2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00

117 lines
4.5 KiB

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from datetime import date
from flectra import api, models, _
from flectra.exceptions import UserError
class ReportHrSalaryEmployeeBymonth(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.l10n_in_hr_payroll.report_hrsalarybymonth'
def get_periods(self, form):
# Get start year-month-date and end year-month-date
self.mnths = []
first_year = int(form['start_date'][0:4])
last_year = int(form['end_date'][0:4])
first_month = int(form['start_date'][5:7])
last_month = int(form['end_date'][5:7])
no_months = (last_year - first_year) * 12 + last_month - first_month + 1
current_month = first_month
current_year = first_year
# Get name of the months from integer
mnth_name = []
total_mnths = []
for count in range(0, no_months):
m = date(current_year, current_month, 1).strftime('%b')
self.mnths.append(str(current_month) + '-' + str(current_year))
if current_month == 12:
current_month = 0
current_year = last_year
current_month = current_month + 1
return mnth_name, self.mnths, total_mnths
def get_salary(self, form, emp_id, emp_salary, total_mnths, mnths):
category_id = form.get('category_id', [])
category_id = category_id and category_id[0] or False
self.mnths = mnths
select to_char(date_to,'mm-yyyy') as to_date ,sum(pl.total)
from hr_payslip_line as pl
left join hr_payslip as p on pl.slip_id = p.id
left join hr_employee as emp on emp.id = p.employee_id
left join resource_resource as r on r.id = emp.resource_id
where p.state = 'done' and p.employee_id = %s and pl.category_id = %s
group by r.name, p.date_to,emp.id""",
(emp_id, category_id,))
sal = self.env.cr.fetchall()
salary = dict(sal)
total = 0.0
cnt = 0
for month in self.mnths:
if len(month) != 7:
month = '0' + str(month)
if month in salary and salary[month]:
total += salary[month]
total_mnths[cnt] = total_mnths[cnt] + salary[month]
cnt = cnt + 1
return emp_salary, total, total_mnths
def get_employee(self, form, mnths, total_mnths):
emp_salary = []
salary_list = []
self.mnths_total = []
emp_ids = form.get('employee_ids', [])
employees = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(emp_ids)
for emp_id in employees:
total = 0.0
emp_salary, total, total_mnths = self.get_salary(form, emp_id.id, emp_salary, total_mnths, mnths)
emp_salary = []
return salary_list
def get_months_tol(self):
return self.mnths_total
def get_total(self, mnths_total):
self.total = 0.0
for item in mnths_total:
for count in range(1, len(item)):
self.total += item[count]
return self.total
def get_report_values(self, docids, data=None):
if not data.get('form') or not self.env.context.get('active_model') or not self.env.context.get('active_id'):
raise UserError(_("Form content is missing, this report cannot be printed."))
model = self.env.context.get('active_model')
docs = self.env[model].browse(self.env.context.get('active_id'))
get_periods, months, total_mnths = self.get_periods(data['form'])
get_employee = self.get_employee(data['form'], months, total_mnths)
get_months_tol = self.get_months_tol()
get_total = self.get_total(get_months_tol)
return {
'doc_ids': docids,
'doc_model': model,
'data': data,
'docs': docs,
'get_periods': get_periods,
'get_employee': get_employee,
'get_months_tol': get_months_tol,
'get_total': get_total,
'month_len': len(total_mnths) + 1