1452 lines
67 KiB

# Part of Flectra See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from io import BytesIO
from datetime import datetime
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import groupby
import xlsxwriter
from functools import reduce
from flectra import api, models, _
class GSTR1Report(models.AbstractModel):
_name = "gst.report"
def open_document(self, options, **post):
action_model = options.get('object')
invoice = self.env['account.invoice'].browse(int(options.get('id')))
view_name = 'view_move_form'
if action_model == 'account.invoice' and invoice:
if invoice.type in ('in_refund', 'in_invoice'):
view_name = 'invoice_supplier_form'
elif invoice.type in ('out_refund', 'out_invoice'):
view_name = 'invoice_form'
view_id = self.env['ir.model.data'].get_object_reference(
'account', view_name)[1]
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_type': 'tree',
'view_mode': 'form',
'views': [(view_id, 'form')],
'res_model': action_model,
'view_id': view_id,
'res_id': invoice.id,
def _prepare_taxable_line_data(self, line, inv, igst_amount, cgst_amount,
sgst_amount, cess_amount, rate, tax):
return {
'id': inv.id,
'taxable_value': line.price_subtotal,
'cess_amount': cess_amount,
'rate': rate,
'place_supply': ('%s-%s') % (
'tax_id': tax.id,
'igst': igst_amount,
'cgst': cgst_amount,
'sgst': sgst_amount,
'lines': [{
'igst_amount': igst_amount,
'sgst_amount': sgst_amount,
'cgst_amount': cgst_amount,
'product_name': line.product_id.name,
'quantity': line.quantity,
'price_unit': line.price_unit,
'amount': line.price_subtotal,
'cess': cess_amount
def _update_tax_values(self, data, line, cess_amount, igst_amount,
cgst_amount, sgst_amount):
if data and line:
data['taxable_value'] += line.price_subtotal
data['cess_amount'] += cess_amount
data['igst'] += igst_amount
data['cgst'] += cgst_amount
data['sgst'] += sgst_amount
'igst_amount': igst_amount,
'sgst_amount': sgst_amount,
'cgst_amount': cgst_amount,
'product_name': line.product_id.name,
'quantity': line.quantity,
'price_unit': line.price_unit,
'amount': line.price_subtotal,
'cess': cess_amount
def _update_inv_line_details(self, line, inv, document_type):
'inv_no': inv.number,
'refund_invoice_id': inv.refund_invoice_id.id,
'refund_inv_no': inv.refund_invoice_id.number,
'refund_date_invoice': datetime.strptime(
inv.refund_invoice_id.date_invoice, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime(
'%d %b %y'), 'document_type': document_type,
'reason': inv.name or '',
'pre_gst': inv.date <= inv.company_id.gst_introduce_date and
'Y' or 'N',
'inv_date': datetime.strptime(
inv.date_invoice, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%d %b %y'),
def get_data_common(self, data, start=None, end=None, **post):
Common Method for get_data_*(...)
1. get_data_b2b(...), 2. get_data_b2cl(...), 3. get_data_b2cs(...),
4. get_data_cdnr(...), 5. get_data_cdnur(...)
result = []
acc_invoice = self.env['account.invoice']
acc_tax = self.env['account.tax']
common_domain = [('date', '>=', data['from_date']),
('date', '<=', data['to_date']),
('state', 'not in', ['draft', 'cancel']),
('company_id', '=', data['company_id'])]
final_invoice_ids = type_domain = refund_domain = final_inv_domain = []
if data['summary_type'] == 'gstr1':
type_domain = [('type', '=', 'out_invoice')]
refund_domain = [('type', '=', 'out_refund')]
cdnur_domain = [('gst_invoice', 'in', ['b2cl', 'b2cs']),
('vat', '=', False)]
elif data['summary_type'] == 'gstr2':
type_domain = [('type', '=', 'in_invoice')]
refund_domain = [('type', '=', 'in_refund')]
cdnur_domain = [('gst_invoice', '=', 'b2bur'),
('vat', '=', False)]
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2b':
final_inv_domain = common_domain + type_domain + [(
'gst_invoice', '=', 'b2b')]
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2bur':
final_inv_domain = common_domain + type_domain + [
('gst_invoice', '=', 'b2bur')]
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2cl':
final_inv_domain = common_domain + type_domain + [(
'gst_invoice', '=', 'b2cl')]
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2cs':
final_inv_domain = common_domain + type_domain + [
('gst_invoice', '=', 'b2cs')]
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'cdnr':
final_inv_domain = common_domain + refund_domain + [
('gst_invoice', '=', 'b2b'), ('vat', '!=', False)]
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'cdnur':
final_inv_domain = common_domain + refund_domain + cdnur_domain
final_invoice_ids = acc_invoice.search(final_inv_domain)
for inv in final_invoice_ids:
inv_data_list = []
tax_list = []
document_type = None
gst_invoice_type = None
if post.get('gst_invoice') in ['cdnr', 'cdnur']:
if inv.type == 'out_refund' and inv.amount_total < \
document_type = 'C'
elif inv.type == 'in_refund' and inv.amount_total < \
document_type = 'D'
document_type = 'R'
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'cdnur':
gst_invoice_type = dict(inv.fields_get(
for line in inv.invoice_line_ids:
cess_amount = igst_amount = cgst_amount = sgst_amount = 0.0
if line.invoice_line_tax_ids:
