
4275 lines
177 KiB

flectra.define('web.BasicModel', function (require) {
"use strict";
* Basic Model
* This class contains all the logic necessary to communicate between the
* python models and the web client. More specifically, its job is to give a
* simple unified API to the rest of the web client (in particular, the views and
* the field widgets) to query and modify actual records in db.
* From a high level perspective, BasicModel is essentially a hashmap with
* integer keys and some data and metadata object as value. Each object in this
* hashmap represents a piece of data, and can be reloaded and modified by using
* its id as key in many methods.
* Here is a description of what those data point look like:
* var dataPoint = {
* _cache: {Object|undefined}
* _changes: {Object|null},
* aggregateValues: {Object},
* context: {Object},
* count: {integer},
* data: {Object|Object[]},
* domain: {*[]},
* fields: {Object},
* fieldsInfo: {Object},
* getContext: {function},
* getDomain: {function},
* getFieldNames: {function},
* groupedBy: {string[]},
* id: {integer},
* isOpen: {boolean},
* loadMoreOffset: {integer},
* limit: {integer},
* model: {string},
* offset: {integer},
* openGroupByDefault: {boolean},
* orderedBy: {Object[]},
* orderedResIDs: {integer[]},
* parentID: {string},
* rawContext: {Object},
* relationField: {string},
* res_id: {integer|null},
* res_ids: {integer[]},
* specialData: {Object},
* _specialDataCache: {Object},
* static: {boolean},
* type: {string} 'record' | 'list'
* value: ?,
* };
* Notes:
* - id: is totally unrelated to res_id. id is a web client local concept
* - res_id: if set to a number or a virtual id (a virtual id is a character
* string composed of an integer and has a dash and other information), it
* is an actual id for a record in the server database. If set to
* 'virtual_' + number, it is a record not yet saved (so, in create mode).
* - res_ids: if set, it represent the context in which the data point is actually
* used. For example, a given record in a form view (opened from a list view)
* might have a res_id = 2 and res_ids = [1,2,3]
* - offset: this is mainly used for pagination. Useful when we need to load
* another page, then we can simply change the offset and reload.
* - count is basically the number of records being manipulated. We can't use
* res_ids, because we might have a very large number of records, or a
* domain, and the res_ids would be the current page, not the full set.
* - model is the actual name of a (flectra) model, such as 'res.partner'
* - fields contains the description of all the fields from the model. Note that
* these properties might have been modified by a view (for example, with
* required=true. So, the fields kind of depends of the context of the
* data point.
* - field_names: list of some relevant field names (string). Usually, it
* denotes the fields present in the view. Only those fields should be
* loaded.
* - _cache and _changes are private, they should not leak out of the basicModel
* and be used by anyone else.
* Commands:
* commands are the base commands for x2many (0 -> 6), but with a
* slight twist: each [0, _, values] command is augmented with a virtual id:
* it means that when the command is added in basicmodel, it generates an id
* looking like this: 'virtual_' + number, and uses this id to identify the
* element, so it can be edited later.
var AbstractModel = require('web.AbstractModel');
var concurrency = require('web.concurrency');
var Context = require('web.Context');
var core = require('web.core');
var Domain = require('web.Domain');
var session = require('web.session');
var utils = require('web.utils');
var _t = core._t;
var x2ManyCommands = {
// (0, virtualID, {values})
create: function (virtualID, values) {
delete values.id;
return [x2ManyCommands.CREATE, virtualID || false, values];
// (1, id, {values})
update: function (id, values) {
delete values.id;
return [x2ManyCommands.UPDATE, id, values];
// (2, id[, _])
delete: function (id) {
return [x2ManyCommands.DELETE, id, false];
// (3, id[, _]) removes relation, but not linked record itself
forget: function (id) {
return [x2ManyCommands.FORGET, id, false];
// (4, id[, _])
link_to: function (id) {
return [x2ManyCommands.LINK_TO, id, false];
// (5[, _[, _]])
delete_all: function () {
return [5, false, false];
// (6, _, ids) replaces all linked records with provided ids
replace_with: function (ids) {
return [6, false, ids];
var BasicModel = AbstractModel.extend({
* @override
init: function () {
// this mutex is necessary to make sure some operations are done
// sequentially, for example, an onchange needs to be completed before a
// save is performed.
this.mutex = new concurrency.Mutex();
this.localData = Object.create(null);
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Public
* Add a default record to a list object. This method actually makes a new
* record with the _makeDefaultRecord method, then adds it to the list object.
* The default record is added in the data directly. This is meant to be used
* by list or kanban controllers (i.e. not for x2manys in form views, as in
* this case, we store changes as commands).
* @param {string} listID a valid handle for a list object
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.position=top] if the new record should be added
* on top or on bottom of the list
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to the id of the new created record
addDefaultRecord: function (listID, options) {
var self = this;
var list = this.localData[listID];
var context = this._getContext(list);
var position = (options && options.position) || 'top';
var params = {
context: context,
fields: list.fields,
fieldsInfo: list.fieldsInfo,
parentID: list.id,
viewType: list.viewType,
return this._makeDefaultRecord(list.model, params).then(function (id) {
if (position === 'top') {
} else {
var record = self.localData[id];
list._cache[record.res_id] = id;
return id;
* Add and process default values for a given record. Those values are
* parsed and stored in the '_changes' key of the record. For relational
* fields, sub-dataPoints are created, and missing relational data is
* fetched. Also generate default values for fields with no given value.
* Typically, this function is called with the result of a 'default_get'
* RPC, to populate a newly created dataPoint. It may also be called when a
* one2many subrecord is open in a form view (dialog), to generate the
* default values for the fields displayed in the o2m form view, but not in
* the list or kanban (mainly to correctly create sub-dataPoints for
* relational fields).
* @param {string} recordID local id for a record
* @param {Object} values dict of default values for the given record
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will
* assume main viewType from the record
* @param {Array} [options.fieldNames] list of field names for which a
* default value must be generated (used to complete the values dict)
* @returns {Deferred}
applyDefaultValues: function (recordID, values, options) {
options = options || {};
var record = this.localData[recordID];
var viewType = options.viewType || record.viewType;
var fieldNames = options.fieldNames || Object.keys(record.fieldsInfo[viewType]);
var field;
var fieldName;
record._changes = record._changes || {};
// ignore values for non requested fields (for instance, fields that are
// not in the view)
values = _.pick(values, fieldNames);
// fill default values for missing fields
for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
fieldName = fieldNames[i];
if (!(fieldName in values) && !(fieldName in record._changes)) {
field = record.fields[fieldName];
if (field.type === 'float' ||
field.type === 'integer' ||
field.type === 'monetary') {
values[fieldName] = 0;
} else if (field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many') {
values[fieldName] = [];
} else {
values[fieldName] = null;
// parse each value and create dataPoints for relational fields
var defs = [];
for (fieldName in values) {
field = record.fields[fieldName];
record.data[fieldName] = null;
var dp;
if (field.type === 'many2one' && values[fieldName]) {
dp = this._makeDataPoint({
context: record.context,
data: {id: values[fieldName]},
modelName: field.relation,
parentID: record.id,
record._changes[fieldName] = dp.id;
} else if (field.type === 'reference' && values[fieldName]) {
var ref = values[fieldName].split(',');
dp = this._makeDataPoint({
context: record.context,
data: {id: parseInt(ref[1])},
modelName: ref[0],
parentID: record.id,
record._changes[fieldName] = dp.id;
} else if (field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many') {
defs.push(this._processX2ManyCommands(record, fieldName, values[fieldName], options));
} else {
record._changes[fieldName] = this._parseServerValue(field, values[fieldName]);
return $.when.apply($, defs);
* Onchange RPCs may return values for fields that are not in the current
* view. Those fields might even be unknown when the onchange returns (e.g.
* in x2manys, we only know the fields that are used in the inner view, but
* not those used in the potential form view opened in a dialog when a sub-
* record is clicked). When this happens, we can't infer their type, so the
* given value can't be processed. It is instead stored in the '_rawChanges'
* key of the record, without any processing. Later on, if this record is
* displayed in another view (e.g. the user clicked on it in the x2many
* list, and the record opens in a dialog), those changes that were left
* behind must be applied. This function applies changes stored in
* '_rawChanges' for a given viewType.
* @param {string} recordID local resource id of a record
* @param {string} viewType the current viewType
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to the id of the record
applyRawChanges: function (recordID, viewType) {
var record = this.localData[recordID];
return this._applyOnChange(record._rawChanges, record, viewType).then(function () {
return record.id;
* Delete a list of records, then, if the records have a parent, reload it.
* @todo we should remove the deleted records from the localData
* @todo why can't we infer modelName? Because of grouped datapoint
* --> res_id doesn't correspond to the model and we don't have the
* information about the related model
* @param {string[]} recordIds list of local resources ids. They should all
* be of type 'record', be of the same model and have the same parent.
* @param {string} modelName mode name used to unlink the records
* @returns {Deferred}
deleteRecords: function (recordIds, modelName) {
var self = this;
var records = _.map(recordIds, function (id) { return self.localData[id]; });
return this._rpc({
model: modelName,
method: 'unlink',
args: [_.pluck(records, 'res_id')],
context: session.user_context, // todo: combine with view context
.then(function () {
_.each(records, function (record) {
var parent = record.parentID && self.localData[record.parentID];
if (parent && parent.type === 'list') {
parent.data = _.without(parent.data, record.id);
delete self.localData[record.id];
} else {
record.res_ids.splice(record.offset, 1);
record.offset = Math.min(record.offset, record.res_ids.length - 1);
record.res_id = record.res_ids[record.offset];
* Discard all changes in a local resource. Basically, it removes
* everything that was stored in a _changes key.
* @param {string} id local resource id
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.rollback=false] if true, the changes will
* be reset to the last _savePoint, otherwise, they are reset to null
discardChanges: function (id, options) {
options = options || {};
var element = this.localData[id];
var isNew = this.isNew(id);
var rollback = 'rollback' in options ? options.rollback : isNew;
var initialOffset = element.offset;
this._visitChildren(element, function (elem) {
if (rollback && elem._savePoint) {
if (elem._savePoint instanceof Array) {
elem._changes = elem._savePoint.slice(0);
} else {
elem._changes = _.extend({}, elem._savePoint);
elem._isDirty = !isNew;
} else {
elem._changes = null;
elem._isDirty = false;
elem.offset = 0;
if (elem.tempLimitIncrement) {
elem.limit -= elem.tempLimitIncrement;
delete elem.tempLimitIncrement;
element.offset = initialOffset;
* Duplicate a record (by calling the 'copy' route)
* @param {string} recordID id for a local resource
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to the id of duplicate record
duplicateRecord: function (recordID) {
var self = this;
var record = this.localData[recordID];
var context = this._getContext(record);
return this._rpc({
model: record.model,
method: 'copy',
args: [record.data.id],
context: context,
.then(function (res_id) {
var index = record.res_ids.indexOf(record.res_id);
record.res_ids.splice(index + 1, 0, res_id);
return self.load({
fieldsInfo: record.fieldsInfo,
fields: record.fields,
modelName: record.model,
res_id: res_id,
res_ids: record.res_ids.slice(0),
viewType: record.viewType,
context: context,
* The get method first argument is the handle returned by the load method.
* It is optional (the handle can be undefined). In some case, it makes
* sense to use the handle as a key, for example the BasicModel holds the
* data for various records, each with its local ID.
* synchronous method, it assumes that the resource has already been loaded.
* @param {string} id local id for the resource
* @param {any} options
* @param {boolean} [options.env=false] if true, will only return res_id
* (if record) or res_ids (if list)
* @param {boolean} [options.raw=false] if true, will not follow relations
* @returns {Object}
get: function (id, options) {
var self = this;
options = options || {};
if (!(id in this.localData)) {
return null;
var element = this.localData[id];
if (options.env) {
var env = {
ids: element.res_ids ? element.res_ids.slice(0) : [],
if (element.type === 'record') {
env.currentId = this.isNew(element.id) ? undefined : element.res_id;
return env;
if (element.type === 'record') {
var data = _.extend({}, element.data, element._changes);
var relDataPoint;
for (var fieldName in data) {
var field = element.fields[fieldName];
if (data[fieldName] === null) {
data[fieldName] = false;
if (!field) {
// get relational datapoint
if (field.type === 'many2one') {
if (options.raw) {
relDataPoint = this.localData[data[fieldName]];
data[fieldName] = relDataPoint ? relDataPoint.res_id : false;
} else {
data[fieldName] = this.get(data[fieldName]) || false;
} else if (field.type === 'reference') {
if (options.raw) {
relDataPoint = this.localData[data[fieldName]];
data[fieldName] = relDataPoint ?
relDataPoint.model + ',' + relDataPoint.res_id :
} else {
data[fieldName] = this.get(data[fieldName]) || false;
} else if (field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many') {
if (options.raw) {
relDataPoint = this.localData[data[fieldName]];
relDataPoint = this._applyX2ManyOperations(relDataPoint);
data[fieldName] = relDataPoint.res_ids;
} else {
data[fieldName] = this.get(data[fieldName]) || [];
var record = {
context: _.extend({}, element.context),
count: element.count,
data: data,
domain: element.domain.slice(0),
evalModifiers: element.evalModifiers,
fields: element.fields,
fieldsInfo: element.fieldsInfo,
getContext: element.getContext,
getDomain: element.getDomain,
getFieldNames: element.getFieldNames,
id: element.id,
limit: element.limit,
model: element.model,
offset: element.offset,
ref: element.ref,
res_ids: element.res_ids.slice(0),
specialData: _.extend({}, element.specialData),
type: 'record',
viewType: element.viewType,
if (!this.isNew(element.id)) {
record.res_id = element.res_id;
var evalContext;
Object.defineProperty(record, 'evalContext', {
get: function () {
evalContext = evalContext || self._getEvalContext(element);
return evalContext;
return record;
// apply potential changes (only for x2many lists)
element = this._applyX2ManyOperations(element);
if (!element.orderedResIDs && element._changes) {
_.each(element._changes, function (change) {
if (change.operation === 'ADD' && change.isNew) {
element.data = _.without(element.data, change.id);
if (change.position === 'top') {
} else {
var list = {
aggregateValues: _.extend({}, element.aggregateValues),
context: _.extend({}, element.context),
count: element.count,
data: _.map(element.data, function (elemID) {
return self.get(elemID, options);
domain: element.domain.slice(0),
fields: element.fields,
getContext: element.getContext,
getDomain: element.getDomain,
getFieldNames: element.getFieldNames,
groupedBy: element.groupedBy,
id: element.id,
isOpen: element.isOpen,
limit: element.limit,
model: element.model,
offset: element.offset,
orderedBy: element.orderedBy,
res_id: element.res_id,
res_ids: element.res_ids.slice(0),
type: 'list',
value: element.value,
viewType: element.viewType,
if (element.fieldsInfo) {
list.fieldsInfo = element.fieldsInfo;
return list;
* Returns the current display_name for the record.
