2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00

203 lines
5.4 KiB

flectra.define('web.framework', function (require) {
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var crash_manager = require('web.crash_manager');
var ajax = require('web.ajax');
var Widget = require('web.Widget');
var _t = core._t;
var messages_by_seconds = function() {
return [
[0, _t("Loading...")],
[20, _t("Still loading...")],
[60, _t("Still loading...<br />Please be patient.")],
[120, _t("Don't leave yet,<br />it's still loading...")],
[300, _t("You may not believe it,<br />but the application is actually loading...")],
[420, _t("Take a minute to get a coffee,<br />because it's loading...")],
[3600, _t("Maybe you should consider reloading the application by pressing F5...")]
var Throbber = Widget.extend({
template: "Throbber",
start: function() {
this.start_time = new Date().getTime();
act_message: function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
if (self.isDestroyed())
var seconds = (new Date().getTime() - self.start_time) / 1000;
var mes;
_.each(messages_by_seconds(), function(el) {
if (seconds >= el[0])
mes = el[1];
}, 1000);
/** Setup blockui */
if ($.blockUI) {
$.blockUI.defaults.baseZ = 1100;
$.blockUI.defaults.message = '<div class="openerp oe_blockui_spin_container" style="background-color: transparent;">';
$.blockUI.defaults.css.border = '0';
$.blockUI.defaults.css["background-color"] = '';
var throbbers = [];
function blockUI() {
var tmp = $.blockUI.apply($, arguments);
var throbber = new Throbber();
return tmp;
function unblockUI() {
_.invoke(throbbers, 'destroy');
throbbers = [];
return $.unblockUI.apply($, arguments);
* Redirect to url by replacing window.location
* If wait is true, sleep 1s and wait for the server i.e. after a restart.
function redirect (url, wait) {
// Dont display a dialog if some xmlhttprequest are in progress
var load = function() {
var old = "" + window.location;
var old_no_hash = old.split("#")[0];
var url_no_hash = url.split("#")[0];
if (old_no_hash === url_no_hash) {
var wait_server = function() {
ajax.rpc("/web/webclient/version_info", {}).done(load).fail(function() {
setTimeout(wait_server, 250);
if (wait) {
setTimeout(wait_server, 1000);
} else {
// * Client action to reload the whole interface.
// * If params.menu_id, it opens the given menu entry.
// * If params.wait, reload will wait the openerp server to be reachable before reloading
function Reload(parent, action) {
var params = action.params || {};
var menu_id = params.menu_id || false;
var l = window.location;
var sobj = $.deparam(l.search.substr(1));
if (params.url_search) {
sobj = _.extend(sobj, params.url_search);
var search = '?' + $.param(sobj);
var hash = l.hash;
if (menu_id) {
hash = "#menu_id=" + menu_id;
var url = l.protocol + "//" + l.host + l.pathname + search + hash;
// Clear cache
redirect(url, params.wait);
core.action_registry.add("reload", Reload);
* Client action to go back home.
function Home (parent, action) {
var url = '/' + (window.location.search || '');
redirect(url, action && action.params && action.params.wait);
core.action_registry.add("home", Home);
* Client action to go back in breadcrumb history.
* If can't go back in history stack, will go back to home.
function HistoryBack (parent) {
parent.history_back().fail(function () {
core.action_registry.add("history_back", HistoryBack);
function login() {
core.action_registry.add("login", login);
function logout() {
return $.Deferred();
core.action_registry.add("logout", logout);
* Client action to refresh the session context (making sure
* HTTP requests will have the right one) then reload the
* whole interface.
function ReloadContext (parent, action) {
// side-effect of get_session_info is to refresh the session context
ajax.rpc("/web/session/get_session_info", {}).then(function() {
Reload(parent, action);
core.action_registry.add("reload_context", ReloadContext);
// In Internet Explorer, document doesn't have the contains method, so we make a
// polyfill for the method in order to be compatible.
if (!document.contains) {
document.contains = function contains (node) {
if (!(0 in arguments)) {
throw new TypeError('1 argument is required');
do {
if (this === node) {
return true;
} while (node = node && node.parentNode);
return false;
return {
blockUI: blockUI,
unblockUI: unblockUI,
redirect: redirect,