
307 lines
13 KiB

flectra.define('barcodes.BarcodeEvents', function(require) {
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var mixins = require('web.mixins');
var session = require('web.session');
// For IE >= 9, use this, new CustomEvent(), instead of new Event()
function CustomEvent ( event, params ) {
params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined };
var evt = document.createEvent( 'CustomEvent' );
evt.initCustomEvent( event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail );
return evt;
CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype;
var BarcodeEvents = core.Class.extend(mixins.PropertiesMixin, {
timeout: null,
key_pressed: {},
buffered_key_events: [],
// Regexp to match a barcode input and extract its payload
// Note: to build in init() if prefix/suffix can be configured
regexp: /(.{3,})[\n\r\t]*/,
// By knowing the terminal character we can interpret buffered keys
// as a barcode as soon as it's encountered (instead of waiting x ms)
suffix: /[\n\r\t]+/,
// Keys from a barcode scanner are usually processed as quick as possible,
// but some scanners can use an intercharacter delay (we support <= 50 ms)
max_time_between_keys_in_ms: session.max_time_between_keys_in_ms || 55,
// To be able to receive the barcode value, an input must be focused.
// On mobile devices, this causes the virtual keyboard to open.
// Unfortunately it is not possible to avoid this behavior...
// To avoid keyboard flickering at each detection of a barcode value,
// we want to keep it open for a while (800 ms).
inputTimeOut: 800,
init: function() {
// Keep a reference of the handler functions to use when adding and removing event listeners
this.__keydown_handler = _.bind(this.keydown_handler, this);
this.__keyup_handler = _.bind(this.keyup_handler, this);
this.__handler = _.bind(this.handler, this);
// Bind event handler once the DOM is loaded
// TODO: find a way to be active only when there are listeners on the bus
$(_.bind(this.start, this, false));
// Mobile device detection
var isMobile = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows Phone/i);
this.isChromeMobile = isMobile && navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/i);
// Creates an input who will receive the barcode scanner value.
if (this.isChromeMobile) {
this.$barcodeInput = $('<input/>', {
name: 'barcode',
type: 'text',
css: {
'position': 'fixed',
'top': '50%',
'transform': 'translateY(-50%)',
'z-index': '-1',
// Avoid to show autocomplete for a non appearing input
this.$barcodeInput.attr('autocomplete', 'off');
this.__blurBarcodeInput = _.debounce(this._blurBarcodeInput, this.inputTimeOut);
handle_buffered_keys: function() {
var str = this.buffered_key_events.reduce(function(memo, e) { return memo + String.fromCharCode(e.which) }, '');
var match = str.match(this.regexp);
if (match) {
var barcode = match[1];
// Send the target in case there are several barcode widgets on the same page (e.g.
// registering the lot numbers in a stock picking)
core.bus.trigger('barcode_scanned', barcode, this.buffered_key_events[0].target);
// Dispatch a barcode_scanned DOM event to elements that have barcode_events="true" set.
if (this.buffered_key_events[0].target.getAttribute("barcode_events") === "true")
$(this.buffered_key_events[0].target).trigger('barcode_scanned', barcode);
} else {
this.buffered_key_events = [];
resend_buffered_keys: function() {
var old_event, new_event;
for(var i = 0; i < this.buffered_key_events.length; i++) {
old_event = this.buffered_key_events[i];
if(old_event.which !== 13) { // ignore returns
// We do not create a 'real' keypress event through
// eg. KeyboardEvent because there are several issues
// with them that make them very different from
// genuine keypresses. Chrome per example has had a
// bug for the longest time that causes keyCode and
// charCode to not be set for events created this way:
// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16735
var params = {
'bubbles': old_event.bubbles,
'cancelable': old_event.cancelable,
new_event = $.Event('keypress', params);
new_event.viewArg = old_event.viewArg;
new_event.ctrl = old_event.ctrl;
new_event.alt = old_event.alt;
new_event.shift = old_event.shift;
new_event.meta = old_event.meta;
new_event.char = old_event.char;
new_event.key = old_event.key;
new_event.charCode = old_event.charCode;
new_event.keyCode = old_event.keyCode || old_event.which; // Firefox doesn't set keyCode for keypresses, only keyup/down
new_event.which = old_event.which;
new_event.dispatched_by_barcode_reader = true;
element_is_editable: function(element) {
return $(element).is('input,textarea,[contenteditable="true"]');
// This checks that a keypress event is either ESC, TAB, an arrow
// key or a function key. This is Firefox specific, in Chrom{e,ium}
// keypress events are not fired for these types of keys, only
// keyup/keydown.