* @param {string} id the localID for a valid record element
* @returns {string}
getName: function (id) {
var record = this.localData[id];
if (record._changes && 'display_name' in record._changes) {
return record._changes.display_name;
if ('display_name' in record.data) {
return record.data.display_name;
return _t("New");
* Returns true if a record can be abandoned.
* Case for not abandoning the record:
* 1. flagged as 'no abandon' (i.e. during a `default_get`, including any
* `onchange` from a `default_get`)
* 2. registered in a list on addition
* 2.1. registered as non-new addition
* 2.2. registered as new additon on update
* 3. record is not new
* Otherwise, the record can be abandoned.
* This is useful when discarding changes on this record, as it means that
* we must keep the record even if some fields are invalids (e.g. required
* field is empty).
* @param {string} id id for a local resource
* @returns {boolean}
canBeAbandoned: function (id) {
// 1. no drop if flagged
if (this.localData[id]._noAbandon) {
return false;
// 2. no drop in a list on "ADD in some cases
var record = this.localData[id];
var parent = this.localData[record.parentID];
if (parent) {
var entry = _.findWhere(parent._savePoint, {operation: 'ADD', id: id});
if (entry) {
// 2.1. no drop on non-new addition in list
if (!entry.isNew) {
return false;
// 2.2. no drop on new addition on "UPDATE"
var lastEntry = _.last(parent._savePoint);
if (lastEntry.operation === 'UPDATE' && lastEntry.id === id) {
return false;
// 3. drop new records
return this.isNew(id);
* Returns true if a record is dirty. A record is considered dirty if it has
* some unsaved changes, marked by the _isDirty property on the record or
* one of its subrecords.
* @param {string} id - the local resource id
* @returns {boolean}
isDirty: function (id) {
var isDirty = false;
this._visitChildren(this.localData[id], function (r) {
if (r._isDirty) {
isDirty = true;
return isDirty;
* Check if a localData is new, meaning if it is in the process of being
* created and no actual record exists in db. Note: if the localData is not
* of the "record" type, then it is always considered as not new.
* Note: A virtual id is a character string composed of an integer and has
* a dash and other information.
* E.g: in calendar, the recursive event have virtual id linked to a real id
* virtual event id "23-20170418020000" is linked to the event id 23
* @param {string} id id for a local resource
* @returns {boolean}
isNew: function (id) {
var data = this.localData[id];
if (data.type !== "record") {
return false;
var res_id = data.res_id;
if (typeof res_id === 'number') {
return false;
} else if (typeof res_id === 'string' && /^[0-9]+-/.test(res_id)) {
return false;
return true;
* Main entry point, the goal of this method is to fetch and process all
* data (following relations if necessary) for a given record/list.
* @todo document all params
* @param {any} params
* @param {Object} [params.fieldsInfo={}] contains the fieldInfo of each field
* @param {Object} params.fields contains the description of each field
* @param {string} [params.type] 'record' or 'list'
* @param {string} [params.recordID] an ID for an existing resource.
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to a local id, or handle
load: function (params) {
params.type = params.type || (params.res_id !== undefined ? 'record' : 'list');
// FIXME: the following seems only to be used by the basic_model_tests
// so it should probably be removed and the tests should be adapted
params.viewType = params.viewType || 'default';
if (!params.fieldsInfo) {
var fieldsInfo = {};
for (var fieldName in params.fieldNames) {
fieldsInfo[params.fieldNames[fieldName]] = {};
params.fieldsInfo = {};
params.fieldsInfo[params.viewType] = fieldsInfo;
if (params.type === 'record' && params.res_id === undefined) {
params.allowWarning = true;
return this._makeDefaultRecord(params.modelName, params);
var dataPoint = this._makeDataPoint(params);
return this._load(dataPoint).then(function () {
return dataPoint.id;
* This helper method is designed to help developpers that want to use a
* field widget outside of a view. In that case, we want a way to create
* data without actually performing a fetch.
* @param {string} model name of the model
* @param {Object[]} fields a description of field properties
* @param {Object} [fieldInfo] various field info that we want to set
* @returns {string} the local id for the created resource
makeRecord: function (model, fields, fieldInfo) {
var self = this;
var defs = [];
var record_fields = {};
_.each(fields, function (field) {
record_fields[field.name] = _.pick(field, 'type', 'relation', 'domain');
fieldInfo = fieldInfo || {};
var fieldsInfo = {};
fieldsInfo.default = {};
_.each(fields, function (field) {
fieldsInfo.default[field.name] = fieldInfo[field.name] || {};
var record = this._makeDataPoint({
modelName: model,
fields: record_fields,
fieldsInfo: fieldsInfo,
viewType: 'default',
_.each(fields, function (field) {
var dataPoint;
if (field.type === 'many2one') {
if (field.value) {
var id = _.isArray(field.value) ? field.value[0] : field.value;
var display_name = _.isArray(field.value) ? field.value[1] : undefined;
dataPoint = self._makeDataPoint({
modelName: field.relation,
data: {
id: id,
display_name: display_name,
parentID: record.id,
record.data[field.name] = dataPoint.id;
if (display_name === undefined) {
} else if (field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many') {
var relatedFieldsInfo = {};
relatedFieldsInfo.default = {};
_.each(field.fields, function (field) {
relatedFieldsInfo.default[field.name] = {};
var dpParams = {
fieldsInfo: relatedFieldsInfo,
modelName: field.relation,
parentID: record.id,
static: true,
type: 'list',
viewType: 'default',
var needLoad = false;
// As value, you could either pass:
// - a list of ids related to the record
// - a list of object
// We only need to load the datapoint in the first case.
if (field.value && field.value.length) {
if (_.isObject(field.value[0])) {
dpParams.res_ids = _.pluck(field.value, 'id');
dataPoint = self._makeDataPoint(dpParams);
_.each(field.value, function (data) {
var recordDP = self._makeDataPoint({
data: data,
modelName: field.relation,
parentID: dataPoint.id,
type: 'record',
dataPoint._cache[recordDP.res_id] = recordDP.id;
} else {
dpParams.res_ids = field.value;
dataPoint = self._makeDataPoint(dpParams);
needLoad = true;
} else {
dpParams.res_ids = [];
dataPoint = self._makeDataPoint(dpParams);
if (needLoad) {
record.data[field.name] = dataPoint.id;
} else if (field.value) {
record.data[field.name] = field.value;
return $.when.apply($, defs).then(function () {
return record.id;
* This is an extremely important method. All changes in any field go
* through this method. It will then apply them in the local state, check
* if onchanges needs to be applied, actually do them if necessary, then
* resolves with the list of changed fields.
* @param {string} record_id
* @param {Object} changes a map field => new value
* @param {Object} [options] will be transferred to the applyChange method
* @see _applyChange
* @returns {string[]} list of changed fields
notifyChanges: function (record_id, changes, options) {
return this.mutex.exec(this._applyChange.bind(this, record_id, changes, options));
* Reload all data for a given resource
* @param {string} id local id for a resource
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.keepChanges=false] if true, doesn't discard the
* changes on the record before reloading it
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to the id of the resource
reload: function (id, options) {
options = options || {};
var element = this.localData[id];
if (element.type === 'record') {
if (!options.currentId && (('currentId' in options) || this.isNew(id))) {
var params = {
context: element.context,
fieldsInfo: element.fieldsInfo,
fields: element.fields,
viewType: element.viewType,
return this._makeDefaultRecord(element.model, params);
if (!options.keepChanges) {
this.discardChanges(id, {rollback: false});
} else if (element._changes) {
delete element.tempLimitIncrement;
_.each(element._changes, function (change) {
delete change.isNew;
if (options.context !== undefined) {
element.context = options.context;
if (options.domain !== undefined) {
element.domain = options.domain;
if (options.groupBy !== undefined) {
element.groupedBy = options.groupBy;
if (options.limit !== undefined) {
element.limit = options.limit;
if (options.offset !== undefined) {
this._setOffset(element.id, options.offset);
if (options.loadMoreOffset !== undefined) {
element.loadMoreOffset = options.loadMoreOffset;
} else {
// reset if not specified
element.loadMoreOffset = 0;
if (options.currentId !== undefined) {
element.res_id = options.currentId;
if (options.ids !== undefined) {
element.res_ids = options.ids;
element.count = element.res_ids.length;
if (element.type === 'record') {
element.offset = _.indexOf(element.res_ids, element.res_id);
var loadOptions = _.pick(options, 'fieldNames', 'viewType');
return this._load(element, loadOptions).then(function (result) {
return result.id;
* In some case, we may need to remove an element from a list, without going
* through the notifyChanges machinery. The motivation for this is when the
* user click on 'Add an item' in a field one2many with a required field,
* then clicks somewhere else. The new line need to be discarded, but we
* don't want to trigger a real notifyChanges (no need for that, and also,
* we don't want to rerender the UI).
* @param {string} elementID some valid element id. It is necessary that the
* corresponding element has a parent.
removeLine: function (elementID) {
var record = this.localData[elementID];
var parent = this.localData[record.parentID];
if (parent.static) {
// x2Many case: the new record has been stored in _changes, as a
// command so we remove the command(s) related to that record
parent._changes = _.filter(parent._changes, function (change) {
if (change.id === elementID &&
change.operation === 'ADD' && // For now, only an ADD command increases limits
parent.tempLimitIncrement) {
// The record will be deleted from the _changes.
// So we won't be passing into the logic of _applyX2ManyOperations anymore
// implying that we have to cancel out the effects of an ADD command here
return change.id !== elementID;
} else {
// main list view case: the new record is in data
parent.data = _.without(parent.data, elementID);
* Resequences records.
* @param {string} modelName the resIDs model
* @param {Array<integer>} resIDs the new sequence of ids
* @param {string} parentID the localID of the parent
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {integer} [options.offset]
* @param {string} [options.field] the field name used as sequence
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to the local id of the parent
resequence: function (modelName, resIDs, parentID, options) {
options = options || {};
if ((resIDs.length <= 1)) {
return $.when(parentID); // there is nothing to sort
var self = this;
var data = this.localData[parentID];
var params = {
model: modelName,
ids: resIDs,
if (options.offset) {
params.offset = options.offset;
if (options.field) {
params.field = options.field;
return this._rpc({
route: '/web/dataset/resequence',
params: params,
.then(function () {
data.data = _.sortBy(data.data, function (d) {
return _.indexOf(resIDs, self.localData[d].res_id);
data.res_ids = [];
_.each(data.data, function (d) {
var dataPoint = self.localData[d];
if (dataPoint.type === 'record') {
} else {
data.res_ids = data.res_ids.concat(dataPoint.res_ids);
return parentID;
* Save a local resource, if needed. This is a complicated operation,
* - it needs to check all changes,
* - generate commands for x2many fields,
* - call the /create or /write method according to the record status
* - After that, it has to reload all data, in case something changed, server side.
* @param {string} record_id local resource
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.reload=true] if true, data will be reloaded
* @param {boolean} [options.savePoint=false] if true, the record will only
* be 'locally' saved: its changes written in a _savePoint key that can
* be restored later by call discardChanges with option rollback to true
* @param {string} [options.viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will
* assume main viewType from the record
* @returns {Deferred}
* Resolved with the list of field names (whose value has been modified)
save: function (recordID, options) {
var self = this;
return this.mutex.exec(function () {
options = options || {};
var record = self.localData[recordID];
if (options.savePoint) {
self._visitChildren(record, function (rec) {
var newValue = rec._changes || rec.data;
if (newValue instanceof Array) {
rec._savePoint = newValue.slice(0);
} else {
rec._savePoint = _.extend({}, newValue);
// save the viewType of edition, so that the correct readonly modifiers
// can be evaluated when the record will be saved
_.each((record._changes || {}), function (value, fieldName) {
record._editionViewType[fieldName] = options.viewType;
var shouldReload = 'reload' in options ? options.reload : true;
var method = self.isNew(recordID) ? 'create' : 'write';
if (record._changes) {
// id never changes, and should not be written
delete record._changes.id;
var changes = self._generateChanges(record, {viewType: options.viewType, changesOnly: method !== 'create'});
// id field should never be written/changed
delete changes.id;
if (method === 'create') {
var fieldNames = record.getFieldNames();
_.each(fieldNames, function (name) {
if (changes[name] === null) {
delete changes[name];
var def = $.Deferred();
var changedFields = Object.keys(changes);
if (options.savePoint) {
return def.resolve(changedFields);
def.then(function () {
record._isDirty = false;
// in the case of a write, only perform the RPC if there are changes to save
if (method === 'create' || changedFields.length) {
var args = method === 'write' ? [[record.data.id], changes] : [changes];
model: record.model,
method: method,
args: args,
context: record.getContext(),
}).then(function (id) {
if (method === 'create') {
record.res_id = id; // create returns an id, write returns a boolean
record.data.id = id;
record.offset = record.res_ids.length;
var _changes = record._changes;
// Erase changes as they have been applied
record._changes = {};
// Update the data directly or reload them
if (shouldReload) {
self._fetchRecord(record).then(function (record) {
} else {
_.extend(record.data, _changes);
} else {
return def;
* Completes the fields and fieldsInfo of a dataPoint with the given ones.
* It is useful for the cases where a record element is shared between
* various views, such as a one2many with a tree and a form view.
* @param {string} recordID a valid element ID
* @param {Object} viewInfo
* @param {Object} viewInfo.fields
* @param {Object} viewInfo.fieldsInfo
addFieldsInfo: function (recordID, viewInfo) {
var record = this.localData[recordID];
record.fields = _.extend({}, record.fields, viewInfo.fields);
// complete the given fieldsInfo with the fields of the main view, so
// that those field will be reloaded if a reload is triggered by the
// secondary view
var fieldsInfo = _.mapObject(viewInfo.fieldsInfo, function (fieldsInfo) {
return _.defaults({}, fieldsInfo, record.fieldsInfo[record.viewType]);
record.fieldsInfo = _.extend({}, record.fieldsInfo, fieldsInfo);
* For list resources, this freezes the current records order.
