flectra-admin 769eafb483 [INIT] Inception of Flectra from Odoo
Flectra is Forked from Odoo v11 commit : (6135e82d73)
2018-01-16 11:45:59 +05:30

107 lines
4.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import io
from werkzeug.utils import redirect
from odoo import http
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.addons.sale.controllers.portal import CustomerPortal
from odoo.addons.website_sale.controllers.main import WebsiteSale
class WebsiteSaleDigitalConfirmation(WebsiteSale):
], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def payment_confirmation(self, **post):
response = super(WebsiteSaleDigitalConfirmation, self).payment_confirmation(**post)
order_lines = response.qcontext['order'].order_line
digital_content = any(x.product_id.type == 'digital' for x in order_lines)
return response
class WebsiteSaleDigital(CustomerPortal):
orders_page = '/my/orders'
], type='http', auth='user', website=True)
def portal_order_page(self, order=None, **post):
response = super(WebsiteSaleDigital, self).portal_order_page(order=order, **post)
if not 'order' in response.qcontext:
return response
order = response.qcontext['order']
invoiced_lines = request.env['account.invoice.line'].sudo().search([('invoice_id', 'in', order.invoice_ids.ids), ('invoice_id.state', '=', 'paid')])
products = invoiced_lines.mapped('product_id') | order.order_line.filtered(lambda r: not r.price_subtotal).mapped('product_id')
purchased_products_attachments = {}
for product in products:
# Search for product attachments
Attachment = request.env['ir.attachment']
product_id = product.id
template = product.product_tmpl_id
att = Attachment.search_read(
domain=['|', '&', ('res_model', '=', product._name), ('res_id', '=', product_id), '&', ('res_model', '=', template._name), '&', ('res_id', '=', template.id), ('product_downloadable', '=', True)],
fields=['name', 'write_date'],
order='write_date desc',
# Ignore products with no attachments
if not att:
purchased_products_attachments[product_id] = att
'digital_attachments': purchased_products_attachments,
return response
], type='http', auth='public')
def download_attachment(self, attachment_id):
# Check if this is a valid attachment id
attachment = request.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().search_read(
[('id', '=', int(attachment_id))],
["name", "datas", "file_type", "res_model", "res_id", "type", "url"]
if attachment:
attachment = attachment[0]
return redirect(self.orders_page)
# Check if the user has bought the associated product
res_model = attachment['res_model']
res_id = attachment['res_id']
purchased_products = request.env['account.invoice.line'].get_digital_purchases()
if res_model == 'product.product':
if res_id not in purchased_products:
return redirect(self.orders_page)
# Also check for attachments in the product templates
elif res_model == 'product.template':
template_ids = request.env['product.product'].sudo().browse(purchased_products).mapped('product_tmpl_id').ids
if res_id not in template_ids:
return redirect(self.orders_page)
return redirect(self.orders_page)
# The client has bought the product, otherwise it would have been blocked by now
if attachment["type"] == "url":
if attachment["url"]:
return redirect(attachment["url"])
return request.not_found()
elif attachment["datas"]:
data = io.BytesIO(base64.standard_b64decode(attachment["datas"]))
return http.send_file(data, filename=attachment['name'], as_attachment=True)
return request.not_found()