flectra-admin 769eafb483 [INIT] Inception of Flectra from Odoo
Flectra is Forked from Odoo v11 commit : (6135e82d73)
2018-01-16 11:45:59 +05:30

4440 lines
188 KiB

odoo.define('web.basic_fields_tests', function (require) {
"use strict";
var basicFields = require('web.basic_fields');
var concurrency = require('web.concurrency');
var core = require('web.core');
var FormView = require('web.FormView');
var KanbanView = require('web.KanbanView');
var ListView = require('web.ListView');
var session = require('web.session');
var testUtils = require('web.test_utils');
var createView = testUtils.createView;
var DebouncedField = basicFields.DebouncedField;
var _t = core._t;
QUnit.module('fields', {}, function () {
QUnit.module('basic_fields', {
beforeEach: function () {
this.data = {
partner: {
fields: {
date: {string: "A date", type: "date", searchable: true},
datetime: {string: "A datetime", type: "datetime", searchable: true},
display_name: {string: "Displayed name", type: "char", searchable: true},
foo: {string: "Foo", type: "char", default: "My little Foo Value", searchable: true},
bar: {string: "Bar", type: "boolean", default: true, searchable: true},
txt: {string: "txt", type: "text", default: "My little txt Value\nHo-ho-hoooo Merry Christmas"},
int_field: {string: "int_field", type: "integer", sortable: true, searchable: true},
qux: {string: "Qux", type: "float", digits: [16,1], searchable: true},
p: {string: "one2many field", type: "one2many", relation: 'partner', searchable: true},
trululu: {string: "Trululu", type: "many2one", relation: 'partner', searchable: true},
timmy: {string: "pokemon", type: "many2many", relation: 'partner_type', searchable: true},
product_id: {string: "Product", type: "many2one", relation: 'product', searchable: true},
sequence: {type: "integer", string: "Sequence", searchable: true},
currency_id: {string: "Currency", type: "many2one", relation: "currency", searchable: true},
selection: {string: "Selection", type: "selection", searchable:true,
selection: [['normal', 'Normal'],['blocked', 'Blocked'],['done', 'Done']]},
document: {string: "Binary", type: "binary"},
image_selection: {string: "Image Selection", type: "selection", searchable:true,
selection: [['background', 'Background'],['boxed', 'Boxed'],['clean', 'Clean'],['standard', 'Standard']]},
records: [{
id: 1,
date: "2017-02-03",
datetime: "2017-02-08 10:00:00",
display_name: "first record",
bar: true,
foo: "yop",
int_field: 10,
qux: 0.44444,
p: [],
timmy: [],
trululu: 4,
selection: 'blocked',
document: 'coucou==\n',
}, {
id: 2,
display_name: "second record",
bar: true,
foo: "blip",
int_field: 0,
qux: 0,
p: [],
timmy: [],
trululu: 1,
sequence: 4,
currency_id: 2,
selection: 'normal',
}, {
id: 4,
display_name: "aaa",
foo: "abc",
sequence: 9,
int_field: false,
qux: false,
selection: 'done',
{id: 3, bar: true, foo: "gnap", int_field: 80, qux: -3.89859, m2o: 1, m2m: []},
{id: 5, bar: false, foo: "blop", int_field: -4, qux: 9.1, m2o: 1, m2m: [1], currency_id: 1}],
onchanges: {},
product: {
fields: {
name: {string: "Product Name", type: "char", searchable: true}
records: [{
id: 37,
display_name: "xphone",
}, {
id: 41,
display_name: "xpad",
partner_type: {
fields: {
name: {string: "Partner Type", type: "char", searchable: true},
color: {string: "Color index", type: "integer", searchable: true},
records: [
{id: 12, display_name: "gold", color: 2},
{id: 14, display_name: "silver", color: 5},
currency: {
fields: {
symbol: {string: "Currency Sumbol", type: "char", searchable: true},
position: {string: "Currency Position", type: "char", searchable: true},
records: [{
id: 1,
display_name: "$",
symbol: "$",
position: "before",
}, {
id: 2,
display_name: "€",
symbol: "€",
position: "after",
}, function () {
QUnit.test('debounced fields do not trigger call _setValue once destroyed', function (assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var def = $.Deferred();
var _doAction = DebouncedField.prototype._doAction;
DebouncedField.prototype._doAction = function () {
_doAction.apply(this, arguments);
var _setValue = DebouncedField.prototype._setValue;
DebouncedField.prototype._setValue = function () {
_setValue.apply(this, arguments);
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
fieldDebounce: 3,
viewOptions: {
mode: 'edit',
// change the value
form.$('input').val('new value').trigger('input');
assert.verifySteps([], "_setValue shouldn't have been called yet");
// save
assert.verifySteps(['_setValue'], "_setValue should have been called once");
// destroy the form view
def = $.Deferred();
// wait for the debounced callback to be called
def.then(function () {
"_setValue should not have been called after widget destruction");
DebouncedField.prototype._doAction = _doAction;
DebouncedField.prototype._setValue = _setValue;
QUnit.test('boolean field in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form><label for="bar" string="Awesome checkbox"/><field name="bar"/></form>',
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 1,
"checkbox should be checked");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 1,
"checkbox should still be checked");
// uncheck the checkbox
form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 0,
"checkbox should no longer be checked");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 0,
"checkbox should still no longer be checked");
// switch to edit mode and test the opposite change
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 0,
"checkbox should still be unchecked");
// check the checkbox
form.$('.o_field_boolean input').click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 1,
"checkbox should now be checked");
// uncheck it back
form.$('.o_field_boolean input').click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 0,
"checkbox should now be unchecked");
// check the checkbox by clicking on label
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 1,
"checkbox should now be checked");
// uncheck it back
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 0,
"checkbox should now be unchecked");
// check the checkbox by hitting the "enter" key after focusing it
form.$('.o_field_boolean input')
.trigger({type: "keydown", which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER})
.trigger({type: "keyup", which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER});
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 1,
"checkbox should now be checked");
// blindly press enter again, it should uncheck the checkbox
$(document.activeElement).trigger({type: "keydown", which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER});
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 0,
"checkbox should not be checked");
// blindly press enter again, it should check the checkbox back
$(document.activeElement).trigger({type: "keydown", which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER});
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_boolean input:checked').length, 1,
"checkbox should still be checked");
QUnit.test('boolean field in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom"><field name="bar"/></tree>',
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) .o_checkbox input').length, 5,
"should have 5 checkboxes");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) .o_checkbox input:checked').length, 4,
"should have 4 checked input");
// Edit a line
var $cell = list.$('tr.o_data_row:has(.o_checkbox input:checked) td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok($cell.find('.o_checkbox input:checked').prop('disabled'),
"input should be disabled in readonly mode");
assert.ok(!$cell.find('.o_checkbox input:checked').prop('disabled'),
"input should not have the disabled property in edit mode");
$cell.find('.o_checkbox input:checked').click();
// save
$cell = list.$('tr.o_data_row:has(.o_checkbox input:not(:checked)) td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok($cell.find('.o_checkbox input:not(:checked)').prop('disabled'),
"input should be disabled again");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) .o_checkbox input').length, 5,
"should still have 5 checkboxes");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) .o_checkbox input:checked').length, 3,
"should now have only 3 checked input");
// Re-Edit the line and fake-check the checkbox
$cell.find('.o_checkbox input').click(); // Change the checkbox
$cell.find('.o_checkbox input').click(); // Undo the change
// Save
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) .o_checkbox input').length, 5,
"should still have 5 checkboxes");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) .o_checkbox input:checked').length, 3,
"should still have only 3 checked input");
// Re-Edit the line to check the checkbox back but this time click on
// the checkbox directly in readonly mode !