* @param {string} listID a valid element ID of type list
freezeOrder: function (listID) {
var list = this.localData[listID];
if (list.type === 'record') {
list = this._applyX2ManyOperations(list);
this.localData[listID].orderedResIDs = list.res_ids;
* Manually sets a resource as dirty. This is used to notify that a field
* has been modified, but with an invalid value. In that case, the value is
* not sent to the basic model, but the record should still be flagged as
* dirty so that it isn't discarded without any warning.
* @param {string} id a resource id
setDirty: function (id) {
this.localData[id]._isDirty = true;
* For list resources, this changes the orderedBy key.
* @param {string} list_id id for the list resource
* @param {string} fieldName valid field name
* @returns {Deferred}
setSort: function (list_id, fieldName) {
var list = this.localData[list_id];
if (list.type === 'record') {
} else if (list._changes) {
_.each(list._changes, function (change) {
delete change.isNew;
if (list.orderedBy.length === 0) {
list.orderedBy.push({name: fieldName, asc: true});
} else if (list.orderedBy[0].name === fieldName){
if (!list.orderedResIDs) {
list.orderedBy[0].asc = !list.orderedBy[0].asc;
} else {
var orderedBy = _.reject(list.orderedBy, function (o) {
return o.name === fieldName;
list.orderedBy = [{name: fieldName, asc: true}].concat(orderedBy);
list.orderedResIDs = null;
if (list.static) {
// sorting might require to fetch the field for records where the
// sort field is still unknown (i.e. on other pages for example)
return this._fetchUngroupedList(list);
return $.when();
* Toggle the active value of given records (to archive/unarchive them)
* @param {Array} recordIDs local ids of the records to (un)archive
* @param {boolean} value false to archive, true to unarchive (value of the active field)
* @param {string} parentID id of the parent resource to reload
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to the parent id
toggleActive: function (recordIDs, value, parentID) {
var self = this;
var parent = this.localData[parentID];
var resIDs = _.map(recordIDs, function (recordID) {
return self.localData[recordID].res_id;
return this._rpc({
model: parent.model,
method: 'write',
args: [resIDs, { active: value }],
.then(this.reload.bind(this, parentID));
* Toggle (open/close) a group in a grouped list, then fetches relevant
* data
* @param {string} groupId
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to the group id
toggleGroup: function (groupId) {
var self = this;
var group = this.localData[groupId];
if (group.isOpen) {
group.isOpen = false;
group.data = [];
group.res_ids = [];
group.offset = 0;
return $.when(groupId);
if (!group.isOpen) {
group.isOpen = true;
var def;
if (group.count > 0) {
def = this._load(group).then(function () {
return $.when(def).then(function () {
return groupId;
* For a list datapoint, unfreezes the current records order and sorts it.
* For a record datapoint, unfreezes the x2many list datapoints.
* @param {string} elementID a valid element ID
unfreezeOrder: function (elementID) {
var list = this.localData[elementID];
if (list.type === 'record') {
var data = _.extend({}, list.data, list._changes);
for (var fieldName in data) {
var field = list.fields[fieldName];
if (!field || !data[fieldName]) {
if (field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many') {
var recordlist = this.localData[data[fieldName]];
recordlist.orderedResIDs = null;
for (var index in recordlist.data) {
list.orderedResIDs = null;
// Private
* Add a default record to a list object. This method actually makes a new
* record with the _makeDefaultRecord method, then adds it to the list object
* as a 'ADD' command in its _changes. This is meant to be used x2many lists,
* not by list or kanban controllers.
* @private
* @param {Object} list a valid list object
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.position=top] if the new record should be added
* on top or on bottom of the list
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to the new record id
_addX2ManyDefaultRecord: function (list, options) {
var self = this;
var params = {
context: this._getContext(list),
fields: list.fields,
fieldsInfo: list.fieldsInfo,
parentID: list.id,
viewType: list.viewType,
return this._makeDefaultRecord(list.model, params).then(function (id) {
var position = options && options.position || 'top';
list._changes.push({operation: 'ADD', id: id, position: position, isNew: true});
var record = self.localData[id];
list._cache[record.res_id] = id;
if (list.orderedResIDs) {
var index = list.offset + (position !== 'top' ? list.limit : 0);
list.orderedResIDs.splice(index, 0, record.res_id);
// list could be a copy of the original one
self.localData[list.id].orderedResIDs = list.orderedResIDs;
return id;
* This method is the private version of notifyChanges. Unlike
* notifyChanges, it is not protected by a mutex. Every changes from the
* user to the model go through this method.
* @param {string} recordID
* @param {Object} changes
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.doNotSetDirty=false] if this flag is set to
* true, then we will not tag the record as dirty. This should be avoided
* for most situations.
* @param {boolean} [options.notifyChange=true] if this flag is set to
* false, then we will not notify and not trigger the onchange, even though
* it was changed.
* @param {string} [options.viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will assume
* main viewType from the record
* @returns {Deferred} list of changed fields
_applyChange: function (recordID, changes, options) {
var self = this;
var record = this.localData[recordID];
var field;
var defs = [];
options = options || {};
record._changes = record._changes || {};
if (!options.doNotSetDirty) {
record._isDirty = true;
var initialData = {};
this._visitChildren(record, function (elem) {
initialData[elem.id] = $.extend(true, {}, _.pick(elem, 'data', '_changes'));
// apply changes to local data
for (var fieldName in changes) {
field = record.fields[fieldName];
if (field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many') {
defs.push(this._applyX2ManyChange(record, fieldName, changes[fieldName], options.viewType));
} else if (field.type === 'many2one' || field.type === 'reference') {
defs.push(this._applyX2OneChange(record, fieldName, changes[fieldName]));
} else {
record._changes[fieldName] = changes[fieldName];
if (options.notifyChange === false) {
return $.Deferred().resolve(_.keys(changes));
return $.when.apply($, defs).then(function () {
var onChangeFields = []; // the fields that have changed and that have an on_change
for (var fieldName in changes) {
field = record.fields[fieldName];
if (field.onChange) {
var isX2Many = field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many';
if (!isX2Many || (self._isX2ManyValid(record._changes[fieldName] || record.data[fieldName]))) {
var onchangeDef = $.Deferred();
if (onChangeFields.length) {
self._performOnChange(record, onChangeFields, options.viewType)
.then(function (result) {
delete record._warning;
onchangeDef.resolve(_.keys(changes).concat(Object.keys(result && result.value || {})));
}).fail(function () {
self._visitChildren(record, function (elem) {
_.extend(elem, initialData[elem.id]);
} else {
onchangeDef = $.Deferred().resolve(_.keys(changes));
return onchangeDef.then(function (fieldNames) {
_.each(fieldNames, function (name) {
if (record._changes && record._changes[name] === record.data[name]) {
delete record._changes[name];
record._isDirty = !_.isEmpty(record._changes);
return self._fetchSpecialData(record).then(function (fieldNames2) {
// Return the names of the fields that changed (onchange or
// associated special data change)
return _.union(fieldNames, fieldNames2);
* Apply an x2one (either a many2one or a reference field) change. There is
* a need for this function because the server only gives an id when a
* onchange modifies a many2one field. For this reason, we need (sometimes)
* to do a /name_get to fetch a display_name.
* @param {Object} record
* @param {string} fieldName
* @param {Object} [data]
* @returns {Deferred}
_applyX2OneChange: function (record, fieldName, data) {
var self = this;
if (!data || !data.id) {
record._changes[fieldName] = false;
return $.when();
// here, we check that the many2one really changed. If the res_id is the
// same, we do not need to do any extra work. It can happen when the
// user edited a manyone (with the small form view button) with an
// onchange. In that case, the onchange is triggered, but the actual
// value did not change.
var relatedID;
if (record._changes && fieldName in record._changes) {
relatedID = record._changes[fieldName];
} else {
relatedID = record.data[fieldName];
var relatedRecord = this.localData[relatedID];
if (relatedRecord && (data.id === this.localData[relatedID].res_id)) {
return $.when();
var rel_data = _.pick(data, 'id', 'display_name');
var field = record.fields[fieldName];
// the reference field doesn't store its co-model in its field metadata
// but directly in the data (as the co-model isn't fixed)
var coModel = field.type === 'reference' ? data.model : field.relation;
var def;
if (rel_data.display_name === undefined) {
// TODO: refactor this to use _fetchNameGet
def = this._rpc({
model: coModel,
method: 'name_get',
args: [data.id],
context: record.context,
.then(function (result) {
rel_data.display_name = result[0][1];
return $.when(def).then(function () {
var rec = self._makeDataPoint({
context: record.context,
data: rel_data,
fields: {},
fieldsInfo: {},
modelName: coModel,
parentID: record.id,
record._changes[fieldName] = rec.id;
* Applies the result of an onchange RPC on a record.
* @private
* @param {Object} values the result of the onchange RPC (a mapping of
* fieldnames to their value)
* @param {Object} record
* @param {string} [viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will assume
* main viewType from the record
* @returns {Deferred}
_applyOnChange: function (values, record, viewType) {
var self = this;
var defs = [];
var rec;
viewType = viewType || record.viewType;
record._changes = record._changes || {};
_.each(values, function (val, name) {
var field = record.fields[name];
if (!field) {
// this field is unknown so we can't process it for now (it is not
// in the current view anyway, otherwise it wouldn't be unknown.
// we store its value without processing it, so that if we later
// on switch to another view in which this field is displayed,
// we could process it as we would know its type then.
// use case: an onchange sends a create command for a one2many,
// in the dict of values, there is a value for a field that is
// not in the one2many list, but that is in the one2many form.
record._rawChanges[name] = val;
var oldValue = name in record._changes ? record._changes[name] : record.data[name];
var id;
if (field.type === 'many2one') {
id = false;
// in some case, the value returned by the onchange can
// be false (no value), so we need to avoid creating a
// local record for that.
if (val) {
// when the value isn't false, it can be either
// an array [id, display_name] or just an id.
var data = _.isArray(val) ?
{id: val[0], display_name: val[1]} :
{id: val};
if (!oldValue || (self.localData[oldValue].res_id !== data.id)) {
// only register a change if the value has changed
rec = self._makeDataPoint({
context: record.context,
data: data,
modelName: field.relation,
parentID: record.id,
id = rec.id;
record._changes[name] = id;
} else {
record._changes[name] = false;
} else if (field.type === 'reference') {
id = false;
if (val) {
var ref = val.split(',');
var modelName = ref[0];
var resID = parseInt(ref[1]);
if (!oldValue || self.localData[oldValue].res_id !== resID ||
self.localData[oldValue].model !== modelName) {
// only register a change if the value has changed
rec = self._makeDataPoint({
context: record.context,
data: {id: parseInt(ref[1])},
modelName: modelName,
parentID: record.id,
id = rec.id;
record._changes[name] = id;
} else {
record._changes[name] = id;
} else if (field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many') {
var listId = record._changes[name] || record.data[name];
var list;
if (listId) {
list = self.localData[listId];
} else {
var fieldInfo = record.fieldsInfo[viewType][name];
if (!fieldInfo) {
return; // ignore changes of x2many not in view
var view = fieldInfo.views && fieldInfo.views[fieldInfo.mode];
list = self._makeDataPoint({
fields: view ? view.fields : fieldInfo.relatedFields,
fieldsInfo: view ? view.fieldsInfo : fieldInfo.fieldsInfo,
limit: fieldInfo.limit,
modelName: field.relation,
parentID: record.id,
static: true,
type: 'list',
viewType: view ? view.type : fieldInfo.viewType,
// TODO: before registering the changes, verify that the x2many
// value has changed
record._changes[name] = list.id;
list._changes = list._changes || [];
// save it in case of a [5] which will remove the _changes
var oldChanges = list._changes;
_.each(val, function (command) {
var rec, recID;
if (command[0] === 0 || command[0] === 1) {
if (command[0] === 0 && command[1]) {
// updating an existing (virtual) record
var previousChange = _.find(oldChanges, function (operation) {
var child = self.localData[operation.id];
return child && (child.res_id === command[1]);
recID = previousChange && previousChange.id;
rec = self.localData[recID];
if (command[0] === 1 && command[1]) {
// updating an existing record
rec = self.localData[list._cache[command[1]]];
if (!rec) {
var params = {
context: list.context,
fields: list.fields,
fieldsInfo: list.fieldsInfo,
modelName: list.model,
parentID: list.id,
viewType: list.viewType,
ref: command[1],
if (command[0] === 1) {
params.res_id = command[1];
rec = self._makeDataPoint(params);
list._cache[rec.res_id] = rec.id;
// Do not abandon the record if it has been created
// from `default_get`. The list has a savepoint only
// after having fully executed `default_get`.
rec._noAbandon = !list._savePoint;
list._changes.push({operation: 'ADD', id: rec.id});
if (command[0] === 1) {
list._changes.push({operation: 'UPDATE', id: rec.id});
defs.push(self._applyOnChange(command[2], rec));
} else if (command[0] === 4) {
linkRecord(list, command[1]);
} else if (command[0] === 5) {
list._changes = [{operation: 'REMOVE_ALL'}];
} else if (command[0] === 6) {
list._changes = [{operation: 'REMOVE_ALL'}];
_.each(command[2], function (resID) {
linkRecord(list, resID);
var def = self._readUngroupedList(list).then(function () {
var x2ManysDef = self._fetchX2ManysBatched(list);
var referencesDef = self._fetchReferencesBatched(list);
return $.when(x2ManysDef, referencesDef);
} else {
var newValue = self._parseServerValue(field, val);
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
record._changes[name] = newValue;
return $.when.apply($, defs);
// inner function that adds a record (based on its res_id) to a list
// dataPoint (used for onchanges that return commands 4 (LINK TO) or
// commands 6 (REPLACE WITH))
function linkRecord (list, resID) {
rec = self.localData[list._cache[resID]];
if (rec) {
// modifications done on a record are discarded if the onchange
// uses a LINK TO or a REPLACE WITH
// the dataPoint id will be set when the record will be fetched (for
// now, this dataPoint may not exist yet)
operation: 'ADD',
id: rec ? rec.id : null,
resID: resID,
* When an operation is applied to a x2many field, the field widgets
* generate one (or more) command, which describes the exact operation.
* This method tries to interpret these commands and apply them to the
* localData.
