2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00

611 lines
28 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import re
from flectra import api, fields, models, tools, _
from flectra.exceptions import ValidationError
from flectra.osv import expression
from flectra.addons import decimal_precision as dp
from flectra.tools import float_compare, pycompat
class ProductCategory(models.Model):
_name = "product.category"
_description = "Product Category"
_parent_name = "parent_id"
_parent_store = True
_parent_order = 'name'
_rec_name = 'complete_name'
_order = 'parent_left'
name = fields.Char('Name', index=True, required=True, translate=True)
complete_name = fields.Char(
'Complete Name', compute='_compute_complete_name',
parent_id = fields.Many2one('product.category', 'Parent Category', index=True, ondelete='cascade')
child_id = fields.One2many('product.category', 'parent_id', 'Child Categories')
parent_left = fields.Integer('Left Parent', index=1)
parent_right = fields.Integer('Right Parent', index=1)
product_count = fields.Integer(
'# Products', compute='_compute_product_count',
help="The number of products under this category (Does not consider the children categories)")
@api.depends('name', 'parent_id.complete_name')
def _compute_complete_name(self):
for category in self:
if category.parent_id:
category.complete_name = '%s / %s' % (category.parent_id.complete_name, category.name)
category.complete_name = category.name
def _compute_product_count(self):
read_group_res = self.env['product.template'].read_group([('categ_id', 'child_of', self.ids)], ['categ_id'], ['categ_id'])
group_data = dict((data['categ_id'][0], data['categ_id_count']) for data in read_group_res)
for categ in self:
product_count = 0
for sub_categ_id in categ.search([('id', 'child_of', categ.id)]).ids:
product_count += group_data.get(sub_categ_id, 0)
categ.product_count = product_count
def _check_category_recursion(self):
if not self._check_recursion():
raise ValidationError(_('Error ! You cannot create recursive categories.'))
return True
def name_create(self, name):
return self.create({'name': name}).name_get()[0]
class ProductPriceHistory(models.Model):
""" Keep track of the ``product.template`` standard prices as they are changed. """
_name = 'product.price.history'
_rec_name = 'datetime'
_order = 'datetime desc'
def _get_default_company_id(self):
return self._context.get('force_company', self.env.user.company_id.id)
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company',
default=_get_default_company_id, required=True)
product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product', ondelete='cascade', required=True)
datetime = fields.Datetime('Date', default=fields.Datetime.now)
cost = fields.Float('Cost', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'))
class ProductProduct(models.Model):
_name = "product.product"
_description = "Product"
_inherits = {'product.template': 'product_tmpl_id'}
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin']
_order = 'default_code, name, id'
price = fields.Float(
'Price', compute='_compute_product_price',
digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'), inverse='_set_product_price')
price_extra = fields.Float(
'Variant Price Extra', compute='_compute_product_price_extra',
digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'),
help="This is the sum of the extra price of all attributes")
lst_price = fields.Float(
'Sale Price', compute='_compute_product_lst_price',
digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'), inverse='_set_product_lst_price',
help="The sale price is managed from the product template. Click on the 'Variant Prices' button to set the extra attribute prices.")
default_code = fields.Char('Internal Reference', index=True)
code = fields.Char('Reference', compute='_compute_product_code')
partner_ref = fields.Char('Customer Ref', compute='_compute_partner_ref')
active = fields.Boolean(
'Active', default=True,
help="If unchecked, it will allow you to hide the product without removing it.")
product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one(
'product.template', 'Product Template',
auto_join=True, index=True, ondelete="cascade", required=True)
barcode = fields.Char(
'Barcode', copy=False, oldname='ean13',
help="International Article Number used for product identification.")
attribute_value_ids = fields.Many2many(
'product.attribute.value', string='Attributes', ondelete='restrict')
# image: all image fields are base64 encoded and PIL-supported
image_variant = fields.Binary(
"Variant Image", attachment=True,
help="This field holds the image used as image for the product variant, limited to 1024x1024px.")
image = fields.Binary(
"Big-sized image", compute='_compute_images', inverse='_set_image',
help="Image of the product variant (Big-sized image of product template if false). It is automatically "
"resized as a 1024x1024px image, with aspect ratio preserved.")
