# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import collections import logging from lxml.html import clean import random import re import socket import threading import time from email.header import decode_header, Header from email.utils import getaddresses, formataddr from lxml import etree import flectra from flectra.loglevels import ustr from flectra.tools import pycompat, misc _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #---------------------------------------------------------- # HTML Sanitizer #---------------------------------------------------------- tags_to_kill = ["script", "head", "meta", "title", "link", "style", "frame", "iframe", "base", "object", "embed"] tags_to_remove = ['html', 'body'] # allow new semantic HTML5 tags allowed_tags = clean.defs.tags | frozenset('article section header footer hgroup nav aside figure main'.split() + [etree.Comment]) safe_attrs = clean.defs.safe_attrs | frozenset( ['style', 'data-o-mail-quote', # quote detection 'data-oe-model', 'data-oe-id', 'data-oe-field', 'data-oe-type', 'data-oe-expression', 'data-oe-translation-id', 'data-oe-nodeid', 'data-publish', 'data-id', 'data-res_id', 'data-member_id', 'data-view-id' ]) class _Cleaner(clean.Cleaner): _style_re = re.compile('''([\w-]+)\s*:\s*((?:[^;"']|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+)''') _style_whitelist = [ 'font-size', 'font-family', 'font-weight', 'background-color', 'color', 'text-align', 'line-height', 'letter-spacing', 'text-transform', 'text-decoration', 'opacity', 'float', 'vertical-align', 'display', 'padding', 'padding-top', 'padding-left', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-right', 'margin', 'margin-top', 'margin-left', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-right', 'white-space', # box model 'border', 'border-color', 'border-radius', 'border-style', 'border-width', 'border-top', 'height', 'width', 'max-width', 'min-width', 'min-height', # tables 'border-collapse', 'border-spacing', 'caption-side', 'empty-cells', 'table-layout'] _style_whitelist.extend( ['border-%s-%s' % (position, attribute) for position in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'] for attribute in ('style', 'color', 'width', 'left-radius', 'right-radius')] ) strip_classes = False sanitize_style = False def __call__(self, doc): # perform quote detection before cleaning and class removal for el in doc.iter(tag=etree.Element): self.tag_quote(el) super(_Cleaner, self).__call__(doc) # if we keep attributes but still remove classes if not getattr(self, 'safe_attrs_only', False) and self.strip_classes: for el in doc.iter(tag=etree.Element): self.strip_class(el) # if we keep style attribute, sanitize them if not self.style and self.sanitize_style: for el in doc.iter(tag=etree.Element): self.parse_style(el) def tag_quote(self, el): def _create_new_node(tag, text, tail=None, attrs=None): new_node = etree.Element(tag) new_node.text = text new_node.tail = tail if attrs: for key, val in attrs.items(): new_node.set(key, val) return new_node def _tag_matching_regex_in_text(regex, node, tag='span', attrs=None): text = node.text or '' if not re.search(regex, text): return child_node = None idx, node_idx = 0, 0 for item in re.finditer(regex, text): new_node = _create_new_node(tag, text[item.start():item.end()], None, attrs) if child_node is None: node.text = text[idx:item.start()] new_node.tail = text[item.end():] node.insert(node_idx, new_node) else: child_node.tail = text[idx:item.start()] new_node.tail = text[item.end():] node.insert(node_idx, new_node) child_node = new_node idx = item.end() node_idx = node_idx + 1 el_class = el.get('class', '') or '' el_id = el.get('id', '') or '' # gmail or yahoo // # outlook, html // # msoffice if ('gmail_extra' in el_class or 'yahoo_quoted' in el_class) or \ (el.tag == 'hr' and ('stopSpelling' in el_class or 'stopSpelling' in el_id)) or \ ('SkyDrivePlaceholder' in el_class or 'SkyDrivePlaceholder' in el_class): el.set('data-o-mail-quote', '1') if el.getparent() is not None: el.getparent().set('data-o-mail-quote-container', '1') # html signature (--
