2018-07-13 09:51:12 +00:00

801 lines
30 KiB

flectra.define('web.DebugManager', function (require) {
"use strict";
var ActionManager = require('web.ActionManager');
var dialogs = require('web.view_dialogs');
var core = require('web.core');
var Dialog = require('web.Dialog');
var field_utils = require('web.field_utils');
var session = require('web.session');
var SystrayMenu = require('web.SystrayMenu');
var utils = require('web.utils');
var ViewManager = require('web.ViewManager');
var WebClient = require('web.WebClient');
var Widget = require('web.Widget');
var QWeb = core.qweb;
var _t = core._t;
* DebugManager base + general features (applicable to any context)
var DebugManager = Widget.extend({
template: "WebClient.DebugManager",
events: {
"click a[data-action]": "perform_callback",
"mouseover .o_debug_dropdowns > li:not(.open)": function(e) {
// Open other dropdowns on mouseover
var $opened = this.$('.o_debug_dropdowns > li.open');
if($opened.length) {
$(e.currentTarget).addClass('open').find('> a').focus();
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// 15 fps, only actually call after sequences of queries
this._update_stats = _.throttle(
1000/15, {leading: false});
this._events = null;
if (document.querySelector('meta[name=debug]')) {
this._events = [];
start: function () {
core.bus.on('rpc:result', this, function (req, resp) {
this.on('update-stats', this, this._update_stats);
var init;
if ((init = document.querySelector('meta[name=debug]'))) {
this.$dropdown = this.$(".o_debug_dropdown");
// falsy if can't write to user or couldn't find technical features
// group, otherwise features group id
this._features_group = null;
// whether group is currently enabled for current user
this._has_features = false;
// whether the current user is an administrator
this._is_admin = session.is_system;
return $.when(
model: 'res.users',
method: 'check_access_rights',
kwargs: {operation: 'write', raise_exception: false},
model: 'ir.model.data',
method: 'xmlid_to_res_id',
kwargs: {xmlid: 'base.group_no_one'},
).then(function (can_write_user, has_group_no_one, group_no_one_id) {
this._features_group = can_write_user && group_no_one_id;
this._has_features = has_group_no_one;
return this.update();
leave_debug_mode: function () {
var qs = $.deparam.querystring();
delete qs.debug;
window.location.search = '?' + $.param(qs);
}, /**
* Calls the appropriate callback when clicking on a Debug option
perform_callback: function (evt) {
var params = $(evt.target).data();
var callback = params.action;
if (callback && this[callback]) {
// Perform the callback corresponding to the option
this[callback](params, evt);
} else {
console.warn("No handler for ", callback);
_debug_events: function (events) {
if (!this._events) { return; }
if (events && events.length) {
this.trigger('update-stats', this._events);
requests_clear: function () {
if (!this._events) { return; }
this._events = [];
this.trigger('update-stats', this._events);
_update_stats: function (rqs) {
var requests = 0, rtime = 0, queries = 0, qtime = 0;
for(var r = 0; r < rqs.length; ++r) {
for (var i = 0; i < rqs[r].length; i++) {
var event = rqs[r][i];
var query_start, request_start;
switch (event[0]) {
case 'request-start':
request_start = event[3] * 1e3;
case 'request-end':
rtime += (event[3] * 1e3 - request_start) | 0;
case 'sql-start':
query_start = event[3] * 1e3;
case 'sql-end':
qtime += (event[3] * 1e3 - query_start) | 0;
_.str.sprintf(_t("%d requests (%d ms) %d queries (%d ms)"),
requests, rtime, queries, qtime));
show_timelines: function () {
if (this._overlay) {
this._overlay = null;
this._overlay = new RequestsOverlay(this);
* Update the debug manager: reinserts all "universal" controls
update: function () {
.append(QWeb.render('WebClient.DebugManager.Global', {
manager: this,
return $.when();
select_view: function () {
var self = this;
new dialogs.SelectCreateDialog(this, {
res_model: 'ir.ui.view',
title: _t('Select a view'),
disable_multiple_selection: true,
domain: [['type', '!=', 'qweb'], ['type', '!=', 'search']],
on_selected: function (records) {
model: 'ir.ui.view',
method: 'search_read',
domain: [['id', '=', records[0].id]],
