", allday: false, partner_ids: [1], type: 2},
{id: 4, user_id: session.uid, partner_id: 1, name: "event 4", start: "2016-12-14 15:55:05", stop: "2016-12-14 18:55:05", allday: true, partner_ids: [1], type: 2},
{id: 5, user_id: 4, partner_id: 4, name: "event 5", start: "2016-12-13 15:55:05", stop: "2016-12-20 18:55:05", allday: false, partner_ids: [2,3], type: 2},
{id: 6, user_id: session.uid, partner_id: 1, name: "event 6", start: "2016-12-18 08:00:00", stop: "2016-12-18 09:00:00", allday: false, partner_ids: [3], type: 3}
check_access_rights: function () {
return $.when(true);
user: {
fields: {
id: {string: "ID", type: "integer"},
display_name: {string: "Displayed name", type: "char"},
partner_id: {string: "partner", type: "many2one", relation: 'partner'},
image: {string: "image", type: "integer"},
records: [
{id: session.uid, display_name: "user 1", partner_id: 1},
{id: 4, display_name: "user 4", partner_id: 4},
partner: {
fields: {
id: {string: "ID", type: "integer"},
display_name: {string: "Displayed name", type: "char"},
image: {string: "image", type: "integer"},
records: [
{id: 1, display_name: "partner 1", image: 'AAA'},
{id: 2, display_name: "partner 2", image: 'BBB'},
{id: 3, display_name: "partner 3", image: 'CCC'},
{id: 4, display_name: "partner 4", image: 'DDD'}
filter_partner: {
fields: {
id: {string: "ID", type: "integer"},
user_id: {string: "user", type: "many2one", relation: 'user'},
partner_id: {string: "partner", type: "many2one", relation: 'partner'},
records: [
{id: 1, user_id: session.uid, partner_id: 1},
{id: 2, user_id: session.uid, partner_id: 2},
{id: 3, user_id: 4, partner_id: 3}
}, function () {
var archs = {
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<field name="allday"/>'+
'<group attrs=\'{"invisible": [["allday","=",True]]}\' >'+
'<field name="start"/>'+
'<field name="stop"/>'+
'<group attrs=\'{"invisible": [["allday","=",False]]}\' >'+
'<field name="start_date"/>'+
'<field name="stop_date"/>'+
"event,1,form": {
attrs: {},
children: [
attrs: {
modifiers: '{"invisible": true}',
name: "allday"
children: [],
tag: 'field'
attrs: {
modifiers: '{"invisible": [["allday","=",false]]}',
name: "start"
children: [],
tag: 'field'
attrs: {
modifiers: '{"invisible": [["allday","=",true]]}',
name: "stop"
children: [],
tag: 'field'
tag: "form"
QUnit.test('simple calendar rendering', function (assert) {
id: 7,
user_id: session.uid,
partner_id: false,
name: "event 7",
start: "2016-12-18 09:00:00",
stop: "2016-12-18 10:00:00",
allday: false,
partner_ids: [2],
type: 1
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'attendee="partner_ids" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<filter name="user_id" avatar_field="image"/>'+
'<field name="partner_ids" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
assert.ok(calendar.$('.o_calendar_view').find('.fc-view-container').length, "should instance of fullcalendar");
var $sidebar = calendar.$('.o_calendar_sidebar');
assert.strictEqual($sidebar.find('.ui-state-active').text(), "12", "should highlight the target day");
// test view scales
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 9, "should display 9 events on the week (4 event + 5 days event)");
assert.strictEqual($sidebar.find('.o_selected_range').length, 7, "week scale should highlight 7 days in mini calendar");
calendar.$buttons.find('.o_calendar_button_day').trigger('click'); // display only one day
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 2, "should display 2 events on the day");
assert.strictEqual($sidebar.find('.o_selected_range').length, 1, "should highlight the target day in mini calendar");
calendar.$buttons.find('.o_calendar_button_month').trigger('click'); // display all the month
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 7, "should display 7 events on the month (5 events + 2 week event - 1 'event 6' is filtered + 1 'Undefined event')");
assert.strictEqual($sidebar.find('.o_selected_range').length, 31, "month scale should highlight all days in mini calendar");
// test filters
assert.strictEqual($sidebar.find('.o_calendar_filter').length, 2, "should display 3 filters");
var $typeFilter = $sidebar.find('.o_calendar_filter:has(h3:contains(user))');
assert.ok($typeFilter.length, "should display 'user' filter");
assert.strictEqual($typeFilter.find('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 3, "should display 3 filter items for 'user'");
// filters which has no value should show with string "Undefined" and should show at the last
assert.strictEqual($typeFilter.find('.o_calendar_filter_item:last').data('value'), false, "filters having false value should be displayed at last in filter items");