blah) signature_begin = re.compile(r"((?:(?:^|\n)[-]{2}[\s]?$))") if el.text and el.find('br') is not None and re.search(signature_begin, el.text): el.set('data-o-mail-quote', '1') if el.getparent() is not None: el.getparent().set('data-o-mail-quote-container', '1') # text-based quotes (>, >>) and signatures (-- Signature) text_complete_regex = re.compile(r"((?:\n[>]+[^\n\r]*)+|(?:(?:^|\n)[-]{2}[\s]?[\r\n]{1,2}[\s\S]+))") if not el.get('data-o-mail-quote'): _tag_matching_regex_in_text(text_complete_regex, el, 'span', {'data-o-mail-quote': '1'}) if el.tag == 'blockquote': # remove single node el.set('data-o-mail-quote-node', '1') el.set('data-o-mail-quote', '1') if el.getparent() is not None and (el.getparent().get('data-o-mail-quote') or el.getparent().get('data-o-mail-quote-container')) and not el.getparent().get('data-o-mail-quote-node'): el.set('data-o-mail-quote', '1') def strip_class(self, el): if el.attrib.get('class'): del el.attrib['class'] def parse_style(self, el): attributes = el.attrib styling = attributes.get('style') if styling: valid_styles = collections.OrderedDict() styles = self._style_re.findall(styling) for style in styles: if style[0].lower() in self._style_whitelist: valid_styles[style[0].lower()] = style[1] if valid_styles: el.attrib['style'] = '; '.join('%s:%s' % (key, val) for (key, val) in valid_styles.items()) else: del el.attrib['style'] def allow_element(self, el): if el.tag == 'object' and el.get('type') == "image/svg+xml": return True return super(_Cleaner, self).allow_element(el) def html_sanitize(src, silent=True, sanitize_tags=True, sanitize_attributes=False, sanitize_style=False, strip_style=False, strip_classes=False): if not src: return src src = ustr(src, errors='replace') # html: remove encoding attribute inside tags doctype = re.compile(r'(<[^>]*\s)(encoding=(["\'][^"\']*?["\']|[^\s\n\r>]+)(\s[^>]*|/)?>)', re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) src = doctype.sub(u"", src) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.html_sanitize') # html encode email tags part = re.compile(r"(<(([^a<>]|a[^<>\s])[^<>]*)@[^<>]+>)", re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) # remove results containing cite="mid:email_like@address" (ex: blockquote cite) # cite_except = re.compile(r"^((?!cite[\s]*=['\"]).)*$", re.IGNORECASE) src = part.sub(lambda m: (u'cite=' not in m.group(1) and u'alt=' not in m.group(1)) and misc.html_escape(m.group(1)) or m.group(1), src) # html encode mako tags <% ... %> to decode them later and keep them alive, otherwise they are stripped by the cleaner src = src.replace(u'<%', misc.html_escape(u'<%')) src = src.replace(u'%>', misc.html_escape(u'%>')) kwargs = { 'page_structure': True, 'style': strip_style, # True = remove style tags/attrs 'sanitize_style': sanitize_style, # True = sanitize styling 'forms': True, # True = remove form tags 'remove_unknown_tags': False, 'comments': False, 'processing_instructions': False } if sanitize_tags: kwargs['allow_tags'] = allowed_tags if etree.LXML_VERSION >= (2, 3, 1): # kill_tags attribute has been added in version 2.3.1 kwargs.update({ 'kill_tags': tags_to_kill, 'remove_tags': tags_to_remove, }) else: kwargs['remove_tags'] = tags_to_kill + tags_to_remove if sanitize_attributes and etree.LXML_VERSION >= (3, 1, 0): # lxml < 3.1.0 does not allow to specify safe_attrs. We keep all attributes in order to keep "style" if strip_classes: current_safe_attrs = safe_attrs - frozenset(['class']) else: current_safe_attrs = safe_attrs kwargs.update({ 'safe_attrs_only': True, 'safe_attrs': current_safe_attrs, }) else: kwargs.update({ 'safe_attrs_only': False, # keep oe-data attributes + style 'strip_classes': strip_classes, # remove classes, even when keeping other attributes }) try: # some corner cases make the parser crash (such as in test_mail) cleaner = _Cleaner(**kwargs) cleaned = cleaner.clean_html(src) assert isinstance(cleaned, pycompat.text_type) # MAKO compatibility: $, { and } inside quotes are escaped, preventing correct mako execution cleaned = cleaned.replace(u'%24', u'$') cleaned = cleaned.replace(u'%7B', u'{') cleaned = cleaned.replace(u'%7D', u'}') cleaned = cleaned.replace(u'%20', u' ') cleaned = cleaned.replace(u'%5B', u'[') cleaned = cleaned.replace(u'%5D', u']') cleaned = cleaned.replace(u'%7C', u'|') cleaned = cleaned.replace(u'<%', u'<%') cleaned = cleaned.replace(u'%>', u'%>') # html considerations so real html content match database value cleaned.replace(u'\xa0', u' ') except etree.ParserError as e: if u'empty' in pycompat.text_type(e): return u"" if not silent: raise logger.warning(u'ParserError obtained when sanitizing %r', src, exc_info=True) cleaned = u'