$cell = list.$('tr.o_data_row:has(.o_checkbox input:not(:checked)) td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
$cell.find('.o_checkbox span').click();
// save
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) .o_checkbox input').length, 5,
"should still have 5 checkboxes");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) .o_checkbox input:checked').length, 4,
"should now have 4 checked input back");
QUnit.test('use custom terminology in form view', function (assert) {
var terminology = {
string_true: "Production Environment",
hover_true: "Switch to test environment",
string_false: "Test Environment",
hover_false: "Switch to production environment"
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form>' +
'<div name="button_box" class="oe_button_box">' +
'<button type="object" class="oe_stat_button" icon="fa-check-square">' +
'<field name="bar" widget="boolean_button" options=\'{"terminology": ' +
JSON.stringify(terminology) + '}\'/>' +
'</button>' +
'</div>' +
res_id: 2,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_stat_text.o_not_hover:contains(Production Environment)').length, 1,
"button should contain correct string");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_stat_text.o_hover:contains(Switch to test environment)').length, 1,
"button should display correct string when hovering");
QUnit.test('use boolean toggle widget in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form><field name="bar" widget="boolean_toggle"/></form>',
res_id: 2,
assert.strictEqual(form.$(".o_checkbox.o_boolean_toggle").length, 1, "Boolean toggle widget applied to boolean field");
assert.strictEqual(form.$(".o_checkbox.o_boolean_toggle").find(".slider").length, 1, "Boolean toggle contains slider to toggle");
QUnit.test('use toggle_button in list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree>' +
'<field name="bar" widget="toggle_button" ' +
'options="{&quot;active&quot;: &quot;Reported in last payslips&quot;, &quot;inactive&quot;: &quot;To Report in Payslip&quot;}"/>' +
res_id: 2,
assert.strictEqual(list.$('button i.fa.fa-circle.o_toggle_button_success').length, 4,
"should have 4 green buttons");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('button i.fa.fa-circle.text-muted').length, 1,
"should have 1 muted button");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('button').first().attr('title'), "Reported in last payslips",
"active buttons should have proper tooltip");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('button').last().attr('title'), "To Report in Payslip",
"inactive buttons should have proper tooltip");
// clicking on first button to check the state is properly changed
assert.strictEqual(list.$('button i.fa.fa-circle.o_toggle_button_success').length, 3,
"should have 3 green buttons");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('button i.fa.fa-circle.o_toggle_button_success').length, 4,
"should have 4 green buttons");
QUnit.test('float field when unset', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux" digits="[5,3]"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 4,
'Non-set float field should be considered as 0.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').text(), "0.000",
'Non-set float field should be considered as 0.');
QUnit.test('float fields use correct digit precision', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="qux"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('span.o_field_number:contains(0.4)').length, 1,
"should contain a number rounded to 1 decimal");
QUnit.test('float field in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux" widget="float" digits="[5,3]"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 2,
'Float field should be considered set for value 0.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '0.000',
'The value should be displayed properly.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '0.000',
'The value should be rendered with correct precision.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '108.2458938598598',
'The value should not be formated yet.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '18.896',
'The new value should be rounded properly.');
QUnit.test('float field in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="qux" widget="float" digits="[5,3]"/>' +
var zeroValues = list.$('td.o_data_cell').filter(function () {return $(this).text() === '';});
assert.strictEqual(zeroValues.length, 1,
'Unset float values should be rendered as empty strings.');
// switch to edit mode
var $cell = list.$('tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input[name="qux"]').length, 1,
'The view should have 1 input for editable float.');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input[name="qux"]').val(), '108.2458938598598',
'The value should not be formated yet.');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '18.896',
'The new value should be rounded properly.');
QUnit.test('do not trigger a field_changed if they have not changed', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[1].qux = false;
this.data.partner.records[1].int_field = false;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux" widget="float" digits="[5,3]"/>' +
'<field name="int_field"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 2,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
assert.verifySteps(['read']); // should not have save as nothing changed
QUnit.test('float widget on monetary field', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.monetary = {string: "Monetary", type: 'monetary'};
this.data.partner.records[0].monetary = 9.99;
this.data.partner.records[0].currency_id = 1;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="monetary" widget="float"/>' +
'<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget[name=monetary]').text(), '9.99',
'value should be correctly formatted (with the float formatter)');
QUnit.test('float field with monetary widget and decimal precision', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
qux: -8.89859,
currency_id: 1,
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux" widget="monetary" options="{\'field_digits\': True}"/>' +
'<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
// Non-breaking space between the currency and the amount
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '$\u00a0-8.9',
'The value should be displayed properly.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '-8.9',
'The input should be rendered without the currency symbol.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').parent().children().first().text(), '$',
'The input should be preceded by a span containing the currency symbol.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '109.2458938598598',
'The value should not be formated yet.');
// Non-breaking space between the currency and the amount
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '$\u00a0109.2',
'The new value should be rounded properly.');
QUnit.test('email field in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="email"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
var $mailtoLink = form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow');
assert.strictEqual($mailtoLink.length, 1,
"should have a anchor with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual($mailtoLink.text(), 'yop',
"the value should be displayed properly");
assert.strictEqual($mailtoLink.attr('href'), 'mailto:yop',
"should have proper mailto prefix");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').length, 1,
"should have an input for the email field");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').val(), 'yop',
"input should contain field value in edit mode");
// change value in edit mode
// save
$mailtoLink = form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow');
assert.strictEqual($mailtoLink.text(), 'new',
"new value should be displayed properly");
assert.strictEqual($mailtoLink.attr('href'), 'mailto:new',
"should still have proper mailto prefix");
QUnit.test('email field in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom"><field name="foo" widget="email"/></tree>',
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').length, 5,
"should have 5 cells");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), 'yop',
"value should be displayed properly as text");
var $mailtoLink = list.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow');
assert.strictEqual($mailtoLink.length, 5,
"should have anchors with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual($mailtoLink.first().attr('href'), 'mailto:yop',
"should have proper mailto prefix");
// Edit a line and check the result
var $cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok($cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should be set as edit mode');
assert.strictEqual($cell.find('input').val(), 'yop',
'should have the corect value in internal input');
// save
$cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok(!$cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should not be in edit mode anymore');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), 'new',
"value should be properly updated");
$mailtoLink = list.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow');
assert.strictEqual($mailtoLink.length, 5,
"should still have anchors with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual($mailtoLink.first().attr('href'), 'mailto:new',
"should still have proper mailto prefix");
QUnit.test('char widget isValid method works', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.required = true;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
res_id: 1,
var charField = _.find(form.renderer.allFieldWidgets)[0];
assert.strictEqual(charField.isValid(), true);
QUnit.test('char field in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').text(), 'yop',
"the value should be displayed properly");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').length, 1,
"should have an input for the char field");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').val(), 'yop',
"input should contain field value in edit mode");
// change value in edit mode
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').text(), 'limbo',
'the new value should be displayed');
QUnit.test('setting a char field to empty string is saved as a false value', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
viewOptions: {mode: 'edit'},
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'write') {
assert.strictEqual(args.args[1].foo, false,
'the foo value should be false');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// save
QUnit.test('char field with size attribute', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.size = 5; // max length
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form>' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group><field name="foo"/></group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
viewOptions: {
mode: 'edit',
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input.o_field_widget').attr('maxlength'), '5',
"maxlength attribute should have been set correctly on the input");
QUnit.test('char field in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom"><field name="foo"/></tree>',
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').length, 5,
"should have 5 cells");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), 'yop',
"value should be displayed properly as text");
// Edit a line and check the result
var $cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok($cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should be set as edit mode');
assert.strictEqual($cell.find('input').val(), 'yop',
'should have the corect value in internal input');
// save
$cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok(!$cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should not be in edit mode anymore');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), 'brolo',
"value should be properly updated");
QUnit.test('char field translatable', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.translate = true;
var multiLang = _t.database.multi_lang;
_t.database.multi_lang = true;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === "/web/dataset/call_button" && args.method === 'translate_fields') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args, ["partner",1,"foo",{}], 'should call "call_button" route');
return $.when();
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var $button = form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_char + .o_field_translate');
assert.strictEqual($button.length, 1, "should have a translate button");
form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
$button = form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_char + .o_field_translate');
assert.strictEqual($button.length, 0, "should not have a translate button in create mode");
_t.database.multi_lang = multiLang;
QUnit.test('char field does not allow html injections', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
viewOptions: {
mode: 'edit',
form.$('input').val('<script>throw Error();</script>').trigger('input');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').text(), '<script>throw Error();</script>',
'the value should have been properly escaped');
QUnit.test('input field: change value before pending onchange returns', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.onchanges = {
product_id: function () {},
var def;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form>' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="p">' +
'<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="product_id"/>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'</tree>' +
'</field>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
var result = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (args.method === "onchange") {
return $.when(def).then(function () {
return result;
} else {
return result;
viewOptions: {
mode: 'edit',
form.$('.o_field_x2many_list_row_add a').click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[name="foo"]').val(), 'My little Foo Value',
'should contain the default value');
def = $.Deferred();
form.$('.o_field_many2one input').click();
var $dropdown = form.$('.o_field_many2one input').autocomplete('widget');
// set foo before onchange
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[name="foo"]').val(), 'tralala',
'input should contain tralala');
// complete the onchange
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[name="foo"]').val(), 'tralala',
'input should contain the same value as before onchange');
QUnit.test('input field: change value before pending onchange renaming', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.onchanges = {
product_id: function (obj) {
obj.foo = 'on change value';
var def = $.Deferred();
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form>' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="product_id"/>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
var result = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (args.method === "onchange") {
return $.when(def).then(function () {
return result;
} else {
return result;
viewOptions: {
mode: 'edit',
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[name="foo"]').val(), 'yop',
'should contain the correct value');
form.$('.o_field_many2one input').click();
var $dropdown = form.$('.o_field_many2one input').autocomplete('widget');
// set foo before onchange
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[name="foo"]').val(), 'tralala',
'input should contain tralala');
// complete the onchange
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[name="foo"]').val(), 'tralala',
'input should contain the same value as before onchange');
QUnit.test('url widget in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="url"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').length, 1,
"should have a anchor with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').attr('href'), 'yop',
"should have proper href link");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').text(), 'yop',
