2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00

332 lines
14 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import datetime
from flectra import api, fields, models, _
from flectra.exceptions import AccessError, ValidationError
from flectra.addons import decimal_precision as dp
class LunchOrder(models.Model):
A lunch order contains one or more lunch order line(s). It is associated to a user for a given
date. When creating a lunch order, applicable lunch alerts are displayed.
_name = 'lunch.order'
_description = 'Lunch Order'
_order = 'date desc'
def _default_previous_order_ids(self):
prev_order = self.env['lunch.order.line'].search([('user_id', '=', self.env.uid), ('product_id.active', '!=', False)], limit=20, order='id desc')
# If we return return prev_order.ids, we will have duplicates (identical orders).
# Therefore, this following part removes duplicates based on product_id and note.
return list({
(order.product_id, order.note): order.id
for order in prev_order
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'User', readonly=True,
states={'new': [('readonly', False)]},
default=lambda self: self.env.uid)
date = fields.Date('Date', required=True, readonly=True,
states={'new': [('readonly', False)]},
order_line_ids = fields.One2many('lunch.order.line', 'order_id', 'Products',
readonly=True, copy=True,
states={'new': [('readonly', False)], False: [('readonly', False)]})
total = fields.Float(compute='_compute_total', string="Total", store=True)
state = fields.Selection([('new', 'New'),
('confirmed', 'Received'),
('cancelled', 'Cancelled')],
'Status', readonly=True, index=True, copy=False,
compute='_compute_order_state', store=True)
alerts = fields.Text(compute='_compute_alerts_get', string="Alerts")
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', related='user_id.company_id', store=True)
currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', related='company_id.currency_id', readonly=True, store=True)
cash_move_balance = fields.Monetary(compute='_compute_cash_move_balance', multi='cash_move_balance')
balance_visible = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_cash_move_balance', multi='cash_move_balance')
previous_order_ids = fields.Many2many('lunch.order.line', compute='_compute_previous_order')
previous_order_widget = fields.Text(compute='_compute_previous_order')
def _compute_total(self):
get and sum the order lines' price
self.total = sum(
orderline.price for orderline in self.order_line_ids)
def name_get(self):
return [(order.id, '%s %s' % (_('Lunch Order'), '#%d' % order.id)) for order in self]
def _compute_alerts_get(self):
get the alerts to display on the order form
alert_msg = [alert.message
for alert in self.env['lunch.alert'].search([])
if alert.display]
if self.state == 'new':
self.alerts = alert_msg and '\n'.join(alert_msg) or False
@api.depends('user_id', 'state')
def _compute_previous_order(self):
self.previous_order_widget = json.dumps(False)
prev_order = self.env['lunch.order.line'].search([('user_id', '=', self.env.uid), ('product_id.active', '!=', False)], limit=20, order='date desc, id desc')
# If we use prev_order.ids, we will have duplicates (identical orders).
# Therefore, this following part removes duplicates based on product_id and note.
self.previous_order_ids = list({
(order.product_id, order.note): order.id
for order in prev_order
if self.previous_order_ids:
lunch_data = {}
for line in self.previous_order_ids:
lunch_data[line.id] = {
'line_id': line.id,
'product_id': line.product_id.id,
'product_name': line.product_id.name,
'supplier': line.supplier.name,
'note': line.note,
'price': line.price,
'date': line.date,
'currency_id': line.currency_id.id,
# sort the old lunch orders by (date, id)
lunch_data = OrderedDict(sorted(lunch_data.items(), key=lambda t: (t[1]['date'], t[0]), reverse=True))
self.previous_order_widget = json.dumps(lunch_data)
def _compute_cash_move_balance(self):
domain = [('user_id', '=', self.user_id.id)]
lunch_cash = self.env['lunch.cashmove'].read_group(domain, ['amount', 'user_id'], ['user_id'])
if len(lunch_cash):
self.cash_move_balance = lunch_cash[0]['amount']
self.balance_visible = (self.user_id == self.env.user) or self.user_has_groups('lunch.group_lunch_manager')
def _check_date(self):
Prevents the user to create an order in the past
date_order = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.date, '%Y-%m-%d')
date_today = datetime.datetime.strptime(fields.Date.context_today(self), '%Y-%m-%d')
if (date_order < date_today):
raise ValidationError(_('The date of your order is in the past.'))
def _compute_order_state(self):
Update the state of lunch.order based on its orderlines. Here is the logic:
- if at least one order line is cancelled, the order is set as cancelled
- if no line is cancelled but at least one line is not confirmed, the order is set as new
- if all lines are confirmed, the order is set as confirmed
if not self.order_line_ids:
self.state = 'new'
isConfirmed = True
for orderline in self.order_line_ids:
if orderline.state == 'cancelled':
self.state = 'cancelled'
elif orderline.state == 'confirmed':
isConfirmed = False
if isConfirmed:
self.state = 'confirmed'
self.state = 'new'
class LunchOrderLine(models.Model):
_name = 'lunch.order.line'
_description = 'lunch order line'
_order = 'date desc, id desc'
name = fields.Char(related='product_id.name', string="Product Name", readonly=True)
order_id = fields.Many2one('lunch.order', 'Order', ondelete='cascade', required=True)
product_id = fields.Many2one('lunch.product', 'Product', required=True)
category_id = fields.Many2one('lunch.product.category', string='Product Category',
related='product_id.category_id', readonly=True, store=True)
date = fields.Date(string='Date', related='order_id.date', readonly=True, store=True)
supplier = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Vendor', related='product_id.supplier',
readonly=True, store=True)
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', related='order_id.user_id',
readonly=True, store=True)
note = fields.Text('Note')
price = fields.Float(related='product_id.price', readonly=True, store=True,
state = fields.Selection([('new', 'New'),
('confirmed', 'Received'),
('ordered', 'Ordered'),
('cancelled', 'Cancelled')],
'Status', readonly=True, index=True, default='new')
cashmove = fields.One2many('lunch.cashmove', 'order_id', 'Cash Move')
currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', related='order_id.currency_id')
def order(self):
The order_line is ordered to the vendor but isn't received yet
if self.user_has_groups("lunch.group_lunch_manager"):
self.state = 'ordered'
raise AccessError(_("Only your lunch manager processes the orders."))