price_unit = line.price_unit * (
1 - (line.discount or 0.0) / 100.0)
taxes = line.invoice_line_tax_ids.compute_all(
price_unit, line.invoice_id.currency_id,
line.quantity, line.product_id,
for tax_data in taxes:
tax = acc_tax.browse(tax_data['id'])
if tax.tax_group_id.name == 'Cess':
cess_amount += tax_data['amount']
if tax.tax_group_id.name == 'IGST' and (post.get(
'gst_invoice') != 'b2b' or
tax_data['amount'] > 0):
igst_amount += tax_data['amount']
if tax.tax_group_id.name == 'CGST' and (post.get(
'gst_invoice') != 'b2b' or tax_data[
'amount'] > 0):
cgst_amount += tax_data['amount']
if tax.tax_group_id.name == 'SGST' and (post.get(
'gst_invoice') != 'b2b' or tax_data[
'amount'] > 0):
sgst_amount += tax_data['amount']
for tax in line.invoice_line_tax_ids:
rate = 0
if tax.id not in tax_list:
if tax.tax_group_id.name == 'IGST' \
and tax.amount > 0:
rate = tax.amount
for child in tax.children_tax_ids:
if child.tax_group_id.name == 'IGST' \
and child.amount > 0:
rate = child.amount
elif child.tax_group_id.name in ['SGST',
'CGST'] \
and child.amount > 0:
rate += child.amount
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'cdnur':
if tax.tax_group_id.name == 'IGST':
rate = tax.amount
for child in tax.children_tax_ids:
if child.tax_group_id.name == 'CGST':
rate += child.amount
if child.tax_group_id.name == 'SGST':
rate += child.amount
if tax.tax_group_id.name != 'Cess':
line_data = self._prepare_taxable_line_data(
line, inv, igst_amount, cgst_amount,
sgst_amount, cess_amount, rate, tax)
if post.get('gst_invoice') in \
['b2b', 'b2cl', 'b2cs', 'b2bur']:
'partner': inv.company_id.name,
inv.e_commerce_partner_id and
inv.e_commerce_partner_id.vat or
'gstin_partner': inv.vat,
'value': inv.amount_total,
if post.get('gst_invoice') in \
['b2b', 'b2cl', 'b2bur']:
'inv_no': inv.number,
'date': datetime.strptime(
'%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%d %b %y'),
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2b':
'inv_type': 'Regular',
'reverse_charge': 'N',
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2bur':
supply_type = dict(inv.fields_get(
'supplier': inv.partner_id.name,
'supply_type': supply_type if
inv.partner_location !=
'inter_country' else 0.0,
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2cs':
'inv_no': inv.number,
inv.e_commerce_partner_id and
'E' or 'OE',
if post.get('gst_invoice') in ['cdnr',
line_data, inv, document_type)
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'cdnur':
'gst_invoice_type': gst_invoice_type,
elif tax.id in tax_list:
for data in inv_data_list:
if data['tax_id'] == tax.id:
data, line, cess_amount,
igst_amount, cgst_amount,
# pagination records display
if start and end:
return {
'data': result[start - 1: end],
'length': len(result)
return result
def get_data_b2b(self, data, start=None, end=None, **post):
""" B2B data as per month, year and company selection:
- Registered customer invoices details (without reverse charge
- Registered supplier invoices details (with reverse charge
post['gst_invoice'] = 'b2b'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
return self.get_data_common(data=data, start=start, end=end, **post)
def get_data_b2bur(self, data, start=None, end=None, **post):
""" B2BUR data as per month, year and company selection:
- Unegistered supplier invoices details (with reverse charge
post['gst_invoice'] = 'b2bur'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
return self.get_data_common(data=data, start=start, end=end, **post)
def get_data_b2cl(self, data, start=None, end=None, **post):
""" B2CL data as per month, year and company selection:
- Unregistered customers' invoices details where:
(1) The place of supply is outside the state where company is
(2) Total invoice value is more than company's B2CL limit
post['gst_invoice'] = 'b2cl'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
return self.get_data_common(data=data, start=start, end=end, **post)
def get_data_b2cs(self, data, start=None, end=None, **post):
""" B2CS data as per month, year and company selection:
- Unregistered customers' invoices details where:
(1) Intra-State: any value
(2) Inter-State: Total invoice value is less than company's B2CS
post['gst_invoice'] = 'b2cs'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
return self.get_data_common(data=data, start=start, end=end, **post)
def get_data_cdnr(self, data, start=None, end=None, **post):
""" CDNR data as per month, year and company selection:
- Refunds of B2B type invoices
post['gst_invoice'] = 'cdnr'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
return self.get_data_common(data=data, start=start, end=end, **post)
def get_data_cdnur(self, data, start=None, end=None, **post):
""" CDNUR data as per month, year and company selection:
- Refunds of Export and B2CL type invoices
post['gst_invoice'] = 'cdnur'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
return self.get_data_common(data=data, start=start, end=end, **post)
def get_data_hsn(self, data, start=None, end=None, **post):
""" HSN data as per month, year and company selection.