assert.strictEqual($typeFilter.find('.o_calendar_filter_item:last > span').text(), "Undefined", "filters having false value should display 'Undefined' string");
var $attendeesFilter = $sidebar.find('.o_calendar_filter:has(h3:contains(attendees))');
assert.ok($attendeesFilter.length, "should display 'attendees' filter");
assert.strictEqual($attendeesFilter.find('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 3, "should display 3 filter items for 'attendees' who use write_model (2 saved + Everything)");
assert.ok($attendeesFilter.find('.o_field_many2one').length, "should display one2many search bar for 'attendees' filter");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 7,
"should display 7 events ('event 5' counts for 2 because it spans two weeks and thus generate two fc-event elements)");
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter .o_checkbox input').first().click(); // Disable first filter
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 4, "should now only display 4 event");
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter .o_checkbox input').eq(1).click(); // Disable second filter
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 0, "should not display any event anymore");
// test search bar in filter
assert.strictEqual($('ul.ui-autocomplete li:not(.o_m2o_dropdown_option)').length, 2, "should display 2 choices in one2many autocomplete"); // TODO: remove :not(.o_m2o_dropdown_option) because can't have "create & edit" choice
$('ul.ui-autocomplete li:first').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($sidebar.find('.o_calendar_filter:has(h3:contains(attendees)) .o_calendar_filter_item').length, 4, "should display 4 filter items for 'attendees'");
assert.strictEqual($('ul.ui-autocomplete li:not(.o_m2o_dropdown_option)').text(), "partner 4", "should display the last choice in one2many autocomplete"); // TODO: remove :not(.o_m2o_dropdown_option) because can't have "create & edit" choice
$sidebar.find('.o_calendar_filter_item .o_remove').first().trigger('click');
assert.ok($('.modal button.btn:contains(Ok)').length, "should display the confirm message");
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Ok)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($sidebar.find('.o_calendar_filter:has(h3:contains(attendees)) .o_calendar_filter_item').length, 3, "click on remove then should display 3 filter items for 'attendees'");
QUnit.test('create and change events', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'string="Events" ' +
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="month" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
assert.ok(calendar.$('.fc-month-view').length, "should display in month mode");
// click on an existing event to open the formViewDialog
calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(event 4) .fc-content').trigger('click');
assert.ok($('.modal-body').length, "should open the form view in dialog when click on event");
assert.ok($('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').length, "formViewDialog should be in readonly mode");
assert.ok($('.modal button.btn:contains(Delete)').length, "formViewDialog should have a delete button");
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').trigger('click');
assert.ok($('.modal-body').length, "should switch the modal in edit mode");
assert.notOk($('.modal button.btn:contains(Delete)').length, "formViewDialog should not have a delete button in edit mode");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('event 4 modified').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Save)').trigger('click');
assert.notOk($('.modal-body').length, "save button should close the modal");
assert.ok(calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(event 4 modified)').length, "should display the updated records");
// create a new event, quick create only
var $cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(2) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
assert.ok($('.modal-dialog.modal-sm').length, "should open the quick create dialog");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('new event in quick create').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(new event in quick create)').length, 1, "should display the new record");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('td.fc-event-container[colspan]').length, 2, "should the new record have only one day");
// create a new event, quick create only (validated by pressing enter key)
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
assert.ok($('.modal-dialog.modal-sm').length, "should open the quick create dialog");
$('.modal-body input:first')
.val('new event in quick create validated by pressing enter key.')