is_special_key: function(e) {
if (e.key === "ArrowLeft" || e.key === "ArrowRight" ||
e.key === "ArrowUp" || e.key === "ArrowDown" ||
e.key === "Escape" || e.key === "Tab" ||
e.key === "Backspace" || e.key === "Delete" ||
e.key === "Unidentified" || /F\d\d?/.test(e.key)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// The keydown and keyup handlers are here to disallow key
// repeat. When preventDefault() is called on a keydown event
// the keypress that normally follows is cancelled.
keydown_handler: function(e){
if (this.key_pressed[e.which]) {
} else {
this.key_pressed[e.which] = true;
keyup_handler: function(e){
this.key_pressed[e.which] = false;
handler: function(e){
// Don't catch events we resent
if (e.dispatched_by_barcode_reader)
// Don't catch non-printable keys for which Firefox triggers a keypress
if (this.is_special_key(e))
// Don't catch keypresses which could have a UX purpose (like shortcuts)
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey)
// Don't catch Return when nothing is buffered. This way users
// can still use Return to 'click' on focused buttons or links.
if (e.which === 13 && this.buffered_key_events.length === 0)
// Don't catch events targeting elements that are editable because we
// have no way of redispatching 'genuine' key events. Resent events
// don't trigger native event handlers of elements. So this means that
// our fake events will not appear in eg. an <input> element.
if ((this.element_is_editable(e.target) && !$(e.target).data('enableBarcode')) && e.target.getAttribute("barcode_events") !== "true")
// Catch and buffer the event
// Handle buffered keys immediately if the the keypress marks the end
// of a barcode or after x milliseconds without a new keypress
if (String.fromCharCode(e.which).match(this.suffix)) {
} else {
this.timeout = setTimeout(_.bind(this.handle_buffered_keys, this), this.max_time_between_keys_in_ms);
* Try to detect the barcode value by listening all keydown events:
* Checks if a dom element who may contains text value has the focus.
* If not, it's probably because these events are triggered by a barcode scanner.
* To be able to handle this value, a focused input will be created.
* This function also has the responsibility to detect the end of the barcode value.
* (1) In most of cases, an optional key (tab or enter) is sent to mark the end of the value.
* So, we direclty handle the value.
* (2) If no end key is configured, we have to calculate the delay between each keydowns.
* 'max_time_between_keys_in_ms' depends of the device and may be configured.
* Exceeded this timeout, we consider that the barcode value is entirely sent.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e keydown event
_listenBarcodeScanner: function (e) {
if (!$('input:text:focus, textarea:focus, [contenteditable]:focus').length) {
if (this.$barcodeInput.is(":focus")) {
// Handle buffered keys immediately if the keypress marks the end
// of a barcode or after x milliseconds without a new keypress.
// On chrome mobile, e.which only works for some special characters like ENTER or TAB.
if (String.fromCharCode(e.which).match(this.suffix)) {
} else {
this.timeout = setTimeout(this._handleBarcodeValue.bind(this, e),
// if the barcode input doesn't receive keydown for a while, remove it.
* Retrieves the barcode value from the temporary input element.
* This checks this value and trigger it on the bus.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} keydown event
_handleBarcodeValue: function (e) {
var barcodeValue = this.$barcodeInput.val();
if (barcodeValue.match(this.regexp)) {
core.bus.trigger('barcode_scanned', barcodeValue, $(e.target).parent()[0]);
* Removes the value and focus from the barcode input.
* If nothing happens, the focus will be lost and
* the virtual keyboard on mobile devices will be closed.
* @private
_blurBarcodeInput: function () {
if (this.$barcodeInput) {
// Close the virtual keyboard on mobile browsers
// FIXME: actually we can't prevent keyboard from opening
start: function(prevent_key_repeat){
// Chrome Mobile isn't triggering keypress event.
// This is marked as Legacy in the DOM-Level-3 Standard.
// See: https://www.w3.org/TR/uievents/#legacy-keyboardevent-event-types
// This fix is only applied for Google Chrome Mobile but it should work for
// all other cases.
// In master, we could remove the behavior with keypress and only use keydown.
if (this.isChromeMobile) {
$('body').on("keydown", this._listenBarcodeScanner.bind(this));
} else {
$('body').bind("keypress", this.__handler);
if (prevent_key_repeat === true) {
$('body').bind("keydown", this.__keydown_handler);
$('body').bind('keyup', this.__keyup_handler);
stop: function(){
$('body').unbind("keypress", this.__handler);
$('body').unbind("keydown", this.__keydown_handler);
$('body').unbind('keyup', this.__keyup_handler);
return {
/** Singleton that emits barcode_scanned events on core.bus */
BarcodeEvents: new BarcodeEvents(),
* List of barcode prefixes that are reserved for internal purposes
* @type Array
ReservedBarcodePrefixes: ['O-CMD'],