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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import ast
from flectra import models
from flectra.http import request
class QWeb(models.AbstractModel):
""" QWeb object for rendering stuff in the website context """
_inherit = 'ir.qweb'
'form': 'action',
'a': 'href',
'link': 'href',
'script': 'src',
'img': 'src',
def _get_asset(self, xmlid, options, css=True, js=True, debug=False, async=False, values=None):
website = getattr(request, 'website', None) if request else None
if website and website.cdn_activated:
values = dict(values or {}, url_for=website.get_cdn_url)
return super(QWeb, self)._get_asset(xmlid, options, css, js, debug, async, values)
def _website_build_attribute(self, tagName, name, value, options, values):
""" Compute the value of an attribute while rendering the template. """
if name == self.URL_ATTRS.get(tagName) and values.get('url_for'):
return values.get('url_for')(value or '')
elif request and getattr(request, 'website', None) and request.website.cdn_activated and (name == self.URL_ATTRS.get(tagName) or name == self.CDN_TRIGGERS.get(tagName)):
return request.website.get_cdn_url(value or '')
return value
def _wrap_build_attributes(self, el, items, options):
""" Map items corresponding to URL and CDN attributes to an ast expression. """
if options.get('rendering_bundle'):
return items
url_att = self.URL_ATTRS.get(el.tag)
cdn_att = self.CDN_TRIGGERS.get(el.tag)
def process(item):
if isinstance(item, tuple) and (item[0] in (url_att, cdn_att)):
return (item[0], ast.Call(
value=ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load()),
ast.Name(id='options', ctx=ast.Load()),
ast.Name(id='values', ctx=ast.Load()),
], keywords=[],
starargs=None, kwargs=None
return item
return [process(it) for it in items]
def _compile_static_attributes(self, el, options):
items = super(QWeb, self)._compile_static_attributes(el, options)
return self._wrap_build_attributes(el, items, options)
def _compile_dynamic_attributes(self, el, options):
items = super(QWeb, self)._compile_dynamic_attributes(el, options)
return self._wrap_build_attributes(el, items, options)
# method called by computing code
def _get_dynamic_att(self, tagName, atts, options, values):
atts = super(QWeb, self)._get_dynamic_att(tagName, atts, options, values)
if options.get('rendering_bundle'):
return atts
for name, value in atts.items():
atts[name] = self._website_build_attribute(tagName, name, value, options, values)
return atts
def _is_static_node(self, el):
url_att = self.URL_ATTRS.get(el.tag)
cdn_att = self.CDN_TRIGGERS.get(el.tag)
return super(QWeb, self)._is_static_node(el) and \
(not url_att or not el.get(url_att)) and \
(not cdn_att or not el.get(cdn_att))