result = []
list_product = []
acc_tax = self.env['account.tax']
invoice_domain = [('invoice_id.date', '>=', data['from_date']),
('invoice_id.date', '<=', data['to_date']),
('invoice_id.state', 'not in', ['draft', 'cancel']),
('invoice_id.company_id', '=', data['company_id'])]
if data['summary_type'] == 'gstr1':
invoice_domain += [('invoice_id.type', '=', 'out_invoice'),
('invoice_id.gst_invoice', 'in', ('b2b', 'b2cl', 'b2cs'))]
if data['summary_type'] == 'gstr2':
invoice_domain += [('invoice_id.type', '=', 'in_invoice'), (
'invoice_id.gst_invoice', 'in', ('b2b', 'b2bur'))]
hsn_invoice_line_ids = self.env['account.invoice.line'].search(
for line in hsn_invoice_line_ids:
igst_amount = cgst_amount = sgst_amount = cess_amount = 0.0
if line.invoice_line_tax_ids:
price_unit = line.price_unit * (
1 - (line.discount or 0.0) / 100.0)
taxes = line.invoice_line_tax_ids.compute_all(
price_unit, line.invoice_id.currency_id,
line.quantity, line.product_id,
for tax in taxes:
tax_id = acc_tax.browse(tax['id'])
if tax_id.tax_group_id.name == 'Cess':
cess_amount += tax['amount']
elif tax_id.tax_group_id.name == 'IGST':
igst_amount += tax['amount']
elif tax_id.tax_group_id.name == 'CGST':
cgst_amount += tax['amount']
elif tax_id.tax_group_id.name == 'SGST':
sgst_amount += tax['amount']
if line.product_id.id not in list_product:
hsn_data = {
'product_name': line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.name,
'hsn': line.product_id.l10n_in_hsn_code,
'value': (line.price_subtotal + igst_amount +
cgst_amount + sgst_amount + cess_amount),
'taxable_value': line.price_subtotal,
'cess_amount': cess_amount,
'igst_amt': igst_amount,
'cgst_amt': cgst_amount,
'sgst_amt': sgst_amount,
'uqc': ("%s-%s") % (line.product_id.uom_id.code,
'product_main_id': line.product_id.id,
'total_qty': line.quantity}
elif line.product_id.id in list_product:
for l in result:
if l['product_main_id'] == line.product_id.id:
l['value'] += line.price_subtotal + igst_amount + \
cgst_amount + sgst_amount + cess_amount
l['taxable_value'] += line.price_subtotal
l['cess_amount'] += cess_amount
l['igst_amt'] += igst_amount
l['cgst_amt'] += cgst_amount
l['sgst_amt'] += sgst_amount
l['total_qty'] += line.quantity
# pagination records display
if start and end:
return {
'data': result[start - 1: end],
'length': len(result)
return result
def get_data_common_summary(self, result, **post):
Common Method for get_data_*_summary(...)