ParserError when sanitizing

' except Exception: if not silent: raise logger.warning(u'unknown error obtained when sanitizing %r', src, exc_info=True) cleaned = u'

Unknown error when sanitizing

' # this is ugly, but lxml/etree tostring want to put everything in a 'div' that breaks the editor -> remove that if cleaned.startswith(u'
') and cleaned.endswith(u'
'): cleaned = cleaned[5:-6] return cleaned #---------------------------------------------------------- # HTML/Text management #---------------------------------------------------------- def html_keep_url(text): """ Transform the url into clickable link with tag """ idx = 0 final = '' link_tags = re.compile(r"""(?)""") for item in re.finditer(link_tags, text): final += text[idx:item.start()] final += '%s' % (item.group(0), item.group(0)) idx = item.end() final += text[idx:] return final def html2plaintext(html, body_id=None, encoding='utf-8'): """ From an HTML text, convert the HTML to plain text. If @param body_id is provided then this is the tag where the body (not necessarily ) starts. """ ## (c) Fry-IT, www.fry-it.com, 2007 ## ## download here: http://www.peterbe.com/plog/html2plaintext html = ustr(html) if not html: return '' tree = etree.fromstring(html, parser=etree.HTMLParser()) if body_id is not None: source = tree.xpath('//*[@id=%s]' % (body_id,)) else: source = tree.xpath('//body') if len(source): tree = source[0] url_index = [] i = 0 for link in tree.findall('.//a'): url = link.get('href') if url: i += 1 link.tag = 'span' link.text = '%s [%s]' % (link.text, i) url_index.append(url) html = ustr(etree.tostring(tree, encoding=encoding)) # \r char is converted into , must remove it html = html.replace(' ', '') html = html.replace('', '*').replace('', '*') html = html.replace('', '*').replace('', '*') html = html.replace('

', '*').replace('

', '*') html = html.replace('

', '**').replace('

', '**') html = html.replace('

', '**').replace('

', '**') html = html.replace('', '/').replace('', '/') html = html.replace('', '\n') html = html.replace('

', '\n') html = re.sub('', '\n', html) html = re.sub('<.*?>', ' ', html) html = html.replace(' ' * 2, ' ') html = html.replace('>', '>') html = html.replace('<', '<') html = html.replace('&', '&') # strip all lines html = '\n'.join([x.strip() for x in html.splitlines()]) html = html.replace('\n' * 2, '\n') for i, url in enumerate(url_index): if i == 0: html += '\n\n' html += ustr('[%s] %s\n') % (i + 1, url) return html def plaintext2html(text, container_tag=False): """ Convert plaintext into html. Content of the text is escaped to manage html entities, using misc.html_escape(). - all \n,\r are replaced by
- enclose content into

- convert url into clickable link - 2 or more consecutive
are considered as paragraph breaks :param string container_tag: container of the html; by default the content is embedded into a

""" text = misc.html_escape(ustr(text)) # 1. replace \n and \r text = text.replace('\n', '
') text = text.replace('\r', '
') # 2. clickable links text = html_keep_url(text) # 3-4: form paragraphs idx = 0 final = '

' br_tags = re.compile(r'(([<]\s*[bB][rR]\s*\/?[>]\s*){2,})') for item in re.finditer(br_tags, text): final += text[idx:item.start()] + '

' idx = item.end() final += text[idx:] + '