fields: ['name', 'model', 'type'],
limit: 1,
.then(function (views) {
var view = views[0];
view.type = view.type === 'tree' ? 'list' : view.type; // ignore tree view
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
name: view.name,
res_model: view.model,
views: [[view.id, view.type]]
* Runs the JS (desktop) tests
perform_js_tests: function () {
name: _t("JS Tests"),
target: 'new',
type: 'ir.actions.act_url',
url: '/web/tests?mod=*'
* Runs the JS mobile tests
perform_js_mobile_tests: function () {
name: _t("JS Mobile Tests"),
target: 'new',
type: 'ir.actions.act_url',
url: '/web/tests/mobile?mod=*'
split_assets: function() {
window.location = $.param.querystring(window.location.href, 'debug=assets');
* DebugManager features depending on having an action, and possibly a model
* (window action)
* Updates current action (action descriptor) on tag = action,
update: function (tag, descriptor) {
if (tag === 'action') {
this._action = descriptor;
return this._super().then(function () {
this.$dropdown.find(".o_debug_leave_section").before(QWeb.render('WebClient.DebugManager.Action', {
manager: this,
action: this._action
edit: function (params, evt) {
res_model: params.model,
res_id: params.id,
name: evt.target.text,
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
views: [[false, 'form']],
view_mode: 'form',
target: 'new',
flags: {action_buttons: true, headless: true}
get_view_fields: function () {
var self = this;
var model = this._action.res_model;
model: model,
method: 'fields_get',
kwargs: {
attributes: ['string', 'searchable', 'required', 'readonly', 'type', 'store', 'sortable', 'relation', 'help']
.done(function (fields) {
new Dialog(self, {
title: _.str.sprintf(_t("Fields of %s"), model),
$content: $(QWeb.render('WebClient.DebugManager.Action.Fields', {
fields: fields
manage_filters: function () {
res_model: 'ir.filters',
name: _t('Manage Filters'),
views: [[false, 'list'], [false, 'form']],
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
context: {
search_default_my_filters: true,
search_default_model_id: this._action.res_model
translate: function() {
model: 'ir.translation',
method: 'get_technical_translations',
args: [this._action.res_model],
* DebugManager features depending on having a form view or single record.
* These could theoretically be split, but for now they'll be considered one
* and the same.
start: function () {
this._can_edit_views = false;
return $.when(
model: 'ir.ui.view',
method: 'check_access_rights',
kwargs: {operation: 'write', raise_exception: false},
.then(function (ar) {
this._can_edit_views = ar;
update: function (tag, descriptor, widget) {
switch (tag) {
case 'action':
if (this._view_manager) {
this._view_manager.off('switch_mode', this);
if (!(widget instanceof ViewManager)) {
this._active_view = null;
this._view_manager = null;
this._view_manager = widget;
widget.on('switch_mode', this, function () {
this.update('view', null, widget);
case 'view':
this._active_view = widget.active_view;
return this._super(tag, descriptor).then(function () {
this.$dropdown.find(".o_debug_leave_section").before(QWeb.render('WebClient.DebugManager.View', {
manager: this,
action: this._action,
view: this._active_view,
can_edit: this._can_edit_views,
searchview: this._view_manager && this._view_manager.searchview,
get_metadata: function() {
var ds = this._view_manager.dataset;
if (!this._active_view.controller.getSelectedIds().length) {
console.warn(_t("No metadata available"));
ds.call('get_metadata', [this._active_view.controller.getSelectedIds()]).done(function(result) {
var metadata = result[0];
metadata.creator = field_utils.format.many2one(metadata.create_uid);
metadata.lastModifiedBy = field_utils.format.many2one(metadata.write_uid);
var createDate = field_utils.parse.datetime(metadata.create_date);
metadata.create_date = field_utils.format.datetime(createDate);
var modificationDate = field_utils.parse.datetime(metadata.write_date);
metadata.write_date = field_utils.format.datetime(modificationDate);
new Dialog(this, {
title: _.str.sprintf(_t("Metadata (%s)"), ds.model),
size: 'medium',
$content: QWeb.render('WebClient.DebugViewLog', {
perm : metadata,