1. get_data_b2b_summary(...), 2. get_data_b2cl_summary(...),
3. get_data_b2cs_summary(...), 4. get_data_cdnr_summary(...),
5. get_data_cdnur_summary(...),
summary = {}
if result:
invoices_list = []
recepient_list = []
taxable_value_total = cess_amt_total = igst_amount = cgst_amount =\
sgst_amount = 0.0
no_of_recepient = 0
for inv in result:
taxable_value_total += float(inv['taxable_value'])
igst_amount += float(inv['igst'])
sgst_amount += float(inv['sgst'])
cgst_amount += float(inv['cgst'])
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2b':
if inv['reverse_charge'] == 'N':
cess_amt_total += inv['cess_amount']
if post.get('gst_invoice') in ['b2cl', 'b2cs']:
cess_amt_total += inv['cess_amount']
if post.get('gst_invoice') in ['cdnr', 'cdnur']:
if inv['document_type'] == 'C':
cess_amt_total -= inv['cess_amount']
cess_amt_total += inv['cess_amount']
if post.get('gst_invoice') in ['b2b', 'cdnr', 'cdnur']:
no_of_recepient = len(set(recepient_list))
no_of_invoices = len(set(invoices_list))
invoices_list = set(invoices_list)
invoice_value = 0.0
for invoice_id in invoices_list:
ids = self.env['account.invoice'].search(
[('number', '=', invoice_id)])
invoice_value += ids.amount_total
"no_of_invoices": no_of_invoices,
"taxable_value_total": taxable_value_total,
"cess_amt_total": cess_amt_total,
"invoice_value": invoice_value,
"igst_amount": igst_amount,
"sgst_amount": sgst_amount,
"cgst_amount": cgst_amount,
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2b':
if post.get('summary_type') == 'gstr1':
name = _("B2B Invoices - 4A, 4B, 4C, 6B, 6C")
elif post.get('summary_type') == 'gstr2':
name = _("Supplies From Registered Suppliers B2B - 3,4A")
"name": name,
"action": "get_data_b2b",
"no_of_recepient": no_of_recepient,
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2bur':
"name": _("Supplies From Unregistered Suppliers B2BUR - "
"action": "get_data_b2bur",
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2cl':
"name": _("B2C(Large) Invoices - 5A, 5B"),
"action": "get_data_b2cl",
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'b2cs':
"name": _("B2C(Small) Details - 7"),
"action": "get_data_b2cs",
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'cdnr':
if post.get('summary_type') == 'gstr1':
name = _("Credit/Debit Notes(Registered) - 9B")
elif post.get('summary_type') == 'gstr2':
name = _("Debit/Credit Notes(Registered) - 6C")
"name": name,
"action": "get_data_cdnr",
"no_of_recepient": no_of_recepient,
if post.get('gst_invoice') == 'cdnur':
if post.get('summary_type') == 'gstr1':
name = _("Credit/Debit Notes(Unregistered) - 9B")
elif post.get('summary_type') == 'gstr2':
name = _("Debit/Credit Notes(Unregistered) - 6C")
"name": name,
"action": "get_data_cdnur",
"no_of_recepient": no_of_recepient,
return summary
def get_data_b2b_summary(self, data, **post):
""" B2B summary details and fetch required data """
post['gst_invoice'] = 'b2b'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
result = self.get_data_b2b(data=data, **post)
return self.get_data_common_summary(result=result, **post)
def get_data_b2bur_summary(self, data, **post):
post['gst_invoice'] = 'b2bur'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
result = self.get_data_b2bur(data=data, **post)
return self.get_data_common_summary(result=result, **post)
def get_data_b2cl_summary(self, data, **post):
""" B2CL summary details and fetch required data """
post['gst_invoice'] = 'b2cl'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
result = self.get_data_b2cl(data=data, **post)
return self.get_data_common_summary(result=result, **post)
def get_data_b2cs_summary(self, data, **post):
""" B2CS summary details and fetch required data """
post['gst_invoice'] = 'b2cs'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
result = self.get_data_b2cs(data=data, **post)
return self.get_data_common_summary(result=result, **post)
def get_data_cdnr_summary(self, data, **post):
""" CDNR summary details and fetch required data """
post['gst_invoice'] = 'cdnr'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
result = self.get_data_cdnr(data=data, **post)
return self.get_data_common_summary(result=result, **post)
def get_data_cdnur_summary(self, data, **post):
""" CDNUR summary details and fetch required data """
post['gst_invoice'] = 'cdnur'
post['summary_type'] = data['summary_type']
result = self.get_data_cdnur(data=data, **post)
return self.get_data_common_summary(result=result, **post)
def get_data_hsn_summary(self, data, **post):
""" HSN summary details and fetch required data """
result = self.get_data_hsn(data, **post)
summary = {}
value_total = 0.0
no_of_hsn = 0
taxable_value_total = value_total = 0.0
cess_amt_total = cgst_total = igst_total = sgst_total = 0.0
for inv in result:
value_total += inv['value']
sgst_total += inv['sgst_amt']
cgst_total += inv['cgst_amt']
igst_total += inv['igst_amt']
if inv['hsn']:
no_of_hsn += 1
taxable_value_total += inv['taxable_value']
cess_amt_total += inv['cess_amount']
name = ''
if data['summary_type'] == 'gstr1':
name = _("HSN-Wise Summary of outward Supplies - 12")
elif data['summary_type'] == 'gstr2':
name = _("HSN-Wise Summary of inward Supplies - 13")
summary = {
"name": name,
"no_of_invoices": "",
"no_of_hsn": no_of_hsn,
"taxable_value_total": taxable_value_total,
"cess_amt_total": cess_amt_total,
"action": "get_data_hsn",
"value_total": value_total,
"sgst_amount": sgst_total,
"cgst_amount": cgst_total,
"igst_amount": igst_total
return summary
def get_gstr_summary(self, data, flag=None, **post):
""" GSTR1 Summary """
summary = {
'summary': [],
'companies': {},
'summary_type': data.get("summary_type") and data[
'summary_type'] or '',
b2b_summary = self.get_data_b2b_summary(data=data, **post)
b2bur_summary = self.get_data_b2bur_summary(data=data, **post)
b2cl_summary = self.get_data_b2cl_summary(data=data, **post)
b2cs_summary = self.get_data_b2cs_summary(data=data, **post)