image_small = fields.Binary(
"Small-sized image", compute='_compute_images', inverse='_set_image_small',
help="Image of the product variant (Small-sized image of product template if false).")
image_medium = fields.Binary(
"Medium-sized image", compute='_compute_images', inverse='_set_image_medium',
help="Image of the product variant (Medium-sized image of product template if false).")
standard_price = fields.Float(
'Cost', company_dependent=True,
digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'),
help = "Cost used for stock valuation in standard price and as a first price to set in average/fifo. "
"Also used as a base price for pricelists. "
"Expressed in the default unit of measure of the product.")
volume = fields.Float('Volume', help="The volume in m3.")
weight = fields.Float(
'Weight', digits=dp.get_precision('Stock Weight'),
help="The weight of the contents in Kg, not including any packaging, etc.")
pricelist_item_ids = fields.Many2many(
'product.pricelist.item', 'Pricelist Items', compute='_get_pricelist_items')
packaging_ids = fields.One2many(
'product.packaging', 'product_id', 'Product Packages',
help="Gives the different ways to package the same product.")
_sql_constraints = [
('barcode_uniq', 'unique(barcode)', "A barcode can only be assigned to one product !"),
def _compute_product_price(self):
prices = {}
pricelist_id_or_name = self._context.get('pricelist')
if pricelist_id_or_name:
pricelist = None
partner = self._context.get('partner', False)
quantity = self._context.get('quantity', 1.0)
# Support context pricelists specified as display_name or ID for compatibility
if isinstance(pricelist_id_or_name, pycompat.string_types):
pricelist_name_search = self.env['product.pricelist'].name_search(pricelist_id_or_name, operator='=', limit=1)
if pricelist_name_search:
pricelist = self.env['product.pricelist'].browse([pricelist_name_search[0][0]])
elif isinstance(pricelist_id_or_name, pycompat.integer_types):
pricelist = self.env['product.pricelist'].browse(pricelist_id_or_name)
if pricelist:
quantities = [quantity] * len(self)
partners = [partner] * len(self)
prices = pricelist.get_products_price(self, quantities, partners)
for product in self:
product.price = prices.get(product.id, 0.0)
def _set_product_price(self):
for product in self:
if self._context.get('uom'):
value = self.env['product.uom'].browse(self._context['uom'])._compute_price(product.price, product.uom_id)
value = product.price
value -= product.price_extra
product.write({'list_price': value})
def _set_product_lst_price(self):
for product in self:
if self._context.get('uom'):
value = self.env['product.uom'].browse(self._context['uom'])._compute_price(product.lst_price, product.uom_id)
value = product.lst_price
value -= product.price_extra
product.write({'list_price': value})
@api.depends('attribute_value_ids.price_ids.price_extra', 'attribute_value_ids.price_ids.product_tmpl_id')
def _compute_product_price_extra(self):