"the value should be displayed properly");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').length, 1,
"should have an input for the char field");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').val(), 'yop',
"input should contain field value in edit mode");
// change value in edit mode
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').length, 1,
"should still have a anchor with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').attr('href'), 'limbo',
"should have proper new href link");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').text(), 'limbo',
'the new value should be displayed');
QUnit.test('url widget takes text from proper attribute', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="foo" widget="url" text="kebeclibre"/>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a[name="foo"]').text(), 'kebeclibre',
"url text should come from the text attribute");
QUnit.test('char field in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom"><field name="foo" widget="url"/></tree>',
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').length, 5,
"should have 5 cells");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').length, 5,
"should have 5 anchors with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').first().attr('href'), 'yop',
"should have proper href link");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), 'yop',
"value should be displayed properly as text");
// Edit a line and check the result
var $cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok($cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should be set as edit mode');
assert.strictEqual($cell.find('input').val(), 'yop',
'should have the corect value in internal input');
// save
$cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok(!$cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should not be in edit mode anymore');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').length, 5,
"should still have 5 anchors with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').first().attr('href'), 'brolo',
"should have proper new href link");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget.o_text_overflow').first().text(), 'brolo',
"value should be properly updated");
QUnit.test('text fields are correctly rendered', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.type = 'text';
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="int_field"/>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.ok(form.$('.o_field_text').length, "should have a text area");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_text').text(), 'yop', 'should be "yop" in readonly');
var $textarea = form.$('textarea.o_field_text');
assert.ok($textarea.length, "should have a text area");
assert.strictEqual($textarea.val(), 'yop', 'should still be "yop" in edit');
assert.strictEqual($textarea.val(), 'hello', 'should be "hello" after first edition');
$textarea.val('hello world').trigger('input');
assert.strictEqual($textarea.val(), 'hello world', 'should be "hello world" after second edition');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_text').text(), 'hello world',
'should be "hello world" after save');
QUnit.test('text fields in edit mode have correct height', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.type = 'text';
this.data.partner.records[0].foo = "f\nu\nc\nk\nm\ni\nl\ng\nr\no\nm";
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
res_id: 1,
var $field = form.$('.o_field_text');
assert.strictEqual($field.outerHeight(), $field[0].scrollHeight,
"text field should not have a scroll bar");
var $textarea = form.$('textarea:first');
// the difference is to take small calculation errors into account
assert.strictEqual($textarea.innerHeight(), $textarea[0].scrollHeight,
"textarea should not have a scroll bar");
QUnit.test('text field translatable', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.txt.translate = true;
var multiLang = _t.database.multi_lang;
_t.database.multi_lang = true;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="txt"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === "/web/dataset/call_button" && args.method === 'translate_fields') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args, ["partner",1,"txt",{}], 'should call "call_button" route');
return $.when();
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var $button = form.$('textarea + .o_field_translate');
assert.strictEqual($button.length, 1, "should have a translate button");
form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="txt"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
$button = form.$('textarea + .o_field_translate');
assert.strictEqual($button.length, 0, "should not have a translate button in create mode");
_t.database.multi_lang = multiLang;
QUnit.test('go to next line (and not the next row) when pressing enter', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.type = 'text';
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<list editable="top">' +
'<field name="int_field"/>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'<field name="qux"/>' +
list.$('tbody tr:first .o_list_text').click();
var $textarea = list.$('textarea.o_field_text');
assert.strictEqual($textarea.length, 1, "should have a text area");
assert.strictEqual($textarea.val(), 'yop', 'should still be "yop" in edit');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('textarea').get(0), document.activeElement,
"text area should have the focus");
// click on enter
.trigger({type: "keydown", which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER})
.trigger({type: "keyup", which: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER});
assert.strictEqual(list.$('textarea').first().get(0), document.activeElement,
"text area should still have the focus");
// Firefox-specific
// Copying from <div style="white-space:pre-wrap"> does not keep line breaks
// See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1390115
QUnit.test('copying text fields in RO mode should preserve line breaks', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="txt"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
// Copying from a div tag with white-space:pre-wrap doesn't work in Firefox
assert.strictEqual(form.$('[name="txt"]').prop("tagName").toLowerCase(), 'span',
"the field contents should be surrounded by a span tag");
QUnit.test('binary fields are correctly rendered', function (assert) {
// save the session function
var oldGetFile = session.get_file;
session.get_file = function (option) {
assert.strictEqual(option.data.field, 'document',
"we should download the field document");
assert.strictEqual(option.data.data, 'coucou==\n',
"we should download the correct data");
return $.when();
this.data.partner.records[0].foo = 'coucou.txt';
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="document" filename="foo"/>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"] > .fa-download').length, 1,
"the binary field should be rendered as a downloadable link in readonly");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"]').text().trim(), 'coucou.txt',
"the binary field should display the name of the file in the link");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_char').text(), 'coucou.txt',
"the filename field should have the file name as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"] > .fa-download').length, 0,
"the binary field should not be rendered as a downloadable link in edit");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('div.o_field_binary_file[name="document"] > input').val(), 'coucou.txt',
"the binary field should display the file name in the input edit mode");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_binary_file > input').attr('readonly'), 'readonly',
"the input should be readonly");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_binary_file > .o_clear_file_button').length, 1,
"there shoud be a button to clear the file");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input.o_field_char').val(), 'coucou.txt',
"the filename field should have the file name as value");
form.$('.o_field_binary_file > .o_clear_file_button').click();
assert.ok(form.$('.o_field_binary_file > input').hasClass('o_hidden'),
"the input should be hidden");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_binary_file > .o_select_file_button:not(.o_hidden)').length, 1,
"there shoud be a button to upload the file");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input.o_field_char').val(), '',
"the filename field should be empty since we removed the file");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"] > .fa-download').length, 0,
"the binary field should not render as a downloadable link since we removed the file");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"]').text().trim(), '',
"the binary field should not display a filename in the link since we removed the file");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_char').text().trim(), '',
"the filename field should be empty since we removed the file");
// restore the session function
session.get_file = oldGetFile;
QUnit.test('binary fields that are readonly in create mode do not download', function (assert) {
// save the session function
var oldGetFile = session.get_file;
session.get_file = function (option) {
assert.step('We shouldn\'t be getting the file.');
return oldGetFile.bind(session)(option);
this.data.partner.onchanges = {
product_id: function (obj) {
obj.document = "onchange==\n";
this.data.partner.fields.document.readonly = true;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="product_id"/>' +
'<field name="document" filename="\'yooo\'"/>' +
res_id: 1,
var $dropdown = form.$('.o_field_many2one input').autocomplete('widget');
form.$('.o_field_many2one input').click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('a.o_field_widget[name="document"] > .fa-download').length, 1,
'The link to download the binary should be present');
assert.verifySteps([]); // We shoudln't have passed through steps
session.get_file = oldGetFile;
QUnit.test('text field rendering in list view', function (assert) {
var data = {
foo: {
fields: {foo: {string: "F", type: "text"}},
records: [{id: 1, foo: "some text"}]
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'foo',
data: data,
arch: '<tree><field name="foo"/></tree>',
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td.o_list_text:contains(some text)').length, 1,
"should have a td with the .o_list_text class");
QUnit.test('field text in editable list view', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.type = 'text';
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree string="Phonecalls" editable="top">' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
assert.strictEqual(list.$('textarea').first().get(0), document.activeElement,
"text area should have the focus");
QUnit.test('field changes are correctly debounced in text fields', function (assert) {
var done = assert.async();
this.data.partner.fields.foo.type = 'text';
var def = $.Deferred();
var nbNotifyChanges = 0;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
res_id: 2,
fieldDebounce: 3,
var _onFieldChanged = form._onFieldChanged;
form._onFieldChanged = function () {
_onFieldChanged.apply(form, arguments);
assert.strictEqual(nbNotifyChanges, 0,
"no event should have been triggered");
assert.strictEqual(nbNotifyChanges, 0,
"no event should have been triggered");
return waitForChangeTriggered().then(function () {
assert.strictEqual(nbNotifyChanges, 1,
"one event should have been triggered");
// add something in the textarea, then focus another input
assert.strictEqual(nbNotifyChanges, 2,
"one event should have been triggered immediately");
return waitForChangeTriggered();
}).then(function () {
assert.strictEqual(nbNotifyChanges, 2,
"no extra event should have been triggered");
function waitForChangeTriggered() {
return def.then(function () {
def = $.Deferred();
return concurrency.delay(0);
QUnit.test('image fields are correctly rendered', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].__last_update = '2017-02-08 10:00:00';
this.data.partner.records[0].document = 'myimage';
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="document" widget="image" options="{\'size\': [90, 90]}"/> ' +
res_id: 1,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/read') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[1], ['document', '__last_update', 'display_name'], "The fields document, display_name and __last_update should be present when reading an image");
if (route === '') {
assert.ok(true, "should called the correct route");
return $.when('wow');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
"the widget should have the correct class");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('div[name="document"] > img').length, 1,
"the widget should contain an image");
assert.ok(form.$('div[name="document"] > img').hasClass('img-responsive'),
"the image should have the correct class");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('div[name="document"] > img').attr('width'), "90",
"the image should correctly set its attributes");
QUnit.test('image fields in subviews are loaded correctly', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].__last_update = '2017-02-08 10:00:00';
this.data.partner.records[0].document = 'myimage';
this.data.partner_type.fields.image = {name: 'image', type: 'binary'};
this.data.partner_type.records[0].image = 'product_image';
this.data.partner.records[0].timmy = [12];
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="document" widget="image" options="{\'size\': [90, 90]}"/>' +
'<field name="timmy" widget="many2many">' +
'<tree>' +
'<field name="display_name"/>' +
'</tree>' +
'<form>' +
'<field name="image" widget="image"/>' +
'</form>' +
'</field>' +
res_id: 1,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === '') {
assert.step("The view's image should have been fetched");
return $.when('wow');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
assert.verifySteps(["The view's image should have been fetched"]);
assert.strictEqual(form.$('tr.o_data_row').length, 1,
'There should be one record in the many2many');
// Actual flow: click on an element of the m2m to get its form view
form.$('tbody td:contains(gold)').click();
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-dialog').length, 1,
'The modal should have opened');
assert.strictEqual($('.modal-dialog').find('.o_field_image > img')[0].src,
'The image of the many2many in its form view should be present');
QUnit.module('JournalDashboardGraph', {
beforeEach: function () {
_.extend(this.data.partner.fields, {
graph_data: { string: "Graph Data", type: "text" },
graph_type: {
string: "Graph Type",
type: "selection",
selection: [['line', 'Line'], ['bar', 'Bar']]
this.data.partner.records[0].graph_type = "bar";
this.data.partner.records[1].graph_type = "line";
var graph_values = [
{'value': 300, 'label': '5-11 Dec'},
{'value': 500, 'label': '12-18 Dec'},
{'value': 100, 'label': '19-25 Dec'},
this.data.partner.records[0].graph_data = JSON.stringify([{
color: 'red',
title: 'Partner 0',
values: graph_values,
key: 'A key',
area: true,
this.data.partner.records[1].graph_data = JSON.stringify([{
color: 'blue',
title: 'Partner 1',
values: graph_values,
key: 'A key',
area: true,
QUnit.test('graph dashboard widget is rendered correctly', function (assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var graph_key = JSON.parse(this.data.partner.records[0].graph_data)[0].key;
var kanban = createView({
View: KanbanView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<kanban class="o_kanban_test">' +
'<field name="graph_type"/>' +
'<templates><t t-name="kanban-box">' +
'<div>' +
'<field name="graph_data" t-att-graph_type="record.graph_type.raw_value" widget="dashboard_graph"/>' +
'</div>' +
'</t>' +
domain: [['id', 'in', [1, 2]]],
// nvd3 seems to do a setTimeout(0) each time the addGraph function is
// called, which is done twice in this case as there are 2 records.
