2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00

129 lines
4.1 KiB

flectra.define('web.translation', function (require) {
"use strict";
var Class = require('web.Class');
var TranslationDataBase = Class.extend(/** @lends instance.TranslationDataBase# */{
init: function() {
this.db = {};
this.multi_lang = false
this.parameters = {"direction": 'ltr',
"date_format": '%m/%d/%Y',
"time_format": '%H:%M:%S',
"grouping": [],
"decimal_point": ".",
"thousands_sep": ","};
set_bundle: function(translation_bundle) {
var self = this;
this.multi_lang = translation_bundle.multi_lang
var modules = _.keys(translation_bundle.modules);
if (_.include(modules, "web")) {
modules = ["web"].concat(_.without(modules, "web"));
_.each(modules, function(name) {
if (translation_bundle.lang_parameters) {
this.parameters = translation_bundle.lang_parameters;
this.parameters.grouping = JSON.parse(this.parameters.grouping);
add_module_translation: function(mod) {
var self = this;
_.each(mod.messages, function(message) {
self.db[message.id] = message.string;
build_translation_function: function() {
var self = this;
var fcnt = function(str) {
var tmp = self.get(str);
return tmp === undefined ? str : tmp;
fcnt.database = this;
return fcnt;
get: function(key) {
return this.db[key];
Loads the translations from an OpenERP server.
@param {openerp.Session} session The session object to contact the server.
@param {Array} [modules] The list of modules to load the translation. If not specified,
it will default to all the modules installed in the current database.
@param {Object} [lang] lang The language. If not specified it will default to the language
of the current user.
@param {string} [url='/web/webclient/translations']
@returns {jQuery.Deferred}
load_translations: function(session, modules, lang, url) {
var self = this;
return session.rpc(url || '/web/webclient/translations', {
"mods": modules || null,
"lang": lang || null
}).done(function(trans) {
* Eager translation function, performs translation immediately at call
* site. Beware using this outside of method bodies (before the
* translation database is loaded), you probably want :func:`_lt`
* instead.
* @function _t
* @param {String} source string to translate
* @returns {String} source translated into the current locale
var _t = new TranslationDataBase().build_translation_function();
* Lazy translation function, only performs the translation when actually
* printed (e.g. inserted into a template)
* Useful when defining translatable strings in code evaluated before the
* translation database is loaded, as class attributes or at the top-level of
* an OpenERP Web module
* @param {String} s string to translate
* @returns {Object} lazy translation object
var _lt = function (s) {
return {toString: function () { return _t(s); }};
/** Setup jQuery timeago */
* Strings in timeago are "composed" with prefixes, words and suffixes. This
* makes their detection by our translating system impossible. Use all literal
* strings we're using with a translation mark here so the extractor can do its
* job.
_t('less than a minute ago');
_t('about a minute ago');
_t('%d minutes ago');
_t('about an hour ago');
_t('%d hours ago');
_t('a day ago');
_t('%d days ago');
_t('about a month ago');
_t('%d months ago');
_t('about a year ago');
_t('%d years ago');
return {
_t: _t,
_lt: _lt,
TranslationDataBase: TranslationDataBase,