.trigger($.Event('keyup', {keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER}))
.trigger($.Event('keyup', {keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER}));
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(new event in quick create validated by pressing enter key.)').length, 1, "should display the new record by pressing enter key");
// create a new event and edit it
$cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(4) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-dialog.modal-sm').length, 1, "should open the quick create dialog");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('coucou').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-dialog.modal-lg .o_form_view').length, 1, "should open the slow create dialog");
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-dialog.modal-lg .modal-title').text(), "Create: Events",
"should use the string attribute as modal title");
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-dialog.modal-lg .o_form_view input[name="name"]').val(), "coucou",
"should have set the name from the quick create dialog");
$('.modal-lg button.btn:contains(Save)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(coucou)').length, 1, "should display the new record");
// create a new event with 2 days
$cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(3) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell.next(), "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell.next(), "mouseup");
$('.modal input:first').val('new event in quick create 2').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-lg input:first').val(), 'new event in quick create 2', "should open the formViewDialog with default values");
$('.modal-lg button.btn:contains(Save)').trigger('click');
assert.notOk($('.modal').length, "should close dialogs");
var $newevent2 = calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(new event in quick create 2)');
assert.ok($newevent2.length, "should display the 2 days new record");
assert.strictEqual($newevent2.closest('.fc-event-container').attr('colspan'), "2", "the new record should have 2 days");
// delete the a record
calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(event 4) .fc-content').trigger('click');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Delete)').trigger('click');
assert.ok($('.modal button.btn:contains(Ok)').length, "should display the confirm message");
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Ok)').trigger('click');
assert.notOk(calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(event 4) .fc-content').length, "the record should be deleted");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event-container .fc-event').length, 10, "should display 10 events");
// move to next month
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event-container .fc-event').length, 0, "should display 0 events");
QUnit.test('quickcreate switching to actual create for required fields', function (assert) {
var event = $.Event();
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'string="Events" ' +
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="month" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === "create") {
return $.Deferred().reject({
code: 200,
data: {},
message: "Flectra server error",
}, event);
return this._super(route, args);
// create a new event
var $cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(2) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-dialog.modal-sm .modal-title').text(), 'Create',
"should open the quick create dialog");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('new event in quick create').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click').trigger('click');
// If the event is not default-prevented, a traceback will be raised, which we do not want
assert.ok(event.isDefaultPrevented(), "fail deferred event should have been default-prevented");
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-dialog.modal-lg .modal-title').text(), 'Create: Events',
"should have switched to a bigger modal for an actual create rather than quickcreate");
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-dialog.modal-lg .modal-body .o_form_view.o_form_editable').length, 1,
"should open the full event form view in a dialog");
QUnit.test('create event with timezone in week mode', function (assert) {
this.data.event.records = [];
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<field name="start"/>'+
'<field name="allday"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120;
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === "create") {
assert.deepEqual(args.kwargs.context, {
"default_name": null,
"default_start": "2016-12-13 06:00:00",
"default_stop": "2016-12-13 08:00:00",
"default_allday": null
"should send the context to create events");
return this._super(route, args);
var $view = $('#qunit-fixture').contents();
$view.prependTo('body'); // => select with click position
var top = calendar.$('.fc-axis:contains(8am)').offset().top + 5;
var left = calendar.$('.fc-day:eq(2)').offset().left + 5;
try {
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousedown");
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('The test fails to simulate a click in the screen. Your screen is probably too small or your dev tools is open.');
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 60, "mousemove");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-content .fc-time').text(), "08:00 - 10:00",
"should display the time in the calendar sticker");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 60, "mouseup");
$('.modal input:first').val('new event').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click');
var $newevent = calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(new event)');
assert.strictEqual($newevent.text().replace(/[\s\n\r]+/g, ''), "08:00-10:00newevent12/13/201608:00:00False",
"should display the new event with time, title and additional fields");
display_name: "new event",
start: fieldUtils.parse.datetime("2016-12-13 06:00:00", this.data.event.fields.start, {isUTC: true}),
stop: fieldUtils.parse.datetime("2016-12-13 08:00:00", this.data.event.fields.stop, {isUTC: true}),
allday: false,
name: "new event",
id: 1
"the new record should have the utc datetime (quickCreate)");
// delete record
