# Part of Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from flectra import api, models, _ from flectra.exceptions import UserError from datetime import datetime, timedelta from flectra.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT as DATETIME_FORMAT class StockAgeingReport(models.AbstractModel): _name = 'report.stock_ageing_report.stock_ageing_report_template' @api.model def get_report_values(self, docids, data=None): if not data.get('form') or not self.env.context.get( 'active_model') or not self.env.context.get('active_id'): raise UserError( _("Form content is missing, this report cannot be printed.")) report = self.env['ir.actions.report']._get_report_from_name( 'stock_ageing_report.action_stock_ageing_report') get_data = self._get_data(data) return { 'doc_ids': docids, 'doc_model': report.model, 'docs': self, 'data': { 'company': [get_data['company_id']], 'branch': [get_data['branch_id']], 'warehouse': [get_data['warehouse_id']], 'location': [get_data['location_id']], 'product_category': [get_data['product_category_id']], 'product': [get_data['product_id']], 'period_length': [get_data['period_length']], 'date': [get_data['date']], 'period_list': get_data['period_list'], 'product_list': get_data['product_list'] } } def _get_product_wise_detail(self, product_ids, location_id, date, period_length, branch_id, company_id): product_list = [] date_1 = datetime.strftime(date, DATETIME_FORMAT) date_2 = datetime.strftime( date - timedelta(days=period_length), DATETIME_FORMAT) date_3 = datetime.strftime( date - timedelta(days=(period_length * 2)), DATETIME_FORMAT) date_4 = datetime.strftime( date - timedelta(days=(period_length * 3)), DATETIME_FORMAT) date_5 = datetime.strftime( date - timedelta(days=(period_length * 4)), DATETIME_FORMAT) date_period = [date_1, date_2, date_3, date_4, date_5] final_dates = [ (date, date_period[date_period.index(date) + 1] if date_period.index(date) < 4 else date) for date in date_period] for product in product_ids: qty_period_list = self.calculate_virtual_qty( product, location_id, branch_id, company_id, final_dates) product_dict = {'product_id': product.name_get()[0][1], 'qty_period_list': qty_period_list, 'qty_available': sum(qty_period_list)} product_list.append(product_dict) return product_list def calculate_virtual_qty(self, product, location_id, branch_id, company_id, date_range): product_list = [] quant_obj = self.env['stock.quant'] move_obj = self.env['stock.move'] for date in date_range: domain = [] to_date = False from_date = date[0] if date[0] != date[1]: to_date = date[1] domain += [('product_id', '=', product.id)] if product.tracking != 'none': domain += [('location_id', 'in', location_id.ids), ('in_date', '<=', from_date), ('branch_id', '=', branch_id.id), ('company_id', '=', company_id.id)] if to_date: domain += [('in_date', '>', to_date)] virtual_available = sum( [quant.quantity for quant in quant_obj.search(domain)]) print ("\n domain", domain) else: domain += ['|', ('location_id', 'in', location_id.ids), ('location_dest_id', 'in', location_id.ids), ('state', '=', 'done'), ('bal_qty', '>', 0), ('date', '<=', from_date), ('branch_dest_id', '=', branch_id.id), ('company_id', '=', company_id.id)] if to_date: domain += [('date', '>', to_date)] virtual_available = sum( [move.bal_qty for move in move_obj.search(domain)]) product_list.append(virtual_available) return product_list def _get_data(self, data): domain = [] company_id = self.env['res.company'].browse(data['form']['company_id']) branch_id = self.env['res.branch'].browse(data['form']['branch_id']) warehouse_id = self.env['stock.warehouse'].browse( data['form']['warehouse_id']) location_id = self.env['stock.location'].browse( data['form']['location_id']) product_category_id = self.env['product.category'].browse( data['form']['product_category_id']) product_id = self.env['product.product'].browse( data['form']['product_id']) if not location_id: location_id = self.env['stock.location'].search([ ('company_id', '=', company_id.id), ('usage', '=', 'internal')]) period_length = data['form']['period_length'] date = datetime.strptime(data['form']['date'], DATETIME_FORMAT) if product_id: domain += [('id', 'in', product_id.ids)] elif product_category_id: domain += [('categ_id', 'in', product_category_id.ids), ('type', '=', 'product')] else: domain += [('qty_available', '>', 0)] product_ids = self.env['product.product'].search(domain) product_list = self._get_product_wise_detail( product_ids, location_id, date, period_length, branch_id, company_id) warehouse = location = product_category = '' if warehouse_id: warehouse = ','.join( wh.name_get()[0][1] for wh in warehouse_id) if len(warehouse_id) > 1 else\ warehouse_id.name_get()[0][1] if data['form']['location_id']: location = ','.join(loc.name_get()[0][1] for loc in location_id) \ if len(location_id) > 1 else location_id.name_get()[0][1] or '' if product_category_id: product_category = ','.join( categ.name_get()[0][1] for categ in product_category_id ) if len(product_category_id) > 1 else\ product_category_id.name_get()[0][1] or '' period_list = ['0 - ' + str(period_length), str(period_length) + ' - ' + str(period_length * 2), str(period_length * 2) + ' - ' + str(period_length * 3), str(period_length * 3) + ' - ' + str(period_length * 4), ' + ' + str(period_length * 4)] data['form'].update({ 'company_id': company_id, 'branch_id': branch_id, 'warehouse_id': warehouse or '', 'location_id': location or '', 'product_category_id': product_category or '', 'product_id': product_id or '', 'period_length': period_length, 'date': datetime.strftime(date, DATETIME_FORMAT), 'period_list': period_list, 'product_list': product_list}) return data['form']