# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from flectra import fields, models, _ from flectra.exceptions import UserError class StockImmediateTransfer(models.TransientModel): _name = 'stock.immediate.transfer' _description = 'Immediate Transfer' pick_ids = fields.Many2many('stock.picking', 'stock_picking_transfer_rel') def process(self): pick_to_backorder = self.env['stock.picking'] pick_to_do = self.env['stock.picking'] for picking in self.pick_ids: # If still in draft => confirm and assign if picking.state == 'draft': picking.action_confirm() if picking.state != 'assigned': picking.action_assign() if picking.state != 'assigned': raise UserError(_("Could not reserve all requested products. Please use the \'Mark as Todo\' button to handle the reservation manually.")) for move in picking.move_lines: if move.move_line_ids: for move_line in move.move_line_ids: move_line.qty_done = move_line.product_uom_qty else: move.quantity_done = move.product_uom_qty if picking._check_backorder(): pick_to_backorder |= picking continue pick_to_do |= picking # Process every picking that do not require a backorder, then return a single backorder wizard for every other ones. if pick_to_do: pick_to_do.action_done() if pick_to_backorder: return pick_to_backorder.action_generate_backorder_wizard() return False