2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00

148 lines
7.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from random import choice
from string import digits
from flectra import models, fields, api, exceptions, _, SUPERUSER_ID
class HrEmployee(models.Model):
_inherit = "hr.employee"
_description = "Employee"
def _default_random_pin(self):
return ("".join(choice(digits) for i in range(4)))
def _default_random_barcode(self):
barcode = None
while not barcode or self.env['hr.employee'].search([('barcode', '=', barcode)]):
barcode = "".join(choice(digits) for i in range(8))
return barcode
barcode = fields.Char(string="Badge ID", help="ID used for employee identification.", default=_default_random_barcode, copy=False)
pin = fields.Char(string="PIN", default=_default_random_pin, help="PIN used to Check In/Out in Kiosk Mode (if enabled in Configuration).", copy=False)
attendance_ids = fields.One2many('hr.attendance', 'employee_id', help='list of attendances for the employee')
last_attendance_id = fields.Many2one('hr.attendance', compute='_compute_last_attendance_id')
attendance_state = fields.Selection(string="Attendance", compute='_compute_attendance_state', selection=[('checked_out', "Checked out"), ('checked_in', "Checked in")])
manual_attendance = fields.Boolean(string='Manual Attendance', compute='_compute_manual_attendance', inverse='_inverse_manual_attendance',
help='The employee will have access to the "My Attendances" menu to check in and out from his session')
_sql_constraints = [('barcode_uniq', 'unique (barcode)', "The Badge ID must be unique, this one is already assigned to another employee.")]
def _compute_manual_attendance(self):
for employee in self:
employee.manual_attendance = employee.user_id.has_group('hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance') if employee.user_id else False
def _inverse_manual_attendance(self):
manual_attendance_group = self.env.ref('hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance')
for employee in self:
if employee.user_id:
if employee.manual_attendance:
manual_attendance_group.users = [(4, employee.user_id.id, 0)]
manual_attendance_group.users = [(3, employee.user_id.id, 0)]
def _compute_last_attendance_id(self):
for employee in self:
employee.last_attendance_id = employee.attendance_ids and employee.attendance_ids[0] or False
@api.depends('last_attendance_id.check_in', 'last_attendance_id.check_out', 'last_attendance_id')
def _compute_attendance_state(self):
for employee in self:
employee.attendance_state = employee.last_attendance_id and not employee.last_attendance_id.check_out and 'checked_in' or 'checked_out'
def _verify_pin(self):
for employee in self:
if employee.pin and not employee.pin.isdigit():
raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("The PIN must be a sequence of digits."))
def attendance_scan(self, barcode):
""" Receive a barcode scanned from the Kiosk Mode and change the attendances of corresponding employee.
Returns either an action or a warning.
employee = self.search([('barcode', '=', barcode)], limit=1)
return employee and employee.attendance_action('hr_attendance.hr_attendance_action_kiosk_mode') or \
{'warning': _('No employee corresponding to barcode %(barcode)s') % {'barcode': barcode}}
def attendance_manual(self, next_action, entered_pin=None):
if not (entered_pin is None) or self.env['res.users'].browse(SUPERUSER_ID).has_group('hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance_use_pin') and (self.user_id and self.user_id.id != self._uid or not self.user_id):
if entered_pin != self.pin:
return {'warning': _('Wrong PIN')}
return self.attendance_action(next_action)
def attendance_action(self, next_action):
""" Changes the attendance of the employee.
Returns an action to the check in/out message,
next_action defines which menu the check in/out message should return to. ("My Attendances" or "Kiosk Mode")
action_message = self.env.ref('hr_attendance.hr_attendance_action_greeting_message').read()[0]
action_message['previous_attendance_change_date'] = self.last_attendance_id and (self.last_attendance_id.check_out or self.last_attendance_id.check_in) or False
action_message['employee_name'] = self.name
action_message['next_action'] = next_action
if self.user_id:
modified_attendance = self.sudo(self.user_id.id).attendance_action_change()
modified_attendance = self.sudo().attendance_action_change()
action_message['attendance'] = modified_attendance.read()[0]
return {'action': action_message}
def attendance_action_change(self):
""" Check In/Check Out action
Check In: create a new attendance record
Check Out: modify check_out field of appropriate attendance record
if len(self) > 1:
raise exceptions.UserError(_('Cannot perform check in or check out on multiple employees.'))
action_date = fields.Datetime.now()
if self.attendance_state != 'checked_in':
vals = {
'employee_id': self.id,
'check_in': action_date,
return self.env['hr.attendance'].create(vals)
attendance = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([('employee_id', '=', self.id), ('check_out', '=', False)], limit=1)
if attendance:
attendance.check_out = action_date
raise exceptions.UserError(_('Cannot perform check out on %(empl_name)s, could not find corresponding check in. '
'Your attendances have probably been modified manually by human resources.') % {'empl_name': self.name, })
return attendance
def _init_column(self, column_name):
""" Initialize the value of the given column for existing rows.
Overridden here because we need to have different default values
for barcode and pin for every employee.
if column_name not in ["barcode", "pin"]:
super(HrEmployee, self)._init_column(column_name)
default_compute = self._fields[column_name].default
query = 'SELECT id FROM "%s" WHERE "%s" is NULL' % (
self._table, column_name)
employee_ids = self.env.cr.fetchall()
for employee_id in employee_ids:
default_value = default_compute(self)
query = 'UPDATE "%s" SET "%s"=%%s WHERE id = %s' % (
self._table, column_name, employee_id[0])
self.env.cr.execute(query, (default_value,))