// for that reason, we need to do two setTimeout(0) as well here to ensure
// that both graphs are rendered before starting to check if the rendering
// is correct.
concurrency.delay(0).then(function () {
return concurrency.delay(0);
}).then(function () {
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record:first() .o_graph_barchart').length, 1,
"graph of first record should be a barchart");
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record:nth(1) .o_graph_linechart').length, 1,
"graph of second record should be a linechart");
var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); //taken ref from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/initMouseEvent
evt.initMouseEvent("mouseover", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 80, 20, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
var tooltip = $('.nvtooltip').find('table').find('.key')[0].innerText;
assert.equal(tooltip, graph_key, "graph tooltip should be generated ");
// force a re-rendering of the first record (to check if the
// previous rendered graph is correctly removed from the DOM)
var firstRecordState = kanban.model.get(kanban.handle).data[0];
return kanban.renderer.updateRecord(firstRecordState);
}).then(function () {
return concurrency.delay(0); // one graph is re-rendered
}).then(function () {
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record:first() svg').length, 1,
"there should be only one rendered graph by record");
QUnit.test('graph dashboard widget does not need nv to be destroyed', function (assert) {
// this test ensures that the JournalDashboardGraph widget doesn't crash
// when being destroyed before nv has been loaded
var destroy = basicFields.JournalDashboardGraph.prototype.destroy;
basicFields.JournalDashboardGraph.prototype.destroy = function () {
var nv = window.nv;
delete window.nv;
destroy.apply(this, arguments);
window.nv = nv;
var kanban = createView({
View: KanbanView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<kanban class="o_kanban_test">' +
'<field name="graph_type"/>' +
'<templates><t t-name="kanban-box">' +
'<div>' +
'<field name="graph_data" t-att-graph_type="record.graph_type.raw_value" widget="dashboard_graph"/>' +
'</div>' +
'</t>' +
domain: [['id', 'in', [1]]],
basicFields.JournalDashboardGraph.prototype.destroy = destroy;
QUnit.test('ace widget on text fields works', function (assert) {
var done = assert.async();
this.data.partner.fields.foo.type = 'text';
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="foo" widget="ace"/>' +
res_id: 1,
}).then(function (form) {
assert.ok('ace' in window, "the ace library should be loaded");
assert.ok(form.$('div.ace_content').length, "should have rendered something with ace editor");
QUnit.test('handle widget in x2m', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].p = [2, 4];
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="p">' +
'<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="sequence" widget="handle"/>' +
'<field name="display_name"/>' +
'</tree>' +
'</field>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('td span.o_row_handle').text(), "",
"handle should not have any content");
assert.notOk(form.$('td span.o_row_handle').is(':visible'),
"handle should be invisible in readonly mode");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('span.o_row_handle').length, 2, "should have 2 handles");
"column widget should be displayed in css class");
assert.ok(form.$('td span.o_row_handle').is(':visible'),
"handle should be visible in readonly mode");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('td:first span.o_row_handle').length, 1,
"content of the cell should have been replaced");
QUnit.test('handle widget with falsy values', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree>' +
'<field name="sequence" widget="handle"/>' +
'<field name="display_name"/>' +
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_row_handle:visible').length, this.data.partner.records.length,
'there should be a visible handle for each record');
QUnit.test('date field is empty if no date is set', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="date"/></form>',
res_id: 4,
var $span = form.$('span.o_field_widget');
assert.strictEqual($span.length, 1, "should have one span in the form view");
assert.strictEqual($span.text(), "", "and it should be empty");
QUnit.test('date field value should not set on first click', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="date"/></form>',
res_id: 4,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), '', "date field's input should be empty on first click");
form.$('.o_datepicker_input').click(); // Open Datepicker second time
assert.strictEqual($('.day.active').text(), '22', 'datepicker should be highlight with 22nd day of month');
QUnit.test('date field in form view (with positive time zone offset)', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="date"/></form>',
res_id: 1,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/write') {
assert.strictEqual(args.args[1].date, '2017-02-22', 'the correct value should be saved');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120; // Should be ignored by date fields
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_date').text(), '02/03/2017',
'the date should be correctly displayed in readonly');
// switch to edit mode
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), '02/03/2017',
'the date should be correct in edit mode');
// click on the input and select another value
assert.ok($('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length, 'datepicker should be open');
assert.strictEqual($('.day.active').data('day'), '02/03/2017', 'datepicker should be highlight February 3');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch').first().click(); // Month selection
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch').first().click(); // Year selection
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .year:contains(2017)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .month').eq(1).click(); // February
$('.day:contains(22)').click(); // select the 22 February
assert.ok(!$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length, 'datepicker should be closed');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), '02/22/2017',
'the selected date should be displayed in the input');
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_date').text(), '02/22/2017',
'the selected date should be displayed after saving');
QUnit.test('date field in form view (with negative time zone offset)', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="date"/></form>',
res_id: 1,
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return -120; // Should be ignored by date fields
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_date').text(), '02/03/2017',
'the date should be correctly displayed in readonly');
// switch to edit mode
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), '02/03/2017',
'the date should be correct in edit mode');
QUnit.test('date field in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="date"/>' +
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 0;
var $cell = list.$('tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.strictEqual($cell.text(), '02/03/2017',
'the date should be displayed correctly in readonly');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input.o_datepicker_input').length, 1,
"the view should have a date input for editable mode");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input.o_datepicker_input').get(0), document.activeElement,
"date input should have the focus");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input.o_datepicker_input').val(), '02/03/2017',
'the date should be correct in edit mode');
// click on the input and select another value
assert.ok($('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length, 'datepicker should be open');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch').first().click(); // Month selection
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch').first().click(); // Year selection
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .year:contains(2017)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .month').eq(1).click(); // February
$('.day:contains(22)').click(); // select the 22 February
assert.ok(!$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length, 'datepicker should be closed');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), '02/22/2017',
'the selected date should be displayed in the input');
// save
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').text(), '02/22/2017',
'the selected date should be displayed after saving');
QUnit.test('date field remove value', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="date"/></form>',
res_id: 1,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/write') {
assert.strictEqual(args.args[1].date, false, 'the correct value should be saved');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
// switch to edit mode
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), '02/03/2017',
'the date should be correct in edit mode');
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_date').text(), '',
'the selected date should be displayed after saving');
QUnit.test('do not trigger a field_changed for datetime field with date widget', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="datetime" widget="date"/></form>',
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
time_format: '%H:%M:%S',
res_id: 1,
viewOptions: {
mode: 'edit',
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), '02/08/2017',
'the date should be correct');
assert.verifySteps(['read']); // should not have save as nothing changed
QUnit.test('datetime field in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="datetime"/></form>',
res_id: 1,
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
time_format: '%H:%M:%S',
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120;
var expectedDateString = "02/08/2017 12:00:00"; // 10:00:00 without timezone
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_date').text(), expectedDateString,
'the datetime should be correctly displayed in readonly');
// switch to edit mode
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), expectedDateString,
'the datetime should be correct in edit mode');
// click on the input and select 22 February at 8:23:33
assert.ok($('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length, 'datepicker should be open');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch').first().click(); // Month selection
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch').first().click(); // Year selection
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .year:contains(2017)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .month').eq(3).click(); // April
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .day:contains(22)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .fa-clock-o').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker-hour').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .hour:contains(08)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker-minute').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .minute:contains(25)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker-second').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .second:contains(35)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .fa-times').click(); // close
assert.ok(!$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length, 'datepicker should be closed');
var newExpectedDateString = "04/22/2017 08:25:35";
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), newExpectedDateString,
'the selected date should be displayed in the input');
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_date').text(), newExpectedDateString,
'the selected date should be displayed after saving');
QUnit.test('datetime field in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="datetime"/>' +
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
time_format: '%H:%M:%S',
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120;
var expectedDateString = "02/08/2017 12:00:00"; // 10:00:00 without timezone
var $cell = list.$('tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.strictEqual($cell.text(), expectedDateString,
'the datetime should be correctly displayed in readonly');
// switch to edit mode
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input.o_datepicker_input').length, 1,
"the view should have a date input for editable mode");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input.o_datepicker_input').get(0), document.activeElement,
"date input should have the focus");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input.o_datepicker_input').val(), expectedDateString,
'the date should be correct in edit mode');
// click on the input and select 22 February at 8:23:33
assert.ok($('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length, 'datepicker should be open');
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch').first().click(); // Month selection
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .picker-switch').first().click(); // Year selection
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .year:contains(2017)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .month').eq(3).click(); // April
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .day:contains(22)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .fa-clock-o').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker-hour').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .hour:contains(08)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker-minute').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .minute:contains(25)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .timepicker-second').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .second:contains(35)').click();
$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget .fa-times').click(); // close
assert.ok(!$('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length, 'datepicker should be closed');
var newExpectedDateString = "04/22/2017 08:25:35";
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), newExpectedDateString,
'the selected datetime should be displayed in the input');
// save
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').text(), newExpectedDateString,