* @param {Object} record
* @param {string} fieldName
* @param {Object} command A command object. It should have a 'operation'
* key. For example, it looks like {operation: ADD, id: 'partner_1'}
* @param {string} [viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will assume
* main viewType from the record
* @returns {Deferred}
_applyX2ManyChange: function (record, fieldName, command, viewType) {
if (command.operation === 'TRIGGER_ONCHANGE') {
// the purpose of this operation is to trigger an onchange RPC, so
// there is no need to apply any change on the record (the changes
// have probably been already applied and saved, usecase: many2many
// edition in a dialog)
return $.when();
var self = this;
var localID = (record._changes && record._changes[fieldName]) || record.data[fieldName];
var list = this.localData[localID];
var field = record.fields[fieldName];
var fieldInfo = record.fieldsInfo[viewType || record.viewType][fieldName];
var view = fieldInfo.views && fieldInfo.views[fieldInfo.mode];
var def, rec;
var defs = [];
list._changes = list._changes || [];
switch (command.operation) {
case 'ADD':
// for now, we are in the context of a one2many field
// the command should look like this:
// { operation: 'ADD', id: localID }
// The corresponding record may contain value for fields that
// are unknown in the list (e.g. fields that are in the
// subrecord form view but not in the kanban or list view), so
// to ensure that onchanges are correctly handled, we extend the
// list's fields with those in the created record
var newRecord = this.localData[command.id];
_.defaults(list.fields, newRecord.fields);
_.defaults(list.fieldsInfo, newRecord.fieldsInfo);
newRecord.fields = list.fields;
newRecord.fieldsInfo = list.fieldsInfo;
newRecord.viewType = list.viewType;
list._cache[newRecord.res_id] = newRecord.id;
case 'ADD_M2M':
// force to use link command instead of create command
list._forceM2MLink = true;
// handle multiple add: command[2] may be a dict of values (1
// record added) or an array of dict of values
var data = _.isArray(command.ids) ? command.ids : [command.ids];
// Ensure the local data repository (list) boundaries can handle incoming records (data)
if (data.length + list.res_ids.length > list.limit) {
list.limit = data.length + list.res_ids.length;
var list_records = {};
_.each(data, function (d) {
rec = self._makeDataPoint({
context: record.context,
modelName: field.relation,
fields: view ? view.fields : fieldInfo.relatedFields,
fieldsInfo: view ? view.fieldsInfo : fieldInfo.fieldsInfo,
res_id: d.id,
viewType: view ? view.type : fieldInfo.viewType,
parentID: list.id,
list_records[d.id] = rec;
list._cache[rec.res_id] = rec.id;
list._changes.push({operation: 'ADD', id: rec.id});
// read list's records as we only have their ids and optionally their display_name
// (we can't use function readUngroupedList because those records are only in the
// _changes so this is a very specific case)
// this could be optimized by registering the fetched records in the list's _cache
// so that if a record is removed and then re-added, it won't be fetched twice
var fieldNames = list.getFieldNames();
if (fieldNames.length) {
def = this._rpc({
model: list.model,
method: 'read',
args: [_.pluck(data, 'id'), fieldNames],
context: record.context,
}).then(function (records) {
_.each(records, function (record) {
list_records[record.id].data = record;
self._parseServerData(fieldNames, list, record);
return $.when(
case 'CREATE':
var options = {position: command.position};
def = this._addX2ManyDefaultRecord(list, options).then(function (id) {
if (command.position === 'bottom' && list.orderedResIDs.length >= list.limit) {
list.tempLimitIncrement = (list.tempLimitIncrement || 0) + 1;
list.limit += 1;
// FIXME: hack for lunch widget, which does useless default_get and onchange
if (command.data) {
return self._applyChange(id, command.data);
case 'UPDATE':
list._changes.push({operation: 'UPDATE', id: command.id});
if (command.data) {
defs.push(this._applyChange(command.id, command.data));
case 'FORGET':
// Unlink the record of list.
list._forceM2MUnlink = true;
case 'DELETE':
// filter out existing operations involving the current
// dataPoint, and add a 'DELETE' or 'FORGET' operation only if there is
// no 'ADD' operation for that dataPoint, as it would mean
// that the record wasn't in the relation yet
var idsToRemove = command.ids;
list._changes = _.reject(list._changes, function (change, index) {
var idInCommands = _.contains(command.ids, change.id);
if (idInCommands && change.operation === 'ADD') {
idsToRemove = _.without(idsToRemove, change.id);
return idInCommands;
_.each(idsToRemove, function (id) {
var operation = list._forceM2MUnlink ? 'FORGET': 'DELETE';
list._changes.push({operation: operation, id: id});
// this is certainly not optimal... and not sure that it is
// correct if some ids are added and some other are removed
list._changes = [];
var newIds = _.difference(command.ids, list.res_ids);
var removedIds = _.difference(list.res_ids, command.ids);
var addDef, removedDef, values;
if (newIds.length) {
values = _.map(newIds, function (id) {
return {id: id};
addDef = this._applyX2ManyChange(record, fieldName, {
operation: 'ADD_M2M',
ids: values
if (removedIds.length) {
var listData = _.map(list.data, function (localId) {
return self.localData[localId];
removedDef = this._applyX2ManyChange(record, fieldName, {
operation: 'DELETE',
ids: _.map(removedIds, function (resID) {
if (resID in list._cache) {
return list._cache[resID];
return _.findWhere(listData, {res_id: resID}).id;
return $.when(addDef, removedDef);
return $.when.apply($, defs).then(function () {
// ensure to fetch up to 'limit' records (may be useful if records of
// the current page have been removed)
return self._readUngroupedList(list).then(function () {
return self._fetchX2ManysBatched(list);
* In dataPoints of type list for x2manys, the changes are stored as a list
* of operations (being of type 'ADD', 'DELETE', 'FORGET', UPDATE' or 'REMOVE_ALL').
* This function applies the operation of such a dataPoint without altering
* the original dataPoint. It returns a copy of the dataPoint in which the
* 'count', 'data' and 'res_ids' keys have been updated.
* @private
* @param {Object} dataPoint of type list
* @param {Object} [options] mostly contains the range of operations to apply
* @param {Object} [options.from=0] the index of the first operation to apply
* @param {Object} [options.to=length] the index of the last operation to apply
* @param {Object} [options.position] if set, each new operation will be set
* accordingly at the top or the bottom of the list
* @returns {Object} element of type list in which the commands have been
* applied
_applyX2ManyOperations: function (list, options) {
if (!list.static) {
// this function only applies on x2many lists
return list;
var self = this;
list = _.extend({}, list);
list.res_ids = list.res_ids.slice(0);
var changes = list._changes || [];
if (options) {
var to = options.to === 0 ? 0 : (options.to || changes.length);
changes = changes.slice(options.from || 0, to);
_.each(changes, function (change) {
var relRecord;
if (change.id) {
relRecord = self.localData[change.id];
switch (change.operation) {
case 'ADD':
var resID = relRecord ? relRecord.res_id : change.resID;
if (change.position === 'top' && (options ? options.position !== 'bottom' : true)) {
} else {
case 'FORGET':
case 'DELETE':
list.res_ids = _.without(list.res_ids, relRecord.res_id);
case 'REMOVE_ALL':
list.count = 0;
list.res_ids = [];
case 'UPDATE':
// nothing to do for UPDATE commands
return list;
* Helper method to build a 'spec', that is a description of all fields in
* the view that have a onchange defined on them.
* An onchange spec is necessary as an argument to the /onchange route. It
* looks like this: { field: "1", anotherField: "", relation.subField: "1"}
* @see _performOnChange
* @param {Object} record resource object of type 'record'
* @param {string} [viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will assume
* main viewType from the record
* @returns {Object|false} an onchange spec, or false if no onchange should
* be applied
_buildOnchangeSpecs: function (record, viewType) {
var hasOnchange = false;
var specs = {};
var fieldsInfo = record.fieldsInfo[viewType || record.viewType];
generateSpecs(fieldsInfo, record.fields);
// recursively generates the onchange specs for fields in fieldsInfo,
// and their subviews
function generateSpecs (fieldsInfo, fields, prefix) {
prefix = prefix || '';
_.each(Object.keys(fieldsInfo), function (name) {
var field = fields[name];
var fieldInfo = fieldsInfo[name];
var key = prefix + name;
specs[key] = (field.onChange) || "";
if (field.onChange) {
hasOnchange = true;
_.each(fieldInfo.views, function (view) {
generateSpecs(view.fieldsInfo[view.type], view.fields, key + '.');
return hasOnchange ? specs : false;
* Evaluate modifiers
* @private
* @param {Object} element a valid element object, which will serve as eval
* context.
* @param {Object} modifiers
* @returns {Object}
_evalModifiers: function (element, modifiers) {
var result = {};
var self = this;
var evalContext;
function evalModifier(mod) {
if (mod === undefined || mod === false || mod === true) {
return !!mod;
evalContext = evalContext || self._getEvalContext(element);
return new Domain(mod, evalContext).compute(evalContext);
if ('invisible' in modifiers) {
result.invisible = evalModifier(modifiers.invisible);
if ('column_invisible' in modifiers) {
result.column_invisible = evalModifier(modifiers.column_invisible);
if ('readonly' in modifiers) {
result.readonly = evalModifier(modifiers.readonly);
if ('required' in modifiers) {
result.required = evalModifier(modifiers.required);
return result;
* Fetch all name_gets for the many2ones in a group
* @param {Object[]} groups a list of object with context and record sub keys
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchMany2OneGroup: function (groups) {
var ids = _.uniq(_.pluck(_.pluck(groups, 'record'), 'res_id'));
return this._rpc({
model: groups[0].record.model,
method: 'name_get',
args: [ids],
context: groups[0].context
.then(function (name_gets) {
_.each(groups, function (obj) {
var nameGet = _.find(name_gets, function (n) { return n[0] === obj.record.res_id;});
obj.record.data.display_name = nameGet[1];
* Fetch name_get for a record datapoint.
* @param {Object} dataPoint
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchNameGet: function (dataPoint) {
return this._rpc({
model: dataPoint.model,
method: 'name_get',
args: [dataPoint.res_id],
context: dataPoint.getContext(),
}).then(function (result) {
dataPoint.data.display_name = result[0][1];
_fetchNameGets: function (list, fieldName) {
var self = this;
var model;
var records = [];
var ids = [];
list = this._applyX2ManyOperations(list);
_.each(list.data, function (localId) {
var record = self.localData[localId];
var data = record._changes || record.data;
var many2oneId = data[fieldName];
if (!many2oneId) { return; }
var many2oneRecord = self.localData[many2oneId];
model = many2oneRecord.model;
if (!ids.length) {
return $.when();
return this._rpc({
model: model,
method: 'name_get',
args: [_.uniq(ids)],
context: list.context,
.then(function (name_gets) {
_.each(records, function (record) {
var nameGet = _.find(name_gets, function (nameGet) {
return nameGet[0] === record.data.id;
record.data.display_name = nameGet[1];
* For a given resource of type 'record', fetch all data.
* @param {Object} record local resource
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string[]} [options.fieldNames] the list of fields to fetch. If
* not given, fetch all the fields in record.fieldNames (+ display_name)
* @param {string} [optinos.viewType] the type of view for which the record
* is fetched (usefull to load the adequate fields), by defaults, uses
* record.viewType
* @returns {Deferred<Object>} resolves to the record or is rejected in
* case no id given were valid ids
_fetchRecord: function (record, options) {
var self = this;
options = options || {};
var fieldNames = options.fieldNames || record.getFieldNames(options);
fieldNames = _.uniq(fieldNames.concat(['display_name']));
return this._rpc({
model: record.model,
method: 'read',
args: [[record.res_id], fieldNames],
context: _.extend({}, record.getContext(), {bin_size: true}),
.then(function (result) {
if (result.length === 0) {
return $.Deferred().reject();
result = result[0];
record.data = _.extend({}, record.data, result);
.then(function () {
self._parseServerData(fieldNames, record, record.data);
.then(function () {
return $.when(
self._fetchX2Manys(record, options),
self._fetchReferences(record, options)
).then(function () {
return self._postprocess(record, options);
* Fetch the `name_get` for a reference field.
* @private
* @param {Object} record
* @param {string} fieldName
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchReference: function (record, fieldName) {
var self = this;
var def;
var value = record._changes && record._changes[fieldName] || record.data[fieldName];
var model = value && value.split(',')[0];
var resID = value && parseInt(value.split(',')[1]);
if (model && model !== 'False' && resID) {
def = self._rpc({
model: model,
method: 'name_get',
args: [resID],
context: record.getContext({fieldName: fieldName}),
}).then(function (result) {
return self._makeDataPoint({
data: {
id: result[0][0],
display_name: result[0][1],
modelName: model,
parentID: record.id,
return $.when(def);
* Fetch the extra data (`name_get`) for the reference fields of the record
* model.
* @private
* @param {Object} record
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchReferences: function (record, options) {
var self = this;
var defs = [];
var fieldNames = options && options.fieldNames || record.getFieldNames();
_.each(fieldNames, function (fieldName) {
var field = record.fields[fieldName];
if (field.type === 'reference') {
var def = self._fetchReference(record, fieldName).then(function (dataPoint) {
if (dataPoint) {
record.data[fieldName] = dataPoint.id;
return $.when.apply($, defs);
* Batch requests for one reference field in list (one request by different
* model in the field values).
* @see _fetchReferencesBatched
* @param {Object} list
* @param {string} fieldName
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchReferenceBatched: function (list, fieldName) {
var self = this;
list = this._applyX2ManyOperations(list);
// collect ids by model
var toFetch = {};
_.each(list.data, function (dataPoint) {
var record = self.localData[dataPoint];
var value = record.data[fieldName];
// if the reference field has already been fetched, the value is a
// datapoint ID, and in this case there's nothing to do
if (value && !self.localData[value]) {
var model = value.split(',')[0];
var resID = value.split(',')[1];
if (!(model in toFetch)) {
toFetch[model] = {};
// there could be multiple datapoints with the same model/resID
if (toFetch[model][resID]) {
} else {
toFetch[model][resID] = [dataPoint];
var defs = [];
var def;
// one name_get by model
_.each(toFetch, function (datapoints, model) {
var ids = _.map(Object.keys(datapoints), function (id) { return parseInt(id); });
// we need one parent for the context (they all have the same)
var parent = datapoints[ids[0]][0];
def = self._rpc({
model: model,
method: 'name_get',
args: [ids],
context: self.localData[parent].getContext({fieldName: fieldName}),
}).then(function (result) {
_.each(result, function (el) {
var parentIDs = datapoints[el[0]];
_.each(parentIDs, function (parentID) {
var parent = self.localData[parentID];
var referenceDp = self._makeDataPoint({
data: {
id: el[0],
display_name: el[1],
modelName: model,
parentID: parent,
parent.data[fieldName] = referenceDp.id;
return $.when.apply($, defs);
* Batch requests for references for datapoint of type list.
