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33 KiB

flectra.define('web.EditableListRenderer', function (require) {
"use strict";
* Editable List renderer
* The list renderer is reasonably complex, so we split it in two files. This
* file simply 'includes' the basic ListRenderer to add all the necessary
* behaviors to enable editing records.
* Unlike Flectra v1 and before, this list renderer is independant from the form
* view. It uses the same widgets, but the code is totally stand alone.
var core = require('web.core');
var dom = require('web.dom');
var ListRenderer = require('web.ListRenderer');
var utils = require('web.utils');
var _t = core._t;
custom_events: _.extend({}, ListRenderer.prototype.custom_events, {
navigation_move: '_onNavigationMove',
events: _.extend({}, ListRenderer.prototype.events, {
'click tbody td.o_data_cell': '_onCellClick',
'click tbody tr:not(.o_data_row)': '_onEmptyRowClick',
'click tfoot': '_onFooterClick',
'click tr .o_list_record_delete': '_onTrashIconClick',
'click .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a': '_onAddRecord',
* @override
* @param {Object} params
* @param {boolean} params.addCreateLine
* @param {boolean} params.addTrashIcon
init: function (parent, state, params) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// if addCreateLine is true, the renderer will add a 'Add an item' link
// at the bottom of the list view
this.addCreateLine = params.addCreateLine;
// if addTrashIcon is true, there will be a small trash icon at the end
// of each line, so the user can delete a record.
this.addTrashIcon = params.addTrashIcon;
this.currentRow = null;
this.currentFieldIndex = null;
* @override
* @returns {Deferred}
start: function () {
// deliberately use the 'editable' attribute instead of '_isEditable'
// function, because the groupBy must not be taken into account to
// enable the '_onWindowClicked' handler (otherwise, an editable grouped
// list which is reloaded without groupBy wouldn't have this handler
// bound, and edited rows couldn't be left by clicking outside the list)
if (this.editable) {
this.$el.css({height: '100%'}); // seems useless: to remove in master
core.bus.on('click', this, this._onWindowClicked.bind(this));
return this._super();
// Public
* If the given recordID is the list main one (or that no recordID is
* given), then the whole view can be saved if one of the two following
* conditions is true:
* - There is no line in edition (all lines are saved so they are all valid)
* - The line in edition can be saved
* @override
* @param {string} [recordID]
* @returns {string[]}
canBeSaved: function (recordID) {
if ((recordID || this.state.id) === this.state.id) {
recordID = this.getEditableRecordID();
if (recordID === null) {
return [];
return this._super(recordID);
* We need to override the confirmChange method from BasicRenderer to
* reevaluate the row decorations. Since they depends on the current value
* of the row, they might have changed between each edit.
* @override
confirmChange: function (state, id) {
var self = this;
return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function (widgets) {
if (widgets.length) {
var rowIndex = _.findIndex(state.data, function (r) {
return r.id === id;
var $row = self.$('.o_data_row:nth(' + rowIndex + ')');
self._setDecorationClasses(state.data[rowIndex], $row);
return widgets;
* This is a specialized version of confirmChange, meant to be called when
* the change may have affected more than one line (so, for example, an
* onchange which add/remove a few lines in a x2many. This does not occur
* in a normal list view)
* The update is more difficult when other rows could have been changed. We
* need to potentially remove some lines, add some other lines, update some
* other lines and maybe reorder a few of them. This problem would neatly
* be solved by using a virtual dom, but we do not have this luxury yet.
* So, in the meantime, what we do is basically remove every current row
* except the 'main' one (the row which caused the update), then rerender
* every new row and add them before/after the main one.
* @param {Object} state
* @param {string} id
* @param {string[]} fields
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
* @returns {Deferred<AbstractField[]>} resolved with the list of widgets
* that have been reset
confirmUpdate: function (state, id, fields, ev) {
var self = this;
// store the cursor position to restore it once potential onchanges have
// been applied
var currentRowID, currentWidget, focusedElement, selectionRange;
if (self.currentRow !== null) {
currentRowID = this.state.data[this.currentRow].id;
currentWidget = this.allFieldWidgets[currentRowID][this.currentFieldIndex];
focusedElement = currentWidget.getFocusableElement().get(0);
if (currentWidget.formatType !== 'boolean') {
selectionRange = dom.getSelectionRange(focusedElement);
var oldData = this.state.data;
this.state = state;
return this.confirmChange(state, id, fields, ev).then(function () {
// If no record with 'id' can be found in the state, the
// confirmChange method will have rerendered the whole view already,
// so no further work is necessary.