def confirm(self):
confirm one or more order line, update order status and create new cashmove
if self.user_has_groups("lunch.group_lunch_manager"):
if self.state != 'confirmed':
values = {
'user_id': self.user_id.id,
'amount': -self.price,
'description': self.product_id.name,
'order_id': self.id,
'state': 'order',
'date': self.date,
self.state = 'confirmed'
raise AccessError(_("Only your lunch manager sets the orders as received."))
def cancel(self):
cancel one or more order.line, update order status and unlink existing cashmoves
if self.user_has_groups("lunch.group_lunch_manager"):
self.state = 'cancelled'
raise AccessError(_("Only your lunch manager cancels the orders."))
class LunchProduct(models.Model):
""" Products available to order. A product is linked to a specific vendor. """
_name = 'lunch.product'
_description = 'lunch product'
name = fields.Char('Product', required=True)
category_id = fields.Many2one('lunch.product.category', 'Category', required=True)
description = fields.Text('Description')
price = fields.Float('Price', digits=dp.get_precision('Account'))
supplier = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Vendor')
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
class LunchProductCategory(models.Model):
""" Category of the product such as pizza, sandwich, pasta, chinese, burger... """
_name = 'lunch.product.category'
_description = 'lunch product category'
name = fields.Char('Category', required=True)
class LunchCashMove(models.Model):
""" Two types of cashmoves: payment (credit) or order (debit) """
_name = 'lunch.cashmove'
_description = 'lunch cashmove'
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'User',
default=lambda self: self.env.uid)
date = fields.Date('Date', required=True, default=fields.Date.context_today)
amount = fields.Float('Amount', required=True, help='Can be positive (payment) or negative (order or payment if user wants to get his money back)')
description = fields.Text('Description', help='Can be an order or a payment')
order_id = fields.Many2one('lunch.order.line', 'Order', ondelete='cascade')
state = fields.Selection([('order', 'Order'), ('payment', 'Payment')],
'Is an order or a payment', default='payment')
def name_get(self):
return [(cashmove.id, '%s %s' % (_('Lunch Cashmove'), '#%d' % cashmove.id)) for cashmove in self]
class LunchAlert(models.Model):
""" Alerts to display during a lunch order. An alert can be specific to a
given day, weekly or daily. The alert is displayed from start to end hour. """
_name = 'lunch.alert'
_description = 'Lunch Alert'
display = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_display_get')
message = fields.Text('Message', required=True)
alert_type = fields.Selection([('specific', 'Specific Day'),
('week', 'Every Week'),
('days', 'Every Day')],
string='Recurrence', required=True, index=True, default='specific')
specific_day = fields.Date('Day', default=fields.Date.context_today)
monday = fields.Boolean('Monday')
tuesday = fields.Boolean('Tuesday')
wednesday = fields.Boolean('Wednesday')
thursday = fields.Boolean('Thursday')
friday = fields.Boolean('Friday')
saturday = fields.Boolean('Saturday')
sunday = fields.Boolean('Sunday')
start_hour = fields.Float('Between', oldname='active_from', required=True, default=7)
end_hour = fields.Float('And', oldname='active_to', required=True, default=23)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
def name_get(self):
return [(alert.id, '%s %s' % (_('Alert'), '#%d' % alert.id)) for alert in self]
def _compute_display_get(self):
This method check if the alert can be displayed today
if alert type is specific : compare specific_day(date) with today's date
if alert type is week : check today is set as alert (checkbox true) eg. self['monday']
if alert type is day : True
return : Message if can_display_alert is True else False
days_codes = {'0': 'sunday',
'1': 'monday',
'2': 'tuesday',
'3': 'wednesday',
'4': 'thursday',
'5': 'friday',
'6': 'saturday'}
can_display_alert = {
'specific': (self.specific_day == fields.Date.context_today(self)),
'week': self[days_codes[datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%w')]],
'days': True
if can_display_alert[self.alert_type]:
mynow = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self, datetime.datetime.now())
hour_to = int(self.end_hour)
min_to = int((self.end_hour - hour_to) * 60)
to_alert = datetime.time(hour_to, min_to)
hour_from = int(self.start_hour)
min_from = int((self.start_hour - hour_from) * 60)
from_alert = datetime.time(hour_from, min_from)
if from_alert <= mynow.time() <= to_alert:
self.display = True
self.display = False