cdnr_summary = self.get_data_cdnr_summary(data=data, **post)
cdnur_summary = self.get_data_cdnur_summary(data=data, **post)
hsn_summary = self.get_data_hsn_summary(data=data, **post)
if b2b_summary:
if b2bur_summary and data.get("summary_type") == "gstr2":
if b2cl_summary:
if b2cs_summary:
if cdnr_summary:
if cdnur_summary:
if hsn_summary:
res_company = self.env['res.company'].search(
[('gst_type', 'in', ['regular', 'volunteer'])])
if res_company:
for company in res_company:
company.id: company.name,
if flag:
return summary
return summary['summary']
def cell_format(self, workbook, **post):
""" Define cell formats """
return {
'header_cell_format': workbook.add_format(
{'font_name': 'Times New Roman', 'font_size': 11,
'locked': True, 'align': 'center', 'text_wrap': True,
'bg_color': '#e5b7a2', 'bottom': 1}),
'header_cell_format_help': workbook.add_format(
{'font_name': 'Times New Roman', 'font_size': 11,
'locked': True, 'align': 'center', 'text_wrap': True,
'font_color': '#ff0000', 'bottom': 1, 'underline': True}),
'borederd_header_cell_format': workbook.add_format(
{'font_name': 'Times New Roman', 'font_size': 11,
'align': 'center', 'text_wrap': True, 'top': 1,
'bottom': 1, 'left': 1, 'right': 1, 'bold': True,
'bg_color': '#2a6cb7', 'font_color': '#ffffff'}),
'regular_cell_format': workbook.add_format(
{'font_name': 'Times New Roman', 'font_size': 11,
'text_wrap': True}),
'regular_cell_format_center': workbook.add_format(
{'font_name': 'Times New Roman', 'font_size': 11,
'text_wrap': True}),
'regular_cell_format_right': workbook.add_format(
{'font_name': 'Times New Roman', 'font_size': 11,
'text_wrap': True, 'align': 'right'}),
'borederd_header_cell_format_count': workbook.add_format({
'font_name': 'Times New Roman', 'font_size': 11,
'text_wrap': True, 'align': 'right'
'borederd_header_cell_format_right': workbook.add_format({
'font_name': 'Times New Roman', 'font_size': 11,
'align': 'right', 'text_wrap': True, 'top': 1, 'bottom': 1,
'left': 1, 'right': 1, 'bold': True
'regular_cell_format_date': workbook.add_format(
{'font_name': 'Times New Roman', 'font_size': 11,
'text_wrap': True, 'num_format': 'dd-mmm-yy',
'align': 'center'})}
def set_summary_header(self, worksheet, summary_label, total_cols, row,
col, cell_format):
for col_no in range(0, total_cols):
if col_no == 0:
worksheet.write(row, col, summary_label,
elif col_no == (total_cols - 1):
worksheet.write(row, col + col_no, 'HELP',
worksheet.write(row, col + col_no, '',
def write_data_worksheet_header(self, worksheet, header_list, cell_format,
row, col):
Common method to write data into all the worksheets.
:param worksheet: selected worksheet object
:param header_list: list of all the values or headers to be added
:param cell_format: cell format of the perticular cell
:param row: row number
:param col: column number
:param summary: dictionary in case summary value and invoice value
count = 0
for header in header_list:
worksheet.write(row, col + count, header, cell_format)
count += 1
def write_data_worksheet_values(self, worksheet, values, row, col):
count = 0
for values_dict in values:
worksheet.write(row, col + count, values_dict['value'],
count += 1
def sheet_b2b(self, data, workbook, **post):
""" Generate excel sheet for 'b2b' data """
cell_format = self.cell_format(workbook=workbook, **post)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('b2b')
workbook.add_format({'locked': 1})
worksheet.set_column(0, 20, 20)
inv_ids_b2b = self.get_data_b2b(data=data, **post)
# Calculation of header
summary = self.get_data_b2b_summary(data=data, **post)
# formatting
row = 0
# summary header
self.set_summary_header(worksheet, 'Summary For B2B(4)', 11,
0, 0, cell_format)
row += 1
col = 0
# set summary sub header
header_list = ["No. of Recipients", "No. of Invoices", " ",
"Total Invoice Value", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ",
"Total Taxable Value", "Total Cess"]
self.write_data_worksheet_header(worksheet, header_list,
row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
if summary:
summary_value = [{
'value': summary['no_of_recepient'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_count']}, {
'value': summary['no_of_invoices'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_count']}, {
'value': " ",
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': summary['invoice_value'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': " ",
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': " ",
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': " ",
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': " ",
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': " ",
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': summary['taxable_value_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': summary['cess_amt_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, summary_value, row,
row += 1
worksheet.set_row(3, 15)
row = 3
col = 0
# set main invoice header
invoice_header = ["GSTIN/UIN of Recipient", "Invoice Number",
"Invoice date", "Invoice Value", "Place Of Supply",
"Reverse Charge", "Invoice Type", "E-Commerce GSTIN",
"Rate", "Taxable Value", "Cess Amount"]
worksheet, invoice_header, cell_format[
'header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
for inv in inv_ids_b2b:
inv_value = [{
'value': inv['gstin_partner'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['inv_no'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': datetime.strptime(inv['date'], '%d %b %y'),
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_date']},
{'value': inv['value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['place_supply'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['reverse_charge'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_center']},