$('.modal button.btn-default:contains(Delete)').trigger('click');
$('.modal button.btn-primary:contains(Ok)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-content').length, 0, "should delete the record");
QUnit.test('create event with timezone in week mode with formViewDialog', function (assert) {
this.data.event.records = [];
this.data.event.onchanges = {
allday: function (obj) {
if (obj.allday) {
obj.start_date = obj.start && obj.start.split(' ')[0] || obj.start_date;
obj.stop_date = obj.stop && obj.stop.split(' ')[0] || obj.stop_date || obj.start_date;
} else {
obj.start = obj.start_date && (obj.start_date + ' 00:00:00') || obj.start;
obj.stop = obj.stop_date && (obj.stop_date + ' 00:00:00') || obj.stop || obj.start;
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120;
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === "create") {
assert.deepEqual(args.kwargs.context, {
"default_name": "new event",
"default_start": "2016-12-13 06:00:00",
"default_stop": "2016-12-13 08:00:00",
"default_allday": null
"should send the context to create events");
if (args.method === "write") {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[1], expectedEvent,
"should move the event");
return this._super(route, args);
var $view = $('#qunit-fixture').contents();
$view.prependTo('body'); // => select with click position
var top = calendar.$('.fc-axis:contains(8am)').offset().top + 5;
var left = calendar.$('.fc-day:eq(2)').offset().left + 5;
try {
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousedown");
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('The test fails to simulate a click in the screen. Your screen is probably too small or your dev tools is open.');
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 60, "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 60, "mouseup");
$('.modal input:first').val('new event').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($('.o_field_widget[name="start"] input').val(), "12/13/2016 08:00:00",
"should display the datetime");
$('.modal-lg .o_field_boolean[name="allday"] input').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($('.o_field_widget[name="start_date"] input').val(), "12/13/2016",
"should display the date");
$('.modal-lg .o_field_boolean[name="allday"] input').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($('.o_field_widget[name="start"] input').val(), "12/13/2016 02:00:00",
"should display the datetime from the date with the timezone");
// use datepicker to enter a date: 12/13/2016 08:00:00
$('.o_field_widget[name="start"] input').trigger('click');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch a[data-action="togglePicker"]').trigger('click');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker .timepicker-hour').trigger('click');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker-hours td.hour:contains(08)').trigger('click');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch a[data-action="close"]').trigger('click');
// use datepicker to enter a date: 12/13/2016 10:00:00
$('.o_field_widget[name="stop"] input').trigger('click');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch a[data-action="togglePicker"]').trigger('click');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker .timepicker-hour').trigger('click');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker-hours td.hour:contains(10)').trigger('click');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch a[data-action="close"]').trigger('click');
$('.modal-lg button.btn:contains(Save)').trigger('click');
var $newevent = calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(new event)');
assert.strictEqual($newevent.text().replace(/[\s\n\r]+/g, ''), "08:00-10:00newevent",
"should display the new event with time and title");
display_name: "new event",
start: fieldUtils.parse.datetime("2016-12-13 06:00:00", this.data.event.fields.start, {isUTC: true}),
stop: fieldUtils.parse.datetime("2016-12-13 08:00:00", this.data.event.fields.stop, {isUTC: true}),
allday: false,
name: "new event",
id: 1
"the new record should have the utc datetime (formViewDialog)");
var pos = calendar.$('.fc-content').offset();
left = pos.left + 5;
top = pos.top + 5;
// Mode this event to another day
var expectedEvent = {
"allday": false,
"start": "2016-12-12 06:00:00",
"stop": "2016-12-12 08:00:00"
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousedown");
left = calendar.$('.fc-day:eq(1)').offset().left + 5;
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mouseup");
// Move to "All day"
expectedEvent = {
"allday": true,
"start": "2016-12-12 00:00:00",
"stop": "2016-12-12 00:00:00"
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousedown");
top = calendar.$('.fc-day:eq(1)').offset().top + 5;
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mouseup");
QUnit.test('create all day event in week mode', function (assert) {
this.data.event.records = [];
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120;
var $view = $('#qunit-fixture').contents();
$view.prependTo('body'); // => select with click position
var pos = calendar.$('.fc-bg td:eq(4)').offset();
try {
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(pos.left+15, pos.top+15, "mousedown");
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('The test fails to simulate a click in the screen. Your screen is probably too small or your dev tools is open.');
pos = calendar.$('.fc-bg td:eq(5)').offset();
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(pos.left+15, pos.top+15, "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(pos.left+15, pos.top+15, "mouseup");
$('.modal input:first').val('new event').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click');
var $newevent = calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(new event)');
assert.strictEqual($newevent.text().replace(/[\s\n\r]+/g, ''), "newevent",
"should display the new event with time and title");
assert.strictEqual($newevent.parent().attr('colspan'), "2",
"should appear over two days.");
display_name: "new event",
start: fieldUtils.parse.datetime("2016-12-14 00:00:00", this.data.event.fields.start, {isUTC: true}),
stop: fieldUtils.parse.datetime("2016-12-15 00:00:00", this.data.event.fields.stop, {isUTC: true}),
allday: true,
name: "new event",
id: 1
"the new record should have the utc datetime (quickCreate)");
