# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. try: from unittest.mock import patch except ImportError: from mock import patch from flectra.tests.common import TransactionCase class TestWebsitePriceList(TransactionCase): # Mock nedded because request.session doesn't exist during test def _get_pricelist_available(self, show_visible=False): return self.get_pl(self.args.get('show'), self.args.get('current_pl'), self.args.get('country')) def setUp(self): super(TestWebsitePriceList, self).setUp() self.env.user.partner_id.country_id = False # Remove country to avoid property pricelist computed. self.website = self.env['website'].browse(1) self.website.user_id = self.env.user self.env['product.pricelist'].search([]).write({'website_id': False}) website_pls = ('list_benelux', 'list_christmas', 'list_europe') for pl in website_pls: self.env['website.product.pricelist'].create({ 'pricelist_id': self.env.ref('website_sale.' + pl).id, 'website_id': self.website.id, 'selectable': False if pl == 'list_christmas' else True }) self.env['website.product.pricelist'].create({ 'pricelist_id': self.env.ref('product.list0').id, 'website_id': self.website.id }) self.website.pricelist_id = self.ref('product.list0') ca_group = self.env['res.country.group'].create({ 'name': 'Canada', 'country_ids': [(6, 0, [self.ref('base.ca')])] }) ppl = self.env['product.pricelist'].create({ 'name': 'Canada', 'country_group_ids': [(6, 0, [ca_group.id])], 'sequence': 10 }) self.env['website.product.pricelist'].create({ 'pricelist_id': ppl.id, 'website_id': self.website.id }) patcher = patch('flectra.addons.website_sale.models.website.Website.get_pricelist_available', wraps=self._get_pricelist_available) patcher.start() self.addCleanup(patcher.stop) def get_pl(self, show, current_pl, country): pls = self.website._get_pl( country, show, self.website.pricelist_id.id, current_pl, self.website.pricelist_ids ) return pls def _test_get_pricelist_available_show(self): show = True current_pl = False country_list = { False: ['USD', 'EUR', 'Benelux', 'Canada'], 'BE': ['EUR', 'Benelux'], 'IT': ['EUR'], 'CA': ['Canada'], 'US': ['USD', 'EUR', 'Benelux', 'Canada'] } for country, result in country_list.items(): pls = self.get_pl(show, current_pl, country) self.assertEquals(len(set(pls.mapped('name')) & set(result)), len(pls), 'Test failed for %s (%s %s vs %s %s)' % (country, len(pls), pls.mapped('name'), len(result), result)) def _test_get_pricelist_available_not_show(self): show = False current_pl = False country_list = { False: ['USD', 'EUR', 'Benelux', 'Christmas', 'Canada'], 'BE': ['EUR', 'Benelux', 'Christmas'], 'IT': ['EUR', 'Christmas'], 'US': ['USD', 'EUR', 'Benelux', 'Christmas', 'Canada'], 'CA': ['Canada'] } for country, result in country_list.items(): pls = self.get_pl(show, current_pl, country) self.assertEquals(len(set(pls.mapped('name')) & set(result)), len(pls), 'Test failed for %s (%s %s vs %s %s)' % (country, len(pls), pls.mapped('name'), len(result), result)) def _test_get_pricelist_available_promocode(self): christmas_pl = self.ref('website_sale.list_christmas') public_pl = self.ref('product.list0') self.args = { 'show': False, 'current_pl': public_pl, } country_list = { False: True, 'BE': True, 'IT': True, 'US': True, 'CA': False } for country, result in country_list.items(): self.args['country'] = country # mock patch method could not pass env context available = self.website.is_pricelist_available(christmas_pl) if result: self.assertTrue(available, 'AssertTrue failed for %s' % country) else: self.assertFalse(available, 'AssertFalse failed for %s' % country) def test_get_pricelist_available_show_with_auto_property(self): show = True self.env.user.partner_id.country_id = self.env.ref('base.be') # Add EUR pricelist auto current_pl = False country_list = { False: ['USD', 'EUR', 'Benelux', 'Canada'], 'BE': ['EUR', 'Benelux'], 'IT': ['EUR'], 'CA': ['EUR', 'Canada'], 'US': ['USD', 'EUR', 'Benelux', 'Canada'] } for country, result in country_list.items(): pls = self.get_pl(show, current_pl, country) self.assertEquals(len(set(pls.mapped('name')) & set(result)), len(pls), 'Test failed for %s (%s %s vs %s %s)' % (country, len(pls), pls.mapped('name'), len(result), result))