{'value': inv['inv_type'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['ecommerce_gstin'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['rate'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['taxable_value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['cess_amount'] if inv['cess_amount'] > 0.0 else
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, inv_value, row, col)
row += 1
def sheet_b2cl(self, data, workbook, **post):
""" Generate excel sheet for 'b2cl' data """
cell_format = self.cell_format(workbook=workbook, **post)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('b2cl')
workbook.add_format({'locked': 1})
worksheet.set_column(0, 20, 20)
inv_ids_b2cl = self.get_data_b2cl(data=data, **post)
# Calculation of header
summary = self.get_data_b2cl_summary(data=data, **post)
row = 0
# summary header
self.set_summary_header(worksheet, 'Summary For B2CL(5)', 8, 0, 0,
row += 1
col = 0
# set summary sub header
header_list = ["No. of Invoices", " ", "Total Invoice Value", " ",
" ", "Total Taxable Value", "Total Cess", " "]
worksheet, header_list, cell_format[
'borederd_header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
if summary:
summary_value = [{
'value': summary['no_of_invoices'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_count']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['invoice_value'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['taxable_value_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['cess_amt_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, summary_value, row,
row += 1
worksheet.set_row(3, 15)
row = 3
col = 0
# set main invoice header
invoice_header = ["Invoice Number", "Invoice date", "Invoice Value",
"Place Of Supply", "Rate", "Taxable Value",
"Cess Amount", "E-Commerce GSTIN"]
worksheet, invoice_header, cell_format[
'header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
for inv in inv_ids_b2cl:
inv_value = [{
'value': inv['inv_no'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': datetime.strptime(inv['date'], '%d %b %y'),
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_date']},
{'value': inv['value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['place_supply'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['rate'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['taxable_value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['cess_amount'] if inv['cess_amount'] > 0.0
else 0.0,
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['ecommerce_gstin'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, inv_value, row, col)
row += 1
def _groupby_b2cs_inv(self, invoices):
keys = ['place_supply', 'rate']
return [reduce(lambda a,b: {
"rate": a['rate'], "type": a['type'],
for k, g in groupby(sorted(invoices, key=itemgetter(
*keys)), key=itemgetter(*keys))
def sheet_b2cs(self, data, workbook, **post):
""" Generate excel sheet for 'b2cs' data """
cell_format = self.cell_format(workbook=workbook, **post)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('b2cs')
workbook.add_format({'locked': 1})
worksheet.set_column(0, 20, 20)
inv_ids_b2cs = self.get_data_b2cs(data=data, **post)
b2cs_data = self._groupby_b2cs_inv(inv_ids_b2cs)
# Calculation of header
summary = self.get_data_b2cs_summary(data=data, **post)
row = 0
# summary header
self.set_summary_header(worksheet, 'Summary For B2CS(7)', 6, 0, 0,
row += 1
col = 0
# set summary sub header
header_list = [" ", " ", " ", "Total Taxable Value", "Total Cess", " "]
worksheet, header_list, cell_format[
'borederd_header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
if summary:
summary_value = ['', '', '', summary['taxable_value_total'],
summary['cess_amt_total'], '']
worksheet, summary_value,
row, col)
row += 1
worksheet.set_row(3, 15)
row = 3
col = 0
# set main invoice header
invoice_header = ["Type", "Place Of Supply", "Rate", "Taxable Value",
"Cess Amount", "E-Commerce GSTIN"]
worksheet, invoice_header, cell_format[
'header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
for inv in b2cs_data:
inv_value = [{
'value': inv['type'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['place_supply'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['rate'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['taxable_value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['cess_amount'] if inv['cess_amount'] > 0.0
else 0.0,
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['ecommerce_gstin'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, inv_value, row, col)
row += 1
def sheet_b2bur(self, data, workbook, **post):
""" Generate excel sheet for 'b2cl' data """
cell_format = self.cell_format(workbook=workbook, **post)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('b2bur')
workbook.add_format({'locked': 1})
worksheet.set_row(0, 30)
worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 25)
worksheet.set_column(1, 20, 20)
inv_ids_b2bur = self.get_data_b2bur(data=data, **post)
# Calculation of header
summary = self.get_data_b2bur_summary(data=data, **post)
# formatting
row = 0
# summary header
'Summary of Supplies From Unregistered '
'Suppliers B2BUR(4B)', 12, 0, 0, cell_format)
row += 1
col = 0
# set summary sub header
header_list = [" ", "No. of Invoices", " ", "Total Invoice Value",
" ", " ", " ", "Total Taxable Value",
"Total Integrated Tax", "Total Central Tax",
"Total State/UT Tax", "Total Cess"]
self.write_data_worksheet_header(worksheet, header_list, cell_format[
'borederd_header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
if summary:
summary_value = [{
'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': summary['no_of_invoices'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_count']
}, {
'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']
}, {
'value': summary['invoice_value'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']
}, {
'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': summary['taxable_value_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']
}, {
'value': summary['igst_amount'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']