var record = _.findWhere(state.data, {id: id});
if (!record) {
var oldRowIndex = _.findIndex(oldData, {id: id});
var $row = self.$('.o_data_row:nth(' + oldRowIndex + ')');
_.each(oldData, function (rec) {
if (rec.id !== id) {
var newRowIndex = _.findIndex(state.data, {id: id});
var $lastRow = $row;
_.each(state.data, function (record, index) {
if (index === newRowIndex) {
var $newRow = self._renderRow(record);
if (index < newRowIndex) {
} else {
$lastRow = $newRow;
if (self.currentRow !== null) {
self.currentRow = newRowIndex;
return self._selectCell(newRowIndex, self.currentFieldIndex, {force: true}).then(function () {
// restore the cursor position
currentRowID = self.state.data[newRowIndex].id;
currentWidget = self.allFieldWidgets[currentRowID][self.currentFieldIndex];
focusedElement = currentWidget.getFocusableElement().get(0);
if (selectionRange) {
dom.setSelectionRange(focusedElement, selectionRange);
* Edit a given record in the list
* @param {string} recordID
editRecord: function (recordID) {
var rowIndex = _.findIndex(this.state.data, {id: recordID});
this._selectCell(rowIndex, 0);
* Returns the recordID associated to the line which is currently in edition
* or null if there is no line in edition.
* @returns {string|null}
getEditableRecordID: function () {
if (this.currentRow !== null) {
return this.state.data[this.currentRow].id;
return null;
* Removes the line associated to the given recordID (the index of the row
* is found thanks to the old state), then updates the state.
* @param {Object} state
* @param {string} recordID
removeLine: function (state, recordID) {
var self = this;
var rowIndex = _.findIndex(this.state.data, {id: recordID});
this.state = state;
if (rowIndex === -1) {
if (rowIndex === this.currentRow) {
this.currentRow = null;
// remove the row
var $row = this.$('.o_data_row:nth(' + rowIndex + ')');
if (this.state.count >= 4) {
} else {
* Updates the already rendered row associated to the given recordID so that
* it fits the given mode.
* @param {string} recordID
* @param {string} mode
* @returns {Deferred}
setRowMode: function (recordID, mode) {
var self = this;
// find the record and its row index (handles ungrouped and grouped cases
// as even if the grouped list doesn't support edition, it may contain
// a widget allowing the edition in readonly (e.g. priority), so it
// should be able to update a record as well)
var record;
var rowIndex;
if (this.state.groupedBy.length) {
rowIndex = -1;
var count = 0;
utils.traverse_records(this.state, function (r) {
if (r.id === recordID) {
record = r;
rowIndex = count;
} else {
rowIndex = _.findIndex(this.state.data, {id: recordID});
record = this.state.data[rowIndex];
if (rowIndex < 0) {
return $.when();
var editMode = (mode === 'edit');
this.currentRow = editMode ? rowIndex : null;
var $row = this.$('.o_data_row:nth(' + rowIndex + ')');
var $tds = $row.children('.o_data_cell');
var oldWidgets = _.clone(this.allFieldWidgets[record.id]);
// When switching to edit mode, force the dimensions of all cells to
// their current value so that they won't change if their content
// changes, to prevent the view from flickering.
if (editMode) {
$tds.each(function () {
var $td = $(this);
$td.css({width: $td.outerWidth()});
// Prepare options for cell rendering (this depends on the mode)
var options = {
renderInvisible: editMode,
renderWidgets: editMode,
options.mode = editMode ? 'edit' : 'readonly';
// Switch each cell to the new mode; note: the '_renderBodyCell'
// function might fill the 'this.defs' variables with multiple deferred
// so we create the array and delete it after the rendering.
var defs = [];
this.defs = defs;
_.each(this.columns, function (node, colIndex) {
var $td = $tds.eq(colIndex);
var $newTd = self._renderBodyCell(record, node, colIndex, options);
// Widgets are unregistered of modifiers data when they are
// destroyed. This is not the case for simple buttons so we have to
// do it here.
if ($td.hasClass('o_list_button')) {
self._unregisterModifiersElement(node, recordID, $td.children());
// For edit mode we only replace the content of the cell with its
// new content (invisible fields, editable fields, ...).
// For readonly mode, we replace the whole cell so that the
// dimensions of the cell are not forced anymore.
if (editMode) {
} else {
self._unregisterModifiersElement(node, recordID, $td);
delete this.defs;
// Destroy old field widgets
_.each(oldWidgets, this._destroyFieldWidget.bind(this, recordID));
// Toggle selected class here so that style is applied at the end
$row.toggleClass('o_selected_row', editMode);
return $.when.apply($, defs);
* This method is called whenever we click/move outside of a row that was
* in edit mode. This is the moment we save all accumulated changes on that
* row, if needed (@see BasicController.saveRecord).