'the selected datetime should be displayed after saving');
QUnit.test('datetime field remove value', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="datetime"/></form>',
res_id: 1,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/write') {
assert.strictEqual(args.args[1].datetime, false, 'the correct value should be saved');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
time_format: '%H:%M:%S',
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return 120;
// switch to edit mode
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_datepicker_input').val(), '02/08/2017 12:00:00',
'the date time should be correct in edit mode');
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_date').text(), '',
'the selected date should be displayed after saving');
QUnit.test('datetime field with date/datetime widget (with day change)', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].p = [2];
this.data.partner.records[1].datetime = "2017-02-08 02:00:00"; // UTC
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="p">' +
'<tree>' +
'<field name="datetime"/>' +
'</tree>' +
'<form>' +
'<field name="datetime" widget="date"/>' +
'</form>' +
'</field>' +
res_id: 1,
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
time_format: '%H:%M:%S',
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return -240;
var expectedDateString = "02/07/2017 22:00:00"; // local time zone
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget[name=p] .o_data_cell').text(), expectedDateString,
'the datetime (datetime widget) should be correctly displayed in tree view');
// switch to form view
form.$('.o_field_widget[name=p] .o_data_row').click();
assert.strictEqual($('.modal .o_field_date[name=datetime]').text(), '02/07/2017',
'the datetime (date widget) should be correctly displayed in form view');
QUnit.test('datetime field with date/datetime widget (without day change)', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].p = [2];
this.data.partner.records[1].datetime = "2017-02-08 10:00:00"; // without timezone
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="p">' +
'<tree>' +
'<field name="datetime"/>' +
'</tree>' +
'<form>' +
'<field name="datetime" widget="date"/>' +
'</form>' +
'</field>' +
res_id: 1,
translateParameters: { // Avoid issues due to localization formats
date_format: '%m/%d/%Y',
time_format: '%H:%M:%S',
session: {
getTZOffset: function () {
return -240;
var expectedDateString = "02/08/2017 06:00:00"; // with timezone
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget[name=p] .o_data_cell').text(), expectedDateString,
'the datetime (datetime widget) should be correctly displayed in tree view');
// switch to form view
form.$('.o_field_widget[name=p] .o_data_row').click();
assert.strictEqual($('.modal .o_field_date[name=datetime]').text(), '02/08/2017',
'the datetime (date widget) should be correctly displayed in form view');
QUnit.test('monetary field in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux" widget="monetary"/>' +
'<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 5,
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
// Non-breaking space between the currency and the amount
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '$\u00a09.10',
'The value should be displayed properly.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '9.10',
'The input should be rendered without the currency symbol.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').parent().children().first().text(), '$',
'The input should be preceded by a span containing the currency symbol.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '108.2458938598598',
'The value should not be formated yet.');
// Non-breaking space between the currency and the amount
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '$\u00a0108.25',
'The new value should be rounded properly.');
QUnit.test('monetary field with currency symbol after', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux" widget="monetary"/>' +
'<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 2,
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
// Non-breaking space between the currency and the amount
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '0.00\u00a0€',
'The value should be displayed properly.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').first().val(), '0.00',
'The input should be rendered without the currency symbol.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').parent().children().eq(1).text(), '€',
'The input should be followed by a span containing the currency symbol.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').first().val(), '108.2458938598598',
'The value should not be formated yet.');
// Non-breaking space between the currency and the amount
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '108.25\u00a0€',
'The new value should be rounded properly.');
QUnit.test('monetary field with currency digits != 2', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
bar: false,
foo: "pouet",
int_field: 68,
qux: 99.1234,
currency_id: 1,
this.data.currency.records = [{
id: 1,
display_name: "VEF",
symbol: "Bs.F",
position: "after",
digits: [16, 4],
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux" widget="monetary"/>' +
'<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
// Non-breaking space between the currency and the amount
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '99.1234\u00a0Bs.F',
'The value should be displayed properly.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').first().val(), '99.1234',
'The input should be rendered without the currency symbol.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').parent().children().eq(1).text(), 'Bs.F',
'The input should be followed by a span containing the currency symbol.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').first().val(), '99.111111111',
'The value should not be formated yet.');
// Non-breaking space between the currency and the amount
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '99.1111\u00a0Bs.F',
'The new value should be rounded properly.');
QUnit.test('monetary field in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="qux" widget="monetary"/>' +
'<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>' +
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
var dollarValues = list.$('td').filter(function () {return _.str.include($(this).text(), '$');});
assert.strictEqual(dollarValues.length, 1,
'Only one line has dollar as a currency.');
var euroValues = list.$('td').filter(function () {return _.str.include($(this).text(), '€');});
assert.strictEqual(euroValues.length, 1,
'One one line has euro as a currency.');
var zeroValues = list.$('td.o_data_cell').filter(function () {return $(this).text() === '';});
assert.strictEqual(zeroValues.length, 1,
'Unset float values should be rendered as empty strings.');
// switch to edit mode
var $cell = list.$('tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector):contains($)');
assert.strictEqual($cell.children().length, 1,
'The cell td should only contain the special div of monetary widget.');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('[name="qux"] input').length, 1,
'The view should have 1 input for editable monetary float.');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('[name="qux"] input').val(), '9.10',
'The input should be rendered without the currency symbol.');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('[name="qux"] input').parent().children().first().text(), '$',
'The input should be preceded by a span containing the currency symbol.');
list.$('[name="qux"] input').val('108.2458938598598').trigger('input');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('[name="qux"] input').val(), '108.2458938598598',
'The typed value should be correctly displayed.');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector):contains($)').text(), '$\u00a0108.25',
'The new value should be rounded properly.');
QUnit.test('monetary field with real monetary field in model', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.qux.type = "monetary";
this.data.partner.fields.quux = {
string: "Quux", type: "monetary", digits: [16,1], searchable: true, readonly: true,
(_.find(this.data.partner.records, function (record) { return record.id === 5 })).quux = 4.2;
this.data.partner.onchanges = {
bar: function (obj) {
obj.qux = obj.bar ? 100 : obj.qux;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux"/>' +
'<field name="quux"/>' +
'<field name="currency_id"/>' +
'<field name="bar"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 5,
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_monetary').first().html(), "$&nbsp;9.10",
"readonly value should contain the currency");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_monetary').first().next().html(), "$&nbsp;4.20",
"readonly value should contain the currency");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_monetary > input').val(), "9.10",
"input value in edition should only contain the value, without the currency");
form.$('input[type="checkbox"]').click(); // Change the field on which the monetary depends
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_monetary > input').length, 1,
"After the onchange, the monetary <input/> should not have been duplicated");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_monetary[name=quux]').length, 1,
"After the onchange, the monetary readonly field should not have been duplicated");
var $dropdown = form.$('.o_field_many2one input').autocomplete('widget');
form.$('.o_field_many2one input').click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_monetary > span').html(), "€",
"After currency change, the monetary field currency should have been updated");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_monetary').first().next().html(), "4.20&nbsp;€",
"readonly value should contain the updated currency");
QUnit.test('monetary field with monetary field given in options', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.qux.type = "monetary";
this.data.partner.fields.company_currency_id = {
string: "Company Currency", type: "many2one", relation: "currency",
this.data.partner.records[4].company_currency_id = 2;
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux" options="{\'currency_field\': \'company_currency_id\'}"/>' +
'<field name="company_currency_id"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 5,
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_monetary').html(), "9.10&nbsp;€",
"field monetary should be formatted with correct currency");
QUnit.test('should keep the focus when being edited in x2many lists', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.currency_id.default = 1;
this.data.partner.fields.m2m = {
string: "m2m", type: "many2many", relation: 'partner', default: [[6, false, [2]]],
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="p"/>' +
'<field name="m2m"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
archs: {
'partner,false,list': '<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="qux" widget="monetary"/>' +
'<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>' +
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
// test the monetary field inside the one2many
var $o2m = form.$('.o_field_widget[name=p]');
$o2m.find('.o_field_x2many_list_row_add a').click();
$o2m.find('.o_field_widget input').val("22").trigger('input');
assert.strictEqual($o2m.find('.o_field_widget input').get(0), document.activeElement,
"the focus should still be on the input");
assert.strictEqual($o2m.find('.o_field_widget input').val(), "22",
"the value should not have been formatted yet");
form.$el.click(); // focusout the input
assert.strictEqual($o2m.find('.o_field_widget[name=qux]').html(), "$&nbsp;22.00",
"the value should have been formatted after losing the focus");
// test the monetary field inside the many2many
var $m2m = form.$('.o_field_widget[name=m2m]');
$m2m.find('.o_data_row td:first').click();
$m2m.find('.o_field_widget input').val("22").trigger('input');
assert.strictEqual($m2m.find('.o_field_widget input').get(0), document.activeElement,
"the focus should still be on the input");
assert.strictEqual($m2m.find('.o_field_widget input').val(), "22",
"the value should not have been formatted yet");
form.$el.click(); // focusout the input
assert.strictEqual($m2m.find('.o_field_widget[name=qux]').html(), "22.00&nbsp;€",
"the value should have been formatted after losing the focus");
QUnit.test('monetary field with currency set by an onchange', function (assert) {
// this test ensures that the monetary field can be re-rendered with and
// without currency (which can happen as the currency can be set by an
// onchange)
this.data.partner.onchanges = {
int_field: function (obj) {
obj.currency_id = obj.int_field ? 2 : null;
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="top">' +
'<field name="int_field"/>' +
'<field name="qux" widget="monetary"/>' +
'<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>' +
session: {
currencies: _.indexBy(this.data.currency.records, 'id'),
assert.strictEqual(list.$('div.o_field_widget[name=qux] input').length, 1,
"monetary field should have been rendered correctly (without currency)");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget[name=qux] span').length, 0,
"monetary field should have been rendered correctly (without currency)");
// set a value for int_field -> should set the currency and re-render qux
assert.strictEqual(list.$('div.o_field_widget[name=qux] input').length, 1,
"monetary field should have been re-rendered correctly (with currency)");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget[name=qux] span:contains(€)').length, 1,
"monetary field should have been re-rendered correctly (with currency)");
var $quxInput = list.$('.o_field_widget[name=qux] input');
$quxInput.click(); // check that the field is focusable
assert.strictEqual(document.activeElement, $quxInput[0],
"focus should be on the qux field's input");
// unset the value of int_field -> should unset the currency and re-render qux
$quxInput = list.$('div.o_field_widget[name=qux] input');
assert.strictEqual($quxInput.length, 1,
"monetary field should have been re-rendered correctly (without currency)");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget[name=qux] span').length, 0,
"monetary field should have been re-rendered correctly (without currency)");
$quxInput.click(); // check that the field is still focusable