}, {
'value': summary['cgst_amount'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']
}, {
'value': summary['sgst_amount'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']
}, {
'value': summary['cess_amt_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, summary_value, row,
row += 1
worksheet.set_row(3, 15)
row = 3
col = 0
# set main invoice header
invoice_header = ['Supplier Name', 'Invoice Number', 'Invoice Date',
'Invoice Value', 'Place Of Supply', 'Supply Type',
'Rate', 'Taxable Value', 'Integrated Tax Amount',
'Central Tax Amount', 'State/UT Tax Amount',
'Cess Amount']
self.write_data_worksheet_header(worksheet, invoice_header,
row, col)
row += 1
for inv in inv_ids_b2bur:
inv_value = [{
'value': inv['supplier'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']
}, {
'value': inv['inv_no'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']
}, {
'value': datetime.strptime(inv['date'], '%d %b %y'),
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_date']
}, {
'value': inv['value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']
}, {
'value': inv['place_supply'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']
}, {
'value': inv['supply_type'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']
}, {
'value': inv['rate'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']
}, {
'value': inv['taxable_value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']
}, {
'value': inv['igst'] if inv['igst'] > 0.0 else 0.0,
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': inv['cgst'] if inv['cgst'] > 0.0 else 0.0,
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': inv['sgst'] if inv['sgst'] > 0.0 else 0.0,
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']}, {
'value': inv['cess_amount'] if inv['cess_amount'] > 0.0 else
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, inv_value, row, col)
row += 1
def sheet_cdnr(self, data, workbook, **post):
""" Generate excel sheet for 'cdnr' data """
cell_format = self.cell_format(workbook=workbook, **post)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('cdnr')
workbook.add_format({'locked': 1})
worksheet.set_column(0, 20, 25)
inv_ids_cdnr = self.get_data_cdnr(data=data, **post)
row = 0
# Calculation of header
summary = self.get_data_cdnr_summary(data=data, **post)
# summary header
self.set_summary_header(worksheet, 'Summary For CDNR(9B)', 13, 0, 0,
row += 1
col = 0
# set summary sub header
header_list = ["No. of Recipients", "No. of Invoices", " ",
'No. of Notes/Vouchers', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "",
"Total Taxable Value", "Total Cess", " "]
worksheet, header_list, cell_format[
'borederd_header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
if summary:
summary_value = [{
'value': summary['no_of_recepient'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_count']},
{'value': summary['no_of_invoices'],
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['no_of_invoices'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_count']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['invoice_value'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['taxable_value_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['cess_amt_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, summary_value, row,
row += 1
col = 0
# set main invoice header
invoice_header = ["GSTIN/UIN of Recipient",
'Invoice/Advance Receipt Number',
'Invoice/Advance Receipt date',
'Note/Refund Voucher Number',
'Note/Refund Voucher date',
'Document Type',
'Reason For Issuing document', "Place Of Supply",
'Note/Refund Voucher Value',
"Rate", "Taxable Value", "Cess Amount", 'Pre GST']
worksheet, invoice_header, cell_format[
'header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
for inv in inv_ids_cdnr:
inv_value = [{
'value': inv['gstin_partner'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['refund_inv_no'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': datetime.strptime(inv['refund_date_invoice'],
'%d %b %y'),
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_date']},
{'value': inv['inv_no'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': datetime.strptime(inv['inv_date'], '%d %b %y'),
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_date']},
{'value': inv['document_type'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_center']},
{'value': inv['reason'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['place_supply'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['rate'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['taxable_value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['cess_amount'] if inv['cess_amount'] > 0.0 else
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['pre_gst'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_center']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, inv_value, row, col)
row += 1
def sheet_cdnur(self, data, workbook, **post):
""" Generate excel sheet for 'cdnur' data """
cell_format = self.cell_format(workbook=workbook, **post)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('cdnur')
workbook.add_format({'locked': 1})
worksheet.set_column(0, 20, 25)
inv_ids_cdnur = self.get_data_cdnur(data=data, **post)
# Calculation of header
summary = self.get_data_cdnr_summary(data=data, **post)
# formatting
row = 0
# summary header
self.set_summary_header(worksheet, 'Summary For CDNUR(9B)', 13, 0, 0,
row += 1
col = 0
# set summary sub header
header_list = ['', 'No. of Notes/Vouchers', '', '', 'No. of Invoices',
'', '', '', 'Total Note Value', '',
"Total Taxable Value", "Total Cess", '']
worksheet, header_list, cell_format[
'borederd_header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
if summary:
summary_value = [{
'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['no_of_invoices'],