* @param {Object} list
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchReferencesBatched: function (list) {
var defs = [];
var fieldNames = list.getFieldNames();
for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
var field = list.fields[fieldNames[i]];
if (field.type === 'reference') {
defs.push(this._fetchReferenceBatched(list, fieldNames[i]));
return $.when.apply($, defs);
* This method is incorrectly named. It should be named something like
* _fetchMany2OneData.
* For a given record, this method fetches all many2ones information,
* batching the requests if possible (for example, if 3 many2ones are in
* relation on the same model, then we can probably fetch them in one rpc)
* This method is currently only called by _makeDefaultRecord, it should be
* called by the onchange methods at some point.
* @todo fix bug: returns a list of deferred, not a deferred
* @param {Object} record a valid resource object
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchRelationalData: function (record) {
var self = this;
var toBeFetched = [];
// find all many2one related records to be fetched
_.each(record.getFieldNames(), function (name) {
var field = record.fields[name];
if (field.type === 'many2one' && !record.fieldsInfo[record.viewType][name].__no_fetch) {
var localId = (record._changes && record._changes[name]) || record.data[name];
var relatedRecord = self.localData[localId];
if (!relatedRecord) {
context: record.getContext({fieldName: name, viewType: record.viewType}),
record: relatedRecord
// group them by model and context. Using the context as key is
// necessary to make sure the correct context is used for the rpc;
var groups = _.groupBy(toBeFetched, function (elem) {
return [elem.record.model, JSON.stringify(elem.context)].join();
return $.when.apply($, _.map(groups, this._fetchMany2OneGroup.bind(this)));
* Check the AbstractField specializations that are (will be) used by the
* given record and fetch the special data they will need. Special data are
* data that the rendering of the record won't need if it was not using
* particular widgets (example of these can be found at the methods which
* start with _fetchSpecial).
* @param {Object} record - an element from the localData
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Deferred<Array>}
* The deferred is resolved with an array containing the names of
* the field whose special data has been changed.
_fetchSpecialData: function (record, options) {
var self = this;
var specialFieldNames = [];
var fieldNames = (options && options.fieldNames) || record.getFieldNames();
return $.when.apply($, _.map(fieldNames, function (name) {
var viewType = (options && options.viewType) || record.viewType;
var fieldInfo = record.fieldsInfo[viewType][name] || {};
var Widget = fieldInfo.Widget;
if (Widget && Widget.prototype.specialData) {
return self[Widget.prototype.specialData](record, name, fieldInfo).then(function (data) {
if (data === undefined) {
record.specialData[name] = data;
})).then(function () {
return specialFieldNames;
* Fetches all the m2o records associated to the given fieldName. If the
* given fieldName is not a m2o field, nothing is done.
* @param {Object} record - an element from the localData
* @param {Object} fieldName - the name of the field
* @param {Object} fieldInfo
* @param {string[]} [fieldsToRead] - the m2os fields to read (id and
* display_name are automatic).
* @returns {Deferred<any>}
* The deferred is resolved with the fetched special data. If this
* data is the same as the previously fetched one (for the given
* parameters), no RPC is done and the deferred is resolved with
* the undefined value.
_fetchSpecialMany2ones: function (record, fieldName, fieldInfo, fieldsToRead) {
var field = record.fields[fieldName];
if (field.type !== "many2one") {
return $.when();
var context = record.getContext({fieldName: fieldName});
var domain = record.getDomain({fieldName: fieldName});
if (domain.length) {
var localID = (record._changes && fieldName in record._changes) ?
record._changes[fieldName] :
if (localID) {
var element = this.localData[localID];
domain = ["|", ["id", "=", element.data.id]].concat(domain);
// avoid rpc if not necessary
var hasChanged = this._saveSpecialDataCache(record, fieldName, {
context: context,
domain: domain,
if (!hasChanged) {
return $.when();
var self = this;
return this._rpc({
model: field.relation,
method: 'search_read',
fields: ["id"].concat(fieldsToRead || []),
context: context,
domain: domain,
.then(function (records) {
var ids = _.pluck(records, 'id');
return self._rpc({
model: field.relation,
method: 'name_get',
args: [ids],
context: context,
.then(function (name_gets) {
_.each(records, function (rec) {
var name_get = _.find(name_gets, function (n) {
return n[0] === rec.id;
rec.display_name = name_get[1];
return records;
* Fetches all the relation records associated to the given fieldName. If
* the given fieldName is not a relational field, nothing is done.
* @param {Object} record - an element from the localData
* @param {Object} fieldName - the name of the field
* @returns {Deferred<any>}
* The deferred is resolved with the fetched special data. If this
* data is the same as the previously fetched one (for the given
* parameters), no RPC is done and the deferred is resolved with
* the undefined value.
_fetchSpecialRelation: function (record, fieldName) {
var field = record.fields[fieldName];
if (!_.contains(["many2one", "many2many", "one2many"], field.type)) {
return $.when();
var context = record.getContext({fieldName: fieldName});
var domain = record.getDomain({fieldName: fieldName});
// avoid rpc if not necessary
var hasChanged = this._saveSpecialDataCache(record, fieldName, {
context: context,
domain: domain,
if (!hasChanged) {
return $.when();
return this._rpc({
model: field.relation,
method: 'name_search',
args: ["", domain],
context: context
* Fetches the `name_get` associated to the reference widget if the field is
* a `char` (which is a supported case).
* @private
* @param {Object} record - an element from the localData
* @param {Object} fieldName - the name of the field
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchSpecialReference: function (record, fieldName) {
var def;
var field = record.fields[fieldName];
if (field.type === 'char') {
// if the widget reference is set on a char field, the name_get
// needs to be fetched a posteriori
def = this._fetchReference(record, fieldName);
return $.when(def);
* Fetches all the m2o records associated to the given fieldName. If the
* given fieldName is not a m2o field, nothing is done. The difference with
* _fetchSpecialMany2ones is that the field given by options.fold_field is
* also fetched.
* @param {Object} record - an element from the localData
* @param {Object} fieldName - the name of the field
* @param {Object} fieldInfo
* @returns {Deferred<any>}
* The deferred is resolved with the fetched special data. If this
* data is the same as the previously fetched one (for the given
* parameters), no RPC is done and the deferred is resolved with
* the undefined value.
_fetchSpecialStatus: function (record, fieldName, fieldInfo) {
var foldField = fieldInfo.options.fold_field;
var fieldsToRead = foldField ? [foldField] : [];
return this._fetchSpecialMany2ones(record, fieldName, fieldInfo, fieldsToRead).then(function (m2os) {
_.each(m2os, function (m2o) {
m2o.fold = foldField ? m2o[foldField] : false;
return m2os;
* Fetches the number of records associated to the domain the value of the
* given field represents.
* @param {Object} record - an element from the localData
* @param {Object} fieldName - the name of the field
* @param {Object} fieldInfo
* @returns {Deferred<any>}
* The deferred is resolved with the fetched special data. If this
* data is the same as the previously fetched one (for the given
* parameters), no RPC is done and the deferred is resolved with
* the undefined value.
_fetchSpecialDomain: function (record, fieldName, fieldInfo) {
var context = record.getContext({fieldName: fieldName});
var domainModel = fieldInfo.options.model;
if (record.data.hasOwnProperty(domainModel)) {
domainModel = record._changes && record._changes[domainModel] || record.data[domainModel];
var domainValue = record._changes && record._changes[fieldName] || record.data[fieldName] || [];
// avoid rpc if not necessary
var hasChanged = this._saveSpecialDataCache(record, fieldName, {
context: context,
domainModel: domainModel,
domainValue: domainValue,
if (!hasChanged) {
return $.when();
} else if (!domainModel) {
return $.when({
model: domainModel,
nbRecords: 0,
var def = $.Deferred();
model: domainModel,
method: 'search_count',
args: [Domain.prototype.stringToArray(domainValue)],
context: context
.then(_.identity, function (error, e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent traceback (the search_count might be intended to break)
return false;
.always(function (nbRecords) {
model: domainModel,
nbRecords: nbRecords,
return def;
* Fetch all data in a ungrouped list
* @param {Object} list a valid resource object
* @returns {Deferred<Object>} resolves to the fecthed list
_fetchUngroupedList: function (list) {
var self = this;
var def;
if (list.static) {
def = this._readUngroupedList(list).then(function () {
if (list.parentID && self.isNew(list.parentID)) {
// list from a default_get, so fetch display_name for many2one fields
var many2ones = self._getMany2OneFieldNames(list);
var defs = _.map(many2ones, function (name) {
return self._fetchNameGets(list, name);
return $.when.apply($, defs);
} else {
def = this._searchReadUngroupedList(list);
return def.then(function () {
return $.when(
}).then(function () {
return list;
* X2Manys have to be fetched by separate rpcs (their data are stored on
* different models). This method takes a record, look at its x2many fields,
* then, if necessary, create a local resource and fetch the corresponding
* data.
* It also tries to reuse data, if it can find an existing list, to prevent
* useless rpcs.
* @param {Object} record local resource
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string[]} [options.fieldNames] the list of fields to fetch.
* If not given, fetch all the fields in record.fieldNames
* @param {string} [options.viewType] the type of view for which the main
* record is fetched (useful to load the adequate fields), by defaults,
* uses record.viewType
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchX2Manys: function (record, options) {
var self = this;
var defs = [];
options = options || {};
var fieldNames = options.fieldNames || record.getFieldNames(options);
var viewType = options.viewType || record.viewType;
_.each(fieldNames, function (fieldName) {
var field = record.fields[fieldName];
if (field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many') {
var fieldInfo = record.fieldsInfo[viewType][fieldName];
var rawContext = fieldInfo && fieldInfo.context;
var view = fieldInfo.views && fieldInfo.views[fieldInfo.mode];
var fieldsInfo = view ? view.fieldsInfo : (fieldInfo.fieldsInfo || {});
var ids = record.data[fieldName] || [];
var list = self._makeDataPoint({
count: ids.length,
context: record.context,
fieldsInfo: fieldsInfo,
fields: view ? view.fields : fieldInfo.relatedFields,
limit: fieldInfo.limit,
modelName: field.relation,
res_ids: ids,
static: true,
type: 'list',
orderedBy: fieldInfo.orderedBy,
parentID: record.id,
rawContext: rawContext,
relationField: field.relation_field,
viewType: view ? view.type : fieldInfo.viewType,
// set existing changes to the list
if (record._changes && record._changes[fieldName]) {
list._changes = self.localData[record._changes[fieldName]]._changes;
record._changes[fieldName] = list.id;
record.data[fieldName] = list.id;
if (!fieldInfo.__no_fetch) {
var def = self._readUngroupedList(list).then(function () {
return $.when(
return $.when.apply($, defs);
* batch requests for 1 x2m in list
* @see _fetchX2ManysBatched
* @param {Object} list
* @param {string} fieldName
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchX2ManyBatched: function (list, fieldName) {
var self = this;
var field = list.fields[fieldName];
var fieldInfo = list.fieldsInfo[list.viewType][fieldName];
var view = fieldInfo.views && fieldInfo.views[fieldInfo.mode];
var fieldsInfo = view ? view.fieldsInfo : fieldInfo.fieldsInfo;
var fields = view ? view.fields : fieldInfo.relatedFields;
var viewType = view ? view.type : fieldInfo.viewType;
list = this._applyX2ManyOperations(list);
var x2mRecords = [];
// step 1: collect ids
var ids = [];
_.each(list.data, function (dataPoint) {
var record = self.localData[dataPoint];
if (typeof record.data[fieldName] === 'string') {
// in this case, the value is a local ID, which means that the
// record has already been processed. It can happen for example
// when a user adds a record in a m2m relation, or loads more
// records in a kanban column
ids = _.unique(ids.concat(record.data[fieldName] || []));
var m2mList = self._makeDataPoint({
fieldsInfo: fieldsInfo,
fields: fields,
modelName: field.relation,
parentID: record.id,
res_ids: record.data[fieldName],
static: true,
type: 'list',
viewType: viewType,
record.data[fieldName] = m2mList.id;
if (!ids.length || fieldInfo.__no_fetch) {
return $.when();
var def;
var fieldNames = _.keys(fieldInfo.relatedFields);
// step 2: fetch data from server
// if we want specific fields
// if not we return an array of objects with the id
// to avoid fetching all the relation fields and an useless rpc
if (fieldNames.length) {
def = this._rpc({
model: field.relation,
method: 'read',
args: [ids, fieldNames],
context: list.getContext() || {},
} else {
def = $.when(_.map(ids, function (id) {
return {id:id};
return def.then(function (results) {
// step 3: assign values to correct datapoints
_.each(x2mRecords, function (record) {
var m2mList = self.localData[record.data[fieldName]];
m2mList.data = [];
_.each(m2mList.res_ids, function (res_id) {
var dataPoint = self._makeDataPoint({
modelName: field.relation,
data: _.findWhere(results, {id: res_id}),
fields: fields,
fieldsInfo: fieldsInfo,
parentID: m2mList.id,
viewType: viewType,
m2mList._cache[res_id] = dataPoint.id;
* batch request for x2ms for datapoint of type list
* @param {Object} list
* @returns {Deferred}
_fetchX2ManysBatched: function (list) {
var defs = [];
var fieldNames = list.getFieldNames();
for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
var field = list.fields[fieldNames[i]];
if (field.type === 'many2many' || field.type === 'one2many') {
defs.push(this._fetchX2ManyBatched(list, fieldNames[i]));
return $.when.apply($, defs);
* Generates an object mapping field names to their changed value in a given
* record (i.e. maps to the new value for basic fields, to the res_id for
* many2ones and to commands for x2manys).
* @private
* @param {Object} record
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.changesOnly=true] if true, only generates
* commands for fields that have changed (concerns x2many fields only)
* @param {boolean} [options.withReadonly=false] if false, doesn't generate
* changes for readonly fields
* @param {string} [options.viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will
* assume main viewType from the record. Note that if an editionViewType is
* specified for a field, it will take the priority over the viewType arg.
