2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00

55 lines
2.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from flectra import SUPERUSER_ID
from flectra.http import request, route
from flectra.addons.bus.controllers.main import BusController
class MailChatController(BusController):
def _default_request_uid(self):
""" For Anonymous people, they receive the access right of SUPERUSER_ID since they have NO access (auth=none)
!!! Each time a method from this controller is call, there is a check if the user (who can be anonymous and Sudo access)
can access to the resource.
return request.session.uid and request.session.uid or SUPERUSER_ID
# --------------------------
# Extends BUS Controller Poll
# --------------------------
def _poll(self, dbname, channels, last, options):
if request.session.uid:
partner_id = request.env.user.partner_id.id
if partner_id:
channels = list(channels) # do not alter original list
for mail_channel in request.env['mail.channel'].search([('channel_partner_ids', 'in', [partner_id])]):
channels.append((request.db, 'mail.channel', mail_channel.id))
# personal and needaction channel
channels.append((request.db, 'res.partner', partner_id))
channels.append((request.db, 'ir.needaction', partner_id))
return super(MailChatController, self)._poll(dbname, channels, last, options)
# --------------------------
# Anonymous routes (Common Methods)
# --------------------------
@route('/mail/chat_post', type="json", auth="none")
def mail_chat_post(self, uuid, message_content, **kwargs):
# find the author from the user session, which can be None
author_id = False # message_post accept 'False' author_id, but not 'None'
if request.session.uid:
author_id = request.env['res.users'].sudo().browse(request.session.uid).partner_id.id
# post a message without adding followers to the channel. email_from=False avoid to get author from email data
mail_channel = request.env["mail.channel"].sudo().search([('uuid', '=', uuid)], limit=1)
message = mail_channel.sudo().with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True).message_post(author_id=author_id, email_from=False, body=message_content, message_type='comment', subtype='mail.mt_comment', content_subtype='plaintext')
return message and message.id or False
@route(['/mail/chat_history'], type="json", auth="none")
def mail_chat_history(self, uuid, last_id=False, limit=20):
channel = request.env["mail.channel"].sudo().search([('uuid', '=', uuid)], limit=1)
if not channel:
return []
return channel.channel_fetch_message(last_id, limit)