* Note that we have to disable the focusable elements (inputs, ...) to
* prevent subsequent editions. These edits would be lost, because the list
* view only saves records when unselecting a row.
* @returns {Deferred} The deferred resolves if the row was unselected (and
* possibly removed). If may be rejected, when the row is dirty and the
* user refuses to discard its changes.
unselectRow: function () {
// Protect against calling this method when no row is selected
if (this.currentRow === null) {
return $.when();
var record = this.state.data[this.currentRow];
var recordWidgets = this.allFieldWidgets[record.id];
var def = $.Deferred();
this.trigger_up('save_line', {
recordID: record.id,
onSuccess: def.resolve.bind(def),
onFailure: def.reject.bind(def),
return def.fail(toggleWidgets.bind(null, false));
function toggleWidgets(disabled) {
_.each(recordWidgets, function (widget) {
var $el = widget.getFocusableElement();
$el.prop('disabled', disabled);
// Private
* Destroy all field widgets corresponding to a record. Useful when we are
* removing a useless row.
* @param {string} recordID
_destroyFieldWidgets: function (recordID) {
if (recordID in this.allFieldWidgets) {
var widgetsToDestroy = this.allFieldWidgets[recordID].slice();
_.each(widgetsToDestroy, this._destroyFieldWidget.bind(this, recordID));
delete this.allFieldWidgets[recordID];
* Returns the current number of columns. The editable renderer may add a
* trash icon on the right of a record, so we need to take this into account
* @override
* @returns {number}
_getNumberOfCols: function () {
var n = this._super();
if (this.addTrashIcon) {
return n;
* Returns true iff the list is editable, i.e. if it isn't grouped and if
* the editable attribute is set on the root node of its arch.
* @private
* @returns {boolean}
_isEditable: function () {
return !this.state.groupedBy.length && this.editable;
* Move the cursor on the end of the previous line, if possible.
* If there is no previous line, then we create a new record.
* @private
_moveToPreviousLine: function () {
if (this.currentRow > 0) {
this._selectCell(this.currentRow - 1, this.columns.length - 1);
} else {
this.unselectRow().then(this.trigger_up.bind(this, 'add_record'));
* Move the cursor on the beginning of the next line, if possible.
* If there is no next line, then we create a new record.
* @private
_moveToNextLine: function () {
var record = this.state.data[this.currentRow];
var fieldNames = this.canBeSaved(record.id);
if (fieldNames.length) {
if (this.currentRow < this.state.data.length - 1) {
this._selectCell(this.currentRow + 1, 0);
} else {
var self = this;
this.unselectRow().then(function () {
self.trigger_up('add_record', {
onFail: self._selectCell.bind(self, 0, 0, {}),
* @override
* @returns {Deferred}
_render: function () {
this.currentRow = null;
this.currentFieldIndex = null;
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* The renderer needs to support reordering lines. This is only active in
* edit mode. The hasHandle attribute is used when there is a sequence
* widget.
* @override
* @returns {jQueryElement}
_renderBody: function () {
var $body = this._super();
if (this.hasHandle) {
axis: 'y',
items: '> tr.o_data_row',
helper: 'clone',
handle: '.o_row_handle',
stop: this._resequence.bind(this),
return $body;
* Editable rows are possibly extended with a trash icon on their right, to
* allow deleting the corresponding record.
* @override
* @param {any} record
* @param {any} index
* @returns {jQueryElement}
_renderRow: function (record, index) {
var $row = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.addTrashIcon) {
var $icon = $('<button>', {class: 'fa fa-trash-o o_list_record_delete_btn', name: 'delete',
'aria-label': _t('Delete row ') + (index+1)});
var $td = $('<td>', {class: 'o_list_record_delete'}).append($icon);
return $row;
* If the editable list view has the parameter addCreateLine, we need to
* add a last row with the necessary control.
