flectra-admin 769eafb483 [INIT] Inception of Flectra from Odoo
Flectra is Forked from Odoo v11 commit : (6135e82d73)
2018-01-16 11:45:59 +05:30

172 lines
5.8 KiB

odoo.define('web.Apps', function (require) {
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var framework = require('web.framework');
var session = require('web.session');
var Widget = require('web.Widget');
var _t = core._t;
var apps_client = null;
var Apps = Widget.extend({
template: 'EmptyComponent',
remote_action_tag: 'loempia.embed',
failback_action_id: 'base.open_module_tree',
init: function(parent, action) {
this._super(parent, action);
var options = action.params || {};
this.params = options; // NOTE forwarded to embedded client action
get_client: function() {
// return the client via a deferred, resolved or rejected depending if
// the remote host is available or not.
var check_client_available = function(client) {
var d = $.Deferred();
var i = new Image();
i.onerror = function() {
i.onload = function() {
var ts = new Date().getTime();
i.src = _.str.sprintf('%s/web/static/src/img/sep-a.gif?%s', client.origin, ts);
return d.promise();
if (apps_client) {
return check_client_available(apps_client);
} else {
return this._rpc({model: 'ir.module.module', method: 'get_apps_server'})
.then(function(u) {
var link = $(_.str.sprintf('<a href="%s"></a>', u))[0];
var host = _.str.sprintf('%s//%s', link.protocol, link.host);
var dbname = link.pathname;
if (dbname[0] === '/') {
dbname = dbname.substr(1);
var client = {
origin: host,
dbname: dbname
apps_client = client;
return check_client_available(client);
destroy: function() {
$(window).off("message." + this.uniq);
if (this.$ifr) {
this.$ifr = null;
return this._super();
_on_message: function($e) {
var self = this, client = this.client, e = $e.originalEvent;
if (e.origin !== client.origin) {
var dispatcher = {
'event': function(m) { self.trigger('message:' + m.event, m); },
'action': function(m) {
self.do_action(m.action).then(function(r) {
var w = self.$ifr[0].contentWindow;
w.postMessage({id: m.id, result: r}, client.origin);
'rpc': function(m) {
return self._rpc({route: m.args[0], params: m.args[1]}).then(function(r) {
var w = self.$ifr[0].contentWindow;
w.postMessage({id: m.id, result: r}, client.origin);
'Model': function(m) {
return self._rpc({model: m.model, method: m.args[0], args: m.args[1]})
.then(function(r) {
var w = self.$ifr[0].contentWindow;
w.postMessage({id: m.id, result: r}, client.origin);
// console.log(e.data);
if (!_.isObject(e.data)) { return; }
if (dispatcher[e.data.type]) {
start: function() {
var self = this;
var def = $.Deferred();
self.get_client().then(function(client) {
self.client = client;
var qs = {db: client.dbname};
if (session.debug) {
qs.debug = session.debug;
var u = $.param.querystring(client.origin + "/apps/embed/client", qs);
var css = {width: '100%', height: '750px'};
self.$ifr = $('<iframe>').attr('src', u);
self.uniq = _.uniqueId('apps');
$(window).on("message." + self.uniq, self.proxy('_on_message'));
self.on('message:ready', self, function(m) {
var w = this.$ifr[0].contentWindow;
var act = {
type: 'ir.actions.client',
tag: this.remote_action_tag,
params: _.extend({}, this.params, {
db: session.db,
origin: session.origin,
w.postMessage({type:'action', action: act}, client.origin);
self.on('message:set_height', self, function(m) {
self.on('message:blockUI', self, function() { framework.blockUI(); });
self.on('message:unblockUI', self, function() { framework.unblockUI(); });
self.on('message:warn', self, function(m) {self.do_warn(m.title, m.message, m.sticky); });
}, function() {
self.do_warn(_t('Odoo Apps will be available soon'), _t('Showing locally available modules'), true);
return self._rpc({
route: '/web/action/load',
params: {action_id: self.failback_action_id},
}).then(function(action) {
return self.do_action(action);
}).always(function () {
return def;
var AppsUpdates = Apps.extend({
remote_action_tag: 'loempia.embed.updates',
core.action_registry.add("apps", Apps);
core.action_registry.add("apps.updates", AppsUpdates);
return Apps;