assert.strictEqual(document.activeElement, $quxInput[0],
"focus should be on the qux field's input");
QUnit.test('integer field when unset', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="int_field"/></form>',
res_id: 4,
'Non-set integer field should be recognized as 0.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').text(), "0",
'Non-set integer field should be recognized as 0.');
QUnit.test('integer field in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="int_field"/></form>',
res_id: 2,
'Integer field should be considered set for value 0.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '0',
'The value should be rendered correctly in edit mode.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '-18',
'The value should be correctly displayed in the input.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').text(), '-18',
'The new value should be saved and displayed properly.');
QUnit.test('integer field in form view with virtual id', function (assert) {
var params = {
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners"><field name="id"/></form>',
params.res_id = this.data.partner.records[1].id = "2-20170808020000";
var form = createView(params);
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').text(), "2-20170808020000",
"Should display virtual id");
QUnit.test('integer field in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="int_field"/>' +
var zeroValues = list.$('td').filter(function () {return $(this).text() === '0';});
assert.strictEqual(zeroValues.length, 1,
'Unset integer values should not be rendered as zeros.');
// switch to edit mode
var $cell = list.$('tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input[name="int_field"]').length, 1,
'The view should have 1 input for editable integer.');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('input[name="int_field"]').val(), '-28',
'The value should be displayed properly in the input.');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), '-28',
'The new value should be saved and displayed properly.');
QUnit.test('float_time field in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<field name="qux" widget="float_time"/>' +
'</sheet>' +
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/write') {
// 48 / 60 = 0.8
assert.strictEqual(args.args[1].qux, -11.8, 'the correct float value should be saved');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
res_id: 5,
// 9 + 0.1 * 60 = 9.06
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '09:06',
'The formatted time value should be displayed properly.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '09:06',
'The value should be rendered correctly in the input.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input').val(), '-11:48',
'The new value should be displayed properly in the input.');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').first().text(), '-11:48',
'The new value should be saved and displayed properly.');
QUnit.test('phone field in form view on extra small screens', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="phone"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
config: {
device: {
size_class: 0, // Screen XS
SIZES: { XS: 0, SM: 1, MD: 2, LG: 3 },
var $phoneLink = form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget');
assert.strictEqual($phoneLink.length, 1,
"should have a anchor with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual($phoneLink.text(), 'y\u00ADop',
"value should be displayed properly as text with the skype obfuscation");
assert.strictEqual($phoneLink.attr('href'), 'tel:yop',
"should have proper tel prefix");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').length, 1,
"should have an input for the phone field");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').val(), 'yop',
"input should contain field value in edit mode");
// change value in edit mode
// save
$phoneLink = form.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget');
assert.strictEqual($phoneLink.text(), 'n\u00ADew',
"new value should be displayed properly as text with the skype obfuscation");
assert.strictEqual($phoneLink.attr('href'), 'tel:new',
"should still have proper tel prefix");
QUnit.test('phone field in editable list view on extra small screens', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom"><field name="foo" widget="phone"/></tree>',
config: {
device: {
size_class: 0, // Screen XS
SIZES: { XS: 0, SM: 1, MD: 2, LG: 3 },
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').length, 5,
"should have 5 cells");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), 'y\u00ADop',
"value should be displayed properly as text with the skype obfuscation");
var $phoneLink = list.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget');
assert.strictEqual($phoneLink.length, 5,
"should have anchors with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual($phoneLink.first().attr('href'), 'tel:yop',
"should have proper tel prefix");
// Edit a line and check the result
var $cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok($cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should be set as edit mode');
assert.strictEqual($cell.find('input').val(), 'yop',
'should have the corect value in internal input');
// save
$cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok(!$cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should not be in edit mode anymore');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), 'n\u00ADew',
"value should be properly updated");
$phoneLink = list.$('a.o_form_uri.o_field_widget');
assert.strictEqual($phoneLink.length, 5,
"should still have anchors with correct classes");
assert.strictEqual($phoneLink.first().attr('href'), 'tel:new',
"should still have proper tel prefix");
QUnit.test('phone field in form view on normal screens', function (assert) {
// The behavior of this widget is completely altered by voip so this
// test is irrelevant and fails if voip is installed. The enterprise
// module is responsible for testing its own behavior in its own tests.
if ('voip.user_agent' in odoo.__DEBUG__.services) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="phone"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
config: {
device: {
size_class: 1, // Screen SM
SIZES: { XS: 0, SM: 1, MD: 2, LG: 3 },
var $phone = form.$('span.o_field_widget:not(.o_form_uri)');
assert.strictEqual($phone.length, 1,
"should have a simple span rather than a link");
assert.strictEqual($phone.text(), 'yop',
"value should be displayed properly as text without skype obfuscation");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').length, 1,
"should have an input for the phone field");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[type="text"].o_field_widget').val(), 'yop',
"input should contain field value in edit mode");
// change value in edit mode
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('span.o_field_widget:not(.o_form_uri)').text(), 'new',
"new value should be displayed properly as text without skype obfuscation");
QUnit.test('phone field in editable list view on normal screens', function (assert) {
// The behavior of this widget is completely altered by voip so this
// test is irrelevant and fails if voip is installed. The enterprise
// module is responsible for testing its own behavior in its own tests.
if ('voip.user_agent' in odoo.__DEBUG__.services) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom"><field name="foo" widget="phone"/></tree>',
config: {
device: {
size_class: 1, // Screen SM
SIZES: { XS: 0, SM: 1, MD: 2, LG: 3 },
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').length, 5,
"should have 5 cells");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), 'yop',
"value should be displayed properly as text without skype obfuscation");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('span.o_field_widget:not(.o_form_uri)').length, 5,
"should have spans with correct classes");
// Edit a line and check the result
var $cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok($cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should be set as edit mode');
assert.strictEqual($cell.find('input').val(), 'yop',
'should have the corect value in internal input');
// save
$cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.ok(!$cell.parent().hasClass('o_selected_row'), 'should not be in edit mode anymore');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().text(), 'new',
"value should be properly updated");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('span.o_field_widget:not(.o_form_uri)').length, 5,
"should still have spans with correct classes");
QUnit.test('phone field does not allow html injections', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="phone"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
viewOptions: {
mode: 'edit',
config: {
device: {
size_class: 0,
SIZES: { XS: 0, SM: 1, MD: 2, LG: 3 },
var val = '<script>throw Error();</script><script>throw Error();</script>';
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget').text().split('\u00AD').join(''), val,
"value should have been correctly escaped");
QUnit.test('use TAB to navigate to a phone field', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch:'<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="display_name"/>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="phone"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[name="display_name"]')[0], document.activeElement,
"display_name should be focused");
form.$('input[name="display_name"]').trigger($.Event('keydown', {which: $.ui.keyCode.TAB}));
assert.strictEqual(form.$('input[name="foo"]')[0], document.activeElement,
"foo should be focused");
QUnit.test('priority widget when not set', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="selection" widget="priority"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 2,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority:not(.o_field_empty)').length, 1,
"widget should be considered set, even though there is no value for this field");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should have two stars for representing each possible value: no star, one star and two stars");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 0,
"should have no full star since there is no value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 2,
"should have two empty stars since there is no value");
QUnit.test('priority widget in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="selection" widget="priority"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority:not(.o_field_empty)').length, 1,
"widget should be considered set");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should have two stars for representing each possible value: no star, one star and two stars");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 1,
"should have one full star since the value is the second value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 1,
"should have one empty star since the value is the second value");
// hover last star
form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').last().trigger('mouseover');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should have two stars for representing each possible value: no star, one star and two stars");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 2,
"should temporary have two full stars since we are hovering the third value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 0,
"should temporary have no empty star since we are hovering the third value");
// Here we should test with mouseout, but currently the effect associated with it
// occurs in a setTimeout after 200ms so it's not trivial to test it here.
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should still have two stars");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 1,
"should still have one full star since the value is the second value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 1,
"should still have one empty star since the value is the second value");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should still have two stars");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 1,
"should still have one full star since the value is the second value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 1,
"should still have one empty star since the value is the second value");
// switch to edit mode to check that the new value was properly written
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should still have two stars");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 1,
"should still have one full star since the value is the second value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 1,
"should still have one empty star since the value is the second value");
// click on the second star in edit mode
form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').last().click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should still have two stars");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 2,
"should now have two full stars since the value is the third value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 0,
"should now have no empty star since the value is the third value");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should still have two stars");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 2,
"should now have two full stars since the value is the third value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_priority').find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 0,
"should now have no empty star since the value is the third value");
QUnit.test('priority widget in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom"><field name="selection" widget="priority"/></tree>',
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority:not(.o_field_empty)').length, 1,
"widget should be considered set");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should have two stars for representing each possible value: no star, one star and two stars");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 1,
"should have one full star since the value is the second value");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 1,
"should have one empty star since the value is the second value");
// Here we should test with mouseout, but currently the effect associated with it
// occurs in a setTimeout after 200ms so it's not trivial to test it here.