QUnit.test('create all day event in week mode (no quickCreate)', function (assert) {
this.data.event.records = [];
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'mode="week" '+
'quick_add="False" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120;
intercepts: {
do_action: function (event) {
assert.deepEqual(event.data.action.context, {
"default_name": null,
"default_start": "2016-12-14 05:00:00",
"default_stop": "2016-12-15 17:00:00",
"should send the correct data to create events");
var $view = $('#qunit-fixture').contents();
$view.prependTo('body'); // => select with click position
var pos = calendar.$('.fc-bg td:eq(4)').offset();
try {
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(pos.left+15, pos.top+15, "mousedown");
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('The test fails to simulate a click in the screen. Your screen is probably too small or your dev tools is open.');
pos = calendar.$('.fc-bg td:eq(5)').offset();
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(pos.left+15, pos.top+15, "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(pos.left+15, pos.top+15, "mouseup");
QUnit.test('create event in month mode', function (assert) {
this.data.event.records = [];
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'mode="month" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120;
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === "create") {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[0], {
"name": "new event",
"start": "2016-12-14 05:00:00",
"stop": "2016-12-15 17:00:00",
"should send the correct data to create events");
return this._super(route, args);
var $view = $('#qunit-fixture').contents();
$view.prependTo('body'); // => select with click position
var pos = calendar.$('.fc-bg td:eq(20)').offset();
try {
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(pos.left+15, pos.top+15, "mousedown");
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('The test fails to simulate a click in the screen. Your screen is probably too small or your dev tools is open.');
pos = calendar.$('.fc-bg td:eq(21)').offset();
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(pos.left+15, pos.top+15, "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(pos.left+15, pos.top+15, "mouseup");
$('.modal input:first').val('new event').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click');
var $newevent = calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(new event)');
assert.strictEqual($newevent.text().replace(/[\s\n\r]+/g, ''), "newevent",
"should display the new event with time and title");
assert.strictEqual($newevent.parent().attr('colspan'), "2",
"should appear over two days.");
assert.deepEqual($newevent.data('fcSeg').event.record, {
display_name: "new event",
start: fieldUtils.parse.datetime("2016-12-14 05:00:00", this.data.event.fields.start, {isUTC: true}),
stop: fieldUtils.parse.datetime("2016-12-15 17:00:00", this.data.event.fields.stop, {isUTC: true}),
name: "new event",
id: 1
}, "the new record should have the utc datetime (quickCreate)");
QUnit.test('use mini calendar', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120;
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-agendaWeek-view').length, 1, "should be in week mode");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 9, "should display 9 events on the week (4 event + 5 days event)");
calendar.$('.o_calendar_mini a:contains(19)').click();
// Clicking on a day in another week should switch to the other week view
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-agendaWeek-view').length, 1, "should be in week mode");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 4, "should display 4 events on the week (1 event + 3 days event)");
// Clicking on a day in the same week should switch to that particular day view
calendar.$('.o_calendar_mini a:contains(18)').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-agendaDay-view').length, 1, "should be in day mode");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 2, "should display 2 events on the day");
// Clicking on the same day should toggle between day, month and week views
calendar.$('.o_calendar_mini a:contains(18)').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-month-view').length, 1, "should be in month mode");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 7, "should display 7 events on the month (event 5 is on multiple weeks and generates to .fc-event)");
calendar.$('.o_calendar_mini a:contains(18)').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-agendaWeek-view').length, 1, "should be in week mode");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 4, "should display 4 events on the week (1 event + 3 days event)");
calendar.$('.o_calendar_mini a:contains(18)').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-agendaDay-view').length, 1, "should be in day mode");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 2, "should display 2 events on the day");
QUnit.test('rendering, with many2many', function (assert) {
this.data.event.fields.partner_ids.type = 'many2many';
this.data.event.records[0].partner_ids = [1,2,3,4,5];
this.data.partner.records.push({id: 5, display_name: "partner 5", image: 'EEE'});
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday"> '+
'<field name="partner_ids" avatar_field="image" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_items .o_cal_avatar').length, 3,
"should have 3 avatars in the side bar");
var $event1Avatars = calendar.$('.fc-event .o_calendar_avatars').first();
assert.strictEqual($event1Avatars.find('img').length, 1, "should have 1 avatar");
assert.strictEqual($event1Avatars.find('span').length, 0,
"should not have a span for more attendees since there is only one");
var $event2Avatars = calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(All day) .o_calendar_avatars');
assert.strictEqual($event2Avatars.find('img').length, 3, "should have 3 avatars");
assert.strictEqual($event2Avatars.find('span').text(), '+2',
"should indicate there are 2 more attendees that we don't show");
QUnit.test('open form view', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'string="Events" ' +
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="month" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === "get_formview_id") {