* @override
* @returns {jQueryElement}
_renderRows: function () {
var $rows = this._super();
if (this.addCreateLine) {
var $a = $('<a href="#">').text(_t("Add an item"));
var $td = $('<td>')
.attr('colspan', this._getNumberOfCols())
var $tr = $('<tr>').append($td);
return $rows;
* @override
* @private
* @returns {Deferred} this deferred is resolved immediately
_renderView: function () {
var self = this;
this.currentRow = null;
return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function () {
if (self._isEditable()) {
* Force the resequencing of the items in the list.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} event
* @param {Object} ui jqueryui sortable widget
_resequence: function (event, ui) {
var self = this;
var movedRecordID = ui.item.data('id');
var rows = this.state.data;
var row = _.findWhere(rows, {id: movedRecordID});
var index0 = rows.indexOf(row);
var index1 = ui.item.index();
var lower = Math.min(index0, index1);
var upper = Math.max(index0, index1) + 1;
var order = _.findWhere(self.state.orderedBy, {name: self.handleField});
var asc = !order || order.asc;
var reorderAll = false;
var sequence = (asc ? -1 : 1) * Infinity;
// determine if we need to reorder all lines
_.each(rows, function (row, index) {
if ((index < lower || index >= upper) &&
((asc && sequence >= row.data[self.handleField]) ||
(!asc && sequence <= row.data[self.handleField]))) {
reorderAll = true;
sequence = row.data[self.handleField];
if (reorderAll) {
rows = _.without(rows, row);
rows.splice(index1, 0, row);
} else {
rows = rows.slice(lower, upper);
rows = _.without(rows, row);
if (index0 > index1) {
} else {
var sequences = _.pluck(_.pluck(rows, 'data'), self.handleField);
var rowIDs = _.pluck(rows, 'id');
if (!asc) {
this.unselectRow().then(function () {
self.trigger_up('resequence', {
rowIDs: rowIDs,
offset: _.min(sequences),
handleField: self.handleField,
* This is one of the trickiest method in the editable renderer. It has to
* do a lot of stuff: it has to determine which cell should be selected (if
* the target cell is readonly, we need to find another suitable cell), then
* unselect the current row, and activate the line where the selected cell
* is, if necessary.
* @param {integer} rowIndex
* @param {integer} fieldIndex
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Event} [options.event] original target of the event which
* @param {boolean} [options.wrap=true] if true and no widget could be
* triggered the cell selection
* selected from the fieldIndex to the last column, then we wrap around and
* try to select a widget starting from the beginning
* @param {boolean} [options.force=false] if true, force selecting the cell
* even if seems to be already the selected one (useful after a re-
* rendering, to reset the focus on the correct field)
* @return {Deferred} fails if no cell could be selected
_selectCell: function (rowIndex, fieldIndex, options) {
options = options || {};
// Do nothing if the user tries to select current cell
if (!options.force && rowIndex === this.currentRow && fieldIndex === this.currentFieldIndex) {
return $.when();
var wrap = options.wrap === undefined ? true : options.wrap;
// Select the row then activate the widget in the correct cell
var self = this;
return this._selectRow(rowIndex).then(function () {
var record = self.state.data[rowIndex];
if (fieldIndex >= (self.allFieldWidgets[record.id] || []).length) {
return $.Deferred().reject();
// _activateFieldWidget might trigger an onchange,
// which requires currentFieldIndex to be set
// so that the cursor can be restored
var oldFieldIndex = self.currentFieldIndex;
self.currentFieldIndex = fieldIndex;
fieldIndex = self._activateFieldWidget(record, fieldIndex, {
inc: 1,
wrap: wrap,
event: options && options.event,
if (fieldIndex < 0) {
self.currentFieldIndex = oldFieldIndex;
return $.Deferred().reject();
self.currentFieldIndex = fieldIndex;
* Activates the row at the given row index.
* @param {integer} rowIndex
* @returns {Deferred}
_selectRow: function (rowIndex) {
// Do nothing if already selected
if (rowIndex === this.currentRow) {
return $.when();
// To select a row, the currently selected one must be unselected first
var self = this;
return this.unselectRow().then(function () {
if (self.state.data.length <= rowIndex) {
// The row to selected doesn't exist anymore (probably because
// an onchange triggered when unselecting the previous one
// removes rows)
return $.Deferred().reject();
// Notify the controller we want to make a record editable
var def = $.Deferred();
self.trigger_up('edit_line', {
index: rowIndex,
onSuccess: def.resolve.bind(def),
return def;
// Handlers
* This method is called when we click on the 'Add an Item' button in a sub
* list such as a one2many in a form view.
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onAddRecord: function (event) {
// we don't want the browser to navigate to a the # url
// we don't want the click to cause other effects, such as unselecting
// the row that we are creating, because it counts as a click on a tr
// but we do want to unselect current row
var self = this;
this.unselectRow().then(function () {
self.trigger_up('add_record'); // TODO write a test, the deferred was not considered
* When the user clicks on a cell, we simply select it.
