flectra-admin 769eafb483 [INIT] Inception of Flectra from Odoo
Flectra is Forked from Odoo v11 commit : (6135e82d73)
2018-01-16 11:45:59 +05:30

71 lines
3.9 KiB

from odoo.addons.account.tests.account_test_users import AccountTestUsers
class TestSearch(AccountTestUsers):
"""Tests for search on name_search (account.account)
The name search on account.account is quite complexe, make sure
we have all the correct results
def test_name_search(self):
ac_ids = self.account_type_model.search([], limit=1)
self.atax = self.account_model.create(dict(
name="Tax Received",
)).id, "X121 Tax Received"
self.apurchase = self.account_model.create(dict(
name="Purchased Stocks",
)).id, "X1101 Purchased Stocks"
self.asale = self.account_model.create(dict(
name="Product Sales",
)).id, "XX200 Product Sales"
self.all_ids = [self.atax[0], self.apurchase[0], self.asale[0]]
atax_ids = self.account_model.name_search(name="Tax", operator='ilike', args=[('id', 'in', self.all_ids)])
self.assertEqual(set([self.atax[0]]), set([a[0] for a in atax_ids]), "name_search 'ilike Tax' should have returned Tax Received account only")
atax_ids = self.account_model.name_search(name="Tax", operator='not ilike', args=[('id', 'in', self.all_ids)])
self.assertEqual(set([self.apurchase[0], self.asale[0]]), set([a[0] for a in atax_ids]), "name_search 'not ilike Tax' should have returned all but Tax Received account")
apur_ids = self.account_model.name_search(name='Purchased Stocks', operator='ilike', args=[('id', 'in', self.all_ids)])
self.assertEqual(set([self.apurchase[0]]), set([a[0] for a in apur_ids]), "name_search 'ilike Purchased Stocks' should have returned Purchased Stocks account only")
apur_ids = self.account_model.name_search(name='Purchased Stocks', operator='not ilike', args=[('id', 'in', self.all_ids)])
self.assertEqual(set([self.atax[0], self.asale[0]]), set([a[0] for a in apur_ids]), "name_search 'not ilike X1101' should have returned all but Purchased Stocks account")
asale_ids = self.account_model.name_search(name='Product Sales', operator='ilike', args=[('id', 'in', self.all_ids)])
self.assertEqual(set([self.asale[0]]), set([a[0] for a in asale_ids]), "name_search 'ilike 200 Sales' should have returned Product Sales account only")
asale_ids = self.account_model.name_search(name='Product Sales', operator='not ilike', args=[('id', 'in', self.all_ids)])
self.assertEqual(set([self.atax[0], self.apurchase[0]]), set([a[0] for a in asale_ids]), "name_search 'not ilike 200 Sales' should have returned all but Product Sales account")
asale_ids = self.account_model.name_search(name='XX200', operator='ilike', args=[('id', 'in', self.all_ids)])
self.assertEqual(set([self.asale[0]]), set([a[0] for a in asale_ids]), "name_search 'ilike XX200' should have returned Product Sales account only")
def test_property_unset_search(self):
res_partner_model = self.env['res.partner']
account_payment_term_model = self.env['account.payment.term']
a_partner = res_partner_model.create({'name': 'test partner'})
a_payment_term = account_payment_term_model.create({'name': 'test payment term'})
partners = res_partner_model.search([('property_payment_term_id', '=', False), ('id', '=', a_partner.id)])
self.assertTrue(partners, "unset property field 'propety_payment_term' should have been found")
a_partner.write({'property_payment_term_id': a_payment_term})
partners = res_partner_model.search([('property_payment_term_id', '=', False), ('id', '=', a_partner.id)])
self.assertFalse(partners, "set property field 'propety_payment_term' should not have been found")