# TDE FIXME: do a real multi and optimize a bit ?
for product in self:
price_extra = 0.0
for attribute_price in product.mapped('attribute_value_ids.price_ids'):
if attribute_price.product_tmpl_id == product.product_tmpl_id:
price_extra += attribute_price.price_extra
product.price_extra = price_extra
@api.depends('list_price', 'price_extra')
def _compute_product_lst_price(self):
to_uom = None
if 'uom' in self._context:
to_uom = self.env['product.uom'].browse([self._context['uom']])
for product in self:
if to_uom:
list_price = product.uom_id._compute_price(product.list_price, to_uom)
list_price = product.list_price
product.lst_price = list_price + product.price_extra
def _compute_product_code(self):
for supplier_info in self.seller_ids:
if supplier_info.name.id == self._context.get('partner_id'):
self.code = supplier_info.product_code or self.default_code
self.code = self.default_code
def _compute_partner_ref(self):
for supplier_info in self.seller_ids:
if supplier_info.name.id == self._context.get('partner_id'):
product_name = supplier_info.product_name or self.default_code
product_name = self.name
self.partner_ref = '%s%s' % (self.code and '[%s] ' % self.code or '', product_name)
@api.depends('image_variant', 'product_tmpl_id.image')
def _compute_images(self):
if self._context.get('bin_size'):
self.image_medium = self.image_variant
self.image_small = self.image_variant
self.image = self.image_variant
resized_images = tools.image_get_resized_images(self.image_variant, return_big=True, avoid_resize_medium=True)
self.image_medium = resized_images['image_medium']
self.image_small = resized_images['image_small']
self.image = resized_images['image']
if not self.image_medium:
self.image_medium = self.product_tmpl_id.image_medium
if not self.image_small:
self.image_small = self.product_tmpl_id.image_small
if not self.image:
self.image = self.product_tmpl_id.image
def _set_image(self):
def _set_image_medium(self):
def _set_image_small(self):
def _set_image_value(self, value):
if isinstance(value, pycompat.text_type):
value = value.encode('ascii')
image = tools.image_resize_image_big(value)
if self.product_tmpl_id.image:
self.image_variant = image
self.product_tmpl_id.image = image
def _get_pricelist_items(self):
self.pricelist_item_ids = self.env['product.pricelist.item'].search([
('product_id', '=', self.id),
('product_tmpl_id', '=', self.product_tmpl_id.id)]).ids
def _check_attribute_value_ids(self):
for product in self:
attributes = self.env['product.attribute']
for value in product.attribute_value_ids:
if value.attribute_id in attributes:
raise ValidationError(_('Error! It is not allowed to choose more than one value for a given attribute.'))
if value.attribute_id.create_variant:
attributes |= value.attribute_id
return True
@api.onchange('uom_id', 'uom_po_id')
def _onchange_uom(self):
if self.uom_id and self.uom_po_id and self.uom_id.category_id != self.uom_po_id.category_id:
self.uom_po_id = self.uom_id
def create(self, vals):
product = super(ProductProduct, self.with_context(create_product_product=True)).create(vals)
# When a unique variant is created from tmpl then the standard price is set by _set_standard_price
if not (self.env.context.get('create_from_tmpl') and len(product.product_tmpl_id.product_variant_ids) == 1):
product._set_standard_price(vals.get('standard_price') or 0.0)
return product
def write(self, values):
''' Store the standard price change in order to be able to retrieve the cost of a product for a given date'''
res = super(ProductProduct, self).write(values)
if 'standard_price' in values:
return res
def unlink(self):
unlink_products = self.env['product.product']
unlink_templates = self.env['product.template']
for product in self:
# Check if product still exists, in case it has been unlinked by unlinking its template
if not product.exists():
# Check if the product is last product of this template
other_products = self.search([('product_tmpl_id', '=', product.product_tmpl_id.id), ('id', '!=', product.id)])
if not other_products:
unlink_templates |= product.product_tmpl_id
unlink_products |= product
res = super(ProductProduct, unlink_products).unlink()
# delete templates after calling super, as deleting template could lead to deleting
# products due to ondelete='cascade'
return res
def copy(self, default=None):
# TDE FIXME: clean context / variant brol
if default is None:
default = {}
if self._context.get('variant'):
# if we copy a variant or create one, we keep the same template
default['product_tmpl_id'] = self.product_tmpl_id.id
elif 'name' not in default:
default['name'] = self.name
return super(ProductProduct, self).copy(default=default)
def search(self, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, count=False):
# TDE FIXME: strange
if self._context.get('search_default_categ_id'):
args.append((('categ_id', 'child_of', self._context['search_default_categ_id'])))
return super(ProductProduct, self).search(args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, count=count)
def name_get(self):
# TDE: this could be cleaned a bit I think
def _name_get(d):
