flectra.define('board.dashboard_tests', function (require) { "use strict"; var testUtils = require('web.test_utils'); var FormView = require('web.FormView'); var ListRenderer = require('web.ListRenderer'); var createView = testUtils.createView; QUnit.module('Dashboard', { beforeEach: function () { this.data = { board: { fields: { }, records: [ ] }, partner: { fields: { display_name: {string: "Displayed name", type: "char", searchable: true}, foo: {string: "Foo", type: "char", default: "My little Foo Value", searchable: true}, }, records: [{ id: 1, display_name: "first record", foo: "yop", }, { id: 2, display_name: "second record", foo: "lalala", }, { id: 4, display_name: "aaa", foo: "abc", }], }, }; } }); QUnit.test('dashboard basic rendering', function (assert) { assert.expect(4); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '
', }); assert.notOk(form.renderer.$el.hasClass('o_dashboard'), "should not have the o_dashboard css class"); form.destroy(); form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
', }); assert.ok(form.renderer.$el.hasClass('o_dashboard'), "with a dashboard, the renderer should have the proper css class"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_dashboard .oe_view_nocontent').length, 1, "should have a no content helper"); assert.strictEqual(form.get('title'), "My Dashboard", "should have the correct title"); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('display the no content helper', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
', viewOptions: { action: { help: '

click to add a partner

' } }, }); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_dashboard .oe_view_nocontent p:contains(click to add a partner)').length, 1, "should have a no content helper with action help"); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('basic functionality, with one sub action', function (assert) { assert.expect(25); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/action/load') { assert.step('load action'); return $.when({ res_model: 'partner', views: [[4, 'list']], }); } if (route === '/web/dataset/search_read') { assert.deepEqual(args.domain, [['foo', '!=', 'False']], "the domain should be passed"); } if (route === '/web/view/edit_custom') { assert.step('edit custom'); return $.when(true); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, archs: { 'partner,4,list': '', }, }); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_dashboard_links').length, 1, "should have rendered a link div"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('table.oe_dashboard[data-layout="2-1"]').length, 1, "should have rendered a table"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('td.o_list_record_selector').length, 0, "td should not have a list selector"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('h2 span.oe_header_txt:contains(ABC)').length, 1, "should have rendered a header with action string"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('tr.o_data_row').length, 3, "should have rendered 3 data rows"); assert.ok(form.$('.oe_content').is(':visible'), "content is visible"); form.$('.oe_fold').click(); assert.notOk(form.$('.oe_content').is(':visible'), "content is no longer visible"); form.$('.oe_fold').click(); assert.ok(form.$('.oe_content').is(':visible'), "content is visible again"); assert.verifySteps(['load action', 'edit custom', 'edit custom']); assert.strictEqual($('.modal').length, 0, "should have no modal open"); form.$('button.oe_dashboard_link_change_layout').click(); assert.strictEqual($('.modal').length, 1, "should have opened a modal"); assert.strictEqual($('.modal li[data-layout="2-1"] i.oe_dashboard_selected_layout').length, 1, "should mark currently selected layout"); $('.modal .oe_dashboard_layout_selector li[data-layout="1-1"]').click(); assert.strictEqual($('.modal').length, 0, "should have no modal open"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('table.oe_dashboard[data-layout="1-1"]').length, 1, "should have rendered a table with correct layout"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_action').length, 1, "should have one displayed action"); form.$('span.oe_close').click(); assert.strictEqual($('.modal').length, 1, "should have opened a modal"); // confirm the close operation $('.modal button.btn-primary').click(); assert.strictEqual($('.modal').length, 0, "should have no modal open"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_action').length, 0, "should have no displayed action"); assert.verifySteps(['load action', 'edit custom', 'edit custom', 'edit custom', 'edit custom']); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('can sort a sub list', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); this.data.partner.fields.foo.sortable = true; var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/web/action/load') { return $.when({ res_model: 'partner', views: [[4, 'list']], }); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, archs: { 'partner,4,list': '', }, }); assert.strictEqual($('tr.o_data_row').text(), 'yoplalalaabc', "should have correct initial data"); form.