' # 5. container if container_tag: final = '<%s>%s' % (container_tag, final, container_tag) return ustr(final) def append_content_to_html(html, content, plaintext=True, preserve=False, container_tag=False): """ Append extra content at the end of an HTML snippet, trying to locate the end of the HTML document (, , or EOF), and converting the provided content in html unless ``plaintext`` is False. Content conversion can be done in two ways: - wrapping it into a pre (preserve=True) - use plaintext2html (preserve=False, using container_tag to wrap the whole content) A side-effect of this method is to coerce all HTML tags to lowercase in ``html``, and strip enclosing or tags in content if ``plaintext`` is False. :param str html: html tagsoup (doesn't have to be XHTML) :param str content: extra content to append :param bool plaintext: whether content is plaintext and should be wrapped in a
        :param bool preserve: if content is plaintext, wrap it into a 
            instead of converting it into html
    html = ustr(html)
    if plaintext and preserve:
        content = u'\n
\n' % ustr(content) elif plaintext: content = '\n%s\n' % plaintext2html(content, container_tag) else: content = re.sub(r'(?i)(]*>)', '', content) content = u'\n%s\n' % ustr(content) # Force all tags to lowercase html = re.sub(r'(])', lambda m: '%s%s%s' % (m.group(1), m.group(2).lower(), m.group(3)), html) insert_location = html.find('') if insert_location == -1: insert_location = html.find('') if insert_location == -1: return '%s%s' % (html, content) return '%s%s%s' % (html[:insert_location], content, html[insert_location:]) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Emails #---------------------------------------------------------- # matches any email in a body of text email_re = re.compile(r"""([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,63})""", re.VERBOSE) # matches a string containing only one email single_email_re = re.compile(r"""^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$""", re.VERBOSE) # Updated in 7.0 to match the model name as well # Typical form of references is # group(1) = the record ID ; group(2) = the model (if any) ; group(3) = the domain reference_re = re.compile("<.*-flectra-(\\d+)(?:-([\w.]+))?[^>]*@([^>]*)>", re.UNICODE) discussion_re = re.compile("<.*-flectra-private[^>]*@([^>]*)>", re.UNICODE) mail_header_msgid_re = re.compile('<[^<>]+>') def generate_tracking_message_id(res_id): """Returns a string that can be used in the Message-ID RFC822 header field Used to track the replies related to a given object thanks to the "In-Reply-To" or "References" fields that Mail User Agents will set. """ try: rnd = random.SystemRandom().random() except NotImplementedError: rnd = random.random() rndstr = ("%.15f" % rnd)[2:] return "<%s.%.15f-flectra-%s@%s>" % (rndstr, time.time(), res_id, socket.gethostname()) def email_send(email_from, email_to, subject, body, email_cc=None, email_bcc=None, reply_to=False, attachments=None, message_id=None, references=None, openobject_id=False, debug=False, subtype='plain', headers=None, smtp_server=None, smtp_port=None, ssl=False, smtp_user=None, smtp_password=None, cr=None, uid=None): """Low-level function for sending an email (deprecated). :deprecate: since OpenERP 6.1, please use ir.mail_server.send_email() instead. :param email_from: A string used to fill the `From` header, if falsy, config['email_from'] is used instead. Also used for the `Reply-To` header if `reply_to` is not provided :param email_to: a sequence of addresses to send the mail to. """ # If not cr, get cr from current thread database local_cr = None if not cr: db_name = getattr(threading.currentThread(), 'dbname', None) if db_name: local_cr = cr = flectra.registry(db_name).cursor() else: raise Exception("No database cursor found, please pass one explicitly") # Send Email try: mail_server_pool = flectra.registry(cr.dbname)['ir.mail_server'] res = False # Pack Message into MIME Object email_msg = mail_server_pool.build_email(email_from, email_to, subject, body, email_cc, email_bcc, reply_to, attachments, message_id, references, openobject_id, subtype, headers=headers) res = mail_server_pool.send_email(cr, uid or 1, email_msg, mail_server_id=None, smtp_server=smtp_server, smtp_port=smtp_port, smtp_user=smtp_user, smtp_password=smtp_password, smtp_encryption=('ssl' if ssl else None), smtp_debug=debug) except Exception: _logger.exception("tools.email_send failed to deliver email") return False finally: if local_cr: cr.close() return res def email_split(text): """ Return a list of the email addresses found in ``text`` """ if not text: return [] return [addr[1] for addr in getaddresses([text]) # getaddresses() returns '' when email parsing fails, and # sometimes returns emails without at least '@'. The '@' # is strictly required in RFC2822's `addr-spec`. if addr[1] if '@' in addr[1]] def email_split_and_format(text): """ Return a list of email addresses found in ``text``, formatted using formataddr. """ if not text: return [] return [formataddr((addr[0], addr[1])) for addr in getaddresses([text]) # getaddresses() returns '' when email parsing fails, and # sometimes returns emails without at least '@'. The '@' # is strictly required in RFC2822's `addr-spec`. if addr[1] if '@' in addr[1]] def email_escape_char(email_address): """ Escape problematic characters in the given email address string""" return email_address.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('%', '\\%').replace('_', '\\_') def email_references(references): ref_match, model, thread_id, hostname, is_private = False, False, False, False, False if references: ref_match = reference_re.search(references) if ref_match: model = ref_match.group(2) thread_id = int(ref_match.group(1)) hostname = ref_match.group(3) else: ref_match = discussion_re.search(references) if ref_match: is_private = True return (ref_match, model, thread_id, hostname, is_private) # was mail_message.decode() def decode_smtp_header(smtp_header): """Returns unicode() string conversion of the given encoded smtp header text. email.header decode_header method return a decoded string and its charset for each decoded par of the header. This method unicodes the decoded header and join them in a complete string. """ if isinstance(smtp_header, Header): smtp_header = ustr(smtp_header) if smtp_header: text = decode_header(smtp_header.replace('\r', '')) # The joining space will not be needed as of Python 3.3 # See https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/07ea53cb218812404cdbde820647ce6e4b2d0f8e sep = ' ' if pycompat.PY2 else '' return sep.join([ustr(x[0], x[1]) for x in text]) return u'' # was mail_thread.decode_header() def decode_message_header(message, header, separator=' '): return separator.join(decode_smtp_header(h) for h in message.get_all(header, []) if h)