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onCellClick: function (event) {
// The special_click property explicitely allow events to bubble all
// the way up to bootstrap's level rather than being stopped earlier.
if (!this._isEditable() || $(event.target).prop('special_click')) {
var $td = $(event.currentTarget);
var $tr = $td.parent();
var rowIndex = this.$('.o_data_row').index($tr);
var fieldIndex = Math.max($tr.find('.o_data_cell').not('.o_list_button').index($td), 0);
this._selectCell(rowIndex, fieldIndex, {event: event});
* We need to manually unselect row, because noone else would do it
_onEmptyRowClick: function () {
* Clicking on a footer should unselect (and save) the currently selected
* row. It has to be done this way, because this is a click inside this.el,
* and _onWindowClicked ignore those clicks.
_onFooterClick: function () {
* Handles the keyboard navigation according to events triggered by field
* widgets.
* - up/down: move to the cell above/below if any, or the first activable
* one on the row above/below if any on the right of this cell
* above/below (if none on the right, wrap to the beginning of the
* line).
* - left/right: move to the first activable cell on the left/right if any
* (wrap to the end/beginning of the line if necessary).
* - previous: move to the first activable cell on the left if any, if not
* move to the rightmost activable cell on the row above.
* - next: move to the first activable cell on the right if any, if not move
* to the leftmost activable cell on the row below.
* - next_line: move to leftmost activable cell on the row below.
* Note: moving to a line below if on the last line or moving to a line
* above if on the first line automatically creates a new line.
* @private
* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
_onNavigationMove: function (ev) {
ev.stopPropagation(); // stop the event, the action is done by this renderer
switch (ev.data.direction) {
case 'up':
if (this.currentRow > 0) {
this._selectCell(this.currentRow - 1, this.currentFieldIndex);
case 'right':
if (this.currentFieldIndex + 1 < this.columns.length) {
this._selectCell(this.currentRow, this.currentFieldIndex + 1);
case 'down':
if (this.currentRow < this.state.data.length - 1) {
this._selectCell(this.currentRow + 1, this.currentFieldIndex);
case 'left':
if (this.currentFieldIndex > 0) {
this._selectCell(this.currentRow, this.currentFieldIndex - 1);
case 'previous':
if (this.currentFieldIndex > 0) {
this._selectCell(this.currentRow, this.currentFieldIndex - 1, {wrap: false})
} else {
case 'next':
if (this.currentFieldIndex + 1 < this.columns.length) {
this._selectCell(this.currentRow, this.currentFieldIndex + 1, {wrap: false})
} else {
case 'next_line':
case 'cancel':
// stop the original event (typically an ESCAPE keydown), to
// prevent from closing the potential dialog containing this list
this.trigger_up('discard_changes', {
recordID: ev.target.dataPointID,
* If the list view editable, just let the event bubble. We don't want to
* open the record in this case anyway.
* @override
* @private
_onRowClicked: function () {
if (!this._isEditable()) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Overrides to prevent from sorting if we are currently editing a record.
* @override
* @private
_onSortColumn: function () {
if (this.currentRow === null) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Triggers a delete event. I don't know why we stop the propagation of the
* event.
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onTrashIconClick: function (event) {
var id = $(event.target).closest('tr').data('id');
this.trigger_up('list_record_delete', {id: id});
* When a click happens outside the list view, or outside a currently
* selected row, we want to unselect it.
* This is quite tricky, because in many cases, such as an autocomplete
* dropdown opened by a many2one in a list editable row, we actually don't
* want to unselect (and save) the current row.
* So, we try to ignore clicks on subelements of the renderer that are
* appended in the body, outside the table)
* @param {MouseEvent} event
_onWindowClicked: function (event) {
// ignore clicks if this renderer is not in the dom.
if (!document.contains(this.el)) {
// there is currently no selected row
if (this.currentRow === null) {
// ignore clicks in autocomplete dropdowns
if ($(event.target).parents('.ui-autocomplete').length) {
// ignore clicks in modals, except if the list is in a modal, and the
// click is performed in that modal
var $clickModal = $(event.target).closest('.modal');
if ($clickModal.length) {
var $listModal = this.$el.closest('.modal');
if ($clickModal.prop('id') !== $listModal.prop('id')) {
// ignore clicks if target is no longer in dom. For example, a click on
// the 'delete' trash icon of a m2m tag.
if (!document.contains(event.target)) {
// ignore clicks if target is inside the list. In that case, they are
// handled directly by the renderer.
if (this.el.contains(event.target) && this.el !== event.target) {