return $.Deferred().resolve('A view');
return this._super(route, args);
// click on an existing event to open the form view
testUtils.intercept(calendar, 'do_action', function (event) {
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
res_id: 4,
res_model: "event",
views: [['A view', "form"]],
target: "current",
context: {}
"should open the form view");
calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(event 4) .fc-content').trigger('click');
// create a new event and edit it
var $cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(4) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('coucou').trigger('input');
testUtils.intercept(calendar, 'do_action', function (event) {
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
res_model: "event",
views: [[false, "form"]],
target: "current",
context: {
"default_name": "coucou",
"default_start": "2016-12-27 00:00:00",
"default_stop": "2016-12-27 00:00:00",
"default_allday": true
"should open the form view with the context default values");
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($('#ui-datepicker-div:empty').length, 0, "should have a clean body");
QUnit.test('create and edit event in month mode (all_day: false)', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'string="Events" ' +
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'mode="month" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return -240;
// create a new event and edit it
var $cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(4) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('coucou').trigger('input');
testUtils.intercept(calendar, 'do_action', function (event) {
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
res_model: "event",
views: [[false, "form"]],
target: "current",
context: {
"default_name": "coucou",
"default_start": "2016-12-27 11:00:00", // 7:00 + 4h
"default_stop": "2016-12-27 23:00:00", // 19:00 + 4h
"should open the form view with the context default values");
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($('#ui-datepicker-div:empty').length, 0, "should have a clean body");
QUnit.test('readonly date_start field', function (assert) {
this.data.event.fields.start.readonly = true;
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'string="Events" ' +
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="month" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === "get_formview_id") {
return $.when(false);
return this._super(route, args);
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-resizer').length, 0, "should not have resize button");
// click on an existing event to open the form view
testUtils.intercept(calendar, 'do_action', function (event) {
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
res_id: 4,
res_model: "event",
views: [[false, "form"]],
target: "current",
context: {}
"should open the form view");
calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(event 4) .fc-content').trigger('click');
// create a new event and edit it
var $cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(4) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('coucou').trigger('input');
testUtils.intercept(calendar, 'do_action', function (event) {
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
res_model: "event",
views: [[false, "form"]],
target: "current",
context: {
"default_name": "coucou",
"default_start": "2016-12-27 00:00:00",
"default_stop": "2016-12-27 00:00:00",
"default_allday": true
"should open the form view with the context default values");
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual($('#ui-datepicker-div:empty').length, 0, "should have a clean body");
QUnit.test('"all" filter', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'attendee="partner_ids" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<filter name="user_id" avatar_field="image"/>'+
'<field name="partner_ids" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>'+
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 9,
"should display 9 events on the week");
// Select the events only associated with partner 2
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item[data-id=2] input').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 4,
"should display 4 events on the week");
// Click on the 'all' filter to reload all events
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item[data-value=all] input').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 9,
"should display 9 events on the week");
QUnit.test('create event with filters', function (assert) {
this.data.event.fields.user_id.default = 5;
this.data.event.fields.partner_id.default = 3;
this.data.user.records.push({id: 5, display_name: "user 5", partner_id: 3});
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'attendee="partner_ids" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<filter name="user_id" avatar_field="image"/>'+
'<field name="partner_ids" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>'+
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
var $view = $('#qunit-fixture').contents();
$view.prependTo('body'); // => select with click position
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item[data-value=4] input').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 5, "should display 5 filter items");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 3, "should display 3 events");
// quick create a record
var left = calendar.$('.fc-bg td:eq(4)').offset().left+15;
var top = calendar.$('.fc-slats tr:eq(4) td:first').offset().top+15;
try {
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousedown");
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('The test fails to simulate a click in the screen. Your screen is probably too small or your dev tools is open.');
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 200, "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 200, "mouseup");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('coucou').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 6, "should add the missing filter (active)");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 4, "should display the created item");
// change default value for quick create an hide record
this.data.event.fields.user_id.default = 4;
this.data.event.fields.partner_id.default = 4;
// quick create and other record