set_defaults: function() {
var self = this;
var display = function (fieldInfo, value) {
var displayed = value;
if (value && fieldInfo.type === 'many2one') {
displayed = value.data.display_name;
value = value.data.id;
} else if (value && fieldInfo.type === 'selection') {
displayed = _.find(fieldInfo.selection, function (option) {
return option[0] === value;
return [value, displayed];
var renderer = this._active_view.controller.renderer;
var fields = self._active_view.fields_view.fields;
var fieldsInfo = self._active_view.fields_view.fieldsInfo.form;
var fieldNamesInView = renderer.state.getFieldNames();
var fieldsValues = renderer.state.data;
var modifierDatas = {};
_.each(fieldNamesInView, function (fieldName) {
modifierDatas[fieldName] = _.find(renderer.allModifiersData, function (modifierdata) {
return modifierdata.node.attrs.name === fieldName;
this.fields = _.chain(fieldNamesInView)
.map(function (fieldName) {
var modifierData = modifierDatas[fieldName];
var invisibleOrReadOnly;
if (modifierData) {
var evaluatedModifiers = modifierData.evaluatedModifiers[renderer.state.id];
invisibleOrReadOnly = evaluatedModifiers.invisible || evaluatedModifiers.readonly;
var fieldInfo = fields[fieldName];
var valueDisplayed = display(fieldInfo, fieldsValues[fieldName]);
var value = valueDisplayed[0];
var displayed = valueDisplayed[1];
// ignore fields which are empty, invisible, readonly, o2m
// or m2m
if (!value || invisibleOrReadOnly || fieldInfo.type === 'one2many' ||
fieldInfo.type === 'many2many' || fieldInfo.type === 'binary' ||
fieldsInfo[fieldName].options.isPassword || !_.isEmpty(fieldInfo.depends)) {
return false;
return {
name: fieldName,
string: fieldInfo.string,
value: value,
displayed: displayed,
.sortBy(function (field) { return field.string; })
var conditions = _.chain(fieldNamesInView)
.filter(function (fieldName) {
var fieldInfo = fields[fieldName];
return fieldInfo.change_default;
.map(function (fieldName) {
var fieldInfo = fields[fieldName];
var valueDisplayed = display(fieldInfo, fieldsValues[fieldName]);
var value = valueDisplayed[0];
var displayed = valueDisplayed[1];
return {
name: fieldName,
string: fieldInfo.string,
value: value,
displayed: displayed,
var d = new Dialog(this, {
title: _t("Set Default"),
buttons: [
{text: _t("Close"), close: true},
{text: _t("Save default"), click: function () {
var $defaults = d.$el.find('#formview_default_fields');
var fieldToSet = $defaults.val();
if (!fieldToSet) {
var selfUser = d.$el.find('#formview_default_self').is(':checked');
var condition = d.$el.find('#formview_default_conditions').val();
var value = _.find(self.fields, function (field) {
return field.name === fieldToSet;
model: 'ir.default',
method: 'set',
args: [
condition || false,
}).done(function () { d.close(); });
d.args = {
fields: this.fields,
conditions: conditions,
d.template = 'FormView.set_default';
fvg: function() {
var self = this;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, { title: _t("Fields View Get") });
dialog.opened().then(function () {
self._active_view.controller.renderer.arch, true)
function make_context(width, height, fn) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
// make e.layerX/e.layerY imitate e.offsetX/e.offsetY.
canvas.style.position = 'relative';
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
ctx.oImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
ctx.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
fn && fn(ctx);
return ctx;
var RequestsOverlay = Widget.extend({
template: 'WebClient.DebugManager.RequestsOverlay',
events: {
mousemove: function (e) {
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this._render = _.throttle(
1000/15, {leading: false}
start: function () {
var _super = this._super();
this.$tooltip = this.$('div.o_debug_tooltip');
this.getParent().on('update-stats', this, this._render);
return _super;
tooltip: function (text, start, end, x, y) {
// x and y are hit point with respect to the viewport. To know where
// this hit point is with respect to the overlay, subtract the offset
// between viewport and overlay, then add scroll factor of overlay
// (which isn't taken in account by the viewport).