name = d.get('name', '')
code = self._context.get('display_default_code', True) and d.get('default_code', False) or False
if code:
name = '[%s] %s' % (code,name)
return (d['id'], name)
partner_id = self._context.get('partner_id')
if partner_id:
partner_ids = [partner_id, self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id).commercial_partner_id.id]
partner_ids = []
# all user don't have access to seller and partner
# check access and use superuser
result = []
for product in self.sudo():
# display only the attributes with multiple possible values on the template
variable_attributes = product.attribute_line_ids.filtered(lambda l: len(l.value_ids) > 1).mapped('attribute_id')
variant = product.attribute_value_ids._variant_name(variable_attributes)
name = variant and "%s (%s)" % (product.name, variant) or product.name
sellers = []
if partner_ids:
sellers = [x for x in product.seller_ids if (x.name.id in partner_ids) and (x.product_id == product)]
if not sellers:
sellers = [x for x in product.seller_ids if (x.name.id in partner_ids) and not x.product_id]
if sellers:
for s in sellers:
seller_variant = s.product_name and (
variant and "%s (%s)" % (s.product_name, variant) or s.product_name
) or False
mydict = {
'id': product.id,
'name': seller_variant or name,
'default_code': s.product_code or product.default_code,
temp = _name_get(mydict)
if temp not in result:
mydict = {
'id': product.id,
'name': name,
'default_code': product.default_code,
return result
def name_search(self, name='', args=None, operator='ilike', limit=100):
if not args:
args = []
if name:
positive_operators = ['=', 'ilike', '=ilike', 'like', '=like']
products = self.env['product.product']
if operator in positive_operators:
products = self.search([('default_code', '=', name)] + args, limit=limit)
if not products:
products = self.search([('barcode', '=', name)] + args, limit=limit)
if not products and operator not in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS:
# Do not merge the 2 next lines into one single search, SQL search performance would be abysmal
# on a database with thousands of matching products, due to the huge merge+unique needed for the
# OR operator (and given the fact that the 'name' lookup results come from the ir.translation table
# Performing a quick memory merge of ids in Python will give much better performance
products = self.search(args + [('default_code', operator, name)], limit=limit)
if not limit or len(products) < limit:
# we may underrun the limit because of dupes in the results, that's fine
limit2 = (limit - len(products)) if limit else False
products += self.search(args + [('name', operator, name), ('id', 'not in', products.ids)], limit=limit2)
elif not products and operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS:
products = self.search(args + ['&', ('default_code', operator, name), ('name', operator, name)], limit=limit)
if not products and operator in positive_operators:
ptrn = re.compile('(\[(.*?)\])')
res = ptrn.search(name)
if res:
products = self.search([('default_code', '=', res.group(2))] + args, limit=limit)
# still no results, partner in context: search on supplier info as last hope to find something
if not products and self._context.get('partner_id'):
suppliers = self.env['product.supplierinfo'].search([
('name', '=', self._context.get('partner_id')),
('product_code', operator, name),
('product_name', operator, name)])
if suppliers:
products = self.search([('product_tmpl_id.seller_ids', 'in', suppliers.ids)], limit=limit)
products = self.search(args, limit=limit)
return products.name_get()
def view_header_get(self, view_id, view_type):
res = super(ProductProduct, self).view_header_get(view_id, view_type)
if self._context.get('categ_id'):
return _('Products: ') + self.env['product.category'].browse(self._context['categ_id']).name
return res
def open_product_template(self):
""" Utility method used to add an "Open Template" button in product views """
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'product.template',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_id': self.product_tmpl_id.id,
'target': 'new'}
def _select_seller(self, partner_id=False, quantity=0.0, date=None, uom_id=False):
if date is None:
date = fields.Date.context_today(self)
precision = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Product Unit of Measure')
res = self.env['product.supplierinfo']
for seller in self.seller_ids:
# Set quantity in UoM of seller
quantity_uom_seller = quantity
if quantity_uom_seller and uom_id and uom_id != seller.product_uom:
quantity_uom_seller = uom_id._compute_quantity(quantity_uom_seller, seller.product_uom)
if seller.date_start and seller.date_start > date:
if seller.date_end and seller.date_end < date:
if partner_id and seller.name not in [partner_id, partner_id.parent_id]:
if float_compare(quantity_uom_seller, seller.min_qty, precision_digits=precision) == -1:
if seller.product_id and seller.product_id != self:
res |= seller
return res
def price_compute(self, price_type, uom=False, currency=False, company=False):
