Event: Registration Badge ${(object.event_id.organizer_id.email or object.event_id.user_id.email or '')|safe} ${object.partner_id.email or object.email|safe} ${object.partner_id.lang} Your badge for ${object.event_id.name} badge_of_${(object.event_id.name or '').replace('/','_')} Dear ${object.name},

Thank you for your inquiry.

Here is your badge for the event ${object.event_id.name}.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Best regards,

Event: Registration ${(object.event_id.organizer_id.email or object.event_id.user_id.email or '')|safe} ${object.partner_id.email or object.email|safe} ${object.partner_id.lang} Your registration at ${object.event_id.name} % set date_begin = format_tz(object.event_id.date_begin, tz='UTC', format='%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') % set date_end = format_tz(object.event_id.date_end, tz='UTC', format='%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')
${object.company_id.name} % if 'website_url' in object.event_id and object.event_id.website_url: View Event % endif


We are happy to confirm your registration to the event:

  • Event: % if 'website_url' in object.event_id and object.event_id.website_url: ${object.event_id.name} % else: ${object.event_id.name} % endif
  • Attendee: ${object.name}

See you soon,

% if object.event_id.organizer_id: ${object.event_id.organizer_id.name} % else: The organizers. % endif

Don't forget to add it to your calendar:

Google Outlook Yahoo
% if object.event_id.address_id.country_id.name: % endif
From ${object.event_id.date_begin_located}
To ${object.event_id.date_end_located}
TZ ${object.event_id.date_tz}
% set location = '' % if object.event_id.address_id.name:


% endif % if object.event_id.address_id.street:


% set location = object.event_id.address_id.street % endif % if object.event_id.address_id.street2:


% set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.street2) % endif

% if object.event_id.address_id.city: ${object.event_id.address_id.city}, % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.city) % endif % if object.event_id.address_id.state_id.name: ${object.event_id.address_id.state_id.name}, % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.state_id.name) % endif % if object.event_id.address_id.zip: ${object.event_id.address_id.zip} % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.zip) % endif

% if object.event_id.address_id.country_id.name:


% set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.country_id.name) % endif
% if object.event_id.organizer_id:

Questions about this event?

Please contact the organizer:

  • ${object.event_id.organizer_id.name}
  • % if object.event_id.organizer_id.email
  • Mail: ${object.event_id.organizer_id.email}
  • % endif % if object.event_id.organizer_id.phone
  • Phone: ${object.event_id.organizer_id.phone}
  • % endif
% endif
% if object.event_id.address_id: % endif
% if 'website_url' in object.event_id and object.event_id.website_url:
Discover all our events.
% endif
Event: Reminder ${(object.event_id.organizer_id.email or object.event_id.user_id.email or '')|safe} ${object.partner_id.email or object.email|safe} ${object.partner_id.lang} ${object.event_id.name}: ${object.get_date_range_str()} % set date_begin = format_tz(object.event_id.date_begin, tz='UTC', format='%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') % set date_end = format_tz(object.event_id.date_end, tz='UTC', format='%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')
${object.company_id.name} % if 'website_url' in object.event_id and object.event_id.website_url: View Event % endif


We are excited to remind you that the event % if 'website_url' in object.event_id and object.event_id.website_url: ${object.event_id.name} % else: ${object.event_id.name} % endif is starting ${object.get_date_range_str()}.

We confirm your registration and hope to meet you there,

% if object.event_id.organizer_id: ${object.event_id.organizer_id.name} % else: The organizers. % endif

% if object.event_id.address_id: % endif
From ${object.event_id.date_begin_located}
To ${object.event_id.date_end_located}
TZ ${object.event_id.date_tz}
% set location = '' % if object.event_id.address_id.name:


% endif % if object.event_id.address_id.street:


% set location = object.event_id.address_id.street % endif % if object.event_id.address_id.street2:


% set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.street2) % endif

% if object.event_id.address_id.city: ${object.event_id.address_id.city}, % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.city) % endif % if object.event_id.address_id.state_id.name: ${object.event_id.address_id.state_id.name}, % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.state_id.name) % endif % if object.event_id.address_id.zip: ${object.event_id.address_id.zip} % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.zip) % endif

% if object.event_id.address_id.country_id.name:


% set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.event_id.address_id.country_id.name) % endif
% if object.event_id.organizer_id.email:

Questions about this event?

Please contact the organizer:

  • ${object.event_id.organizer_id.name}
  • % if object.event_id.organizer_id.email
  • Mail: ${object.event_id.organizer_id.email}
  • % endif % if object.event_id.organizer_id.phone
  • Phone: ${object.event_id.organizer_id.phone}
  • % endif
% endif
Add this event to your calendar Google Outlook Yahoo
% if object.event_id.address_id: % endif
% if 'website_url' in object.event_id and object.event_id.website_url:
Discover all our events.
% endif