// Normally the viewport overlay should sum offsets of all
// offsetParents until we reach `null` but in this case the overlay
// should have been added directly to the body, which should have an
// offset of 0.
var top = y - this.el.offsetTop + this.el.scrollTop + 1;
var left = x - this.el.offsetLeft + this.el.scrollLeft + 1;
this.$tooltip.css({top: top, left: left}).show()[0].innerHTML = ['<p>', text, ' (', (end - start), 'ms)', '</p>'].join('');
_render: function () {
var $summary = this.$('header'),
w = $summary[0].clientWidth,
$requests = this.$('.o_debug_requests');
$summary.find('canvas').attr('width', w);
var tracks = document.getElementById('o_debug_requests_summary');
_.invoke(this.getChildren(), 'destroy');
var requests = this.getParent()._events;
var bounds = this._get_bounds(requests);
// horizontal scaling factor for summary
var scale = w / (bounds.high - bounds.low);
// store end-time of "current" requests, to find out which track a
// request should go in, just look for the first track whose end-time
// is smaller than the new request's start time.
var track_ends = _(this.TRACKS).times(_.constant(-Infinity));
var ctx = tracks.getContext('2d');
ctx.lineWidth = this.TRACK_WIDTH;
for (var i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
var request = requests[i];
// FIXME: is it certain that events in the request are sorted by timestamp?
var rstart = Math.floor(request[0][3] * 1e3);
var rend = Math.ceil(request[request.length - 1][3] * 1e3);
// find free track for current request
for(var track=0; track < track_ends.length; ++track) {
if (track_ends[track] < rstart) { break; }
// FIXME: display error message of some sort? Re-render with larger area? Something?
if (track >= track_ends.length) {
console.warn("could not find an empty summary track");
// set new track end
track_ends[track] = rend;
ctx.translate(Math.floor((rstart - bounds.low) * scale), track * (this.TRACK_WIDTH + 1));
this._draw_request(request, ctx, 0, scale);
new RequestDetails(this, request, scale).appendTo($requests);
_draw_request: function (request, to_context, step, hscale, handle_event) {
// have one draw surface for each event type:
// * no need to alter context from one event to the next, each surface
// gets its own color for all its lifetime
// * surfaces can be blended in a specified order, which means events
// can be drawn in any order, no need to care about z-index while
// serializing events to the surfaces
var surfaces = {
request: make_context(to_context.canvas.width, to_context.canvas.height, function (ctx) {
ctx.strokeStyle = 'blue';
ctx.fillStyle = '#88f';
ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
//func: make_context(to_context.canvas.width, to_context.canvas.height, function (ctx) {
// ctx.strokeStyle = 'gray';
// ctx.lineWidth = to_context.lineWidth;
// ctx.translate(0, initial_offset);
sql: make_context(to_context.canvas.width, to_context.canvas.height, function (ctx) {
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillStyle = '#f88';
ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
template: make_context(to_context.canvas.width, to_context.canvas.height, function (ctx) {
ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';
ctx.fillStyle = '#8f8';
ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
// apply scaling manually so zooming in improves display precision
var stacks = {}, start = Math.floor(request[0][3] * 1e3 * hscale);
var event_idx = 0;
var rect_width = to_context.lineWidth;
for (var i = 0; i < request.length; i++) {
var type, m, event = request[i];
var tag = event[0], timestamp = Math.floor(event[3] * 1e3 * hscale) - start;
if (m = /(\w+)-start/.exec(tag)) {
type = m[1];
if (!(type in stacks)) { stacks[type] = []; }
handle_event && handle_event(event_idx, timestamp, event);
timestamp: timestamp,
idx: event_idx++
} else if (m = /(\w+)-end/.exec(tag)) {
type = m[1];
var stack = stacks[type];
var estart = stack.pop(), duration = Math.ceil(timestamp - estart.timestamp);
handle_event && handle_event(estart.idx, timestamp, event);
var surface = surfaces[type];
if (!surface) { continue; } // FIXME: support for unknown event types
var y = step * estart.idx;
// path rectangle for the current event on the relevant surface