# TDE FIXME: delegate to template or not ? fields are reencoded here ...
# compatibility about context keys used a bit everywhere in the code
if not uom and self._context.get('uom'):
uom = self.env['product.uom'].browse(self._context['uom'])
if not currency and self._context.get('currency'):
currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(self._context['currency'])
products = self
if price_type == 'standard_price':
# standard_price field can only be seen by users in base.group_user
# Thus, in order to compute the sale price from the cost for users not in this group
# We fetch the standard price as the superuser
products = self.with_context(force_company=company and company.id or self._context.get('force_company', self.env.user.company_id.id)).sudo()
prices = dict.fromkeys(self.ids, 0.0)
for product in products:
prices[product.id] = product[price_type] or 0.0
if price_type == 'list_price':
prices[product.id] += product.price_extra
if uom:
prices[product.id] = product.uom_id._compute_price(prices[product.id], uom)
# Convert from current user company currency to asked one
# This is right cause a field cannot be in more than one currency
if currency:
prices[product.id] = product.currency_id.compute(prices[product.id], currency)
return prices
# compatibility to remove after v10 - DEPRECATED
def price_get(self, ptype='list_price'):
return self.price_compute(ptype)
def _set_standard_price(self, value):
''' Store the standard price change in order to be able to retrieve the cost of a product for a given date'''
PriceHistory = self.env['product.price.history']
for product in self:
'product_id': product.id,
'cost': value,
'company_id': self._context.get('force_company', self.env.user.company_id.id),
def get_history_price(self, company_id, date=None):
history = self.env['product.price.history'].search([
('company_id', '=', company_id),
('product_id', 'in', self.ids),
('datetime', '<=', date or fields.Datetime.now())], order='datetime desc,id desc', limit=1)
return history.cost or 0.0
class ProductPackaging(models.Model):
_name = "product.packaging"
_description = "Packaging"
_order = 'sequence'
name = fields.Char('Package Type', required=True)
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=1, help="The first in the sequence is the default one.")
product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', string='Product')
qty = fields.Float('Quantity per Package', help="The total number of products you can have per pallet or box.")
barcode = fields.Char('Barcode', copy=False, help="Barcode used for packaging identification.")
class SupplierInfo(models.Model):
_name = "product.supplierinfo"
_description = "Information about a product vendor"
_order = 'sequence, min_qty desc, price'
name = fields.Many2one(
'res.partner', 'Vendor',
domain=[('supplier', '=', True)], ondelete='cascade', required=True,
help="Vendor of this product")
product_name = fields.Char(
'Vendor Product Name',
help="This vendor's product name will be used when printing a request for quotation. Keep empty to use the internal one.")
product_code = fields.Char(
'Vendor Product Code',
help="This vendor's product code will be used when printing a request for quotation. Keep empty to use the internal one.")
sequence = fields.Integer(
'Sequence', default=1, help="Assigns the priority to the list of product vendor.")
product_uom = fields.Many2one(
'product.uom', 'Vendor Unit of Measure',
readonly="1", related='product_tmpl_id.uom_po_id',
help="This comes from the product form.")
min_qty = fields.Float(
'Minimal Quantity', default=0.0, required=True,
help="The minimal quantity to purchase from this vendor, expressed in the vendor Product Unit of Measure if not any, in the default unit of measure of the product otherwise.")
price = fields.Float(
'Price', default=0.0, digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'),
required=True, help="The price to purchase a product")
company_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.company', 'Company',
default=lambda self: self.env.user.company_id.id, index=1)
currency_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.currency', 'Currency',
default=lambda self: self.env.user.company_id.currency_id.id,
date_start = fields.Date('Start Date', help="Start date for this vendor price")
date_end = fields.Date('End Date', help="End date for this vendor price")
product_id = fields.Many2one(
'product.product', 'Product Variant',
help="If not set, the vendor price will apply to all variants of this products.")
product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one(
'product.template', 'Product Template',
index=True, ondelete='cascade', oldname='product_id')
product_variant_count = fields.Integer('Variant Count', related='product_tmpl_id.product_variant_count')
delay = fields.Integer(
'Delivery Lead Time', default=1, required=True,
help="Lead time in days between the confirmation of the purchase order and the receipt of the products in your warehouse. Used by the scheduler for automatic computation of the purchase order planning.")