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['no_of_invoices'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_count']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['invoice_value'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['taxable_value_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['cess_amt_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, summary_value, row,
row = 3
col = 0
# set main invoice header
invoice_header = ['UR Type', 'Note/Refund Voucher Number',
'Note/Refund Voucher date', 'Document Type',
'Invoice/Advance Receipt Number',
'Invoice/Advance Receipt date',
'Reason For Issuing document', "Place Of Supply",
'Note/Refund Voucher Value', "Rate", "Taxable Value",
"Cess Amount", 'Pre GST', ]
self.write_data_worksheet_header(worksheet, invoice_header,
row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
for inv in inv_ids_cdnur:
inv_value = [{
'value': inv['gst_invoice_type'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_center']},
{'value': inv['inv_no'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': datetime.strptime(inv['inv_date'], '%d %b %y'),
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_date']},
{'value': inv['document_type'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_center']},
{'value': inv['refund_inv_no'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': datetime.strptime(inv['refund_date_invoice'],
'%d %b %y'),
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_date']},
{'value': inv['reason'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['place_supply'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['rate'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['taxable_value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['cess_amount'] if
inv['cess_amount'] > 0.0 else 0.0,
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['pre_gst'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_center']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, inv_value, row, col)
row += 1
def sheet_hsn(self, data, workbook, **post):
Generate excel sheet for 'hsn' Data
:param data:
:param workbook:
:param post:
cell_format = self.cell_format(workbook=workbook, **post)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('hsn')
workbook.add_format({'locked': 1})
worksheet.set_column(0, 20, 20)
inv_ids_hsn = self.get_data_hsn(data=data, **post)
# Calculation of header
summary = self.get_data_hsn_summary(data=data, **post)
# formatting
row = 0
# summary header
self.set_summary_header(worksheet, 'Summary For HSN(12)', 10, 0, 0,
row += 1
# total summary header
col = 0
summary_header = ['No. of HSN', '', '', '', 'Total Value',
'Total Taxable Value', 'Total Integrated Tax',
'Total Central Tax', 'Total State/UT Tax',
'Total Cess']
worksheet, summary_header, cell_format[
'borederd_header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
if summary:
summary_value = [{
'value': summary['no_of_hsn'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_count']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': '',
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['value_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['taxable_value_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['igst_amount'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['cgst_amount'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['sgst_amount'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']},
{'value': summary['cess_amt_total'],
'format': cell_format['borederd_header_cell_format_right']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, summary_value, row,
worksheet.set_row(3, 15)
row = 3
col = 0
# insert hsn main header
hsn_header = ['HSN', 'Description', 'UQC', 'Total Quantity',
'Total Value', 'Taxable Value', 'Integrated Tax Amount',
'Central Tax Amount', 'State/UT Tax Amount',
'Cess Amount']
self.write_data_worksheet_header(worksheet, hsn_header, cell_format[
'header_cell_format'], row, col)
row += 1
col = 0
# product wise hsn lines
for inv in inv_ids_hsn:
inv_value = [{
'value': inv['hsn'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_center']},
{'value': inv['product_name'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['uqc'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format']},
{'value': inv['total_qty'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['taxable_value'],
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['igst_amt'] if inv['igst_amt'] > 0.0 else '',
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['cgst_amt'] if inv['cgst_amt'] > 0.0 else '',
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['sgst_amt'] if inv['sgst_amt'] > 0.0 else '',
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']},
{'value': inv['cess_amount'] if inv['cess_amount'] > 0.0 else
'format': cell_format['regular_cell_format_right']}]
self.write_data_worksheet_values(worksheet, inv_value, row, col)
row += 1
def write_data_into_sheets(self, data, response=False, **post):
output_stream = BytesIO()
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output_stream, {'in_memory': True})
# b2b
self.sheet_b2b(data=data['form'], workbook=workbook, **post)
if data['form'].get('summary_type') == 'gstr1':
# b2cl
self.sheet_b2cl(data=data['form'], workbook=workbook, **post)
# b2cs
self.sheet_b2cs(data=data['form'], workbook=workbook, **post)
elif data['form'].get('summary_type') == 'gstr2':
self.sheet_b2bur(data=data['form'], workbook=workbook, **post)
# cdnr
self.sheet_cdnr(data=data['form'], workbook=workbook, **post)
# cdnur
self.sheet_cdnur(data=data['form'], workbook=workbook, **post)
# hsn
self.sheet_hsn(data=data['form'], workbook=workbook, **post)
if response:
def print_report(self, values, flag=None, response=None, **post):
""" Export GSTR1 excel report """
if flag:
data = {'form': values}
data = {
'form': {
'from_date': self.from_date, 'to_date': self.to_date,
self.company_id and self.company_id.id or False,
self.write_data_into_sheets(data, response, **post)