// switch to edit mode and check the result
var $cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should have two stars for representing each possible value: no star, one star and two stars");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 1,
"should have one full star since the value is the second value");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 1,
"should have one empty star since the value is the second value");
// save
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should have two stars for representing each possible value: no star, one star and two stars");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 1,
"should have one full star since the value is the second value");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 1,
"should have one empty star since the value is the second value");
// hover last star
list.$('.o_data_row .o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').first().trigger('mouseenter');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should have two stars for representing each possible value: no star, one star and two stars");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 2,
"should temporary have two full stars since we are hovering the third value");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 0,
"should temporary have no empty star since we are hovering the third value");
// click on the first star in readonly mode
list.$('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star').first().click();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should still have two stars");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 0,
"should now have no full star since the value is the first value");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 2,
"should now have two empty stars since the value is the first value");
// re-enter edit mode to force re-rendering the widget to check if the value was correctly saved
$cell = list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should still have two stars");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 0,
"should now only have no full star since the value is the first value");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').first().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 2,
"should now have two empty stars since the value is the first value");
// Click on second star in edit mode
list.$('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').last().click();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').last().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should still have two stars");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').last().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 2,
"should now have two full stars since the value is the third value");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').last().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 0,
"should now have no empty star since the value is the third value");
// save
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').last().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star').length, 2,
"should still have two stars");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').last().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star').length, 2,
"should now have two full stars since the value is the third value");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row').last().find('.o_priority a.o_priority_star.fa-star-o').length, 0,
"should now have no empty star since the value is the third value");
QUnit.module('StateSelection Widget');
QUnit.test('state_selection widget in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="selection" widget="state_selection"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 1,
"should have one red status since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 0,
"should not have one green status since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown");
// Click on the status button to make the dropdown appear
form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection .o_status').first().click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 1,
"there should be a dropdown");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible li').length, 2,
"there should be two options in the dropdown");
// Click on the first option, "Normal"
form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible li').first().click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown anymore");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 0,
"should not have one red status since selection is the first, normal state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 0,
"should not have one green status since selection is the first, normal state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status').length, 1,
"should have one grey status since selection is the first, normal state");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should still not be a dropdown");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 0,
"should still not have one red status since selection is the first, normal state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 0,
"should still not have one green status since selection is the first, normal state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status').length, 1,
"should still have one grey status since selection is the first, normal state");
// Click on the status button to make the dropdown appear
form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection .o_status').first().click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 1,
"there should be a dropdown");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible li').length, 2,
"there should be two options in the dropdown");
// Click on the last option, "Done"
form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible li').last().click();
assert.strictEqual(form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown anymore");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 0,
"should not have one red status since selection is the third, done state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 1,
"should have one green status since selection is the third, done state");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should still not be a dropdown anymore");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 0,
"should still not have one red status since selection is the third, done state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 1,
"should still have one green status since selection is the third, done state");
QUnit.test('state_selection widget in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'<field name="selection" widget="state_selection"/>' +
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status').length, 5,
"should have five status selection widgets");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 1,
"should have one red status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 1,
"should have one green status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown");
// Click on the status button to make the dropdown appear
var $cell = list.$('tbody td.o_state_selection_cell').first();
list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status').first().click();
'should not be in edit mode since we clicked on the state selection widget');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 1,
"there should be a dropdown");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible li').length, 2,
"there should be two options in the dropdown");
// Click on the first option, "Normal"
list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible li').first().click();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status').length, 5,
"should still have five status selection widgets");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 0,
"should now have no red status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 1,
"should still have one green status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
$cell = list.$('tbody td.o_state_selection_cell').first();
'should now be in edit mode');
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status').length, 5,
"should still have five status selection widgets");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 0,
"should now have no red status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 1,
"should still have one green status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown");
// Click on the status button to make the dropdown appear
list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status').first().click();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 1,
"there should be a dropdown");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible li').length, 2,
"there should be two options in the dropdown");
// Click on another row
var $firstCell = list.$('tbody td.o_state_selection_cell').first();
var $lastCell = list.$('tbody td.o_state_selection_cell').last();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown anymore");
'first row should not be in edit mode anymore');
'last row should be in edit mode');
// Click on the last status button to make the dropdown appear
list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status').last().click();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 1,
"there should be a dropdown");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible li').length, 2,
"there should be two options in the dropdown");
// Click on the last option, "Done"
list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible li').last().click();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown anymore");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status').length, 5,
"should still have five status selection widgets");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 0,
"should still have no red status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 2,
"should now have two green status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown");
// save
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status').length, 5,
"should have five status selection widgets");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_red').length, 0,
"should have no red status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_state_selection_cell .o_selection > a span.o_status.o_status_green').length, 2,
"should have two green status");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('ul.dropdown-menu.state:visible').length, 0,
"there should not be a dropdown");
QUnit.test('favorite widget in kanban view', function (assert) {
var kanban = createView({
View: KanbanView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<kanban class="o_kanban_test">' +
'<templates>' +
'<t t-name="kanban-box">' +
'<div>' +
'<field name="bar" widget="boolean_favorite" />' +
'</div>' +
'</t>' +
'</templates>' +
domain: [['id', '=', 1]],
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record .o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star').length, 1,
'should be favorite');
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record .o_field_widget.o_favorite > a').text(), ' Remove from Favorites',
'the label should say "Remove from Favorites"');
// click on favorite
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record .o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star').length, 0,
'should not be favorite');
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_record .o_field_widget.o_favorite > a').text(), ' Add to Favorites',
'the label should say "Add to Favorites"');
QUnit.test('favorite widget in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="bar" widget="boolean_favorite" />' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star').length, 1,
'should be favorite');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a').text(), ' Remove from Favorites',
'the label should say "Remove from Favorites"');
// click on favorite
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star').length, 0,
'should not be favorite');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a').text(), ' Add to Favorites',
'the label should say "Add to Favorites"');
// switch to edit mode
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star-o').length, 1,
'should not be favorite');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a').text(), ' Add to Favorites',
'the label should say "Add to Favorites"');
// click on favorite
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star').length, 1,
'should be favorite');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a').text(), ' Remove from Favorites',
'the label should say "Remove from Favorites"');
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star').length, 1,
'should be favorite');
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.o_favorite > a').text(), ' Remove from Favorites',
'the label should say "Remove from Favorites"');
QUnit.test('favorite widget in editable list view without label', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="bar" widget="boolean_favorite" nolabel="1" />' +
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row:first .o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star').length, 1,
'should be favorite');
// switch to edit mode
list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().click();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row:first .o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star').length, 1,
'should be favorite');
// click on favorite
list.$('.o_data_row:first .o_field_widget.o_favorite').click();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row:first .o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star').length, 0,
'should not be favorite');
// save
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_data_row:first .o_field_widget.o_favorite > a i.fa.fa-star-o').length, 1,
'should not be favorite');
QUnit.test('label_selection widget in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="selection" widget="label_selection" ' +
' options="{\'classes\': {\'normal\': \'default\', \'blocked\': \'warning\',\'done\': \'success\'}}"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').length, 1,
"should have a warning status label since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-default').length, 0,
"should not have a default status since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-success').length, 0,
"should not have a success status since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').text(), 'Blocked',
"the label should say 'Blocked' since this is the label value for that state");
// // switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').length, 1,
"should have a warning status label since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-default').length, 0,
"should not have a default status since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-success').length, 0,
"should not have a success status since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').text(), 'Blocked',
"the label should say 'Blocked' since this is the label value for that state");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').length, 1,
"should have a warning status label since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-default').length, 0,
"should not have a default status since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-success').length, 0,
"should not have a success status since selection is the second, blocked state");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').text(), 'Blocked',
"the label should say 'Blocked' since this is the label value for that state");
QUnit.test('label_selection widget in editable list view', function (assert) {
var list = createView({
View: ListView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<tree editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'<field name="selection" widget="label_selection"' +
' options="{\'classes\': {\'normal\': \'default\', \'blocked\': \'warning\',\'done\': \'success\'}}"/>' +
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label:not(:empty)').length, 3,
"should have three visible status labels");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').length, 1,
"should have one warning status label");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').text(), 'Blocked',
"the warning label should read 'Blocked'");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-default').length, 1,
"should have one default status label");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-default').text(), 'Normal',
"the default label should read 'Normal'");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-success').length, 1,
"should have one success status label");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-success').text(), 'Done',
"the success label should read 'Done'");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().click();
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label:not(:empty)').length, 3,
"should have three visible status labels");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').length, 1,
"should have one warning status label");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').text(), 'Blocked',
"the warning label should read 'Blocked'");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-default').length, 1,
"should have one default status label");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-default').text(), 'Normal',
"the default label should read 'Normal'");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-success').length, 1,
"should have one success status label");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-success').text(), 'Done',
"the success label should read 'Done'");
// save and check the result
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label:not(:empty)').length, 3,
"should have three visible status labels");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').length, 1,
"should have one warning status label");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-warning').text(), 'Blocked',
"the warning label should read 'Blocked'");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-default').length, 1,
"should have one default status label");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-default').text(), 'Normal',
"the default label should read 'Normal'");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-success').length, 1,
"should have one success status label");
assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_widget.label.label-success').text(), 'Done',
"the success label should read 'Done'");
QUnit.test('statinfo widget in form view', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<div class="oe_button_box" name="button_box">' +
'<button class="oe_stat_button" name="items" type="object" icon="fa-gear">' +
'<field name="int_field" widget="statinfo"/>' +
'</button>' +
'</div>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info').length, 1,
"should have one stat button");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_value').text(),
'10', "should have 10 as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_text').text(),
'int_field', "should have 'int_field' as text");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info').length, 1,
"should still have one stat button");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_value').text(),
'10', "should still have 10 as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_text').text(),
'int_field', "should have 'int_field' as text");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info').length, 1,
"should have one stat button");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_value').text(),
'10', "should have 10 as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_text').text(),
'int_field', "should have 'int_field' as text");
QUnit.test('statinfo widget in form view with specific label_field', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<div class="oe_button_box" name="button_box">' +
'<button class="oe_stat_button" name="items" type="object" icon="fa-gear">' +
'<field string="Useful stat button" name="int_field" widget="statinfo" ' +
'options="{\'label_field\': \'foo\'}"/>' +
'</button>' +
'</div>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo" invisible="1"/>' +
'<field name="bar"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info').length, 1,
"should have one stat button");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_value').text(),
'10', "should have 10 as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_text').text(),
'yop', "should have 'yop' as text, since it is the value of field foo");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info').length, 1,
"should still have one stat button");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_value').text(),
'10', "should still have 10 as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_text').text(),
'yop', "should have 'yop' as text, since it is the value of field foo");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info').length, 1,
"should have one stat button");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_value').text(),
'10', "should have 10 as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_text').text(),
'yop', "should have 'yop' as text, since it is the value of field foo");
QUnit.test('statinfo widget in form view with no label', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<div class="oe_button_box" name="button_box">' +
'<button class="oe_stat_button" name="items" type="object" icon="fa-gear">' +
'<field string="Useful stat button" name="int_field" widget="statinfo" nolabel="1"/>' +
'</button>' +
'</div>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo" invisible="1"/>' +
'<field name="bar"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info').length, 1,
"should have one stat button");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_value').text(),
'10', "should have 10 as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_text').text(),
'', "should not have any label");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info').length, 1,
"should still have one stat button");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_value').text(),
'10', "should still have 10 as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_text').text(),
'', "should not have any label");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info').length, 1,
"should have one stat button");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_value').text(),
'10', "should have 10 as value");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_stat_button .o_field_widget.o_stat_info .o_stat_text').text(),
'', "should not have any label");
QUnit.test('percentpie widget in form view with value < 50%', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="int_field" widget="percentpie"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie').length, 1,
"should have a pie chart");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_pie_value').text(),
'10%', "should have 10% as pie value since int_field=10");
assert.ok(_.str.include(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').first().attr('style'),
'transform: rotate(180deg);'), "left mask should be covering the whole left side of the pie");
assert.ok(_.str.include(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').last().attr('style'),
'transform: rotate(36deg);'), "right mask should be rotated from 360*(10/100) = 36 degrees");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie').length, 1,
"should have a pie chart");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_pie_value').text(),
'10%', "should have 10% as pie value since int_field=10");
assert.ok(_.str.include(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').first().attr('style'),
'transform: rotate(180deg);'), "left mask should be covering the whole left side of the pie");
assert.ok(_.str.include(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').last().attr('style'),
'transform: rotate(36deg);'), "right mask should be rotated from 360*(10/100) = 36 degrees");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie').length, 1,
"should have a pie chart");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_pie_value').text(),
'10%', "should have 10% as pie value since int_field=10");
assert.ok(_.str.include(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').first().attr('style'),
'transform: rotate(180deg);'), "left mask should be covering the whole left side of the pie");
assert.ok(_.str.include(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').last().attr('style'),
'transform: rotate(36deg);'), "right mask should be rotated from 360*(10/100) = 36 degrees");
QUnit.test('percentpie widget in form view with value > 50%', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="int_field" widget="percentpie"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 3,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie').length, 1,
"should have a pie chart");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_pie_value').text(),
'80%', "should have 80% as pie value since int_field=80");
assert.ok(_.str.include(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').first().attr('style'),
'transform: rotate(288deg);'), "left mask should be rotated from 360*(80/100) = 288 degrees");
assert.ok(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').last().hasClass('o_full'),
"right mask should be hidden since the value > 50%");
// switch to edit mode and check the result
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie').length, 1,
"should have a pie chart");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_pie_value').text(),
'80%', "should have 80% as pie value since int_field=80");
assert.ok(_.str.include(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').first().attr('style'),
'transform: rotate(288deg);'), "left mask should be rotated from 360*(80/100) = 288 degrees");
assert.ok(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').last().hasClass('o_full'),
"right mask should be hidden since the value > 50%");
// save
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie').length, 1,
"should have a pie chart");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_pie_value').text(),
'80%', "should have 80% as pie value since int_field=80");
assert.ok(_.str.include(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').first().attr('style'),
'transform: rotate(288deg);'), "left mask should be rotated from 360*(80/100) = 288 degrees");
assert.ok(form.$('.o_field_percent_pie.o_field_widget .o_pie .o_mask').last().hasClass('o_full'),
"right mask should be hidden since the value > 50%");
// TODO: This test would pass without any issue since all the classes and
// custom style attributes are correctly set on the widget in list
// view, but since the less itself for this widget currently only
// applies inside the form view, the widget is unusable. This test can
// be uncommented when we refactor the less files so that this widget
// stylesheet applies in both form and list view.
