# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details import logging from flectra import api, fields, models, _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # This is a nasty hack, targeted for V11 only class IrModel(models.Model): _inherit = 'ir.model' @api.multi def unlink(self): self.env.cr.execute( "DELETE FROM ir_model_fields WHERE name='website_id'") return super(IrModel, self).unlink() class IrModelData(models.Model): _inherit = 'ir.model.data' # Overriding Method @api.model def _update(self, model, module, values, xml_id=False, store=True, noupdate=False, mode='init', res_id=False): # records created during module install should not display the messages of OpenChatter self = self.with_context(install_mode=True) current_module = module if xml_id and ('.' in xml_id): assert len(xml_id.split('.')) == 2, _( "'%s' contains too many dots. XML ids should not contain dots ! These are used to refer to other modules data, as in module.reference_id") % xml_id module, xml_id = xml_id.split('.') action = self.browse() record = self.env[model].browse(res_id) if xml_id: self._cr.execute("""SELECT imd.id, imd.res_id, md.id, imd.model, imd.noupdate FROM ir_model_data imd LEFT JOIN %s md ON (imd.res_id = md.id) WHERE imd.module=%%s AND imd.name=%%s""" % record._table, (module, xml_id)) results = self._cr.fetchall() for imd_id, imd_res_id, real_id, imd_model, imd_noupdate in results: # In update mode, do not update a record if it's ir.model.data is flagged as noupdate if mode == 'update' and imd_noupdate: return imd_res_id if not real_id: self.clear_caches() self._cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_model_data WHERE id=%s', (imd_id,)) record = record.browse() else: assert model == imd_model, "External ID conflict, %s already refers to a `%s` record," \ " you can't define a `%s` record with this ID." % ( xml_id, imd_model, model) action = self.browse(imd_id) record = record.browse(imd_res_id) if action and record: # Set ``is_cloned`` to ``False`` if values.get('type') == 'qweb' and not values.get('is_cloned'): values.update({'is_cloned': False}) record.write(values) action.sudo().write({'date_update': fields.Datetime.now()}) elif record: record.write(values) if xml_id: for parent_model, parent_field in record._inherits.items(): self.sudo().create({ 'name': xml_id + '_' + parent_model.replace('.', '_'), 'model': parent_model, 'module': module, 'res_id': record[parent_field].id, 'noupdate': noupdate, }) self.sudo().create({ 'name': xml_id, 'model': model, 'module': module, 'res_id': record.id, 'noupdate': noupdate, }) elif mode == 'init' or (mode == 'update' and xml_id): existing_parents = set() # {parent_model, ...} if xml_id: for parent_model, parent_field in record._inherits.items(): xid = self.sudo().search([ ('module', '=', module), ('name', '=', xml_id + '_' + parent_model.replace('.', '_')), ]) # XML ID found in the database, try to recover an existing record if xid: parent = self.env[xid.model].browse(xid.res_id) if parent.exists(): existing_parents.add(xid.model) values[parent_field] = parent.id else: xid.unlink() record = record.create(values) if xml_id: # To add an external identifiers to all inherits model inherit_models = [record] while inherit_models: current_model = inherit_models.pop() for parent_model_name, parent_field in current_model._inherits.items(): inherit_models.append(self.env[parent_model_name]) if parent_model_name in existing_parents: continue self.sudo().create({ 'name': xml_id + '_' + parent_model_name.replace( '.', '_'), 'model': parent_model_name, 'module': module, 'res_id': record[parent_field].id, 'noupdate': noupdate, }) existing_parents.add(parent_model_name) self.sudo().create({ 'name': xml_id, 'model': model, 'module': module, 'res_id': record.id, 'noupdate': noupdate }) if current_module and module != current_module: _logger.warning( "Creating the ir.model.data %s in module %s instead of %s.", xml_id, module, current_module) if xml_id and record: self.loads[(module, xml_id)] = (model, record.id) for parent_model, parent_field in record._inherits.items(): parent_xml_id = xml_id + '_' + parent_model.replace('.', '_') self.loads[(module, parent_xml_id)] = ( parent_model, record[parent_field].id) return record.id @api.model def _process_end(self, modules): super(IrModelData, self)._process_end(modules) ir_ui_view = self.env['ir.ui.view'] ir_model_data = self.env['ir.model.data'] default_website = self.env['website'].search([ ('is_default_website', '=', True)]) for cus_view in ir_ui_view.search([('customize_show', '=', True), ('website_id', '=', False), '|', ('active', '=', False), ('active', '=', True)]): if default_website: cus_view.write({'website_id': default_website.id}) for website in self.env['website'].search( [('is_default_website', '=', False)]): for view in ir_ui_view.search( [('website_id', '=', default_website.id), ('customize_show', '=', True), ('is_cloned', '=', False), '|', ('active', '=', False), ('active', '=', True)]): if not ir_ui_view.search( [('key', '=', view.key + '_' + website.website_code), '|', ('active', '=', False), ('active', '=', True)]): new_cus_view = view.copy({ 'is_cloned': True, 'key': view.key + '_' + website.website_code, 'website_id': website.id }) new_inherit_id = ir_ui_view.search( [('key', '=', new_cus_view.inherit_id.key + '_' + website.website_code), '|', ('active', '=', False), ('active', '=', True)]) if new_cus_view.inherit_id and new_inherit_id: new_cus_view.write({ 'inherit_id': new_inherit_id.id, }) model_data_id = ir_model_data.create({ 'model': view.model_data_id.model, 'name': view.model_data_id.name + '_' + website.website_code, 'res_id': new_cus_view.id, 'module': view.model_data_id.module, }) new_cus_view.write({ 'model_data_id': model_data_id })