flectra-admin 769eafb483 [INIT] Inception of Flectra from Odoo
Flectra is Forked from Odoo v11 commit : (6135e82d73)
2018-01-16 11:45:59 +05:30

51 lines
1.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
from io import BytesIO
from odoo import api, fields, models
class BaseImportModule(models.TransientModel):
""" Import Module """
_name = "base.import.module"
_description = "Import Module"
module_file = fields.Binary(string='Module .ZIP file', required=True)
state = fields.Selection([('init', 'init'), ('done', 'done')], string='Status', readonly=True, default='init')
import_message = fields.Char()
force = fields.Boolean(string='Force init', help="Force init mode even if installed. (will update `noupdate='1'` records)")
def import_module(self):
IrModule = self.env['ir.module.module']
zip_data = base64.decodestring(self.module_file)
fp = BytesIO()
res = IrModule.import_zipfile(fp, force=self.force)
self.write({'state': 'done', 'import_message': res[0]})
context = dict(self.env.context, module_name=res[1])
# Return wizard otherwise it will close wizard and will not show result message to user.
return {
'name': 'Import Module',
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'target': 'new',
'res_id': self.id,
'res_model': 'base.import.module',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'context': context,
def action_module_open(self):
return {
'domain': [('name', 'in', self.env.context.get('module_name', []))],
'name': 'Modules',
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'tree,form',
'res_model': 'ir.module.module',
'view_id': False,
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',