# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import json from flectra.http import Controller, Response, request, route class website_gengo(Controller): @route('/website/gengo_callback', type='http', auth='none', csrf=False) def gengo_callback(self, **post): IrTranslationSudo = request.env['ir.translation'].sudo() if post and post.get('job') and post.get('pgk'): if post.get('pgk') != request.env['base.gengo.translation'].sudo().get_gengo_key(): return Response("Bad authentication", status=104) job = json.loads(post['job'], 'utf-8') tid = job.get('custom_data', False) if (job.get('status') == 'approved') and tid: term = IrTranslationSudo.browse(int(tid)) if term.src != job.get('body_src'): return Response("Text Altered - Not saved", status=418) domain = [ '|', ('id', "=", int(tid)), '&', '&', '&', '&', '&', ('state', '=', term.state), ('gengo_translation', '=', term.gengo_translation), ('src', "=", term.src), ('type', "=", term.type), ('name', "=", term.name), ('lang', "=", term.lang), #('order_id', "=", term.order_id), ] all_ir_tanslations = IrTranslationSudo.search(domain) if all_ir_tanslations: all_ir_tanslations.write({ 'state': 'translated', 'value': job.get('body_tgt') }) return Response("OK", status=200) else: return Response("No terms found", status=412) return Response("Not saved", status=418)