* @returns {Object} a map from changed fields to their new value
_generateChanges: function (record, options) {
options = options || {};
var viewType = options.viewType || record.viewType;
var changes;
if ('changesOnly' in options && !options.changesOnly) {
changes = _.extend({}, record.data, record._changes);
} else {
changes = _.extend({}, record._changes);
var withReadonly = options.withReadonly || false;
var commands = this._generateX2ManyCommands(record, {
changesOnly: 'changesOnly' in options ? options.changesOnly : true,
withReadonly: withReadonly,
for (var fieldName in record.fields) {
// remove readonly fields from the list of changes
if (!withReadonly && fieldName in changes || fieldName in commands) {
var editionViewType = record._editionViewType[fieldName] || viewType;
if (this._isFieldProtected(record, fieldName, editionViewType)) {
delete changes[fieldName];
// process relational fields and handle the null case
var type = record.fields[fieldName].type;
var value;
if (type === 'one2many' || type === 'many2many') {
if (commands[fieldName] && commands[fieldName].length) { // replace localId by commands
changes[fieldName] = commands[fieldName];
} else { // no command -> no change for that field
delete changes[fieldName];
} else if (type === 'many2one' && fieldName in changes) {
value = changes[fieldName];
changes[fieldName] = value ? this.localData[value].res_id : false;
} else if (type === 'reference' && fieldName in changes) {
value = changes[fieldName];
changes[fieldName] = value ?
this.localData[value].model + ',' + this.localData[value].res_id :
} else if (type === 'char' && changes[fieldName] === '') {
changes[fieldName] = false;
} else if (changes[fieldName] === null) {
changes[fieldName] = false;
return changes;
* Generates an object mapping field names to their current value in a given
* record. If the record is inside a one2many, the returned object contains
* an additional key (the corresponding many2one field name) mapping to the
* current value of the parent record.
* @param {Object} record
* @param {Object} [options] This option object will be given to the private
* method _generateX2ManyCommands. In particular, it is useful to be able
* to send changesOnly:true to get all data, not only the current changes.
* @returns {Object} the data
_generateOnChangeData: function (record, options) {
options = _.extend({}, options || {}, {withReadonly: true});
var commands = this._generateX2ManyCommands(record, options);
var data = _.extend(this.get(record.id, {raw: true}).data, commands);
// 'display_name' is automatically added to the list of fields to fetch,
// when fetching a record, even if it doesn't appear in the view. However,
// only the fields in the view must be passed to the onchange RPC, so we
// remove it from the data sent by RPC if it isn't in the view.
var hasDisplayName = _.some(record.fieldsInfo, function (fieldsInfo) {
return 'display_name' in fieldsInfo;
if (!hasDisplayName) {
delete data.display_name;
// one2many records have a parentID
if (record.parentID) {
var parent = this.localData[record.parentID];
// parent is the list element containing all the records in the
// one2many and parent.parentID is the ID of the main record
// if there is a relation field, this means that record is an elem
// in a one2many. The relation field is the corresponding many2one
if (parent.parentID && parent.relationField) {
var parentRecord = this.localData[parent.parentID];
data[parent.relationField] = this._generateOnChangeData(parentRecord);
return data;
* Read all x2many fields and generate the commands for the server to create
* or write them...
* @param {Object} record
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.fieldNames] if given, generates the commands for
* these fields only
* @param {boolean} [changesOnly=false] if true, only generates commands for
* fields that have changed
* @param {boolean} [options.withReadonly=false] if false, doesn't generate
* changes for readonly fields in commands
* @returns {Object} a map from some field names to commands
_generateX2ManyCommands: function (record, options) {
var self = this;
options = options || {};
var fields = record.fields;
if (options.fieldNames) {
fields = _.pick(fields, options.fieldNames);
var commands = {};
var data = _.extend({}, record.data, record._changes);
var type;
for (var fieldName in fields) {
type = fields[fieldName].type;
if (type === 'many2many' || type === 'one2many') {
if (!data[fieldName]) {
// skip if this field is empty
commands[fieldName] = [];
var list = this.localData[data[fieldName]];
if (options.changesOnly && (!list._changes || !list._changes.length)) {
// if only changes are requested, skip if there is no change
var oldResIDs = list.res_ids.slice(0);
var relRecordAdded = [];
var relRecordUpdated = [];
_.each(list._changes, function (change) {
if (change.operation === 'ADD' && change.id) {
} else if (change.operation === 'UPDATE' && !self.isNew(change.id)) {
// ignore new records that would have been updated
// afterwards, as all their changes would already
// be aggregated in the CREATE command
list = this._applyX2ManyOperations(list);
if (type === 'many2many' || list._forceM2MLink) {
var relRecordCreated = _.filter(relRecordAdded, function (rec) {
return typeof rec.res_id === 'string';
var realIDs = _.difference(list.res_ids, _.pluck(relRecordCreated, 'res_id'));
// deliberately generate a single 'replace' command instead
// of a 'delete' and a 'link' commands with the exact diff
// because 1) performance-wise it doesn't change anything
// and 2) to guard against concurrent updates (policy: force
// a complete override of the actual value of the m2m)
_.each(relRecordCreated, function (relRecord) {
var changes = self._generateChanges(relRecord, options);
commands[fieldName].push(x2ManyCommands.create(relRecord.ref, changes));
// generate update commands for records that have been
// updated (it may happen with editable lists)
_.each(relRecordUpdated, function (relRecord) {
var changes = self._generateChanges(relRecord, options);
if (!_.isEmpty(changes)) {
var command = x2ManyCommands.update(relRecord.res_id, changes);
} else if (type === 'one2many') {
var removedIds = _.difference(oldResIDs, list.res_ids);
var addedIds = _.difference(list.res_ids, oldResIDs);
var keptIds = _.intersection(oldResIDs, list.res_ids);
// the didChange variable keeps track of the fact that at
// least one id was updated
var didChange = false;
var changes, command, relRecord;
for (var i = 0; i < list.res_ids.length; i++) {
if (_.contains(keptIds, list.res_ids[i])) {
// this is an id that already existed
relRecord = _.findWhere(relRecordUpdated, {res_id: list.res_ids[i]});
changes = relRecord ? this._generateChanges(relRecord, options) : {};
if (!_.isEmpty(changes)) {
command = x2ManyCommands.update(relRecord.res_id, changes);
didChange = true;
} else {
command = x2ManyCommands.link_to(list.res_ids[i]);
} else if (_.contains(addedIds, list.res_ids[i])) {
// this is a new id (maybe existing in DB, but new in JS)
relRecord = _.findWhere(relRecordAdded, {res_id: list.res_ids[i]});
if (!relRecord) {
changes = this._generateChanges(relRecord, options);
if (changes.id) {
// the subrecord already exists in db
delete changes.id;
if (this.isNew(record.id)) {
// if the main record is new, link the subrecord to it
if (!_.isEmpty(changes)) {
commands[fieldName].push(x2ManyCommands.update(relRecord.res_id, changes));
} else {
// the subrecord is new, so create it
commands[fieldName].push(x2ManyCommands.create(relRecord.ref, changes));
if (options.changesOnly && !didChange && addedIds.length === 0 && removedIds.length === 0) {
// in this situation, we have no changed ids, no added
// ids and no removed ids, so we can safely ignore the
// last changes
commands[fieldName] = [];
// add delete commands
for (i = 0; i < removedIds.length; i++) {
if (list._forceM2MUnlink) {
} else {
return commands;
* Every RPC done by the model need to add some context, which is a
* combination of the context of the session, of the record/list, and/or of
* the concerned field. This method combines all these contexts and evaluate
* them with the proper evalcontext.
* @param {Object} element an element from the localData
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string|Object} [options.additionalContext]
* another context to evaluate and merge to the returned context
* @param {string} [options.fieldName]
* if given, this field's context is added to the context, instead of
* the element's context (except if options.full is true)
* @param {boolean} [options.full=false]
* if true or nor fieldName or additionalContext given in options,
* the element's context is added to the context
* @returns {Object} the evaluated context
_getContext: function (element, options) {
options = options || {};
var context = new Context(session.user_context);
if (options.full || !(options.fieldName || options.additionalContext)) {
if (options.fieldName) {
var viewType = options.viewType || element.viewType;
var fieldInfo = element.fieldsInfo[viewType][options.fieldName];
if (fieldInfo && fieldInfo.context) {
} else {
var fieldParams = element.fields[options.fieldName];
if (fieldParams.context) {
if (options.additionalContext) {
if (element.rawContext) {
var rawContext = new Context(element.rawContext);
var evalContext = this._getEvalContext(this.localData[element.parentID]);
evalContext.id = evalContext.id || false;
return context.eval();
* Some records are associated to a/some domain(s). This method allows to
* retrieve them, evaluated.
* @param {Object} element an element from the localData
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.fieldName]
* the name of the field whose domain needs to be returned
* @returns {Array} the evaluated domain
_getDomain: function (element, options) {
if (options && options.fieldName) {
if (element._domains[options.fieldName]) {
return Domain.prototype.stringToArray(
this._getEvalContext(element, true)
var viewType = options.viewType || element.viewType;
var fieldInfo = element.fieldsInfo[viewType][options.fieldName];
if (fieldInfo && fieldInfo.domain) {
return Domain.prototype.stringToArray(
this._getEvalContext(element, true)
var fieldParams = element.fields[options.fieldName];
if (fieldParams.domain) {
return Domain.prototype.stringToArray(
this._getEvalContext(element, true)
return [];
return Domain.prototype.stringToArray(
this._getEvalContext(element, true)
* Returns the evaluation context that should be used when evaluating the
* context/domain associated to a given element from the localData.
* It is actually quite subtle. We need to add some magic keys: active_id
* and active_ids. Also, the session user context is added in the mix to be
* sure. This allows some domains to use the uid key for example
* @param {Object} element - an element from the localData
* @param {boolean} [forDomain=false] if true, evaluates x2manys as a list of
* ids instead of a list of commands
* @returns {Object}
_getEvalContext: function (element, forDomain) {
var evalContext = element.type === 'record' ? this._getRecordEvalContext(element, forDomain) : {};
if (element.parentID) {
var parent = this.localData[element.parentID];
if (parent.type === 'list' && parent.parentID) {
parent = this.localData[parent.parentID];
if (parent.type === 'record') {
evalContext.parent = this._getRecordEvalContext(parent, forDomain);
return _.extend({
active_id: evalContext.id || false,
active_ids: evalContext.id ? [evalContext.id] : [],
active_model: element.model,
current_date: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
id: evalContext.id || false,
}, session.user_context, element.context, evalContext);
* Returns the list of field names of the given element according to its
* default view type.
* @param {Object} element an element from the localData
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Object} [options.viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will
* assume main viewType from the record
* @returns {string[]} the list of field names
_getFieldNames: function (element, options) {
var fieldsInfo = element.fieldsInfo;
var viewType = options && options.viewType || element.viewType;
return Object.keys(fieldsInfo && fieldsInfo[viewType] || {});
* Get many2one fields names in a datapoint. This is useful in order to
* fetch their names in the case of a default_get.
* @private
* @param {Object} datapoint a valid resource object
* @returns {string[]} list of field names that are many2one
_getMany2OneFieldNames: function (datapoint) {
var many2ones = [];
_.each(datapoint.fields, function (field, name) {
if (field.type === 'many2one') {
return many2ones;
* Evaluate the record evaluation context. This method is supposed to be
* called by _getEvalContext. It basically only generates a dictionary of
* current values for the record, with commands for x2manys fields.
* @param {Object} record an element of type 'record'
* @param {boolean} [forDomain=false] if true, x2many values are a list of
* ids instead of a list of commands
* @returns Object
_getRecordEvalContext: function (record, forDomain) {
var self = this;
var relDataPoint;
var context = _.extend({}, record.data, record._changes);
// calls _generateX2ManyCommands for a given field, and returns the array of commands
function _generateX2ManyCommands(fieldName) {
var commands = self._generateX2ManyCommands(record, {fieldNames: [fieldName]});
return commands[fieldName];
for (var fieldName in context) {
var field = record.fields[fieldName];
if (context[fieldName] === null) {
context[fieldName] = false;
if (!field || field.name === 'id') {
if (field.type === 'date' || field.type === 'datetime') {
if (context[fieldName]) {
context[fieldName] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(context[fieldName]));
if (field.type === 'many2one') {
relDataPoint = this.localData[context[fieldName]];
context[fieldName] = relDataPoint ? relDataPoint.res_id : false;
if (field.type === 'one2many' || field.type === 'many2many') {
var ids;
if (!context[fieldName] || _.isArray(context[fieldName])) { // no dataPoint created yet
ids = context[fieldName] ? context[fieldName].slice(0) : [];
} else {
relDataPoint = this._applyX2ManyOperations(this.localData[context[fieldName]]);
ids = relDataPoint.res_ids.slice(0);
if (!forDomain) {
// when sent to the server, the x2manys values must be a list
// of commands in a context, but the list of ids in a domain
ids.toJSON = _generateX2ManyCommands.bind(null, fieldName);
} else if (field.type === 'one2many') { // Ids are evaluated as a list of ids
/* Filtering out virtual ids from the ids list
* The server will crash if there are virtual ids in there
* The webClient doesn't do literal id list comparison like ids == list
* Only relevant in o2m: m2m does create actual records in db
ids = _.filter(ids, function (id) {
return typeof id !== 'string';
context[fieldName] = ids;
return context;
* Returns true if the field is protected against changes, looking for a
* readonly modifier unless there is a force_save modifier (checking first
* in the modifiers, and if there is no readonly modifier, checking the
* readonly attribute of the field).
* @private
* @param {Object} record an element from the localData
* @param {string} fieldName
* @param {string} [viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will assume
* main viewType from the record
* @returns {boolean}
_isFieldProtected: function (record, fieldName, viewType) {
var fieldInfo = record.fieldsInfo &&
(record.fieldsInfo[viewType || record.viewType][fieldName]);
if (fieldInfo) {
var rawModifiers = fieldInfo.modifiers || {};
var modifiers = this._evalModifiers(record, rawModifiers);
return modifiers.readonly && !fieldInfo.force_save;
} else {
return false;
* Returns true iff value is considered to be set for the given field's type.
