264 lines
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264 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import traceback
import os
import unittest
import pytz
import werkzeug
import werkzeug.routing
import werkzeug.utils
import flectra
from flectra import api, models
from flectra import SUPERUSER_ID
from flectra.http import request
from flectra.tools import config
from flectra.exceptions import QWebException
from flectra.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
from flectra.osv.expression import FALSE_DOMAIN, OR
from flectra.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import ModelConverter, _guess_mimetype
from flectra.addons.portal.controllers.portal import _build_url_w_params
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def sitemap_qs2dom(qs, route, field='name'):
""" Convert a query_string (can contains a path) to a domain"""
dom = []
if qs and qs.lower() not in route:
needles = qs.strip('/').split('/')
# needles will be altered and keep only element which one is not in route
# diff(from=['shop', 'product'], to=['shop', 'product', 'product']) => to=['product']
unittest.util.unorderable_list_difference(route.strip('/').split('/'), needles)
if len(needles) == 1:
dom = [(field, 'ilike', needles[0])]
return dom
class Http(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'ir.http'
def _get_converters(cls):
""" Get the converters list for custom url pattern werkzeug need to
match Rule. This override adds the website ones.
return dict(
super(Http, cls)._get_converters(),
def _auth_method_public(cls):
""" If no user logged, set the public user of current website, or default
public user as request uid.
After this method `request.env` can be called, since the `request.uid` is
set. The `env` lazy property of `request` will be correct.
if not request.session.uid:
env = api.Environment(request.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, request.context)
website = env['website'].get_current_website()
if website and website.user_id:
request.uid = website.user_id.id
if not request.uid:
super(Http, cls)._auth_method_public()
def _add_dispatch_parameters(cls, func):
context = {}
if not request.context.get('tz'):
context['tz'] = request.session.get('geoip', {}).get('time_zone')
pytz.timezone(context['tz'] or '')
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
request.website = request.env['website'].get_current_website() # can use `request.env` since auth methods are called
context['website_id'] = request.website.id
# modify bound context
request.context = dict(request.context, **context)
super(Http, cls)._add_dispatch_parameters(func)
if request.routing_iteration == 1:
request.website = request.website.with_context(request.context)
def _get_languages(cls):
if getattr(request, 'website', False):
return request.website.language_ids
return super(Http, cls)._get_languages()
def _get_language_codes(cls):
if getattr(request, 'website', False):
return request.website._get_languages()
return super(Http, cls)._get_language_codes()
def _get_default_lang(cls):
if getattr(request, 'website', False):
return request.website.default_lang_id
return super(Http, cls)._get_default_lang()
def _get_translation_frontend_modules_domain(cls):
domain = super(Http, cls)._get_translation_frontend_modules_domain()
return OR([domain, [('name', 'ilike', 'website')]])
def _serve_page(cls):
req_page = request.httprequest.path
domain = [('url', '=', req_page), '|', ('website_ids', 'in', request.website.id), ('website_ids', '=', False)]
pages = request.env['website.page'].search(domain)
if not request.website.is_publisher():
pages = pages.filtered('is_visible')
mypage = pages[0] if pages else False
_, ext = os.path.splitext(req_page)
if mypage:
return request.render(mypage.get_view_identifier(), {
# 'path': req_page[1:],
'deletable': True,
'main_object': mypage,
}, mimetype=_guess_mimetype(ext))
return False
def _serve_redirect(cls):
req_page = request.httprequest.path
domain = [
'|', ('website_id', '=', request.website.id), ('website_id', '=', False),
('url_from', '=', req_page)
return request.env['website.redirect'].search(domain, limit=1)
def _serve_fallback(cls, exception):
# serve attachment before
parent = super(Http, cls)._serve_fallback(exception)
if parent: # attachment
return parent
website_page = cls._serve_page()
if website_page:
return website_page
redirect = cls._serve_redirect()
if redirect:
return request.redirect(_build_url_w_params(redirect.url_to, request.params), code=redirect.type)
return False
def _handle_exception(cls, exception):
code = 500 # default code
is_website_request = bool(getattr(request, 'is_frontend', False) and getattr(request, 'website', False))
if not is_website_request:
# Don't touch non website requests exception handling
return super(Http, cls)._handle_exception(exception)
response = super(Http, cls)._handle_exception(exception)
if isinstance(response, Exception):
exception = response
# if parent excplicitely returns a plain response, then we don't touch it
return response
except Exception as e:
if 'werkzeug' in config['dev_mode'] and (not isinstance(exception, QWebException) or not exception.qweb.get('cause')):
exception = e
values = dict(
if isinstance(exception, werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException):
if exception.code is None:
# Hand-crafted HTTPException likely coming from abort(),
# usually for a redirect response -> return it directly
return exception
code = exception.code
if isinstance(exception, flectra.exceptions.AccessError):
code = 403
if isinstance(exception, QWebException):
if isinstance(exception.qweb.get('cause'), flectra.exceptions.AccessError):
code = 403
if code == 500:
logger.error("500 Internal Server Error:\n\n%s", values['traceback'])
if 'qweb_exception' in values:
view = request.env["ir.ui.view"]
views = view._views_get(exception.qweb['template'])
to_reset = views.filtered(lambda view: view.model_data_id.noupdate is True and view.arch_fs)
values['views'] = to_reset
elif code == 403:
logger.warn("403 Forbidden:\n\n%s", values['traceback'])
view_id = code
if request.website.is_publisher() and isinstance(exception, werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound):
view_id = 'page_404'
values['path'] = request.httprequest.path[1:]
if not request.uid:
html = request.env['ir.ui.view'].render_template('website.%s' % view_id, values)
except Exception:
html = request.env['ir.ui.view'].render_template('website.http_error', values)
return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(html, status=code, content_type='text/html;charset=utf-8')
def binary_content(cls, xmlid=None, model='ir.attachment', id=None, field='datas',
unique=False, filename=None, filename_field='datas_fname', download=False,
mimetype=None, default_mimetype='application/octet-stream',
access_token=None, env=None):
env = env or request.env
obj = None
if xmlid:
obj = env.ref(xmlid, False)
elif id and model in env:
obj = env[model].browse(int(id))
if obj and 'website_published' in obj._fields:
if env[obj._name].sudo().search([('id', '=', obj.id), ('website_published', '=', True)]):
env = env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
return super(Http, cls).binary_content(
xmlid=xmlid, model=model, id=id, field=field, unique=unique, filename=filename,
filename_field=filename_field, download=download, mimetype=mimetype,
default_mimetype=default_mimetype, access_token=access_token, env=env)
class ModelConverter(ModelConverter):
def generate(self, uid, dom=None, args=None):
Model = request.env[self.model].sudo(uid)
domain = safe_eval(self.domain, (args or {}).copy())
if dom:
domain += dom
for record in Model.search_read(domain=domain, fields=['write_date', Model._rec_name]):
if record.get(Model._rec_name, False):
yield {'loc': (record['id'], record[Model._rec_name])}