surface.rect(estart.timestamp + 0.5, y + 0.5, duration || 1, rect_width);
// add each layer to the main canvas
var keys = ['request', /*'func', */'template', 'sql'];
for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; ++j) {
// stroke and fill all rectangles for the relevant surface/context
var ctx = surfaces[keys[j]];
to_context.drawImage(ctx.canvas, 0, 0);
* Returns first and last events in milliseconds
* @param requests
* @returns {{low: number, high: number}}
* @private
_get_bounds: function (requests) {
var low = +Infinity;
var high =-+Infinity;
for (var i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
var request = requests[i];
for (var j = 0; j < request.length; j++) {
var event = request[j];
var timestamp = event[3];
low = Math.min(low, timestamp);
high = Math.max(high, timestamp);
return {low: Math.floor(low * 1e3), high: Math.ceil(high * 1e3)};
var RequestDetails = Widget.extend({
events: {
click: function () {
this._open = !this._open;
'mousemove canvas': function (e) {
var y = e.y || e.offsetY || e.layerY;
if (!y) { return; }
var event = this._payloads[Math.floor(y / this._REQ_HEIGHT)];
if (!event) { return; }
this.getParent().tooltip(event.payload, event.start, event.stop, e.clientX, e.clientY);
init: function (parent, request, scale) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this._request = request;
this._open = false;
this._scale = scale;
this._REQ_HEIGHT = 20;
start: function () {
this.el.style.borderBottom = '1px solid black';
return this._super();
render: function () {
var request_cell_height = this._REQ_HEIGHT, TITLE_WIDTH = 200;
var request = this._request;
var req_start = request[0][3] * 1e3;
var req_duration = request[request.length - 1][3] * 1e3 - req_start;
var height = request_cell_height * (this._open ? request.length / 2 : 1);
var cell_center = request_cell_height / 2;
var ctx = make_context(210 + Math.ceil(req_duration * this._scale), height, function (ctx) {
ctx.lineWidth = cell_center;
var payloads = this._payloads = [];
// lazy version: if the render is single-line (!this._open), the extra
// content will be discarded when the text canvas gets pasted onto the
// main canvas. An improvement would be to not do text rendering
// beyond the first event for "closed" requests events… then again
// that makes for more regular rendering profile?
var text_ctx = make_context(TITLE_WIDTH, height, function (ctx) {
ctx.font = '12px sans-serif';
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.translate(0, cell_center);
ctx.translate(TITLE_WIDTH + 10, ((request_cell_height/4)|0));
this.getParent()._draw_request(request, ctx, this._open ? request_cell_height : 0, this._scale, function (idx, timestamp, event) {
if (/-start$/g.test(event[0])) {
payload: event[2],
start: timestamp,
stop: null
// we want ~200px wide, assume the average character is at
// least 4px wide => there can be *at most* 49 characters
var title = event[2];
title = title.replace(/\s+$/, '');
title = title.length <= 50 ? title : ('…' + title.slice(-49));
while (text_ctx.measureText(title).width > 200) {
title = '…' + title.slice(2);
text_ctx.fillText(title, TITLE_WIDTH, request_cell_height * idx);
} else if (/-end$/g.test(event[0])) {
payloads[idx].stop = timestamp;
// add the text layer to the main canvas
ctx.drawImage(text_ctx.canvas, 0, 0);
if (core.debug) {
current_action_updated: function(action) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var action_descr = action && action.action_descr;
var action_widget = action && action.widget;
var debug_manager = _.find(this.systray_menu.widgets, function(item) {return item instanceof DebugManager; });
debug_manager.update('action', action_descr, action_widget);
open: function() {
var self = this;
var parent = self.getParent();
if (parent instanceof ActionManager && parent.dialog_widget) {
// Instantiate the DebugManager and insert it into the DOM once dialog is opened
this.opened(function() {
self.debug_manager = new DebugManager(self);
var $header = self.$modal.find('.modal-header:first');
return self.debug_manager.prependTo($header).then(function() {
self.debug_manager.update('action', parent.dialog_widget.action, parent.dialog_widget);
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
return DebugManager;