left = calendar.$('.fc-bg td:eq(3)').offset().left+15;
top = calendar.$('.fc-slats tr:eq(4) td:first').offset().top+15;
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 200, "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 200, "mouseup");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('coucou 2').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 6, "should have the same filters");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 4, "should not display the created item");
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item[data-value=4] input').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 11, "should display all records");
QUnit.test('create event with filters (no quickCreate)', function (assert) {
this.data.event.fields.user_id.default = 5;
this.data.event.fields.partner_id.default = 3;
id: 5,
display_name: "user 5",
partner_id: 3
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'attendee="partner_ids" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<filter name="user_id" avatar_field="image"/>'+
'<field name="partner_ids" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>'+
archs: {
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<field name="start"/>'+
'<field name="stop"/>'+
'<field name="user_id"/>'+
'<field name="partner_id" invisible="1"/>'+
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
var $view = $('#qunit-fixture').contents();
$view.prependTo('body'); // => select with click position
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item[data-value=4] input').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 5, "should display 5 filter items");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 3, "should display 3 events");
// quick create a record
var left = calendar.$('.fc-bg td:eq(4)').offset().left+15;
var top = calendar.$('.fc-slats tr:eq(4) td:first').offset().top+15;
try {
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousedown");
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('The test fails to simulate a click in the screen. Your screen is probably too small or your dev tools is open.');
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 200, "mousemove");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top + 200, "mouseup");
$('.modal-body input:first').val('coucou').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').trigger('click');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Save)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 6, "should add the missing filter (active)");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 4, "should display the created item");
QUnit.test('Update event with filters', function (assert) {
var records = this.data.user.records;
id: 5,
display_name: "user 5",
partner_id: 3
this.data.event.onchanges = {
user_id: function (obj) {
obj.partner_id = _.findWhere(records, {id:obj.user_id}).partner_id;
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'attendee="partner_ids" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<filter name="user_id" avatar_field="image"/>'+
'<field name="partner_ids" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>'+
archs: {
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<field name="start"/>'+
'<field name="stop"/>'+
'<field name="user_id"/>'+
'<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>'+
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item[data-value=4] input').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 5, "should display 5 filter items");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 3, "should display 3 events");
calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(event 2) .fc-content').trigger('click');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Edit)').trigger('click');
$('.modal .o_field_widget[name="user_id"] input').trigger('click');
$('.ui-menu-item a:contains(user 5)').trigger('mouseenter').trigger('click');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Save)').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 6, "should add the missing filter (active)");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 3, "should display the updated item");
QUnit.test('change pager with filters', function (assert) {
id: 5,
display_name: "user 5",
partner_id: 3
id: 7,
user_id: 5,
partner_id: 3,
name: "event 7",
start: "2016-12-06 04:00:00",
stop: "2016-12-06 08:00:00",
allday: false,
partner_ids: [1,2,3],
type: 1
}, {
id: 8,
user_id: session.uid,
partner_id: 1,
name: "event 8",
start: "2016-12-07 04:00:00",
stop: "2016-12-07 08:00:00",
allday: false,
partner_ids: [1,2,3],
type: 1
id: 9,
user_id: 4,
partner_id: 4,
name: "event 9",
start: "2016-12-08 04:00:00",
stop: "2016-12-08 08:00:00",
allday: false,
partner_ids: [1,2,3],
type: 1
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'attendee="partner_ids" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<filter name="user_id" avatar_field="image"/>'+
'<field name="partner_ids" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>'+
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item[data-value=4] input').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item').length, 6, "should display 6 filter items");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 2, "should display 2 events");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event .o_field_name').text().replace(/\s/g, ''), "event7event8",
"should display 2 events");
QUnit.test('ensure events are still shown if filters give an empty domain', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
arch: '<calendar mode="week" date_start="start">' +
'<field name="partner_ids" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>' +
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 5,
"should display 5 events");
calendar.$('.o_calendar_filter_item[data-value=all] input[type=checkbox]').click();
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event').length, 5,
"should display 5 events");
QUnit.test('events starting at midnight', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
arch: '<calendar mode="week" date_start="start"/>',
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
// Click on Tuesday 12am
var $view = $('#qunit-fixture').contents();
var top = calendar.$('.fc-axis:contains(12am)').offset().top + 5;