* @private
* @param {any} value a value for the field
* @param {string} fieldType a type of field
* @returns {boolean}
_isFieldSet: function (value, fieldType) {
switch (fieldType) {
case 'boolean':
return true;
case 'one2many':
case 'many2many':
return value.length > 0;
return value !== false;
* return true if a list element is 'valid'. Such an element is valid if it
* has no sub record with an unset required field.
* This method is meant to be used to check if a x2many change will trigger
* an onchange.
* @param {string} id id for a local resource of type 'list'. This is
* assumed to be a list element for an x2many
* @returns {boolean}
_isX2ManyValid: function (id) {
var self = this;
var isValid = true;
var element = this.localData[id];
_.each(element._changes, function (command) {
if (command.operation === 'DELETE' ||
command.operation === 'FORGET' ||
command.operation === 'REMOVE_ALL') {
var recordData = self.get(command.id, {raw: true}).data;
var record = self.localData[command.id];
_.each(element.getFieldNames(), function (fieldName) {
var field = element.fields[fieldName];
var fieldInfo = element.fieldsInfo[element.viewType][fieldName];
var rawModifiers = fieldInfo.modifiers || {};
var modifiers = self._evalModifiers(record, rawModifiers);
if (modifiers.required && !self._isFieldSet(recordData[fieldName], field.type)) {
isValid = false;
return isValid;
* Helper method for the load entry point.
* @see load
* @param {Object} dataPoint some local resource
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string[]} [options.fieldNames] the fields to fetch for a record
* @param {boolean} [options.onlyGroups=false]
* @param {boolean} [options.keepEmptyGroups=false] if set, the groups not
* present in the read_group anymore (empty groups) will stay in the
* datapoint (used to mimic the kanban renderer behaviour for example)
* @returns {Deferred}
_load: function (dataPoint, options) {
if (options && options.onlyGroups &&
!(dataPoint.type === 'list' && dataPoint.groupedBy.length)) {
return $.when(dataPoint);
if (dataPoint.type === 'record') {
return this._fetchRecord(dataPoint, options);
if (dataPoint.type === 'list' && dataPoint.groupedBy.length) {
return this._readGroup(dataPoint, options);
if (dataPoint.type === 'list' && !dataPoint.groupedBy.length) {
return this._fetchUngroupedList(dataPoint);
* Turns a bag of properties into a valid local resource. Also, register
* the resource in the localData object.
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Object} [params.aggregateValues={}]
* @param {Object} [params.context={}] context of the action
* @param {integer} [params.count=0] number of record being manipulated
* @param {Object|Object[]} [params.data={}|[]] data of the record
* @param {*[]} [params.domain=[]]
* @param {Object} params.fields contains the description of each field
* @param {Object} [params.fieldsInfo={}] contains the fieldInfo of each field
* @param {Object[]} [params.fieldNames] the name of fields to load, the list
* of all fields by default
* @param {string[]} [params.groupedBy=[]]
* @param {boolean} [params.isOpen]
* @param {integer} params.limit max number of records shown on screen (pager size)
* @param {string} params.modelName
* @param {integer} [params.offset]
* @param {boolean} [params.openGroupByDefault]
* @param {Object[]} [params.orderedBy=[]]
* @param {integer[]} [params.orderedResIDs]
* @param {string} [params.parentID] model name ID of the parent model
* @param {Object} [params.rawContext]
* @param {[type]} [params.ref]
* @param {string} [params.relationField]
* @param {integer|null} [params.res_id] actual id of record in the server
* @param {integer[]} [params.res_ids] context in which the data point is used, from a list of res_id
* @param {boolean} [params.static=false]
* @param {string} [params.type='record'|'list']
* @param {[type]} [params.value]
* @param {string} [params.viewType] the type of the view, e.g. 'list' or 'form'
* @returns {Object} the resource created
_makeDataPoint: function (params) {
var type = params.type || ('domain' in params && 'list') || 'record';
var res_id, value;
var res_ids = params.res_ids || [];
var data = params.data || (type === 'record' ? {} : []);
if (type === 'record') {
res_id = params.res_id || (params.data && params.data.id);
if (res_id) {
data.id = res_id;
} else {
res_id = _.uniqueId('virtual_');
} else {
var isValueArray = params.value instanceof Array;
res_id = isValueArray ? params.value[0] : undefined;
value = isValueArray ? params.value[1] : params.value;
var fields = _.extend({
display_name: {type: 'char'},
id: {type: 'integer'},
}, params.fields);
var dataPoint = {
_cache: type === 'list' ? {} : undefined,
_changes: null,
_domains: {},
_rawChanges: {},
aggregateValues: params.aggregateValues || {},
context: params.context,
count: params.count || res_ids.length,
data: data,
domain: params.domain || [],
fields: fields,
fieldsInfo: params.fieldsInfo,
groupedBy: params.groupedBy || [],
id: _.uniqueId(params.modelName + '_'),
isOpen: params.isOpen,
limit: type === 'record' ? 1 : params.limit,
loadMoreOffset: 0,
model: params.modelName,
offset: params.offset || (type === 'record' ? _.indexOf(res_ids, res_id) : 0),
openGroupByDefault: params.openGroupByDefault,
orderedBy: params.orderedBy || [],
orderedResIDs: params.orderedResIDs,
parentID: params.parentID,
rawContext: params.rawContext,
ref: params.ref || res_id,
relationField: params.relationField,
res_id: res_id,
res_ids: res_ids,
specialData: {},
_specialDataCache: {},
static: params.static || false,
type: type, // 'record' | 'list'
value: value,
viewType: params.viewType,
// _editionViewType is a dict whose keys are field names and which is populated when a field
// is edited with the viewType as value. This is useful for one2manys to determine whether
// or not a field is readonly (using the readonly modifiers of the view in which the field
// has been edited)
dataPoint._editionViewType = {};
dataPoint.evalModifiers = this._evalModifiers.bind(this, dataPoint);
dataPoint.getContext = this._getContext.bind(this, dataPoint);
dataPoint.getDomain = this._getDomain.bind(this, dataPoint);
dataPoint.getFieldNames = this._getFieldNames.bind(this, dataPoint);
this.localData[dataPoint.id] = dataPoint;
return dataPoint;
* When one needs to create a record from scratch, a not so simple process
* needs to be done:
* - call the /default_get route to get default values
* - fetch all relational data
* - apply all onchanges if necessary
* - fetch all relational data
* This method tries to optimize the process as much as possible. Also,
* it is quite horrible and should be refactored at some point.
* @private
* @param {any} params
* @param {string} modelName model name
* @param {boolean} [params.allowWarning=false] if true, the default record
* operation can complete, even if a warning is raised
* @param {Object} params.context the context for the new record
* @param {Object} params.fieldsInfo contains the fieldInfo of each view,
* for each field
* @param {Object} params.fields contains the description of each field
* @param {Object} params.context the context for the new record
* @param {string} params.viewType the key in fieldsInfo of the fields to load
* @returns {Deferred<string>} resolves to the id for the created resource
_makeDefaultRecord: function (modelName, params) {
var self = this;
var determineExtraFields = function() {
// Fields that are present in the originating view, that need to be initialized
// Hence preventing their value to crash when getting back to the originating view
var parentRecord = self.localData[params.parentID];
var originView = parentRecord && parentRecord.fieldsInfo;
if (!originView || !originView[parentRecord.viewType])
return [];
var fieldsFromOrigin = _.filter(Object.keys(originView[parentRecord.viewType]),
function(fieldname) {
return params.fields[fieldname] !== undefined;
return fieldsFromOrigin;
var fieldNames = Object.keys(params.fieldsInfo[params.viewType]);
var fields_key = _.without(fieldNames, '__last_update');
var extraFields = determineExtraFields();
return this._rpc({
model: modelName,
method: 'default_get',
args: [fields_key],
context: params.context,
.then(function (result) {
var record = self._makeDataPoint({
modelName: modelName,
fields: params.fields,
fieldsInfo: params.fieldsInfo,
context: params.context,
parentID: params.parentID,
res_ids: params.res_ids,
viewType: params.viewType,
return self.applyDefaultValues(record.id, result, {fieldNames: _.union(fieldNames, extraFields)})
.then(function () {
var def = $.Deferred();
self._performOnChange(record, fields_key).always(function () {
if (record._warning) {
if (params.allowWarning) {
delete record._warning;
} else {
return def;
.then(function () {
return self._fetchRelationalData(record);
.then(function () {
return self._postprocess(record);
.then(function () {
// save initial changes, so they can be restored later,
// if we need to discard.
self.save(record.id, {savePoint: true});
return record.id;
* parse the server values to javascript framwork
* @param {[string]} fieldNames
* @param {Object} element the dataPoint used as parent for the created
* dataPoints
* @param {Object} data the server data to parse
_parseServerData: function (fieldNames, element, data) {
var self = this;
_.each(fieldNames, function (fieldName) {
var field = element.fields[fieldName];
var val = data[fieldName];
if (field.type === 'many2one') {
// process many2one: split [id, nameget] and create corresponding record
if (val !== false) {
// the many2one value is of the form [id, display_name]
var r = self._makeDataPoint({
modelName: field.relation,
fields: {
display_name: {type: 'char'},
id: {type: 'integer'},
data: {
display_name: val[1],
id: val[0],
parentID: element.id,
data[fieldName] = r.id;
} else {
// no value for the many2one
data[fieldName] = false;
} else {
data[fieldName] = self._parseServerValue(field, val);
* This method is quite important: it is supposed to perform the /onchange
* rpc and apply the result.
* The changes that triggered the onchange are assumed to have already been
* applied to the record.
* @param {Object} record
* @param {string[]} fields changed fields
* @param {string} [viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will assume
* main viewType from the record
* @returns {Deferred}
_performOnChange: function (record, fields, viewType) {
var self = this;
var onchangeSpec = this._buildOnchangeSpecs(record, viewType);
if (!onchangeSpec) {
return $.when();
var idList = record.data.id ? [record.data.id] : [];
var options = {
full: true,
if (fields.length === 1) {
fields = fields[0];
// if only one field changed, add its context to the RPC context
options.fieldName = fields;
var context = this._getContext(record, options);
var currentData = this._generateOnChangeData(record, {changesOnly: false});
return self._rpc({
model: record.model,
method: 'onchange',
args: [idList, currentData, fields, onchangeSpec, context],
.then(function (result) {
if (!record._changes) {
// if the _changes key does not exist anymore, it means that
// it was removed by discarding the changes after the rpc
// to onchange. So, in that case, the proper response is to
// ignore the onchange.
if (result.warning) {
self.trigger_up('warning', {
message: result.warning.message,
title: result.warning.title,
type: 'dialog',
record._warning = true;
if (result.domain) {
record._domains = _.extend(record._domains, result.domain);
return self._applyOnChange(result.value, record).then(function () {
return result;
* Once a record is created and some data has been fetched, we need to do
* quite a lot of computations to determine what needs to be fetched. This
* method is doing that.
* @see _fetchRecord @see _makeDefaultRecord
* @param {Object} record
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Object} [options.viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will
* assume main viewType from the record
* @returns {Deferred<Object>} resolves to the finished resource
_postprocess: function (record, options) {
var self = this;
var defs = [];
_.each(record.getFieldNames(options), function (name) {
var field = record.fields[name];
var fieldInfo = record.fieldsInfo[record.viewType][name] || {};
var options = fieldInfo.options || {};
if (options.always_reload) {
if (record.fields[name].type === 'many2one' && record.data[name]) {
var element = self.localData[record.data[name]];
model: field.relation,
method: 'name_get',
args: [element.data.id],
context: self._getContext(record, {fieldName: name}),
.then(function (result) {
element.data.display_name = result[0][1];
defs.push(this._fetchSpecialData(record, options));
return $.when.apply($, defs).then(function () {
return record;
* Process x2many commands in a default record by transforming the list of
* commands in operations (pushed in _changes) and fetch the related
* records fields.
* Note that this method can be called recursively.
* @todo in master: factorize this code with the postprocessing of x2many in
* _applyOnChange
* @private
* @param {Object} record
* @param {string} fieldName
* @param {Array[Array]} commands
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.viewType] current viewType. If not set, we will
* assume main viewType from the record
* @returns {Deferred}
_processX2ManyCommands: function (record, fieldName, commands, options) {
var self = this;
options = options || {};
var defs = [];
var field = record.fields[fieldName];
var fieldInfo = record.fieldsInfo[options.viewType || record.viewType][fieldName];
var view = fieldInfo.views && fieldInfo.views[fieldInfo.mode];
var fieldsInfo = view ? view.fieldsInfo : fieldInfo.fieldsInfo;
var fields = view ? view.fields : fieldInfo.relatedFields;
var viewType = view ? view.type : fieldInfo.viewType;
var x2manyList = self._makeDataPoint({
context: record.context,
fieldsInfo: fieldsInfo,
fields: fields,
limit: fieldInfo.limit,
modelName: field.relation,
parentID: record.id,
rawContext: fieldInfo && fieldInfo.context,
relationField: field.relation_field,
res_ids: [],
static: true,
type: 'list',
viewType: viewType,
record._changes[fieldName] = x2manyList.id;
x2manyList._changes = [];
var many2ones = {};
var r;
commands = commands || []; // handle false value
var isCommandList = commands.length && _.isArray(commands[0]);
if (!isCommandList) {
commands = [[6, false, commands]];
_.each(commands, function (value) {
// value is a command
if (value[0] === 0) {
r = self._makeDataPoint({
modelName: x2manyList.model,
context: x2manyList.context,
fieldsInfo: fieldsInfo,
fields: fields,
parentID: x2manyList.id,
viewType: viewType,
r._noAbandon = true;
x2manyList._changes.push({operation: 'ADD', id: r.id});
x2manyList._cache[r.res_id] = r.id;
// this is necessary so the fields are initialized
_.each(r.getFieldNames(), function (fieldName) {
r.data[fieldName] = null;
r._changes = _.defaults(value[2], r.data);
for (var fieldName in r._changes) {
if (!r._changes[fieldName]) {
var isFieldInView = fieldName in r.fields;
if (isFieldInView) {
var field = r.fields[fieldName];
var fieldType = field.type;
var rec;
if (fieldType === 'many2one') {
rec = self._makeDataPoint({
context: r.context,
modelName: field.relation,
data: {id: r._changes[fieldName]},
parentID: r.id,
r._changes[fieldName] = rec.id;
many2ones[fieldName] = true;
} else if (fieldType === 'reference') {
var reference = r._changes[fieldName].split(',');
rec = self._makeDataPoint({
context: r.context,
modelName: reference[0],
data: {id: parseInt(reference[1])},
parentID: r.id,
r._changes[fieldName] = rec.id;
many2ones[fieldName] = true;
} else if (_.contains(['one2many', 'many2many'], fieldType)) {
var x2mCommands = value[2][fieldName];
defs.push(self._processX2ManyCommands(r, fieldName, x2mCommands));
} else {
r._changes[fieldName] = self._parseServerValue(field, r._changes[fieldName]);
if (value[0] === 6) {
_.each(value[2], function (res_id) {
x2manyList._changes.push({operation: 'ADD', resID: res_id});
var def = self._readUngroupedList(x2manyList).then(function () {
return $.when(
// fetch many2ones display_name
_.each(_.keys(many2ones), function (name) {
defs.push(self._fetchNameGets(x2manyList, name));
return $.when.apply($, defs);
* Reads data from server for all missing fields.