// QUnit.test('percentpie widget in editable list view', function(assert) {
// assert.expect(10);
// var list = createView({
// View: ListView,
// model: 'partner',
// data: this.data,
// arch: '<tree editable="bottom">' +
// '<field name="foo"/>' +
// '<field name="int_field" widget="percentpie"/>' +
// '</tree>',
// });
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie .o_pie').length, 5,
// "should have five pie charts");
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie:first .o_pie .o_pie_value').first().text(),
// '10%', "should have 10% as pie value since int_field=10");
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie:first .o_pie .o_mask').first().attr('style'),
// 'transform: rotate(180deg);', "left mask should be covering the whole left side of the pie");
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie:first .o_pie .o_mask').last().attr('style'),
// 'transform: rotate(36deg);', "right mask should be rotated from 360*(10/100) = 36 degrees");
// // switch to edit mode and check the result
// list.$('tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)').first().click();
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie:first .o_pie .o_pie_value').first().text(),
// '10%', "should have 10% as pie value since int_field=10");
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie:first .o_pie .o_mask').first().attr('style'),
// 'transform: rotate(180deg);', "left mask should be covering the whole right side of the pie");
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie:first .o_pie .o_mask').last().attr('style'),
// 'transform: rotate(36deg);', "right mask should be rotated from 360*(10/100) = 36 degrees");
// // save
// list.$buttons.find('.o_list_button_save').click();
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie:first .o_pie .o_pie_value').first().text(),
// '10%', "should have 10% as pie value since int_field=10");
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie:first .o_pie .o_mask').first().attr('style'),
// 'transform: rotate(180deg);', "left mask should be covering the whole right side of the pie");
// assert.strictEqual(list.$('.o_field_percent_pie:first .o_pie .o_mask').last().attr('style'),
// 'transform: rotate(36deg);', "right mask should be rotated from 360*(10/100) = 36 degrees");
// list.destroy();
// });
QUnit.test('basic domain field usage is ok', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].foo = "[]";
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
'<form>' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="domain" options="{\'model\': \'partner_type\'}"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
// As the domain is empty, there should be a button to add the first
// domain part
var $domain = form.$(".o_field_domain");
var $domainAddFirstNodeButton = $domain.find(".o_domain_add_first_node_button");
assert.equal($domainAddFirstNodeButton.length, 1,
"there should be a button to create first domain element");
// Clicking on the button should add the [["id", "=", "1"]] domain, so
// there should be a field selector in the DOM
var $fieldSelector = $domain.find(".o_field_selector");
assert.equal($fieldSelector.length, 1,
"there should be a field selector");
// Focusing the field selector input should open the field selector
// popover
var $fieldSelectorPopover = $fieldSelector.find(".o_field_selector_popover");
"field selector popover should be visible");
// The popover should contain the list of partner_type fields and so
// there should be the "Color index" field
var $lis = $fieldSelectorPopover.find("li");
var $colorIndex = $();
$lis.each(function () {
var $li = $(this);
if ($li.html().indexOf("Color index") >= 0) {
$colorIndex = $li;
assert.equal($colorIndex.length, 1,
"field selector popover should contain 'Color index' field");
// Clicking on this field should close the popover, then changing the
// associated value should reveal one matched record
assert.equal($domain.find(".o_domain_show_selection_button").text().trim().substr(0, 2), "1 ",
"changing color value to 2 should reveal only one record");
// Saving the form view should show a readonly domain containing the
// "color" field
$domain = form.$(".o_field_domain");
assert.ok($domain.html().indexOf("Color index") >= 0,
"field selector readonly value should now contain 'Color index'");
QUnit.test('domain field is correctly reset on every view change', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].foo = '[["id","=",1]]';
this.data.partner.fields.bar.type = "char";
this.data.partner.records[0].bar = "product";
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
'<form>' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="bar"/>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="domain" options="{\'model\': \'bar\'}"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
res_id: 1,
// As the domain is equal to [["id", "=", 1]] there should be a field
// selector to change this
var $domain = form.$(".o_field_domain");
var $fieldSelector = $domain.find(".o_field_selector");
assert.equal($fieldSelector.length, 1,
"there should be a field selector");
// Focusing its input should open the field selector popover
var $fieldSelectorPopover = $fieldSelector.find(".o_field_selector_popover");
"field selector popover should be visible");
// As the value of the "bar" field is "product", the field selector
// popover should contain the list of "product" fields
var $lis = $fieldSelectorPopover.find("li");
var $sampleLi = $();
$lis.each(function () {
var $li = $(this);
if ($li.html().indexOf("Product Name") >= 0) {
$sampleLi = $li;
assert.strictEqual($lis.length, 1,
"field selector popover should contain only one field");
assert.strictEqual($sampleLi.length, 1,
"field selector popover should contain 'Product Name' field");
// Now change the value of the "bar" field to "partner_type"
// Refocusing the field selector input should open the popover again
$fieldSelector = form.$(".o_field_selector");
$fieldSelectorPopover = $fieldSelector.find(".o_field_selector_popover");
"field selector popover should be visible");
// Now the list of fields should be the ones of the "partner_type" model
$lis = $fieldSelectorPopover.find("li");
$sampleLi = $();
$lis.each(function () {
var $li = $(this);
if ($li.html().indexOf("Color index") >= 0) {
$sampleLi = $li;
assert.strictEqual($lis.length, 2,
"field selector popover should contain two fields");
assert.strictEqual($sampleLi.length, 1,
"field selector popover should contain 'Color index' field");
QUnit.test('domain field: handle false domain as []', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].foo = false;
this.data.partner.fields.bar.type = "char";
this.data.partner.records[0].bar = "product";
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
'<form>' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="bar"/>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="domain" options="{\'model\': \'bar\'}"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'search_count') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[0], [], "should send a valid domain");
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
res_id: 1,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget[name=foo]:not(.o_field_empty)').length, 1,
"there should be a domain field, not considered empty");
var $warning = form.$('.o_field_widget[name=foo] .text-warning');
assert.strictEqual($warning.length, 0, "should not display that the domain is invalid");
QUnit.test('basic domain field: show the selection', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].foo = "[]";
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
'<form>' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group>' +
'<field name="foo" widget="domain" options="{\'model\': \'partner_type\'}"/>' +
'</group>' +
'</sheet>' +
archs: {
'partner_type,false,list': '<tree><field name="display_name"/></tree>',
'partner_type,false,search': '<search><field name="name" string="Name"/></search>',
res_id: 1,
assert.equal(form.$(".o_domain_show_selection_button").text().trim().substr(0, 2), "2 ",
"selection should contain 2 records");
// open the selection
assert.strictEqual($('.modal .o_list_view .o_data_row').length, 2,
"should have open a list view with 2 records in a dialog");
// click on a record -> should not open the record
// we don't actually check that it doesn't open the record because even
// if it tries to, it will crash as we don't define an arch in this test
$('.modal .o_list_view .o_data_row:first .o_data_cell').click();
QUnit.test('image selection widget in form view', function (assert) {
var nodeOptions = {
background: {
image_link: '/base/static/img/preview_background.png',
preview_link: '/base/static/pdf/preview_background.pdf',
boxed: {
image_link: '/base/static/img/preview_boxed.png',
preview_link: '/base/static/pdf/preview_boxed.pdf',
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form>' +
'<field name="image_selection" widget="image_selection"' +
' options=\'' + JSON.stringify(nodeOptions) + '\'/> '+
res_id: 2,
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.img.img-responsive').length, 2,
"Two images should be rendered");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.img.btn-info').length, 0,
"No image should be selected");
// select first image
"First image should be selected");