var left = calendar.$('.fc-day:eq(2)').offset().left + 5;
try {
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerPositionalMouseEvent(left, top, "mouseup");
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('The test failed to simulate a click on the screen.' +
'Your screen is probably too small or your dev tools are open.');
"should open the quick create dialog");
// Creating the event
$('.modal-body input:first').val('new event in quick create').trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click').trigger('click');
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-event:contains(new event in quick create)').length, 1,
"should display the new record");
QUnit.test('set event as all day when field is date', function (assert) {
this.data.event.records[0].start_date = "2016-12-14";
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start_date" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'attendee="partner_ids" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<filter name="user_id" avatar_field="image"/>'+
'<field name="partner_ids" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return -480;
assert.strictEqual(calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-event-container').length, 1,
"should be one event in the all day row");
assert.strictEqual(calendar.model.data.data[0].r_start.date(), 14,
"the date should be 14");
QUnit.test('quickcreate avoid double event creation', function (assert) {
var createCount = 0;
var def = $.Deferred();
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
arch: '<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'string="Events" ' +
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="month" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
var result = this._super(route, args);
if (args.method === "create") {
return def.then(_.constant(result));
return result;
// create a new event
var $cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(2) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
var $input = $('.modal-body input:first');
$input.val('new event in quick create').trigger('input');
// Simulate ENTER pressed on Create button (after a TAB)
$input.trigger($.Event('keyup', {
which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER,
keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER,
$('.modal-footer button:first').click();
assert.strictEqual(createCount, 1,
"should create only one event");
QUnit.test('check if the view destroys all widgets and instances', function (assert) {
var instanceNumber = 0;
testUtils.patch(mixins.ParentedMixin, {
init: function () {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
destroy: function () {
if (!this.isDestroyed()) {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var params = {
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'event_open_popup="true" '+
'date_start="start_date" '+
'all_day="allday" '+
'mode="week" '+
'attendee="partner_ids" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
'<filter name="user_id" avatar_field="image"/>'+
'<field name="partner_ids" write_model="filter_partner" write_field="partner_id"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
var calendar = createView(params);
var initialInstanceNumber = instanceNumber;
instanceNumber = 0;
calendar = createView(params);
// call destroy function of controller to ensure that it correctly destroys everything
assert.strictEqual(instanceNumber, initialInstanceNumber+1, "every widget must be destroyed exept the parent");
QUnit.test('timezone does not affect current day', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
'<calendar date_start="start_date">'+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return -2400; // 40 hours timezone
var $sidebar = calendar.$('.o_calendar_sidebar');
assert.strictEqual($sidebar.find('.ui-datepicker-current-day').text(), "12", "should highlight the target day");
// go to previous day
assert.strictEqual($sidebar.find('.ui-datepicker-current-day').text(), "11", "should highlight the selected day");
QUnit.test('form_view_id attribute works (for creating events)', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
arch: '<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'mode="month" '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === "create") {
// we simulate here the case where a create call with just
// the field name fails. This is a normal flow, the server
// reject the create rpc (quick create), then the web client
// fall back to a form view. This happens typically when a
// model has required fields
return $.Deferred().reject('None shall pass!');
return this._super(route, args);
intercepts: {
do_action: function (event) {
assert.strictEqual(event.data.action.views[0][0], 42,
"should do a do_action with view id 42");
var $cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(2) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
var $input = $('.modal-body input:first');
$input.val("It's just a fleshwound").trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click');
QUnit.test('calendar fallback to form view id in action if necessary', function (assert) {
var calendar = createView({
View: CalendarView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
arch: '<calendar class="o_calendar_test" '+
'date_start="start" '+
'date_stop="stop" '+
'mode="month"> '+
'<field name="name"/>'+
archs: archs,
viewOptions: {
initialDate: initialDate,
action: {views: [[1, 'kanban'], [43, 'form']]}
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === "create") {
// we simulate here the case where a create call with just
// the field name fails. This is a normal flow, the server
// reject the create rpc (quick create), then the web client
// fall back to a form view. This happens typically when a
// model has required fields
return $.Deferred().reject('None shall pass!');
return this._super(route, args);
intercepts: {
do_action: function (event) {
assert.strictEqual(event.data.action.views[0][0], 43,
"should do a do_action with view id 43");
var $cell = calendar.$('.fc-day-grid .fc-row:eq(2) .fc-day:eq(2)');
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mousedown");
testUtils.triggerMouseEvent($cell, "mouseup");
var $input = $('.modal-body input:first');
$input.val("It's just a fleshwound").trigger('input');
$('.modal button.btn:contains(Create)').trigger('click');