* @private
* @param {Object} list a valid resource object
* @param {interger[]} resIDs
* @param {string[]} fieldNames to check and read if missing
* @returns {Deferred<Object>}
_readMissingFields: function (list, resIDs, fieldNames) {
var self = this;
var missingIDs = [];
for (var i = 0, len = resIDs.length; i < len; i++) {
var resId = resIDs[i];
var dataPointID = list._cache[resId];
if (!dataPointID) {
var record = self.localData[dataPointID];
var data = _.extend({}, record.data, record._changes);
if (_.difference(fieldNames, _.keys(data)).length) {
var def;
if (missingIDs.length && fieldNames.length) {
def = self._rpc({
model: list.model,
method: 'read',
args: [missingIDs, fieldNames],
context: list.getContext(),
} else {
def = $.when(_.map(missingIDs, function (id) {
return {id:id};
return def.then(function (records) {
_.each(resIDs, function (id) {
var dataPoint;
var data = _.findWhere(records, {id: id});
if (id in list._cache) {
dataPoint = self.localData[list._cache[id]];
if (data) {
self._parseServerData(fieldNames, dataPoint, data);
_.extend(dataPoint.data, data);
} else {
dataPoint = self._makeDataPoint({
context: list.context,
data: data,
fieldsInfo: list.fieldsInfo,
fields: list.fields,
modelName: list.model,
parentID: list.id,
viewType: list.viewType,
self._parseServerData(fieldNames, dataPoint, dataPoint.data);
// add many2one records
list._cache[id] = dataPoint.id;
// set the dataPoint id in potential 'ADD' operation adding the current record
_.each(list._changes, function (change) {
if (change.operation === 'ADD' && !change.id && change.resID === id) {
change.id = dataPoint.id;
return list;
* For a grouped list resource, this method fetches all group data by
* performing a /read_group. It also tries to read open subgroups if they
* were open before.
* @param {Object} list valid resource object
* @param {Object} [options] @see _load
* @returns {Deferred<Object>} resolves to the fetched group object
_readGroup: function (list, options) {
var self = this;
var groupByField = list.groupedBy[0];
var rawGroupBy = groupByField.split(':')[0];
var fields = _.uniq(list.getFieldNames().concat(rawGroupBy));
return this._rpc({
model: list.model,
method: 'read_group',
fields: fields,
domain: list.domain,
context: list.context,
groupBy: list.groupedBy,
orderBy: list.orderedBy,
lazy: true,
.then(function (groups) {
var previousGroups = _.map(list.data, function (groupID) {
return self.localData[groupID];
list.data = [];
list.count = 0;
var defs = [];
_.each(groups, function (group) {
var aggregateValues = {};
_.each(group, function (value, key) {
if (_.contains(fields, key) && key !== groupByField) {
aggregateValues[key] = value;
// When a view is grouped, we need to display the name of each group in
// the 'title'.
var value = group[groupByField];
if (list.fields[rawGroupBy].type === "selection") {
var choice = _.find(list.fields[rawGroupBy].selection, function (c) {
return c[0] === value;
value = choice ? choice[1] : false;
var newGroup = self._makeDataPoint({
modelName: list.model,
count: group[rawGroupBy + '_count'],
domain: group.__domain,
context: list.context,
fields: list.fields,
fieldsInfo: list.fieldsInfo,
value: value,
aggregateValues: aggregateValues,
groupedBy: list.groupedBy.slice(1),
orderedBy: list.orderedBy,
orderedResIDs: list.orderedResIDs,
limit: list.limit,
openGroupByDefault: list.openGroupByDefault,
parentID: list.id,
type: 'list',
viewType: list.viewType,
var oldGroup = _.find(previousGroups, function (g) {
return g.res_id === newGroup.res_id && g.value === newGroup.value;
if (oldGroup) {
// restore the internal state of the group
delete self.localData[newGroup.id];
var updatedProps = _.omit(newGroup, 'limit', 'isOpen', 'offset', 'id');
if (options && options.onlyGroups || oldGroup.isOpen && newGroup.groupedBy.length) {
// If the group is opened and contains subgroups,
// also keep its data to keep internal state of
// sub-groups
// Also keep data if we only reload groups' own data
delete updatedProps.data;
_.extend(oldGroup, updatedProps);
newGroup = oldGroup;
} else if (!newGroup.openGroupByDefault) {
newGroup.isOpen = false;
} else {
newGroup.isOpen = '__fold' in group ? !group.__fold : true;
list.count += newGroup.count;
if (newGroup.isOpen && newGroup.count > 0) {
defs.push(self._load(newGroup, options));
if (options && options.keepEmptyGroups) {
// Find the groups that were available in a previous
// readGroup but are not there anymore.
// Note that these groups are put after existing groups so
// the order is not conserved. A sort *might* be useful.
var emptyGroupsIDs = _.difference(_.pluck(previousGroups, 'id'), list.data);
_.each(emptyGroupsIDs, function (groupID) {
var emptyGroup = self.localData[groupID];
// this attribute hasn't been updated in the previous
// loop for empty groups
emptyGroup.aggregateValues = {};
return $.when.apply($, defs).then(function () {
if (!options || !options.onlyGroups) {
// generate the res_ids of the main list, being the concatenation
// of the fetched res_ids in each group
list.res_ids = _.flatten(_.map(arguments, function (group) {
return group ? group.res_ids : [];
return list;
* For 'static' list, such as one2manys in a form view, we can do a /read
* instead of a /search_read.
* @param {Object} list a valid resource object
* @returns {Deferred<Object>} resolves to the fetched list object
_readUngroupedList: function (list) {
var self = this;
var def = $.when();
// generate the current count and res_ids list by applying the changes
list = this._applyX2ManyOperations(list);
// for multi-pages list datapoints, we might need to read the
// order field first to apply the order on all pages
if (list.res_ids.length > list.limit && list.orderedBy.length) {
if (!list.orderedResIDs) {
var fieldNames = _.pluck(list.orderedBy, 'name');
def = this._readMissingFields(list, _.filter(list.res_ids, _.isNumber), fieldNames);
def.then(function () {
return def.then(function () {
var resIDs = [];
// generate the current count and res_ids list by applying the changes
var currentCount = list.count;
var currentResIDs = list.res_ids;
var effectiveLimit = (list.limit || 0) - (list.tempLimitIncrement || 0);
var upperBound = effectiveLimit ? Math.min(list.offset + effectiveLimit, currentCount) : currentCount;
var fieldNames = list.getFieldNames();
for (var i = list.offset; i < upperBound; i++) {
var resId = currentResIDs[i];
if (_.isNumber(resId)) {
return self._readMissingFields(list, resIDs, fieldNames).then(function () {
if (list.res_ids.length <= list.limit) {
} else {
// sortList has already been applied after first the read
return list;
* Allows to save a value in the specialData cache associated to a given
* record and fieldName. If the value in the cache was already the given
* one, nothing is done and the method indicates it by returning false
* instead of true.
* @private
* @param {Object} record - an element from the localData
* @param {string} fieldName - the name of the field
* @param {*} value - the cache value to save
* @returns {boolean} false if the value was already the given one
_saveSpecialDataCache: function (record, fieldName, value) {
if (_.isEqual(record._specialDataCache[fieldName], value)) {
return false;
record._specialDataCache[fieldName] = value;
return true;
* Do a /search_read to get data for a list resource. This does a
* /search_read because the data may not be static (for ex, a list view).
* @param {Object} list
* @returns {Deferred}
_searchReadUngroupedList: function (list) {
var self = this;
var fieldNames = list.getFieldNames();
return this._rpc({
route: '/web/dataset/search_read',
model: list.model,
fields: fieldNames,
context: list.getContext(),
domain: list.domain || [],
limit: list.limit,
offset: list.loadMoreOffset + list.offset,
orderBy: list.orderedBy,
.then(function (result) {
list.count = result.length;
var ids = _.pluck(result.records, 'id');
var data = _.map(result.records, function (record) {
var dataPoint = self._makeDataPoint({
context: list.context,
data: record,
fields: list.fields,
fieldsInfo: list.fieldsInfo,
modelName: list.model,
parentID: list.id,
viewType: list.viewType,
// add many2one records
self._parseServerData(fieldNames, dataPoint, dataPoint.data);
return dataPoint.id;
if (list.loadMoreOffset) {
list.data = list.data.concat(data);
list.res_ids = list.res_ids.concat(ids);
} else {
list.data = data;
list.res_ids = ids;
return list;
* Set data in range, i.e. according to the list offset and limit.
* @param {Object} list
_setDataInRange: function (list) {
var idsInRange;
if (list.limit) {
idsInRange = list.res_ids.slice(list.offset, list.offset + list.limit);
} else {
idsInRange = list.res_ids;
list.data = [];
_.each(idsInRange, function (id) {
if (list._cache[id]) {
// display newly created record in addition to the displayed records
if (list.limit) {
for (var i = list.offset + list.limit; i < list.res_ids.length; i++) {
var id = list.res_ids[i];
var dataPointID = list._cache[id];
if (_.findWhere(list._changes, {isNew: true, id: dataPointID})) {
} else {
* Change the offset of a record. Note that this does not reload the data.
* The offset is used to load a different record in a list of record (for
* example, a form view with a pager. Clicking on next/previous actually
* changes the offset through this method).
* @param {string} elementId local id for the resource
* @param {number} offset
_setOffset: function (elementId, offset) {
var element = this.localData[elementId];
element.offset = offset;
if (element.type === 'record' && element.res_ids.length) {
element.res_id = element.res_ids[offset];
* Do a in-memory sort of a list resource data points. This method assumes
* that the list data has already been fetched, and that the changes that
* need to be sorted have already been applied. Its intended use is for
* static datasets, such as a one2many in a form view.
* @param {Object} list list dataPoint on which (some) changes might have
* been applied; it is a copy of an internal dataPoint, not the result of
* get
_sortList: function (list) {
if (!list.static) {
// only sort x2many lists
var self = this;
if (list.orderedResIDs) {
var orderedResIDs = {};
for (var k = 0; k < list.orderedResIDs.length; k++) {
orderedResIDs[list.orderedResIDs[k]] = k;
utils.stableSort(list.res_ids, function compareResIdIndexes (resId1, resId2) {
if (!(resId1 in orderedResIDs) && !(resId2 in orderedResIDs)) {
return 0;
if (!(resId1 in orderedResIDs)) {
return Infinity;
if (!(resId2 in orderedResIDs)) {
return -Infinity;
return orderedResIDs[resId1] - orderedResIDs[resId2];
} else if (list.orderedBy.length) {
// sort records according to ordered_by[0]
var compareRecords = function (resId1, resId2, level) {
if(!level) {
level = 0;
if(list.orderedBy.length < level + 1) {
return 0;
var order = list.orderedBy[level];
var record1ID = list._cache[resId1];
var record2ID = list._cache[resId2];
if (!record1ID && !record2ID) {
return 0;
if (!record1ID) {
return Infinity;
if (!record2ID) {
return -Infinity;
var r1 = self.localData[record1ID];
var r2 = self.localData[record2ID];
var data1 = _.extend({}, r1.data, r1._changes);
var data2 = _.extend({}, r2.data, r2._changes);
// Default value to sort against: the value of the field
var orderData1 = data1[order.name];
var orderData2 = data2[order.name];
// If the field is a relation, sort on the display_name of those records
if (list.fields[order.name].type === 'many2one') {
orderData1 = orderData1 ? self.localData[orderData1].data.display_name : "";
orderData2 = orderData2 ? self.localData[orderData2].data.display_name : "";
if (orderData1 < orderData2) {
return order.asc ? -1 : 1;
if (orderData1 > orderData2) {
return order.asc ? 1 : -1;
return compareRecords(record1ID, record2ID, level + 1);
utils.stableSort(list.res_ids, compareRecords);
* Updates the res_ids of the parent of a given element of type list.
* After some operations (e.g. loading more records, folding/unfolding a
* group), the res_ids list of an element may be updated. When this happens,
* the res_ids of its ancestors need to be updated as well. This is the
* purpose of this function.
* @param {Object} element
_updateParentResIDs: function (element) {
var self = this;
if (element.parentID) {
var parent = this.localData[element.parentID];
parent.res_ids = _.flatten(_.map(parent.data, function (dataPointID) {
return self.localData[dataPointID].res_ids;
* Helper method. Recursively traverses the data, starting from the element
* record (or list), then following all relations. This is useful when one
* want to determine a property for the current record.
* For example, isDirty need to check all relations to find out if something
* has been modified, or not.
* Note that this method follows all the changes, so if a record has
* relational sub data, it will visit the new sub records and not the old
* ones.
* @param {Object} element a valid local resource
* @param {callback} fn a function to be called on each visited element
_visitChildren: function (element, fn) {
var self = this;
if (element.type === 'record') {
for (var fieldName in element.data) {
var field = element.fields[fieldName];
if (!field) {
if (_.contains(['one2many', 'many2one', 'many2many'], field.type)) {
var hasChange = element._changes && fieldName in element._changes;
var value = hasChange ? element._changes[fieldName] : element.data[fieldName];
var relationalElement = this.localData[value];
// relationalElement could be empty in the case of a many2one
if (relationalElement) {
self._visitChildren(relationalElement, fn);
if (element.type === 'list') {
element = this._applyX2ManyOperations(element);
_.each(element.data, function (elemId) {
var elem = self.localData[elemId];
self._visitChildren(elem, fn);
return BasicModel;