$('th.o_column_sortable:contains(Foo)').click(); assert.strictEqual($('tr.o_data_row').text(), 'abclalalayop', "data should have been sorted"); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('can open a record', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/web/action/load') { return $.when({ res_model: 'partner', views: [[4, 'list']], }); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, archs: { 'partner,4,list': '', }, intercepts: { do_action: function (event) { assert.deepEqual(event.data.action, { res_id: 1, res_model: 'partner', type: 'ir.actions.act_window', views: [[false, 'form']], }, "should do a do_action with correct parameters"); }, }, }); form.$('tr.o_data_row td:contains(yop)').click(); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('can open record using action form view', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/web/action/load') { return $.when({ res_model: 'partner', views: [[4, 'list'], [5, 'form']], }); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, archs: { 'partner,4,list': '', 'partner,5,form': '
', }, intercepts: { do_action: function (event) { assert.deepEqual(event.data.action, { res_id: 1, res_model: 'partner', type: 'ir.actions.act_window', views: [[5, 'form']], }, "should do a do_action with correct parameters"); }, }, }); form.$('tr.o_data_row td:contains(yop)').click(); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('can drag and drop a view', function (assert) { assert.expect(4); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/web/action/load') { return $.when({ res_model: 'partner', views: [[4, 'list']], }); } if (route === '/web/view/edit_custom') { assert.step('edit custom'); return $.when(true); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, archs: { 'partner,4,list': '', }, }); assert.strictEqual(form.$('td.index_0 .oe_action').length, 1, "initial action is in column 0"); testUtils.dragAndDrop(form.$('.oe_dashboard_column.index_0 .oe_header'), form.$('.oe_dashboard_column.index_1')); assert.strictEqual(form.$('td.index_0 .oe_action').length, 0, "initial action is not in column 0"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('td.index_1 .oe_action').length, 1, "initial action is in in column 1"); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('twice the same action in a dashboard', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/web/action/load') { return $.when({ res_model: 'partner', views: [[4, 'list'],[5, 'kanban']], }); } if (route === '/web/view/edit_custom') { assert.step('edit custom'); return $.when(true); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, archs: { 'partner,4,list': '', 'partner,5,kanban': '' + '
' + '
', }, }); var $firstAction = form.$('.oe_action:contains(ABC)'); assert.strictEqual($firstAction.find('.o_list_view').length, 1, "list view should be displayed in 'ABC' block"); var $secondAction = form.$('.oe_action:contains(DEF)'); assert.strictEqual($secondAction.find('.o_kanban_view').length, 1, "kanban view should be displayed in 'DEF' block"); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('non-existing action in a dashboard', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', intercepts: { load_views: function () { throw new Error('load_views should not be called'); } }, mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/board/static/src/img/layout_1-1-1.png') { return $.when(); } if (route === '/web/action/load') { // server answer if the action doesn't exist anymore return $.when(false); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_action:contains(ABC)').length, 1, "there should be a box for the non-existing action"); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('clicking on a kanban\'s button should trigger the action', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', archs: { 'partner,false,kanban': '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
', }, intercepts: { execute_action: function (event) { var data = event.data; assert.strictEqual(data.env.model, 'partner', "should have correct model"); assert.strictEqual(data.action_data.name, 'sitting_on_a_park_bench', "should call correct method"); } }, mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/board/static/src/img/layout_1-1-1.png') { return $.when(); } if (route === '/web/action/load') { return $.when({res_model: 'partner', view_mode: 'kanban', views: [[false, 'kanban']]}); } if (route === '/web/dataset/search_read') { return $.when({records: [{foo: 'aqualung'}]}); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); } }); form.$('.o_kanban_test').find('button:first').click(); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('subviews are aware of attach in or detach from the DOM', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); // patch list renderer `on_attach_callback` for the test only testUtils.patch(ListRenderer, { on_attach_callback: function () { assert.step('subview on_attach_callback'); } }); var form = createView({ View: FormView, model: 'board', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', mockRPC: function (route) { if (route === '/web/action/load') { return $.when({ res_model: 'partner', views: [[4, 'list']], }); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, archs: { 'partner,4,list': '', }, }); assert.verifySteps(['subview on_attach_callback']); // restore on_attach_callback of ListRenderer testUtils.unpatch(ListRenderer); form.destroy(); }); });